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5421  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [KOIN] - BONUS 1,059 KOIN Tokens - 25 coin free on: April 14, 2018, 12:00:57 PM
April 13, 2018
(1,000,000 KOIN Tokens)
“Let’s Get Listed”
Bonus KOIN Program

KOIN is happy to announce its latest bonus KOIN program, “Let’s Get Listed!” (LGL)

LGL starts today and shall remain in effect until Day 30 at 14:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) after KOIN is accepted and listed on a cryptocurrency exchange (LGL closure).
All qualified users (Active KOIN members who have completed the registration process and downloaded the KOIN Wallet APP) (hereinafter “Members”) who themselves have a minimum 35 Members on Level 1 of their KOIN Network are eligible.
LGL eligible Members will be awarded a proportional share of LGL Bonus KOIN Tokens (LBKT) from a total pool of 1 Million LBKT, as follows:
every LGL eligible Member shall receive LBKT for each Member on Level 1 of his/her KOIN Network (including the minimum 35 Members, regardless of when they joined) calculated upon closure of the LGL according to this formula:
[LBKT=1 Million KOIN Tokens; N=Total Members on Level 1 of all LGL eligible Members’ KOIN Networks;
LBKT/N = LBKT per Member (BKPM);
BKPM x Level 1 Members on individual KOIN Network = Total LBKT per LGL eligible Member]
All LBKT will be disbursed 14-days post LGL closure.
PLEASE NOTE: Members are reminded that you are limited to registration under one (1) account with KOIN (except for those Members who open a separate account as a registered merchant under the Local KOIN Program). Unauthorized use of multiple, registered accounts will result in termination of the Member’s participation in KOIN, including but not limited to closure of any and all registered accounts, forfeiture of all unclaimed KOIN Tokens and Bonus KOIN Tokens, and denial of access to the KOIN Wallet APP (as otherwise provided in KOIN’s Terms of Service)
5422  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⛰️⛰️⛰️[ANN] SAROS - X11 - AIRDROP - MASTERNODE - BOUNTY - SIGCOMP⛰️⛰️⛰️ on: April 14, 2018, 08:22:45 AM

We are announcing a community take over for Saros coin. The dev abandoned the project. The community is strong. We are working on updating wallet and relaunching.

Join us in Discord to stay updated!

you will continue to develop SAROS or you are goin to make a fork?
we have to wake up the community

They will be creating a new coin and swapping. Since a Steem and Medium profile is required to get a swap, I will not be participating and work to help bring the original Saros back without a swap

well, mi opinion is that if there is a willing of develop SAROS again, it will be better to do on the original chain, not to make another coin
there are too many forks, nowdays, a fork is taken like a peace of cake, but is not good
5423  Other / Archival / Re: [ANN][PURA] Pura | Anonymous | X11 | Masternodes | Privatepay | Instapay on: April 14, 2018, 08:18:32 AM
how are you satisfied with mining PURA?
are you dumping on a daily basis or you are most hodling?
5424  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage on: April 14, 2018, 06:06:38 AM
Sia project is running very well till now. I was making a lot of profit. However, it would be hard to go moon in the future if you are gonna invest in this moment. The coin is not very useful beside a lot of good project outside. But if you want to slow play and 100% profit, this coin still has future.

well, even more than xy% profit, this is not a pump&dump community coin, behind this project are real devs making a good job
5425  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sia - Decentralized Storage on: April 14, 2018, 05:53:17 AM
pease stop with this 'burn coin' fake story, there is no burning coming on at all
look at the price instead, buy at this cheap levels, cause this is a chance to take a big hodl bag
5426  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ⛰️⛰️⛰️[ANN] SAROS - X11 - AIRDROP - MASTERNODE - BOUNTY - SIGCOMP⛰️⛰️⛰️ on: April 14, 2018, 05:45:06 AM

We are announcing a community take over for Saros coin. The dev abandoned the project. The community is strong. We are working on updating wallet and relaunching.

