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6161  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: Bitcoin mining as an individual on: August 11, 2021, 09:43:46 AM
I don't mine and I don't know how good are those sites. Basically the diff is low because companies are moving gears out of China (in theory) and it'll go back up. Then you may be in trouble.
My advice is to read this thread:
That guy was talking about 16 euro cents, you talk about 16 cents, not a big difference, still too expensive.

If your bet is on bitcoin price rising I can tell that:
1. That's not what you should rely on for a mining business. Mining difficulty will probably rise too.
2. You may end up on better profit if you buy Bitcoin instead of gear for that money. (however, don't take this as an investment advice, please decide for yourself what you do with your money).
6162  Bitcoin / Mining support / Re: Bitcoin mining as an individual on: August 11, 2021, 08:39:27 AM
Please advise.

Please start with the most important part: what's the electricity price in your area (in USD cents/kWh)?
Then keep in mind that the miner produces heat an noise and you'll have to deal with that too.
6163  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is this correct concerning BIP39 seeds? on: August 11, 2021, 08:25:33 AM
Is it true that you can re-create the phrase that way?

I'd say that the wording "re-create" is not that much accurate and can be misleading. You seem to not be aware that the BIP39 seed is based on a fixed word list, not the full English dictionary.
And as said, the first 4 letters of each word are enough for saving the seed.

Even in electrum, first four letters to each word will give you each full word.

Indeed. And hardware wallets too. When I had to recover my seed on my Nano S this came pretty much handy.
6164  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Secure your private keys on: August 11, 2021, 08:02:56 AM
— Save your private keys in a reliable source like mails, to avoid lost of gadgets because mail can be accessed in different devices.

First of all, modern wallets are HD wallets and one can just save the seed (12 or 24 words, usually) much easier.
Second, a properly saved seed or private key should be done offline. Clearly not in e-mails, Dropbox and such. You people don't understand that if you save something in e-mail or cloud you put it on other company's HDD, where they can access it. If an employee will see that, he can easily steal your coins without any trace at all.

So please edit and fix your "advises".
6165  Economy / Economics / Re: China - everything is fine! But everything is bad ... on: August 11, 2021, 07:51:04 AM
Guys there will ALWAYS be sinotrolls around the world, even in bitcointalk, do not really care for what they are saying. Do not forget, this is the same nation that kills you and your entire family if you ever go against the dictator at the top.

Clearly. But that still doesn't stop us from telling them that they're wrong, now and then. Else some may start believing them, you know...  Grin

Just because other nations suck, doesn't change the fact that China is the worst nation in the entire world, even worse than Russia.

Here I think that you are wrong. There are much worse in this world, countries with stronger dictatorship or internal wars for decades.

I think if a Chinese as much as mentioned Xi Jinping and Dick in the same sentence, he'd be rounded off to some unknown prison.

You may not be too far, (unless you meant Dick Cheney  Cheesy), but in the same time you're most probably somewhat inaccurate too.
I was kid in the last years of Ceausescu. You could read everywhere "Ceausescu si poporul" (Ceausescu and the people) and I just loved to rhyme it with "Ceausescu si toporul" (Ceausescu and the axe). While my parents were super scared every time I said that (and this kid was too small to understand why) and shushed me without explaining why, nothing has actually ever happened (luckily).

What I mean is although most probably the nation is full of informers, they won't care of just anybody without a tad more solid reasons.
6166  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: August 10, 2021, 02:30:41 PM
perfect mathematical and scientific analysis and modeling using confirmed sources

...also called "out of my belly".  Wink
6167  Other / Archival / Re: July Regulatory War Against CZ Ready to Surrender? on: August 10, 2021, 01:57:17 PM
Apparently, no developed country wants to do business with binance and they have nowhere else to go.

I'd guess that something like this is what makes them start complying with the regulations, whether they (and us) like that or not.

CZ apparently understands that it is easier for him to give control to someone else than to try to solve this lump of regulatory problems that hit the stock exchange.

I think that a change of leadership awaits the exchange, and a change of the exchange throne is not excluded.

