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581  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: zbirni topic on: June 08, 2021, 10:06:54 AM
imam app i ako u poslovnici oću prodat tipa XLM (najmanji withdrawal fee, 0.1 xlm, dok je recimo USDC fee 25), to prolazi momentalno ili se čeka duže vrijeme da to obradi?
ima ko iskustva?

Mozes prodati USDT pute TRC20 mreže, i fee ti je $1.
Iako slanje bude momentalno, tj unutar 1 minute, sjedni i pricekaj 5-10 minuta tamo jer back office mora curi na šalteru potvrdit uplatu, prije nego ona krene brojat pare

Stvarno? Ja kad sam bio prošli tjedan došao sam kod cure koja je bila u nekoj kućici (kod ženske za pultom je bio čovjek). Stavila mi je QR kod koji sam skenirao, poslao Tether na ETH wallet i odmah mi je isplatila lovu čim sam vidio da je transakcija potvrđena.

Mozda je procedura za ERC i TRC drugacija. Ja sam uvijek slao preko TRC i cekao sam. Jednom prilikom i nekih 20 min jer je pajdo u back officu ubijao burek
582  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: Axie Infinity Thread [self moderated for spammers] on: June 08, 2021, 08:54:50 AM
I have tried it, but it good very boring very fast.
I understand how for some countries like Bangladesh or Indonesia, this can be a decen income source, but for me, not worth the time or effort.
583  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Voskcoin , shitcoin shill, mega scammer on: June 08, 2021, 08:42:55 AM
I've watched some of his video, and I'm indifferent towards him. Neither good or bad.
Does he shill? Yes

But so do most influencers.
584  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: Shield Protocol - synthetic assets are the future on: June 08, 2021, 08:37:53 AM
Not gonna lie, looks scammy AF.

Yes there seemingly is an dapp that does something, but honestly, not sure if I'm ready to connect my wallet to it.
Any team information?

EDIT: Website is full of inconsistencies and spelling errors
585  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: zbirni topic on: June 08, 2021, 08:34:56 AM
imam app i ako u poslovnici oću prodat tipa XLM (najmanji withdrawal fee, 0.1 xlm, dok je recimo USDC fee 25), to prolazi momentalno ili se čeka duže vrijeme da to obradi?
ima ko iskustva?

Mozes prodati USDT pute TRC20 mreže, i fee ti je $1.
Iako slanje bude momentalno, tj unutar 1 minute, sjedni i pricekaj 5-10 minuta tamo jer back office mora curi na šalteru potvrdit uplatu, prije nego ona krene brojat pare
586  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: Missed out on coins like SafeMoon? 💎 $SAFEPLUTO 💎 is your next chance! on: June 07, 2021, 05:58:08 PM
It's a shitcoin same as SAFEMOON.
Yes, several people got big money from it, but several hundred thousand people lost money on it.
587  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: June 07, 2021, 05:55:02 PM
Nano X mi se ne sviđa zbog Bluetooth konekcije. Gledam na taj Bluetooth kao na jedan dodatni vektor napada koji bi se mogao nekad u budućnosti zloupotrijebiti za pristup uređaju. Svi tvrde da je siguran, da je to nemoguće, ali sve je nemoguće dok jedan dan ne postane moguće pa se svi pitaju kako.
Doslovno ovo sam napisao kada smo prvi put razgovarali negdje o Nano x. Ako ti ne treba dodatni način konekcije puno bolje ga je i ne imati. Plaćaš ga više a jednog dana netko ga može iskoristiti protiv tebe. Još je i bežično što znači da ti netko ne treba ni fizički pristup uređaju. Ne hvala šta se mene tiče.