Join us in Discord to stay updated!

you will continue to develop SAROS or you are goin to make a fork?
we have to wake up the community
5427  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ETC] Ethereum Classic: Immutable Smart Contracts on: April 13, 2018, 03:18:19 PM
Are there any steps forward in this decent project? I started my way into the crypto-world from ETC and wish a good luck to its holders. Fingers crossed!

few more days  Wink
CLO is going live on sunday 15th of April
few more days......
5428  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ETC] Ethereum Classic: Immutable Smart Contracts on: April 13, 2018, 03:13:35 PM
Xmr just updated their algo to be asic proof. I can definitely see a massive spike for ETC

well, there are still no real asics for ethash on the market, so, no worries for now
5429  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Isplacivanje cryptovalute u Fiat Non Sepa zemje on: April 13, 2018, 01:26:21 PM
Imao sam Revolut karticu, stigla mi je kada revolut bila je nova kompanija kada je startala i jos je imam ali su mi slali mailom da je otkazana zbog te non SEPE zemju i da ne mogu koristiti i blokirana je vec... 1 godinu dana... A vec sam je koristio za svoi potrebe u ino stranstvo

Kada uzmeš Revoult karticu dobiješ s njom bankovni račun u UK koji naravno podržava SEPA. Putem tog računa puniš karticu. Nema veze što Makedonija nije u SEPA sistemu.

revolut meni funkcionira savršeno
ali više volim opciju kripto za keš u 4 oka, to porezna ipak nemože pratiti  Wink
5430  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: April 13, 2018, 01:20:45 PM
Slackovic gdje nalazis signature kampanje? Ja sam do sada birao na podforumu : Bounties (Altcoins)  i nisam bas imao srece. Npr: GIFcoin nosio sam potpis 6 tjedana , kampanja je zavrsila 06.03. i sada idem pogledat jos nisu dosegnuli soft cap, neznam hoce li biti sta od toga.

Upravo kako je i kolega @ovcjisir napisao - na BountyHive servisu pronalazim kampanje. Prije toga sam nabadao ovdje na forumu, ali ovako je puno lakše.

bountyhive ekipo, Kora sign. završava 14.4
ste bacili oko na koju novu potpis kampanju?

Mislim da si nešto krivo pročitao. Pročitaj malo bolje prvo pravilo Kora Network signature kampanje na BountyHive stranici:
The Signature must be kept until the end of the campaign (2018-04-21), removing the signature before that date will result in disqualification.

uuu, zabrijao sam, očito sam si krivi datum stavio u podsjetnik tnx :-)
šta ćemo nakon Kore? jučer sam malo gledao, ali sam neodlučan, zaintrigirao me "Productivist" ali bratemili do 3/7/2018 treba guliti sa potpisom

Iskreno, ja isto nemam pojma u koju kampanju bi se priključio nakon Kora Networka. Napravio sam tablicu s pregledom kampanja na BountyHive-u. U njoj sam otprilike izračunao kolika zarada se može očekivati. Izračun sam temeljio na vrijednosti ETH-a koja je navedena u kampanji tako da nikako nije točan. Ali pošto sam za sve kampanje koristio isti izračun, može se vidjeti od koje kampanje se može očekivati više tokena, a od koje manje.
Link na tablicu:

Naravno, uvijek treba proučiti projekt i vidjeti ima li uopće smisla te hoće li ICO biti uspješan. Ako ne bude uspješan, potrošili ste vrijeme u kampanji bezveze.
U tablicu sam stavio projekte u koje se će se biti moguće uključiti 21. travnja jer tada mogu maknuti Kora Network signature Smiley

EDIT: Sad kad sam malo proučio kampanje, mislim da ću se nakon Kora Networka prijaviti za SocialCXN. Prijave traju do 29.4., a kampanja traje do 16.5. Onda kad ta kampanja završi, svejedno se još uvijek mogu prijaviti na Productivist kampanju. Naravno, pod uvjetom da bude mjesta. Ali gledajući broj prijava na svim nabrojanim kampanjama, mislim da neće biti problema s mjestima. Ne znam zašto bi se sad odmah prijavio za Productivist ako u međuvremenu mogu sudjelovati na još jednoj kampanji  Smiley

bome svaka čast na trudu, ova tablica je odlična
ide merit  Smiley
5431  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Isplacivanje cryptovalute u Fiat Non Sepa zemje on: April 13, 2018, 08:45:23 AM
Zdravo Svima

Prvo izvinjavam se ako sam pogresio temu ili ako je prtov pravila ovaj forum (slobodno izbrisite post), ali Ovaj forum (Hrvatski) je bio najblizi mojem jeziku i mogu da svatiti.

Usao sam u crypto pre oko 1 godina, i sada imam neku kolicinu od crypto koje ocem da ih pretvorim u Fiat... ali ima jedan problem, Ja zivim u Makedoniju i ova nasa jadna zemjla nije u SEPA sistemu pa do sada nisam nasao neki put kako da isplacem taj crypto?

Ako mozda neko zna kako to ide u kome smeru itd...

Pitao sam u Sloveniu da mi izvade bankovan racun ali nije moguce jer moram imati primanja iz EU ili da prilozim neki dokumenat da ja radim po internetu i neka firma za to placa....