CZ may find it cozier to stay in the shadow, since if compliance is still not done, charges may start coming here and there... That doesn't mean (at all!) that he will abandon and forget his baby.
And yes, this kind of big movements in the world of exchanges has the potential to bring a new leader; but I'm not sure if there's any worthy one this time...
6168  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Calculator check how much my Bitcoin would be worth on: August 10, 2021, 01:46:52 PM
I am looking for a calculator that will calculate the amount of Bitcoin I have if the price was 50, 100 or 1 million dollars. I could do the math manually but it is hard to do if I want to check this regularly as I gain more Bitcoin.

Does this service exist?

Do you need by chance an Excel sheet where you put your current amount of coins in one cell and in another cell it shows how much $ it worth when Bitcoin reach 1 million?!
I am not convinced what's the "hard" part in using calc.exe to multiply your number of coins with 1 000 000, but let's see what you actually need.
6169  Economy / Goods / Re: ~ Buying a TESLA CYBERTRUCK with BITCOIN ~ on: August 10, 2021, 01:29:43 PM
Tesla Cybertruck delay confirmed, now coming in 2022

I guess that it's even more delayed than you guys would think?

The company was originally meant to begin production of the Cybertruck tri-motor variant -- the most expensive model -- this year. Following that, the dual- and single-motor variants were supposed to follow in 2022. It wouldn't be surprising if the most affordable Cybertrucks don't hit the road until sometime in late 2023, or later, following these changes.
6170  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Offline Transaction vs hardware wallet, which is safest? on: August 10, 2021, 01:04:18 PM
Lets say i want to transact a very important huge amount of btc transation of my life. Which one should i chose between Offline transaction via Electrum(gpgverified) or trezor bought from official site.

This is a hypothetical question. i want some expert opinion to confirm my bias that offline transaction on airgaped pc is more secure than a trezor.

In theory they are pretty much equal. In reality I also feel like they're not.

Air-gapped cold storage is safe because it's offline. But you have to be careful on how you transfer the tx to be signed by the cold storage and back to the live computer; also there are theoretical means to also hack into those too.

Hardware wallet should be secured by its Secure Elements chip (but afaik Trezor doesn't have one). If done well HW should be safe. If you updated with no buggy and official firmware/app you should be good.

All in all, HW has quite a number of "if" here and there and it's also plugged in "online" (it doesn't matter how often). This makes it also in my eyes less secure than a cold storage.
But I know how to do a cold storage. One who doesn't know how to make it properly and use it properly has a much higher chance to get his money stolen than with HW.

PS. OP, you should write better your post, as you can see the wording "offline transaction" can easily interpreted in the way you never broadcast the tx online.
6171  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Apple, cea mai mare decizie impotriva intimitatii clientilor sai. on: August 10, 2021, 12:49:51 PM
Am lasat timp, poate "se baga" si altcineva. Se pare ca nu prea se face coada  Cheesy

Nu sunt sigur ca Apple ar fi mai buni decat restul (Facebook, Google, Microsoft,...), indiferent de cat se bat ei cu caramida-n piept... Dar na, perceptia consumatorului este ceva extrem de important, si la cota de piata, si la pretul pe care pot sa-l ceara pe produsele lor. Eu nu am fost niciodata mare fan Apple...

Pentru mine, motivul invocat de catre guverne <"Pentru siguranta voastra"> nu e nimic mai mult decat o metoda vicleana de manipulare psihologica. Daca ne uitam si mai indeaproape, putem observa ca intimitatea dar si alte drepturi fundamentale par a fi de fapt pe cale de disparitie.

Cred ca adevarul este undeva la mijloc.

toate documentele si fisierele din iCloud vor fi scanate pentru a detecta poze ale copiiilor disparuti, abuzului sexual de minori dar si alte ofense.

Eu sunt doar surprins ca au anuntat asta. Adica... nu au nimic de castigat si puteau s-o faca fara sa zica, ca doar sunt date pe serverele lor..

Ideea in sine nu este rea, atata timp cat cei de la Apple se limiteaza strict la a proteja cetatenii de viitoare incidente ds pedofilie. Insa daca Apple poate scana toate fisierele noaste personale pentru a gasi criminali, inseamna ca se pot folosi de ele si in alte scopuri.

