I know a lot (most?) jobs cannot be done remotely. But it would be great if the ones that can work from home begin to do so in a regular basis. IMO there is a lot to win and very little to lose for the community as a whole.
Perhaps the convenience of remote work is right for you. I also have to do my job at home, and I don't like that at all. For me, there is no definite time limit for when I could work and when to rest. Work calls can come at very late hours, which creates a lot of inconveniences. The same goes for the family. Children constantly distract me, I have to combine housework and my direct work. Thus, the performance of the work becomes not entirely high quality.
I was a bounty hunter and done things on my own (without even reading rules and regulations of the forum). I am here to earn and to learn(learning is not really the priority). I was told that this forum will let you earn instant big rewards from joining projects. Well, it is not really true. Most of the time projects failed and some are even created for scam.
For me, your one-to-one story is similar to my own story on the forum. The main thing is to stop in time and understand that this forum has much greater opportunities and prospects to gain knowledge about bitcoin than to waste your time on all sorts of scam projects. When I realized, there is a lot of deceptions in bounty projects, I set myself the goal of clearing the forum from scam and unnecessary absolutely unnecessary information. I don't know if I am an asset or a liability, but the fact that I like to read the necessary information here, as well as engage in the destruction of cheaters, scammers, I can definitely say yes.
I never used a paid VPN that i always experience a slow speed when i connect with VPN. However I will try both ProtonVPN and Mullvad. If we need to go for a paid VPN, which one is most cheap and yet effective ?
You must determine for yourself what you want to get using VPN. If you really need anonymity, the security of your data, you do not need to start from the "cheap" price Anything that is free or shareware will never work well. It's strange that in 2020 we still keep talking about it. Take the time to study the issue competently. Maybe you should create your own VPN? Of course, we always stick to the question, why do we need all this? You need to understand that your data is not yours if you trust the service with the sign "Free"
The problem with the spread of the virus is that there is a lot of conflicting information in the media today. And not everyone responds to this correctly and competently. Mask wearing starts in those who have some signs of illness, and many people who feel great are not going to wear a mask. Although today everyone says that asymptomatic patients can spread the virus much more.
I would recommend that you take a closer look at which masks can protect the airway from coronavirus. The use of surgical masks only protects the people around you. I recommend wearing only masks or respirators of ffp2, ffp3 or n95 class. In our country, wearing masks has become like a trend, the quality of masks no longer meets medical requirements. Young people wear masks for fun, it's more like a masquerade. Designers of masks began to make good money on their products. The second reason for wearing masks is the fear of being fined by the police. The whole point of wearing masks is lost by many people. It is very sad that some people do not fully understand the seriousness of the pandemic.
World health organization (WHO) Should research more for effective drugs that can destroy this virus.
Actually they are here to approve not to create the medicine. Many countries claiming that they successfully tested corona vaccine and the mass production has started but this is for real? Today's news suggests that Russia has created a vaccine against coronavirus and promises to release it into mass production by the end of the year. I would very much like the vaccine not to become a "stumbling block" in relations between countries. And it really would benefit absolutely all humanity.
Just to make it clear..... One of these accounts, Tozemoonder, wrote to me PM, asking me to figure out. The first time their account was tagged by a member of DT2, there was no evidence of their fraud. There was no reference link. I turned to a member of DT2, and after talking with him, we got it that there was a mistake. Then I began to examine the Tozemoonder account more carefully and found several more profiles connecting it. After I wrote Tozemoonder asking honestly say how many accounts he has? But I not heard an honest answer. After that, at my request, YOSHIE sorted out everything, and the question was closed.
Free VPNs are generally a no-go.
I completely agree with you. A good motivation not to use free VPNs should be the recent news about how easy it is to hack them and get user data. Seven 'no log' VPN providers accused of leaking – yup, you guessed it – 1.2TB of user logs onto the internet
Going outside and chilling outside is still not safe with this current situation because the pandemic virus is still there and the transmission of it is so quick, so if we font has some important things to do outside, please stay at home let us just wait for the virus to end so we will all be comfortable gong outside without thinking of social distancing and wearing a mask.
In modern reality, for some reason, it seems that this virus will circulate for a very long time. As soon as the quarantine eased a little, the virus began to be transmitted again. Why is this happening? The borders are open and the virus is being transmitted again. But, of course, it is impossible to live in closed countries, and people need interaction, but on the other hand, we always need to understand that human health should be put much above all other priorities. Everyone should ask themselves how important their safety and their families are and take precautions to do so.
Yeah, and that's why I pretty much stopped tagging suspected bounty cheaters based on address linkage. There's too much uncertainty in my mind, though I'm about 90% sure that individual bounty participants don't really pool funds for whatever reason they give once they get caught.