Hvala vama

Mistertango, Revolut, (mastercard kartice)
i jedna i druga imaju sepa isplatu i relativno niske provizije na bankomatima i na pos uređajima
5432  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [KOIN] - BONUS 1,059 KOIN Tokens - 25 coin free on: April 13, 2018, 08:28:28 AM
there is no wallet yet, this is a pre-launch
there is no value, we have to wait for it
5433  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v11.6 (Windows/Linux) on: April 13, 2018, 08:16:29 AM
How to single mine using ethermine pool?

here you can solo mine ETH, , & good luck, cause you will need a lot of luck  Wink

Why I need good luck? Smiley
I just need the command line to start mining. I have moved from single mining on NH and moving on to ethermine.

sorry, I taught that you want mine solo, you mean not dual, but single mine?  Cheesy so I misunderstood You, sorry  Cheesy
5434  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v11.6 (Windows/Linux) on: April 13, 2018, 08:06:06 AM
How to single mine using ethermine pool?

here you can solo mine ETH, , & good luck, cause you will need a lot of luck  Wink
5435  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: April 13, 2018, 06:56:38 AM
Slackovic gdje nalazis signature kampanje? Ja sam do sada birao na podforumu : Bounties (Altcoins)  i nisam bas imao srece. Npr: GIFcoin nosio sam potpis 6 tjedana , kampanja je zavrsila 06.03. i sada idem pogledat jos nisu dosegnuli soft cap, neznam hoce li biti sta od toga.

Upravo kako je i kolega @ovcjisir napisao - na BountyHive servisu pronalazim kampanje. Prije toga sam nabadao ovdje na forumu, ali ovako je puno lakše.

bountyhive ekipo, Kora sign. završava 14.4
ste bacili oko na koju novu potpis kampanju?

Mislim da si nešto krivo pročitao. Pročitaj malo bolje prvo pravilo Kora Network signature kampanje na BountyHive stranici:
The Signature must be kept until the end of the campaign (2018-04-21), removing the signature before that date will result in disqualification.

uuu, zabrijao sam, očito sam si krivi datum stavio u podsjetnik tnx :-)
šta ćemo nakon Kore? jučer sam malo gledao, ali sam neodlučan, zaintrigirao me "Productivist" ali bratemili do 3/7/2018 treba guliti sa potpisom
5436  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: 🍀🍀 Bounty kampanje Altcoin – Signature, Telegram 🍀🍀 on: April 13, 2018, 06:25:20 AM
bountyhive ekipo, Kora sign. završava 14.4
ste bacili oko na koju novu potpis kampanju?
5437  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Etherium Classic - Callisto airdop 5th of March 2018 on: April 13, 2018, 06:17:17 AM
Callisto grew from the bottom 2 times, while the day after tomorrow can begin its mass dropping in connection with the launch of the network. However, on the other hand, its growth is affected by the prospect of being a good coin with PoS

is this the official CLO topic? if not, can I have the official link please

good one  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

now for real, is there an official CLO topic on this forum? I've made a search, but nothing seems to be official to me
5438  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: [AIRDROP][BOUNTY] $1,000,000 GIVE AWAY - 15 Y/O Advanced Fintech Company on: April 12, 2018, 08:23:50 PM
ma nema tu isplate, ovo je samo skupljanje podataka a mass spam u budućnosti
5439  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / Re: Amici di AIRDROP :) ( aiutiamoci a segnalare i migliori AIRDROP ) on: April 12, 2018, 08:08:32 PM
per quelli che possiedono EOS
c'é un' airdrop interessante ->>>

basta averli su un indirizzo erc20 o per esempio su Bithumb che fa supporto di questo airdrop

Scusa,per quelli come me che ne hanno meno di 100,cosa dobbiamo fare per ricevere l,'airdrop?
Grazie in anticipo

come stá scritto nell'istruzione, per quelli che possiedono meno di 100 EOS basta accedere alla newsletter e poi verrá fatta una mail con istruzioni comericevere l'aidrop di eosDAC

basta tenere l'EOS su un'indirizzo come MEW, Metamask, Jaxx, o qualsiasi erc20 di cui possiedi la chiavi private
5440  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [POW] [XHV] Haven Protocol - untraceable payments x stable value storage on: April 12, 2018, 08:04:25 PM
Haven still asic resistant? Huh

of course

PoW algorithim changed from Cryptonight to Cryptonight Heavy which is ASIC resistant and not currently listed on nicehash

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