Puteau si pana acum. Problema in sine (parerea mea) e ca problema cea mai mare poate ca nici macar nu este Apple Inc (pe principiul ca daca ar fi vrut sa faca magarii, aveau ocazia de 1001 de ori), ci angajatii care vor lucra, testa si vor avea acces la aceste fisiere.

Anuntul noului algoritm coincide intr-un mod ciudat cu mai multe stiri asemanatoare, desi sosite din partea altor corporatii sau institutii. Mai exact, anuntul UE prin care toate mesajele noastre vor fi luate in mod automat "la mana" pentru a gasi criminali cu mai mare usurinta si noua lege UE prin care indivizilor li se va interzice folosirea portofelelor digitale anonime. Toate acestea vin, inca o data, sub scuze "diminuarii ratei criminalitatii".

De fapt asta cred ca elucideaza "misterul" de ce au anuntat ca fac asta. Compliance si cam atat.

Sunt de parere ca ne indreptam tot mai vizibil, tot mai evident spre o era in care drepturile fundamentale vor fi fundamentale doar ca nume, doar teoretic, insa vor putea fi abrogate ori de cate ori guvernele/corporatiile vor considera ca este necesar.

Ei... asta se intampla de nici nu mai stiu de cand. Ca devine o parte din ce in ce mai importanta a vietii este din cauza ca tehnologia (pe care o folosim cu atata avant) o permite si o usureaza.
Ceea ce e mai ingrijorator e ca nu prea se aud voci sa zica ca guvernele nu fac bine, mai ales cand "se uita" in toate cotloanele vietii personale sub motive atat de corecte.

Si 3. Sa nu mai luati de buna orice informatie pe care autoritatile le ofera, mai ales intr-o perioada ca aceasta in care deja devine evident ca scopul anumitor legi/masuri nu este cel prezentat.

Eheeee, aici ai punctat aproape perfect. Doar ca nu e vorba doar de informatiile de la autoritati, ci de la... oricine.
Din pacate spiritul de cercetator lipseste din majoritatea oamenilor. Majoritatea inca merge dupa "crede si nu cerceta" si "minte-ma frumos", motto-uri sub care dorm linistit si multumiti.
6172  Economy / Services / Re: Mixers/ and or tumbler service... on: August 10, 2021, 12:14:24 PM
there's tons of other people throwing bad crypto in there which will just taint your coins

Do you have any proof for what you're saying? Cause from what I know it has been proven that only a small percent of mixed coins are illegal.
6173  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi Nakamoto should have created Litecoin with the Bitcoin name on: August 10, 2021, 11:56:56 AM
Litecoin's 84 million coins with 2.5 minute block time vs Bitcoin's 21 million coins with 10 minute block time.
Bitcoin is an asset but struggles as a currency while Litecoin is an asset and a better currency because of Litecoin's faster transaction time with lower transaction fees.

There were a lot of Bitcoin clone coins made, and probably more other will come. The only lucky part for Litecoin is that it was the first (99%) clone. The first ones still survive. If Litecoin would have been created this year, it probably would be dead already.
So Satoshi should have not done anything different. On the other hand, you should not preach about altcoins, since whatever you say, they are not Bitcoin. Not at all.
6174  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 10, 2021, 10:46:45 AM
(Cel putin la noi) Nu numai ca este la botul calului... dar e si direct mestecata. Stiu bajetii ce faci in timp real, nici macar raport saptamanal Smiley

De maine ANAF va avea acces la conturile bancare pentru persoane fizice si juridice, urmarind mai toate tranzactiile si beneficiarii acestora

Wow  Shocked Sad

Atunci iau BTC si schimb cu cine vreau. Daca vrei sa scapi de acest teoretic e-CNY atunci poti. Parerea mea...

...doar in lumea democratica (cu magazine care accepta bitcoin, cu ATM-uri, fie la tine in tara, fie in alta). Parerea mea  Wink

Privind block explorer-ul public.. parerea mea e ca degeaba va fi public daca sursa monedei va fi inchisa. Iar mai apoi, banuiesc ca adresele de wallet vor fi legate direct de identitatile indivizilor. Deci daca tu primesti bani de la mine si blockchain-ul este public iar a 3a persoana observa acest lucru, exista o mare vulnerabilitate: siguranta noastra. Singura modalitate de a preveni treaba asta ar fi sa ne ofere o adresa pentru fiecare tranzactie intrata in cont? sau o fi vreo alta metoda la care momentan nu ma duce capu', faza e ca fara anonimitate siguranta ta e sub pericol iar cu anonimitate e ca si cum n-ar fi public..

