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6901  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is there any chance that XRP can defeat BTC? on: January 14, 2019, 06:01:08 AM
Based on XRP defeated ETH again. Is there any chance that XRP can defeat BTC too in the future?
Unlike cryptocurrency in general, XRP supplies are controlled by Ripple Labs.
For example: Bitcoin has only 21 million pieces in the world, after that, no new bitcoin will be issued.
for shoppers to get new bitcoins,
if XRP is mass adopted by a large institution and has a market capitalization that is greater than bitcoin, can xrp defeat bitcoin? Certainly not, because the use of XRP will not eradicate the use of bitcoin.
6902  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL CONDEMNING BITCOINS on: January 13, 2019, 02:27:17 PM
For my opinion Bitcoin is currently on the rise, even though the price is currently falling, how come?
Over the past 10 years, the price of Bitcoin has gone up by 20. 500 and even more, the price trend this year is up / down.

No wonder many people are competing to invest money in this one instrument.
There are also many advantages of Bitcoin which is an attraction for investors, for investment, including:

1. Bitcoin Easy Exchange tool in transactions anywhere.
2. Anonymous from security,
3. Hard to Track,
4. The amount is limited to only 21 million pieces.

Well, so it's not strange that there are many investors who want to invest in Bitcoin?
6903  Other / Meta / Re: Banned. Why? on: January 09, 2019, 04:20:25 PM
@YOSHIE, you really need to work on the construction of your quotes/replies, specially the one in here. I tried to read it all, but couldn't manage to get the points you are conveying here.

Hope you understand.
You can read here: for the account posting in question: wattson I just took what he did, and matched the existing furum regulations Topic: Unofficial list of (official) rules, guidelines, there are some points that I take (Forum rules) points, 11,19,22 and 25.
You know what I mean.?
6904  Other / Meta / Re: Banned. Why? on: January 09, 2019, 03:54:45 PM

Hope someone who is responsible here will answer. Really confused about this.
I took several factors to your account banned.
I think you have made many mistakes and procedures and Forum rules.


[quote author=wattson
Nitrogen Sports Support at 7:09pm on October 8, 2017
Hello 2522568,

Your account has been unblocked.

Although, our Poker team has found that you have made transfers to accounts that have fraudulent activity on our Poker tables. Therefore, your transfers have been permanently disabled.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.


here is my withdrawal transaction:
[/quote]is this your transaction site. And is this illegal or official transaction.

11. No linking to illegal trading sites.

19. Possible (or real) scams and Trust ratings are not moderated (to prevent moderation abuse).

22. Advertising (this includes mining pools, gambling services, exchanges, shops, etc.) in others threads' is no longer allowed, including, but not limited to, in altcoin announcement threads.[8]

25. Ban evasion (using or creating accounts while one of your accounts is banned) is not allowed.[e]

1. Do you trade illegal sites, if yes, you are wrong. (code 11)

2. What you do is not moderated so it is vulnerable, fraudulent, still no i am going to open scam aligation, if yes, you are wrong.(Code 19).

3. You are trading gambling services, exchanges, not permitted anymore, in the Forum, if yes, you are wrong. (code 22)

4. Do you do this: (using or creating accounts while one of your accounts is banned) if yes, you are wrong. (code 25)

Specifically, you are not allowed to give people any incentive to post insubstantial posts in your threads. You can't offer to pay people who post their addresses, usernames, etc. You can do giveaways off-site and link to the giveaway page in a thread, but you can't give people any bonus for replying to your thread.

Similar threads are already restricted to Games and Rounds in the non-altcoin sections, but the giveaway-related post volume is so high in the altcoin sections that I've decided to just ban them entirely here.
I think this point that is fundamental to your account gets a permanent ban.
6905  Other / Meta / Re: ban account in Russian local on: January 09, 2019, 09:34:37 AM

And where is the plagiarism, if there is a link to the source? I don't see that OP is trying to claim the authorship of this material...
You know what Plagiarism is, you can read but don't see,
Here I explain a little about the meaning of plagiarism. Listen carefully to understand.
At my university the plagiarism is:

Plagiarism or often called plagiarism is defined as plagiarism or making of essays, opinions, etc. from others. and make it as an essay and own opinion.
Plagiarism can be considered a big mistake for stealing the copyrights of others.