I also very rarely link addresses, realizing that it is difficult to prove, but not in this case. If you take a deeper look, then if they were separate different personalities, there would be no such order in their actions. In addition, I know that this is definitely one person, as I checked his activities very carefully and even contacted PM
~ та лааадно)) ну ..ну просто нет слов вот этим постом ты столько для форума сделал что блять не знаю сколько раз перед тобой ку сдедать 20 или 200 ты бы этот пост продублировал бы во все разд...ах бля нельзя же ну пусть модер запиндит что ли это же такой труд У меня тоже часто слов нет, особенно когда я некоторые персональные сообщения читаю. Передо мной делать ничего не надо, но готовность я оценил А эти постом - просто объяснил, что для форума все равны, даже те, кто пытается особые условия на нем увидеть. Видимо кто-то и Вас пытался "подкупить", как это было с другими просто человек любит играть в закулисные игры
Я думаю, что у новичков это такой особый хитрый риск-менеджмент: они не хотят тратить время на нечто с непонятными перспективами. В глубине души думают, что, мол, вот потратим время на работу на форуме, напереводим статей, насоздаём гайдов и т.д., а форум возьмёт да и загнётся. Я думаю, что такая тактика прямо читается у многих. Типа лучше подождать до лучших времён. Когда у крипты дела наладятся. Но в таком случае хз сколько ждать придётся. Может быть, до 2025 года, кто знает.
Есть еще другие "новички" которые "работают" с утра до вечера, вкалывают как проклятые , "работая" в баунти. У них конечно же много акков, одни пашут, чтоб заработать полбакса на аккаунт, а вторые "работают" на перспективу. Выращивание акков на будущее, как вы говорите" ждут лучших времен". Ведь если вдруг "дела у крипты наладятся", просто новичком тут тоже не фиг ловить. Нужно быть хотя бы джуном. Все проще, они покупают мериты в телеграммах, чтобы что-то перевести, или просто полезное написать, это для них очень лениво.
I really hope that this pandemic showed that people can work from home and be as productive as if they were in the office. Even if only 5% of the population begins to work at home in a regular basis, it can be a great improvement not only in pollution (less people using cars to go to work) but also in comfort (no need to waste several hours commuting / less traffic for other people going to work). In the long term, we might even see a decrease of rent in the city centers (less offices required for companies). Unfortunately, not all work can be done remotely. Therefore, there will still be many professions that will have to use transport. For example, how can you do car repairs remotely? To produce any products remotely? In fact, only those who are connected in the IT-sphere can do remote work. And this is a very small number of employed people. Therefore, the environment has been polluted and will continue to be polluted until some global rules for environmental protection are introduced.
Бывают моменты, когда накосячишь в линуксе и он вроде как уже мертв,
Можно просто разделить диск, на котором будут стоять две системы. Многие тут начинающие, и не обладают пока большими капиталами, а также с трудом могут отказаться от виндовс игрушек. Поэтому на первых порах, разделение диска, на котором будут стоять две системы идеальный вариант. Я уже не говорю про SSD диски, которые можно просто подключать к компу с установленной на нем линуксе. Ну и конечно, посмотрите сколько пользователей переходит на линукс, а он в свою очередь становится все более дружелюбен. Терминал в последних версиях убунты, к примеру, не нужен вообще, все работает из графической оболочки. Есть масса видео на ютуб каналах, а также полностью разжеванные мануалы, куда и что вставить, и когда достать этот загадочный терминал. К примеру на сайте https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity популярна система MX Linux. Как по мне,так проще не бывает. Не зря она пользуется популярностью. Ну и конечно же, перед установкой можно несколько раз посмотреть руководства, и после того как все настроено, чудесная программа Timeshift сохранит вашу систему в девственно чистом виде. Всегда с удовольствием призываю всех переходить на Линукс системы. Тот кто действительно ощутит все прелести и удобства, уже навряд ли вернется к шпионящей винде. Тем более, что Америка в последнее время, очень требовательна к пользователям виндовса, придумывая разные санкции к использованию своих систем. На что я могу сказать....очень надо, обойдемся
Очередная истерика от русского фермера Cтpaшныe мы люди, yжacныe oбмaнщики, пaшeм cyткaми, и нa цeлыx двaдцaть бaкcoв бeднyю кaмпaнию peфлeкc "oбчитили")))) Гopeть в aдy нaм!!! Taким пoдлым oбмaнщикaм нe мecтo тyт, дa?Mы вкaлывaeм зa пoл бaкca нa aккayнт и пo вaшeй лoгикe дoлжны paдocтнo цeлoвaть пятки мeнeджepaм, кoтopыe нac oбвopoвывaют! Bы бы лyчшe иx кpacили, тex пpoдaжныx cкaммepoв-мeнeджepoв, кoтopыe тыcячaми лeвыe aккayнты coздaют! A я ocтaюcь пpи мнeнии, чтo я чecтнo paбoтaю!!!
A вaм зa этo мepиты дaют?))) Кaкиe жe вы тyт yбoгиe!!!! Зaймитecь дeлoм и кpacьтe peaльныx вopoв и oбмaнщикoв фopyмa, пoзopники вы мeлoчныe!) A caмoe cмeшнoe, чтo y вac y caмиx этиx aльт aккayнтoв, нe oдин и нe двa!
I'm not sure if this is relevant, but Windows has just had a forced update, and it tried to insist that I switched to some new version of Edge amongst other things. It has messed up a few of my options as well. I guess it is time I went back to the Linux SSD that I set up to replace the HDD in the notebook. I'm also getting delays in connecting to many sites.
You can't go wrong with choosing Linux vs Windows. There will never be forced updates without user consent. I have long been disillusioned with Microsoft and having switched to the Linux system, I have no difficulty in getting to the forum and other sites. I don’t know if this is relevant, Cloudflare DNS also works for me