Oricum, se stie prea limpede ca guvernele sunt cele care in general fura mai mult decat oamenii de rand ar putea sa o faca, deci ma astept sa nu fie public registrul tocmai din cauza asta. Daca e privat, "ti se asigura anonimitatea" si totodata au ei mai multe metode de a fenta sistemul.

Yep, foarte bine punctat.
6175  Economy / Services / Re: Mixers/ and or tumbler service... on: August 10, 2021, 10:40:29 AM
Think about it like this, if you're sending your crypto to a site where hundreds are sending bad crypto to and they're just mixing that cash around and breaking it off into tiny transactions to be sent back to you; its still dirty lmao.

Most people do mix for their own privacy, not because they'd have dirty/stolen coins. I can understand that you try to sell your services, but the information you telling/implying is incorrect (to say it nice).

I've offered Mixing services for many for a while now and just recently made an an account on this forum. I do charge Fees mainly around the 25-35% area. Usually do 30k and up... if you don't even have the money to spend don't waste my time.

25-35% fee is for desperate people with stolen money. I'll start with the fact that such service is illegal and I'll continue with the fact that I don't see why one would pay (that much!) if he can do it for free. And I repeat, the scenarios you made that make your service look worthwhile are incorrect/unaccurate.

Also, by my book, sending money to a newbie from the forum is called "donation" (i.e. 100% fee). I don't know if anybody is that stupid desperate.
6176  Economy / Economics / Re: China - everything is fine! But everything is bad ... on: August 10, 2021, 09:57:10 AM
Your language and comprehension coupled with your over-confidence makes it nearly impossible to have a debate but we try to be as open to ideas on this forum as possible. It seems that you have also gone on to cry about discrimination in Meta, so I'd like to convince you that none of this is about discriminating against you as an individual but about the philosophy you are trying to propagate.

Keep in mind that brain washing works full power on such countries and there's a high chance that he indeed believe all he says.

You will never convince the free people of the world, much less bitcoiners, that an optimal method of scoial governance needs an over-arching central authority "managing" the best for everyone else.

@The Ghoul: bitcoiners' mindset is on "don't trust, verify". That's hugely opposed to what your way of thinking, since you didn't care to check all you say from multiple sources (I know that it may not be easy if you live in China). I won't also say that you should check, since ignorance is a bliss and your life in your country may be easier if you don't question "them".

I repeat again, nobody hates the fact that the Chinese people are better off than they were a few decades ago. We just have a certain dislike for propagandists from the Middle Kingdom who have been lately trying pretty hard to convince the rest of the world that they aren't wolves in sheep's clothing.

I second this. Big time.
6177  Economy / Speculation / Re: People are panic buying right now! on: August 10, 2021, 09:35:45 AM
It's amazing how people refuse to understand some things and constantly make the same mistakes - and most buy BTC only when the price goes up, instead of doing the exact opposite.

Psychologically people are more inclined to buy the trend than buy low.
In many cases this ends up by buying high and selling low, but.. yeah...  Roll Eyes

If you don’t know why you should invest in Bitcoin? If you don’t know why you should have a sense of peace? If you don’t know how to develop a long-term financial plan? If you don’t know how to distribute your income scientifically? For example, if you remove the expense of cigarettes and invest in Bitcoin, you will not only have wealth accumulation, but you will also have health. What if you don’t know how to improve your knowledge of the Bitcoin network? Then I advise you not to invest in Bitcoin. Perhaps you have made a lot of money, but I will tell you that you are just lucky and will lose your wealth sooner or later because of your subjective reasons. Please believe me, this is true.

