-snip- - Apa yang akan agan-agan lakukan? - Hobby apa yang akan tekuni? - Misalnya ada yang full time morum, mau beralih profesi jadi apa? -snip-
Mohon maaf kalau saya lancang pak, tapi maaf sepertinya ini agan keluar jalur (OOT) dari tujuan diskusi thread ini. TUJUAN Mendiskusikan dengan anda terkait keberlangsungan forum diskusi bitcointalk.org dimulai dari kemunculannya, sekarang dan masa depan. -snip-
Kalo dipikir2, 3 pertanyaan bapak mu_enrico tersebut malah fokus ke pada keberlangsungan membernya. Bukan fokus ke pada keberlangsungan forumnya. hehe
Bakalan seru keknya kalo dibuat thread baru aja pak. Thread barunya fokus bahas 3 pertanyaan itu aja.
Btctalk name : Rengga Jati Rank : Member Current post count : 390 Bustadice Name : RenggaJati Wear appropriate signature : Yes I will do with all my best if I can participate.
Where is the profile link of this account? If you know, please share it! It will be very useful to access the account immediately.
If you have neutral trust, you can join any signature campaign. But it's a better option to have positive trust than neutral trust.
Correct. Positive or Neutral trust is allowed to join a signature campaign. While negative trust is mostly not allowed. It makes sense if accounts with negative trust are ignored from signature campaign participation since they have bad behavior. After a long time I am back here to see that whats going on here in this forum .
Welcome back, mate. Now you are better to focus on improving the number and quality of your posts. Don't think too much about trust, gaining Merit is more important than having positive trust. Read this one : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2766177.0
-snip- OOT gan, izin report!! Untuk yang ini saya 1000% hanya bercanda.
Sekali lagi saya tegaskan saya minta maaf jika ada pihak-pihak yang tersinggung atau tidak suka dengan kata-kata saya. Harap maklum style ngomong saya kayak anak jalanan, bukan kayak pejabat. Untuk diketahui, sebenarnya saya sudah lama tidak mampir di board SFI, tapi beberapa hari ini saya putuskan post di sini karena ingin ikut meramaikan. Bilamana sekiranya kehadiran saya mengganggu teman-teman di SFI, saya akan undur diri dari post di SFI. Hatur nuhun...
*Sorry OP klo ini dah kelewat OOT. Saya hanya membalas reply.
No need 5 things to know about ICOs. For me, we need 1 thing only. What is that? The fact that ICOs just produce worthless altcoins + rarely investors are interested to put their money there. This fact is more than enough to avoid you invest in ICOs.
Really good question man. I did not see any good new projects in this year
Thanks, bro. Yes, I think so. That's why if you are an investor, you must think twice before investing in new altcoins. I don't say all new altcoins are bad. But in fact, most of them are no worth currently.
-snip- Saya punya pandangan lain, Anda coba buat memberi tahu member baru, tapi tutur bahasan Anda tidak memberikan pengarahan yang baik.
Terima kasih telah mengingatkan, masukan agan saya terima. Maaf kalo kata2 yang saya pakai kurang sopan, itu dikarenakan saya melihat member tersebut berpotensi jadi spammer. Baru 2x post, dua2 nya udah nyepam. Saya pikir butuh diingatkan agak tegas. Tapi okelah, saya coba lebih sopan dan pakai bahasa yang lebih halus ke depannya. Nuhun gan..
Tolong yang jelas klo nyindir! Bila perlu quote bagian mana yang kontras.
Materi dan goal nya sama, tapi cara mengupasnya yang berbeda. Agan skarais : - Bahannya diambil dari thread CryptopreneurBrainboss - Lebih kompleks pertimbangannya Agan AakZaki : - Bahan diambil berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi. - Tidak terlalu kompleks karena berdasarkan apa yang pernah dialami saja. Bagusnya emang dibuat 1 thread aja, jadi agan AakZaki cukup post di threadnya agan skarais. Kenapa agan AakZaki buat thread baru? Mungkin agan AakZaki mempertimbangkan bahwa topik dia lebih menjurus ke experience.
I. Hak Cipta (Copyright) & Lisensi (License)
Sebelumnya, terimakasih sudah memberikan informasi terkait hak cipta dan lisensi penyomotan gambar di internet. Saya pribadi dulu sering sekali menyomot gambar dari internet untuk digunakan ulang (terutama untuk posting di blog saya pribadi, dosa yang tidak termaafkan dan sekarang blog/web sudah kebanned) hehehe.. III. Creative Common dan Public Domain. Pada awalnya saya tidak begitu paham dan tidak begitu peduli apakah gambar tersebut berlisensi atau tidak. Dan masih awam juga tentang penggunaan gambar dengan "Creative Common dan Public Domain". Sayangnya ada banyak orang yang sama seperti saya, asal " nyomot".. Haha Mungkin sebagian besar dari kita, (termasuk saya), masih ada yang beranggapan bahwa "asal gambar tidak memiliki " watermark", maka halal untuk menyomot gambar tersebut". Dan ternyata anggapan ini " Salah". Beruntung ada teman yang mengingatkan saya dosa penyomotan gambar seenaknya sendiri dari google. Sejak itu jadi lumayan mau cari tahu. Jadi mulai saat itu saya mulai memperhatikan terlebih dahulu keterangan “ Hak Penggunaan” di google search image ( entah apa cara ini masih tergolong salah atau tidak, mohon pencerahan jika ada yang paham). Ketika kita klik menu "alat/tool" akan muncul sub menu “Hak Penggunaan” dan terdapat beberapa pilihan seperti di bawah ini: Dari masing-masing keterangan memiliki penjelasan yang berbeda-beda. Untuk penjelasannya, saya cantumkan link website yang membahas saja biar lebih lengkap ( https://creativecommons.or.id/2018/02/panduan-mencari-gambar-berlisensi-creative-commons-melalui-mesin-pencari-gambar-google/) PR kita adalah, ketika akan menyomot gambar dari Google, kita juga harus memperhatikan "perlakuan kita terhadap gambar tersebut setelah diambil". Jadi tinggal difilter saja. Tapi, jika masih belum menemukan gambar yang tepat, biasanya saya mengunjungi website-website penyedia gambar " GRATIS". Seperti halnya: - StockPhotosforFree.com - https://www.freeimages.com/- https://openclipart.org/(Mungkin masih banyak lagi) Comment saya di atas berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi saya. Namun ke depannya, akan lebih baik jika kita lebih memperhatikan tentang hak cipta dan lisensi gambar yang akan dicomot agar tidak melanggar. Dan informasi ini bisa membantu kita untuk memilih gambar yang oke untuk dicomot. Ketika anda melakukan reproduksi ulang pada gambar yang berlisensi CC dan Public Domain, maka anda diperbolehkan secara hukum untuk mereproduksi gambar tersebut bahkan memperjual belikan hasil karya reproduksi anda terutama jika anda mereproduksi gambar yang berlisensi CC 0 dan/atau Public domain. Jika anda mereproduksi gambar yang memakai lisensi creative common, maka anda harus mengikuti persyaratan yang diterapkan. Untuk lebih mudahnya dapat agan lihat pada gambar berikut :
Let's debate these alterations and discuss if they would result in a net positive move.
