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5221  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: CoinTelegraph's International sites? on: September 28, 2021, 01:46:32 PM
Pretty weird to put it there if they also publish local-only news, very likely to get the idea that it was made only for translated news from the main.
Exactly [e.g. the "Turkish" version has a lot of those]!

Yes, it's the same thing is with the Serbian page. they added to the existing default domain, just adding prefix "rs", so there is active on

as far as I can see, most of the texts are from the global level, (probably only translated into the local language), but they have a section "Local news from Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia" (these three countries speak a very similar language and it's possible to understand it by all sides)
5222  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2021/2022 on: September 27, 2021, 09:42:39 PM
I’m not at all surprised by the current state of the Spurs. that team reached its zenith when they played the CL finals, after that everything goes down. now it turns out that they didn't bring in new players for a couple of seasons and that is the problem. if they brought anyone in, they weren't players who could make a difference.
there is no manager who can easily fix this without making a serious team reconstruction, Poch, Mourinho and probably Nuno Espírito Santo. (As I know, Konte was rejected them because of that)

btw. I announced that Brentford can complicate things in Liverpool  Roll Eyes

Brentford is a very interesting team. I see that they have not relaxed for a single moment today. Yes, this is an EFL cup, also the opponent is Oldam but I watched them against the Wolves and they act very organized.
Liverpool seems to be in shape, but I don't see it being easy for them here in the Saturday match.

5223  Economy / Reputation / Re: Scammer parading in my dm on: September 27, 2021, 06:43:32 PM
So of course I get a PM by Rockstarguy basically asking the following:

What are you insinuating?? I did wrong by alarming
No, you didn't do anything against the rules or morally wrong, but there's no need to create a separate thread for this issue when it all boils down to someone sending you a PM in which he looks to be bragging about how much he made using a "trading professional" after you created a thread in Trading Discussion about taking out loans. 

I made a comment about how that thread in T.D. was crap, because it was.  I'd invite anyone who hasn't seen it yet to click on the link you provided and see for themself.  But the main point I tried to convey was that you should have reported the PM or just put that guy's PMs on ignore rather than make a thread about a nonissue.  I think you're trying to earn merits, honestly.

The PM to me was also not necessary.

producing spam in an anti-spam campaign.

I made this thread because I think his pm he sent is not genuine and to let others whom he might have pm too not to fall victim. anyways thanks for correction

as others already told you, just report that member, and put him on your block list.
there are certainly over 100,000 similar members here, do you expect that we all create a new topic for each of them?
5224  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: September 25, 2021, 08:12:28 AM
I za kraj, lista onih koji odrzavaju nas board na zivotu. A nasem spammovicu ni cinjenica da je bio bez kampanje neko vrijeme ne moze nastetiti, i dalje je neprikosnoven na listi, iako je i casperBGD imao stvarno respektabilan broj postova. Sta bi tek bilo da se prijavio u Bitvest. Cheesy

Uvek valja imati par spamera na svojoj strani  Cheesy
nego, 46 aktivnih clanova na ovom boardu je ozbiljan broj.
5225  Economy / Reputation / Re: iv4n: Looking for feedback - should the negative tag remain? on: September 24, 2021, 02:43:57 PM
JollyGood, I must agree with LoyceV here. If you are not sure, then neutral is okay.
You opened this thread to hear community opinion, that’s a sufficient sign that you’re not sure in this case.
I saw on the Iv4n feedback's page some neutral tags for participating in similar promotions of suspicious services. He probably should think about that.

Csmiami quote my post about this campaign I will say it again. whether all reviews from this campaign are watched negatively or just those who write nice things about this casino?
shall we really measure how many sentences in favour is here, and whether there are more of them than against? and how we will determine this precisely?

For example, why user @dypper hasn't been negatively tagged because of his review?
He posted a Bitcoin address for payment of promised $30.

I honestly do not recommend My account had a balance of over 190 mBTC (or 0.190 BTC) when I noticed it went to zero. I contacted support via chat and they told me not to worry that they were facing technical issues and they would fix the issues in my account right after that:

After that I requested my account to be blocked until my funds be restored. I only got a message from Security department stating this:

"We want to inform you, that our company decided to stop any collaboration with you (closing your account). The decision was made after a careful investigation of the situation by our security service. The decision is based on a violation of the Terms and Conditions."