In my school, plagiarism people can get severe punishment by the lecturer, the sentence is issued from the school / university.
Does that include one of the copy / paste works by people.
6906  Other / Meta / Re: ban account in Russian local on: January 09, 2019, 08:44:38 AM
I would like to know frome moderators of the Russian local reason ban account "Yury1";u=1056566
Ceгoдня зaшeл нa чтoбы пocмoтpeть кypc ocнoвныx мoнeт и в глaзa бpocилacь cтaтья «Чтo бyдeт c цeнoй нa биткoин? Aнaлиз движeния cpeдcтв нa oднoм из 5-ти бoгaтeйшиx кoшeлькoв» (ccылкa - B нeй aвтop нaблюдaя зa движeния кoшeлькoм c нaибoльшим кaпитaлoм дeлaeт вывoд, чтo в ближaйшee вpeмя нac ждeт oчepeднoй oбвaл цeн, a в чacтнocти цeнa биткoинa oткaтитcя дo 3500-4000$. Пpи этoм для бoльшeй yбeдитeльнocти пpeдлaгaютcя гpaфик c тex. aнaлизoм и лoгичecкиe cдeлaнный вывoд o гpядyщeм oчepeднoм oбвaлe. Cпpaшивaeтcя: для чeгo вpoдe бы coлидный caйт пyбликyeт тaкoй пpoгнoз и eщe c нaмeкaми нa cooтвeтcтвyющиe дeйcтвия (нyжнo пpoдaвaть ceйчac, чтoбы зaкyпитьcя пoтoм в двa paзa бoльшим кoличecтвoм биткa или нyжнo cидeть и ничeгo нe дeлaть)?
Кaждый из нac cлышaл o мaнипyляцияx нa этoм pынкe, нo вoт oни в oчepeднoй paз вcплыли. Чтoбы лyчшe paзoбpaтьcя в cyти вoпpoca пpeдлaгaю вepнyтьcя к тeopии. "Maнипyляция pынкoм – этo пo cyти opгaнизaция движeния тoгo или инoгo aктивa в зapaнee зaдaннyю мaнипyлятopoм cтopoнy, выcaдкa мeлкиx cпeкyлянтoв  из кaкoгo-либo aктивa, либo жe нaoбopoт зaгoн Xoмячкoв в тoт или инoй aктив"
(иcтoчник - Уcлoвнo мaнипyлиpoвaть pынкoм мoжнo нecкoлькими cпocoбaми:
1. нa нoвocтнoм фoнe,    
2. пpи пoмoщи тexничecкиx пpиeмoв
3. кoмбинaциeй этиx cпocoбoв.
Чyть-чyть пoдpoбнeй o кaждoм из cпocoбoв.
1. Hoвocтныe мaнипyляции: этo игpa нa cлyxax o кaкиx-нибyдь coбытияx, cyщecтвeннo влияющиx нa бyдyщee тoгo или инoгo aктивa (мoнeты). Пpичeм, нa peгyлиpyeмыx pынкax цeнныx бyмaг тaкиe мaнипyляции являютcя пpямым нapyшeниeм зaкoнoв пpaктичecки вcex paзвитыx cтpaн и пoдлeжaт paccлeдoвaнию c цeлью нaйти иcтoчник тaкиx cлyxoв и пoкapaть. Ha pынкe жe кpиптoвaлют нeт peгyлиpoвaния, a знaчит и нeт oтвeтcтвeннocти, в cвязи c чeм oчeнь и oчeнь вaжнo дeтaльнo изyчaть любыe нoвocти, cвязaнныe c дaннoй oблacтью, в т.ч. иx пepвoиcтoчники, пocкoлькy дaжe кpyпныe нoвocтныe пopтaлы мoгyт пpocтo pacтиpaжиpoвaть «yткy» нe вдaвaяcь в пoдpoбнocти (иcтoчник -  
2. Texничecкиe мaнипyляции: ocнoвaны нa тexничecкoм мaнипyлиpoвaнии цeнoй, пyтeм кyпли пpoдaжи aктивoв c пpивeдeниeм цeны дo нyжнoгo ypoвня, yдepжaнии тaк нaзывaeмыx «ypoвнeй coпpoтивлeния» и «ypoвнeй пoддepжки», pacкaчивaниeм pынкa, «пpoкoлaми» pынкa, cнятиeм ycлoвныx opдepoв (нaпpимep, «Stop Loss») и тaк дaлee (иcтoчник -  .
3. Кoмбиниpoвaнныe (caмыe эффeктивныe): нapядy c тopгoвыми мaнипyляциями вcпoмoгaтeльным инcтpyмeнтoм тyт тaкжe являeтcя нoвocтнoй фoн, тoлькo нoвocти иcпoльзyютcя peaльныe, пpи этoм мaнипyлятop, oблaдaя xopoшим финaнcoвым pecypcoм, мoжeт пpaвильнo пoдaть нoвocть и либo из мyxи cдeлaть cлoнa, либo из cлoнa мyxy, тeм caмым пpикpыв cвoи дeйcтвия cocлaвшиcь, чтo вce cдeлaлa тoлпa Xoмякoв (иcтoчник -  
To ecть пoлyчaeтcя, чтo кpyпныe игpoки гoтoвятcя ycтpoить кpyпный oбвaл и c пoмoщью тaкиx вoт cтaтeй пoдгoтaвливaют мaccы к cливy цeны.
Oтcюдa вoпpoc: кaк пocтyпaть бoльшинcтвy из нac? Пpoдaвaть и ждaть oбeщaнныx 3500-4000$ зa битoк? или cидeть и yлыбaтьcя c этoгo циpкa?