Why we must debate this? If this is a suggestion for forum improvement, you can send this to theymos via PM, right? Then, let him read and consider it. I think it is much easy and efficient than debating something like this.
Maybe somebody should start a project to help the local members learn English.
Do you mean like a small forum project? Then, theymos will assign a single English teacher on each local board? Not a bad idea, sir. But I doubt theymos still has no BTC to pay some English teachers. We know that it is used for the rewards of the art contest.
*Just kidding, don't take into your heart!
I have seen many reviews about the current new altcoins. Most of them are marked as worse coins with cheap prices, while the rest coins are indicated as scams or shit-coins. I rarely saw people stated that new altcoins are worth for investment or trading nowadays. However, new altcoins are always born from ICO, STO or IEO every month.
So, my questions are 1. Why there are still investors in the new altcoins project? For what they invest if they know new altcoins are only about risks and losses? 2. Who are those developers that always create new altcoins projects? Don't they know that most new projects just ended with failure?
*Warning: Sorry if these questions are ever made by someone!! I never copied or got an idea from others. This is my own opinion.
Feedback Language
Local board: - Can be in local language or English (People usually comment in local language, but no problem in English since they mostly know about it) Global board: - Must be in English (English is the international language)
Apparently, there is something wrong with you. You only have 3 posts, two of which are accusations against Ferrum. The question is do you have a problem with this project? Or are you disappointed in something? I am sure that this account is not your original account. As you know that Ferrum Network (FRM) has been listed on CMC, check it here https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ferrum-network/It has good trading volume as a newcomer in the crypto world and has increased 42.78%. And I believe more on this kind of project with its good achievement than your baseless accusation. Additionally, did you search for the wrong information about the Ferrum CEO? Guys, i research Ferrum Network CEO names at university in Iran which he wrote in LinkedIn profile.
In fact, the CEO (Naeim Yeganeh, PhD) was not at a university in Iran. But, he was from Computer Science from the University of Queensland in Australia, https://www.linkedin.com/in/naiem-yeganeh-12874712/He also didn't state it in his LinkedIn profile. So, better to check the information. And, from your previous post in https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5206688.msg53253787#msg53253787it seems that you are disappointed with the FRM token price that dropped after ICO. Hi mate, it is very usual for the ICO projects when they have dropped the price after listing on the market. Almost every project experiences the same. Is this your first investment in crypto? If you invest in the crypto, you must be ready for the dropped price at the beginning. And one to remember the dropped price on the market doesn't mean that the project is a scam. It may have a chance to grow and then have a good price again. Make it for HODL, not for instant sell. It's actually easy if you want people to believe what you say. Include evidence in the form of links, images, etc. If true, then you should be given appreciation. But if your allegations are baseless, then you should end this thread and apologize.
This badges look pretty handsome. I think it's a medal of honor. When you stand on it, such a note appears.
Congratulations! Looks nice. Sure, it is a medal of honor.
No, IMO. The probability to get accepted in campaigns, especially high-paid ones that are competitive depends on some factors: - Average post quality. - Overal net-effects: should be positive (post quality is only one of them). Contribution in the art contest is only one of them but it is a minor one. Because it is in short term while net-effect is for long-term. - Trust flags history.
I agree. Art badges seem like there is nothing to do with that. The track record of the user and his post quality will determine to be accepted or not. If the Art badge is temporary, theymos would have not added in the forum, if you take into consideration when it happened, not within the period for April Fool.
Makes sense! But will be clearer if theymos explains a bit. Since no clues related to the time period of the badge use, we only can speculate [guess]. even a high school kid could tell you that in a flash.
Really! Sorry, I doubt it.. People are reacting to your loaded question because it sounds a bit malicious in intent, why would you even question whether the art badges are permanent or not,
A bit malicious in intent?? How can?? It is an honest question and I have no intention to underestimate anyone. I'm a typical person who prefers to ask than guessing. So, let's think positively. Asking is everyone's right..
-snip- Anyway , i'm sure someone with more knowledge about it will comment or maybe @theymos himself. Yep, I hope too. Anyway, thanks bro for your opinion.