Amount Scammed:
Over 0.19 BTC

Payment Method:

PM/Chat logs:

I tried to contact support via live chat and e-mail numerous times, but they simply refuse to solve this issue. Also, I contacted the 1xbit_official account, in of one their recent topics they claimed that they would resolve any issues, but he is avoiding to answer what happened to my account and why didn't I got my deposits returned.
Security department refuses to answer me at all. I'm trying since june with no answers so far.

So far as I have seen, all users that gets their accounts closed by Security, gets their deposit sum refunded. I got nothing so far.

BTC Wallet: 3DYsx6cHSc8moaKNv1DuSnvRZjVADX5Nt3

5226  Economy / Reputation / Re: My bitcointalk account got misused by my friend on: September 23, 2021, 10:09:04 PM
Even if you prove that you are the original owner of this account, probably here is no chance to do anything with your trust feedbacks. you will certainly find it very difficult to prove that someone else used your account.
therefore, that you gave someone an account to use is enough that you don’t expect much empathy for your situation.

btw. I did not check your post history, but the negative tag on your account is not because of trash posts or spam, but for the promotion of fraudulent schemes. if by any chance your negative tags are removed, how will we know that you will not repeat a similar "mistake" again?
5227  Economy / Exchanges / Re: legit? on: September 23, 2021, 03:42:59 PM
Alexa rankings are a lot more than just traffic. There's this thing called SEO (search engine optimization). Look it up. It's 2021, site rankings aren't solely based on traffic and domain age for a while now.

yes, there is no dilemma about Alexa and the competitiveness of their service. just note that with a few hundred dollars spent on SEO, almost any website can have some position. Judging by website authority is not a 100% reliable method of scam recognising. It can be, but for experienced users.

Binance is a well-known platform, and if it wants to add an additional domain, they will advertise it either on the official website, via e-mail, or various media.
There are also a lot of ways to communicate with them, so you can ask before you start using it.
Now report it to the support team of Binance and they will try to shut down the site quickly.

Who knows how many websites are trying to do something using Binance name as a basis for creating false trust. I find some, even earlier.

5228  Local / Nigeria (Naija) / Re: Nigeria (Nigerian) on: September 23, 2021, 11:50:40 AM
so make we no make am like say we dey spam as that user talk.
The user was wrong, we have veteran Nigerians that know what spam is, I am still among the spam reporters theymos posted recently, we have not in anyway spam anything with what we have posted. The user could be frustrated as Serbian board was not given when already stated that they are similar to Croatian because the languages are the same with only little differences, which means Serbians understand Croatians. What they should fight for is to make the language general and not restrict it to only Croatia as some Serbians are even posting on Croatian board.

you don't seem to have understood my intentions here. I have absolutely nothing against your ambition and the opening of your board, whether that will happen is certainly not my decision.
it certainly has nothing to do with a similar initiative I launched for the Serbian board on this forum. we failed, I gave up that fight (the real reason why we failed was that many Serbian users did not want to come out of their anonymity, and there are a lot of them with a very good reputation)

in a short time, several topics appeared with a discussion related to the Nigerian local thread, to everyone else outside of it Nigerian, it's not such an important topic it, therefore, seems like an exaggeration (maybe this is more appropriate than saying it’s spam  Wink )
you already have few users, accused/banned because of plagiarism, now I saw Dragonfund is Nigerian and his topic on Reputation... all this does not create a good image of you. (Yes I know, they are individuals and there is that everywhere). this can certainly can be important when someone decides on your request, that is why it is important that "veterans" do not make beginner mistakes.

When I say about activity, compare yours to others who are also without their board. you will see a lot of them much more active, also packed into just one topic.
Unfortunately, I have not seen anyone's similar appeal succeed. who knows, maybe you'll be the first.

I believe that you should take into consideration our experience with the same problem, as well as possible advice.

@igehhh don't take this personally.
Again, I had nothing against your appeal, I have no reason for that. And I am certainly not the one who decides on resolving your matter. Are you okay with that?

let me learn something from here.  Cool
I see you mostly write in English here. only a few words are of unknown origin to me, but even these strangers seem to me to be part of some slang.
Why you don't write in the Nigerian language here (I mean it's the local part of this forum)?
whether the English language is so used in yours country?