I'm not sure whom you intended to answer and I'm not sure what you understand from the conversation, but something doesn't matching here.
If you use translating software for understanding what's discussed here then you clearly need a better one.
6178  Other / Off-topic / Re: A weird problem affecting my PC on: August 10, 2021, 07:56:15 AM
Anyone here familiar with this error on windows 10?

Error solving function: ADL2_New_QueryPMLogData_Get

This is affecting my windows 10 performance one way or the other and it's laggy too, this is a gigabyte motherboard B85-HD3 with a RTX 3070ti onboard

From what I've found on the net it seems to be related to NBMiner and mining raven coin?
If you do mine with this machine maybe you ask this in altcoin mining boards. If you don't, you should really check what software is running there...
6179  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum change addresses in Preferences on: August 10, 2021, 07:42:55 AM
I remember that the wallet I opened contains imported private keys. That must surely be the reason why the app unticked the option for any change to be sent to change addresses.

While on a HD wallet change addresses help enhancing privacy, if you import the private keys it cannot do much (I don't know how it would even choose which to use as change address!)
So yeah, the fact it's disabled is 100% related to the imported private keys.
6180  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce NU ar trebui sa ne bucuram de monedele fiat digitale on: August 09, 2021, 02:10:14 PM
Exista persoane care nu inteleg diferentele dintre Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, USDT, sau e-CNY ... sau CiugiBAN  Cheesy. Aceste persoane sunt majoritare pe glob.

Si asta pentru ca ei considera irelevanta diferenta. Cumpar d-ala, astept putin si vand mai scump. 100% specula. Si daca scade "mai da-le dreacu de prostii ca am pierdut deja 1 meleon cu d'astea". Corect, sunt destui din astia dar nu cred ca sunt nici pe departe majoritari. Aia care folosesc crypto pt menirile initiale nu se lauda peste tot pe net. Cei din tari cu embargouri (Iran etc), cu economii in paragina (Venezuela etc), cei din tari cu regimuri totalitare (Coreea de Nord, mai nou chiar Belarus etc) sunt convins ca folosesc crypto, isi tin fodurile in crypto, au idee care sunt diferentele intre cateva din ele si in special intre crypto si CBDC. Pentru ei si nu numai ar fi ceva vital, sa nu mai faca cosuri si posete din roabe de bancnote hiperinflationate si devalorizate la maxim, sa poata lucra si cu clienti din alte tari etc.

Vaaai cat de adevarat si cat de bine zis!  Cheesy

Toata chestia asta cu CBDC e si buna si rea in acelasi timp. Cat vine vorba despre "o sa stie tot ce faci cu banii" ... pai si daca folosesti doar cardul nu e acelasi lucru ?

Nu chiar. Daca folosesti cardul, atunci Visa/MC si banca stiu. Dar nu "statul". Trebuie mandat, trebuie ca banca sa aiba chef, ... na, desi e pe aproape, nu e la fel de  "la botu' calului".

Sunt totusi si destule portite: ce m-ar impiedica sa vand tot e-CNY, cumpar BTC, Monero, DOGE sau ce imi place mie si le folosesc pe alea. Daca nu accepta e-CNY pe exchange-uri nu e problema... vand la un prieten, vecin.

Problema e sa nu te trezesti ca statul decide sa-ti confiste automat (smart contract) tot ce-ti intra in wallet-ul de CBDC de la vanzarea de Monero.
Si cu "vand la un prieten", desi intr-o tara democratica poate ca merge, intr-un stat totalitarist sigur nu va merge. De aia imi e frica....

Per total as fi de acord cu o moneda digitala emisa de BNR doar daca ar avea block explorer public. Ca privat sigur ar avea...

Nu sunt sigur ca block explorer public va fi atat de bun si de ajutor (na, poate ca am o gandire un pic prea orientata spre Monero), dar:
* desi in general nu o zicem cu voce tare, totusi suntem cu juma' de pas mai aproape de un stat democratic decat de totalitar, deci CBDC-ul BNR s-ar putea sa nu fie chiar atat de nasol
* BNR va face cam ce fac europenii si americanii; daca ei fac, o sa avem si noi, vreo' 100 de ani mai tarziu, sa aiba BNR timp sa testeze
* cred ca cel mai probabil vei folosi CBDC-ul ECB, decat cel al BNR
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