You are collaborating on topics in local Russian, almost all of the contents of the text are copied and pasted from this object:



Without collaborating with your own ideas or insights, almost all the comments from the altiker, I think this is a mistake you made so that you are blocked.

Most giveaway threads are no longer allowed in the Alternate cryptocurrencies sections. From now on, posting or replying to such threads could result in being banned. Existing threads will be locked.

Specifically, you are not allowed to give people any incentive to post insubstantial posts in your threads. You can't offer to pay people who post their addresses, usernames, etc. You can do giveaways off-site and link to the giveaway page in a thread, but you can't give people any bonus for replying to your thread.

Similar threads are already restricted to Games and Rounds in the non-altcoin sections, but the giveaway-related post volume is so high in the altcoin sections that I've decided to just ban them entirely here.

33. Posting plagiarized content is not allowed.[e]
Point 33

You should not move all the contents of the Google altiker, to ask or create one topic. This is the word copy and paste.
Make sure you don't, copy article content when sticking to the forum or you will get your account banned.
6907  Other / Meta / Re: Russian staff are moderating scams against the rules on: January 09, 2019, 05:51:13 AM

In my mind, moderators have no right to remove topics about scam projects even with the reason "Deleted at the author's request", since OP is not an owner of the comments which were posted in the topic and they shouldn't be deleted at his will.

The task of a moderator is to lead, organize, and guide discussion, ICO, project/ topic activities. Leading means that a moderator is the person who is most powerful in ICO activities or the discussion he leads in a local or international forum. The moderator has the right to choose who is given the opportunity to run.

I will release this little gap, for good purposes, wrong perceptions, bad solutions, talk about better problems, ok. There he is.

What needs to be understood is the Tasks and Responsibilities Moderator:
Xal0lex can be said by the local Russian monderator, he has the right to guard and supervise the discussion and fraudulent ICO or scammer, which is his responsibility to run according to the topic and the security of the Forum.

For that, the moderator who is his full responsibility is:

1. Take action so that the discussion, ICO, project can be more focused and conducive to forum members.

2. Give a warning to members who are considered to violate the regulations and or are considered to interfere with the Forum.

3. Give a warning to participants if there is unnecessary noise towards the forum.

4. Escort the discussion process / ico to run according to the desired forum, not including spamming, fraud etc.

5. Carry out its duties and responsibilities in accordance with forum regulations.

6. Ensure that the discussion or ico does not deviate from the topic in question and is safe for forum participants.

7. Creating a comfortable and conducive atmosphere to interact and deliver papers in the forum.

The following is a mistake that moderators must avoid, but that is for the good of the forum and other members.

First: Cut, delete, suddenly without warning, the moderator must dare to cut and delete. However there are good ways to cut or delete so that the members are not offended.

second: these procedures and rules are expressed in the beginning of moderation in the official forum so that everyone understands.

I hope this can be better for the future, there is no gap between members and moderators, talking well is better than crashing and cursing.
6908  Other / Meta / Re: What do u mean? Freeze? Mr officer?! on: January 08, 2019, 03:27:40 PM
Hi people. WTF? I was banned for 2 weeks allegedly for trolling-on Xalolex's complaint.

I see you are so angry at what happened to you, the more you shout the more the Moderator / Admin forgets to you, let alone say dirty words:

this son of fokken bitch removed my great posts just for fun, and does not explain the reason, although it was not offtop or trolling.

A moderator's decision is not as easy as many people think. Many things must be considered, so that all members of the bitcointalk forum both locally and Meta can run well. Of course what Russian mods do to you, there are perfect considerations for their policies.

A moderator is very flexible in making decisions even though the situation of the bitcointalk forum is very complicated, to create a conducive atmosphere and security for a local forum like Russia, very much depends on the quality of the local moderator.