5229  Economy / Exchanges / Re: legit? on: September 23, 2021, 10:44:37 AM
If a scam exchange with Binance in their exchange name is listed on coinmarketcap or coingecko, Binance will take action and ask for delist it quickly.

I meant exchanges that are proven scammers, and they don't have to have "Binance" in their name. Yobit for example we all already know enough about them, they are still listed on both CMC and Gecko.

The identity of the owner is hidden. I don't trust the site. OP says someone advised him to invest in the site. Can you tell us your relationship with this person. Is he/she a stranger you met on the internet. Unsolicited messages( especially money related) from people you don't know is a sign of scam

Here's a quick trick. To quickly know if a site is a scam, type in the URL to or use the url:


And if the site has no metrics, chances are, it's a scam.

^And yes, other scam sites that have been operating longer has metrics, but this is just to quickly weed out the new ones.

this is just confirmation that the site was done amateurishly. This does not give clear evidence, we assume that if Binance were to do something like that, it would be much more professional. But that is based only on assumptions.
even the most ordinary beginner can correct some things, buy fake traffic (to get Alexa metric) and in a year the domain will no longer be young. this does not mean that they will be trusted.
5230  Economy / Exchanges / Re: legit? on: September 23, 2021, 09:57:48 AM
Binance is a famous exchange and if the exchange you asked is legit, they should use their own name that should not relate to Binance.

If any exchange tries to bind Binance to their exchange name, and does not come from Binance, that exchange is scam.

You can search it on coinmarketcap or coingecko, if you can not find it, it is scam. Because any sub-exchange from Binance will be quickly listed on coinmarketcap or coingecko.

Please do your own research and see it is scam or not.

I agree with you here. anyone who has to add binance to the name of their service is certainly a scam because that way they are trying to deceive people using Binance reputation. Except Binance official but they will announce something so clearly.

I would just add, even if some exchange is listed on coingecko or coinamarketcap, this does not necessarily mean that there is no risk of fraud. we have seen it many times.
5231  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Help needed urgently on: September 23, 2021, 09:41:22 AM
Has anyone had any experience with the following:
I believe i had been scammed by a online trading company and used a recovery expert  to get the money back, they have said that they have recovered the money in BTC tokens and they are now in a account as unrecognised tokens which shows a deposit balance but not available until i add 10% of this balance to unlock it.Any advice would be appreciated as i do not want to get scammed again.
Thank you and look forward to any replies as time is short, and i am told if they do a maintenance on the platform the tokens will automatically get burnt.

You already got the answer, this is a scam for sure. I haven't even ever heard of anyone being able to collect a claim from these dubious trading platforms

btw, you can test it. Ask that recovery expert to use escrow to secure that deal. if he is not a fraud, he will certainly not have a problem involving a third independent side. if he tries to avoid using escrow, then you won't have the slightest dilemma whether he is a scammer.
note. If it's happened, ask here for trusted escrow.
5232  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: ⚽ Arsenal + Southampton ⚽ Prediction Contest (26/9/21) on: September 23, 2021, 09:32:04 AM
Game 1:  34'  2-0 Southampton
Game 2:  60'  1-0 Arsenal
5233  Other / Meta / Re: Request for Nigeria local thread to be pinned on: September 22, 2021, 09:18:18 PM
Another thread about the Nigerian board, do we really need it? as far as I can see, there are 11-12 active users, I guess not every one of you will open a new thread on a Nigerian local board.
In that way, you are slowly turning into spam, which certainly does not help in achieving the goal.

I don't know if the admin reacts following a particular pattern, like a thread needing to be pinned before it can be turned into a board. The Nigerian local board is very active and always on the top of the first page of the other languages board (exempting pinned threads) and is more active than many pinned local boards.

Pinning the thread is however a less demanding request and I hope it gets accepted. As you said it would give more publicity and those Nigerians who may get be unaware of the existence of a Nigerian community could learn of it and join in, giving more reasons to get an actual board.

If we discuss the real need for your board, to be honest, I don't see the excessive need for that. User @igehhh regularly posts activity statistics on your local topic and for example, in the last week, you wrote a total of 36 posts.
it cannot be called very active, it’s just a little more than a weekly requirement for a signature campaign of one user.
5234  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: Forget about exchanger search! Use BestChange! on: September 22, 2021, 10:16:50 AM
I still wonder why @Balthazar keeps the negative feedback on, even after BestChange came out and gave an update on how the issue is being resolved. I think it's unfair and kills the spirit of transparency and honesty by the service providers  Sad

I guess there is something more by his side than Bithub's problem. and he himself said that his negative tag was probably wrong and that he should make a correction. As one of the earliest forum members, he should be more careful about doing such things.