Bluetooth treba prvo upaliti na samom device-u da bi postao vektor napada. Znaci po defaultu ko da ga ni nema.
Meni osobno je X cak i fizicki ljepsi od S, tako da sam vise nego zadovoljan
588  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 07, 2021, 05:51:00 PM

A čuj, gotovo uvijek odabere te ''negativne'' članke za objavu i gotovo nikad pozitivne.
Slučajnost!? Ne znam baš.
Ljuti me to jer je Index najčitaniji online portal u Hrvatskoj i mnogi ''potencijalno'' zainteresirani ulagači u crypto stvorit će unaprijed neki skeptičan ili negativan stav prema cryptu na temelju tih ''prevedenih'' članaka koje pročitaju na Indexu.
Više bih volio da daju ''uravnoteženiju'' sliku, i puste ljude da sami donesu svoje zaključke.
Vjerujem da bi tako postupili ''profesionalni'' novinari, dali priliku objema stranama da iznesu svoja mišljenja i argumente i pustiti čitateljstvu da sami odluče.

Žalosna mu majka onom tko ulazi u Crypto na osnovu članka na nekom od naših portala.
Svaki drugi članak je plačeni link na neki scam ili ponzi
589  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Dot, Next Ethereum on: June 05, 2021, 06:26:40 PM
No coin should be considered "eth killer" or "the next ethereum"
Whoever uses those terms to call a coin that, he probably missed ETH train and is now hoping for another bitcoin or another YFI
590  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: BTC and ETH price are too high. Better invest in alt coins like ADA, DOT, MATIC on: June 05, 2021, 06:23:15 PM
I see the price of BTC is too high $39,000/BTC.  It takes very long for BTC to get $100,000.  ETH price is $2800/ETC and the ETH market cap is $330 million.  It takes a lot of money to double the price of ETH.  I see some alternative network like ADA, DOT, MATIC (Polygon), LINK having lower price.  It is easier to double money.  I missed the price of BTC at $1000 or ETH at $100.  I want to buy and DCA (Dollar Cost Average) for ADA at $1.75 in a couple months.  So later I can have 10,000 ADA and hopefully the price will be $100/ADA in a couple years then I will be a millionaire.  What do you think?  Thanks.

Lol, you don't see price of ETH or BTC doubling, but you see ADA at $100?
Are you fcking serious. This just shows me you have no clue what you're talking about, you're just looking for a cheap entry and a moon ride
591  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How Many Different Coins Do You Own? Me = 11 on: June 05, 2021, 06:21:52 PM
I own 11 - I don't count the stablecoin USDC

I don't own two in the list below, but if I do buy them I will use the Percentage.

9.7%   Bitcoin Cash
40.1%   Bitcoin
37.8%   ETH
1.8%   ADA
7.0%   Atom
1.0%   EOS
1.0%   CRV
1.5%   Link
2.1%   MATIC
1.9%   SOL  - don't own yet
0.4%   VET  - don't own yet
0.3%   USDC
1.5%   DOT
1.1%   XLM

Last i checked my wallets, i had over 200 different coins and tokens on them.
Some are worth quite a bit, some are useless shitcoins
592  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: WHERE I CAN FIND ? on: June 05, 2021, 05:51:36 PM
So looks to me you want everything handed to you on a silver platter.
Hah, good luck. To get most of the info you're asking for, you need to use many different sources.
And if anyone had any price prediction software, be sure he wouldn't share it publically.

593  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: My Crypto Youtuber Tier List on: June 05, 2021, 05:49:58 PM
coin bureau - He never took offers from shills and give the best information and what he thinks. Give so many good calls.
Sheldon evans - Guy has tons of viewrs and he not shilling projects bravo.
Jrnycypto - Very Good crypto news channel/fun watching. he shills some projects so watch with caution.

I came here expecting a decent 15-20 name list and giving you merit. Yet you give us only 3. TBH a bit dissapointed, so not giving any merit.
Now, if you were to expand, that's a different subject
594  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NFT Trend Can Go For Long? on: June 05, 2021, 05:48:36 PM
Hello Guyz,
Hope All Is Doing Well, As You all Know Binance, the world top best Cryptocurrency Exchange is going To Launch NFTs market place soon In Upcoming Weeks. So Whats Your Opinion that NFTs Can become trend and this trend can go for Long in 2021?