I see that there are some changes. Perhaps my rating should be either removed or corrected, I’ll do something about that a bit later.
5235  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: eactalk-Decentralized information announcement system based on earthcoin blockch on: September 22, 2021, 09:57:48 AM
I think I understand your basic idea, it may have potential.
but buddy, all these links you posted are completely confusing. something is in English, most in Chinese which is a problem for us who do not understand that language.
All your web pages are terrible. very bad and clumsy design, images are not loaded, I lost the will to any detailed browsing.

I understand, probably you are not a designer, but for a start you can find some free solution. maybe at this point, it doesn't matter to you, but just to present any product, you have to make it much clearer.
5236  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: ecctools - a small collection of tools written in C on: September 22, 2021, 09:43:39 AM
add in the title something like (for Linux users only)  Wink
5237  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ★ - Unnamed Exchange [Official Thread] ★ on: September 21, 2021, 10:24:18 PM
What happened to:


Have all the team members and supporters including TillKoeln decided to escape this thread as the scam allegations pile up?

maybe they are all owned by the same person, so they all became inactive at the same time

It's interesting that TillKoeln talk about the Altilly exchange scam, and their misleading users about the possible refund of lost coins. completely ignoring its users robbed on unnamed exchange
5238  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Sorare - fantasy nogomet on: September 21, 2021, 10:12:46 PM
s obzirom da su Real Madrid, Atletico, Liverpul, Juventus, Bajern, PSG, Milan, Inter vec deo sorare (bar meni, iako nisam fan, Real je i najveci klub svih vremena, bar po trofejima), ostaju Manchester United i Barcelona, a oni mi ne deluju veci od spiska, City, Chelsea i ostale "few seasons wonder" ne bi ni racunao

sta vi mislite koji je tim, da nije Steaua Smiley , vise je pitanje koji je po vama najveci klub na svetu?

Pomislio sam da ti dam merit za ovo, ali covece...  Shocked Man United ti nije veci od Atletika, PSGa, Intera, Milana pa i Juventusa i Liverpoola? Zadnjih nekoliko godina imaju ocajne rezultate, ali su konstantno u top 3 najmocnijih. Ako bi se odseklo vestacko finansiranje, ubedljivo najveci profit ostvaruju, realan profit (druga je stvar sto vlasnici izvlace ogroman novac pa drze klub u konstantnom minusu). Plus najtrofejniji na ostrvu, imaju istoriju, najvise suportera (globalno). Finansijski im nije problem da dovedu bilo kojeg igraca, ali se prilicno drze svoje filozofije i igraca iz njihove skole.
Ole im je na klupi samo zato sto odrzava duh i mentalitet kluba. Koji klub iz top 10 to moze sebi da dozvoli takav luksuz.
Barselona u bankrotu, jedan Mesi je veci od samog kluba, Juventus isto.
Real je liga za sebe, ali svi ostali... Po osvojenim trofejima je opet tesko porediti ih, jer nije isto igrati PL i Bundes ili Seria A.
5239  Economy / Economics / Re: [LIST] Countries that own bitcoin on: September 21, 2021, 09:11:32 PM
I remember that Bulgaria seized a large amount 213,519 of Bitcoin from criminals. It is official, I guess they still hold it.

Bulgarian Government Has Stated That It Owns Some 213,519 Bitcoins – Valued At Approximately 18% Of Its National Debt – That Have Been Seized From A Criminal Network.

5240  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Looking To Invest $50-$100 In New Projects Any Ideas? on: September 21, 2021, 09:06:19 PM
Well I'm looking for a 1000% gain and I don't think bitcoin will be as to give that type of return in the foreseeable future. At this point it would have to go to close to $500,000 and that seems somewhat unrealistic.

from the start, you go wrong. You want from your first investment of $50-$100 to make serious money. it takes a lot, but a lot of luck to be realized.
Next, it's very important how long you plan to wait for that. for a long time, maybe some shitcoin will achieve that, you somehow have to recognize which coin.

otherwise, when you wave the information that you want to invest money, it is an ideal invitation for fraudsters to offer you great suggestions. Be careful.
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