NFT trend is already slowing down. Sure, it has it's ups and downs, but generally, money's in the NFT related projects, not NFT-s themselves.
595  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Dot, Next Ethereum on: June 05, 2021, 05:47:44 PM
Hello guyz,
Dot is one of the best My Favourite Project and Coin. And i personally Like Dot Too much and i Believe in the near future Dot Will Soon Next Ethereum.
I Want That You Guyz also Share Your Opinions about Dot Coin.

Even tho i like and respect DOT, it will not be the next Ethereum.
And why should it be? DOT is another project that has no goal of overtaking ethereum's slice of the pie.
Even more, we might see a bridge between those 2 very soon.
596  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Full of get-rich-quick opportunities at Bitcointalk on: June 05, 2021, 05:46:32 PM
Yesterday I saw someone mention #Dogira at Bitcointalk, then I went and bought it and quickly made twice as much money!

Thanks to this platform, it's full of get-rich-quick opportunities!!! Grin

First of all, i doubt you spent more than $20 on this.
Secondly, it was a lucky shot.
Thirdly, you won't get rich from $20 investments
597  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What are your thoughts onf VeChain VET on: June 05, 2021, 05:45:34 PM
What are your thoughts on VET?  I'm thinking of buying but I am very unsure about it.

Market Cap #20

Good Concept
VeChain is a blockchain platform designed to enhance supply chain management and business processes. Its goal is to streamline these processes and information flow for complex supply chains through the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT).

Partnerships - Unsure myself if enough


I'm unsure about this one.

IMO it's a long runner, and by that i mean the "real" massive gains will probably be shown in the next bull run. So, at about 20c it still cheap.
Imagine if you bought ADA for such price.
598  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: June 05, 2021, 05:43:54 PM
Istina, Nano S ima malo memorije ali nitko ti ne brani da obrišeš npr. Polkadot wallet nakon što na njega pošalješ DOT. Nakon što odlučiš prodati DOT s tog walleta, samo ga ponovo instaliraš na uređaj i nema problema.
I kad izbrišeš aplikaciju sa uređaja, u svom portfoliu i account sekciji bi i dalje trebao da imaš uvid u vrijednost i stanje tog kripta čiji si app izbrisao.

Istina. Ako obrišeš wallet s uređaja, svejedno ti ostane u aplikaciji da možeš vidjeti stanje. Samo ne možeš slati s walleta sve dok ga ponovo ne instaliraš na uređaj. Meni je zapravo jedini problem Nano S uređaja što BTC i ETH walleti moraju biti instalirani da bi mogao instalirati neke druge wallete, a neki od njih su onda preveliki da ih instaliraš uz BTC i ETH wallet.

Upgrejdaj se na Ledger X i neces imat takvih problema.
Mislim da mozes uz eth i btx jos cca 100 appova stavit na njega. Roka ko blesav
599  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: June 05, 2021, 05:41:59 PM
Mozes raditi i neki posao koji placaju u cryptu, npr. affiliate marketing. Webcam sajtovi daju dobru proviziju i placaju u par coina. Na tebi je naci nacin kako ces promovirati njihov affiliate, a mozes biti i model 😂

Ako si zensko, licis na nesto, i malo si "opustenija", da se tu jaaaaaako puno zaraditi Cheesy
Znam jednu zensku koja u biti samo razgovara sa ekipom, i placaju je tipa $50 po satu. Samo zato jer je zgodna
600  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: See why most bounty hunters get scammed on: June 03, 2021, 09:53:17 PM
Bounty Hunters Don't Read

This thread Explains it

However, won't be surprised to see another application below  Roll Eyes lol

They refuse to read the thread very well and understand the rules

They are very much in a haste to earn and that is why they earn up being scammed.

They sheepishly follow existing application

They refuse to doubt when it sounds too good to be true

***** Just imagine application kept coming in, in an April Fool's Thread.
Are these applications from bots...

In my experience, most of these hunters don't even speak english, let alone read what's written.
They've just been instructed to apply and do the tasks. It's very sad
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