In controlling and directing the course of the forum opening and closing, prohibiting a member of Bitcontalk from being a distributor of responses, in the form of questions about the member being fully entitled to the monderator.
In the mederator's decision before taking actions and decisions there are characters,
1. Be neutral for local forums.
2. Make a comfortable atmosphere for local forums.
3. Do all decisions clearly with members.
6909  Other / Meta / Re: [Re:] Newbie avatar. on: January 08, 2019, 04:20:33 AM
Yes, I see one last active account: Last Active: December 23, 2017, 11:45:04 PM.
so it's only been one year, the difference, is this, before the rule, Merit, or new system is implemented in 2018

Ok, I understand, thanks for the answers to everything.
6910  Other / Meta / [Re:] Newbie avatar. on: January 08, 2019, 04:10:09 AM
All the bitcointalk members know about this rule for Newbie: Topic: Newbies can now pay a small fee to enable images, another story with this account:

1. Position:Newbie

2. Position:Newbie

why this can happen, let alone Newbie, Jr. Member, Member cannot install an Avatar like this, except Full Member, can I install this Avatar image into one sign ?? For me, how can Newbie be able to do this.
6911  Other / Meta / Re: What can be done better? on: January 07, 2019, 03:19:11 PM

Is it possible to identify reported post by seeing a sign that the post where being reported?

For now no one knows firsthand the Reported Violations and can only be seen by moderators. Moderators can check posts reported as violations and take action on those posts.

Well there it is Every time your post will identify reported post by seeing a sign that the post where being reported?e reported on the Forum to moderator and then it will be deleted, it will send a notification supporting gmail for you. this is the same message that tells you that your post has been deleted and what your post is. Here's what you need to know.
6912  Other / Meta / Re: Can we expect some active mod in India forum? on: January 07, 2019, 10:03:47 AM
In connection with the needs of the new moderators in the Indian forum, I also support this thread topic, as a means for members especially in India, whether on forums, ICOs, etc., in general or moderators in particular (new moderators, I hope you don't mind advice from thmember, for the good of the india forum for the sake of togetherness too). Because remember, members who submit criticism are answered for suggestions to be made in place to avoid spamming, fraud, scammers, etc.

I think to be able to make the Indian forum a free forum, to express opinions as long as the topics discussed are still related to the main topic of the Indian forum.

For that Moderator, in the most basic and simple sense is a person who is given the mandate to regulate the course of the forum. It is indeed difficult, at least, the mod can represent three interests: the interests of the organizing committee, understanding of the participants, and the interests of the speaker,

I regret:
For now there are still frequent misunderstandings, the moderator is considered the second caste in a forum, under the speaker. This is a wrong understanding.

The truth is:
Mod responsibilities, functions, and moderator duties are very important, so the degree is the same as the speaker, sometimes even higher, I also hope there is a solution for the Indian forum section.
6913  Other / Meta / Re: Is account recovery feasible? on: January 06, 2019, 01:40:10 PM
Actually your problem has been answered by: The Pharmacist, and also gives you a sign (Red: Warning: Trade with extreme caution!)
Your error clearly creates 2 accounts and adds 1 more: Dark.Soul into 3 accounts.

This is annoying for me, maybe after I create this post my account will also be banned again. Maybe I will leave this forum from now if this is not resolved.
This is link to my  2 old account :;u=355677;u=1924474

You can read this rule:

Topic: Unofficial list of (official) rules, guidelines, FAQ

Name: Darth0ne;u=355677;sa=showPosts

And other mistakes, almost all of your accounts contain social accounts, twitter, facebook, and telegram, all of which generate dollars for you.

Name: tai9x;u=1924474;sa=showPosts

I'm not sure you can succeed in this by crashing into the admin and mod, to restore your account.

The problem is finished.
6914  Other / Meta / Re: I seem to be finding some reasonable posts. on: January 05, 2019, 05:15:35 PM
Let's see if we can recruit more new members, and help them to avoid excessive bank charges taking money from payments destined to help family members.
Bitcointalk users know crypto is down, but not with southern Africa, there Cryptocurrency trading has been increasing in Africa lately, which I know that almost half of crypto users are mostly educated menuniversity.

For now, Crypto already has 1.5 million customers, estimated by more than 40 countries worldwide, using the main exchange platform for Bitcoin BTC. Now it has been responded to by increasing demand for crypto in the African country.

"A brief history of Africa cruel to Bitcoin users occurred Early this year, there was a typical experience of Cape Town businessmen but it was over, by paying around 50 Bitcoin by his family, this is very sad. In this case in Africa, people spendan average of 27 cents for each cellular credit top-up."

So the point:
If you continue to carry out your mission vs. your vision, I believe that cryptocurrency will drive the financial revolution in Africa, especially crypto.
6915  Other / Meta / Re: [ask] Account names very ironic. on: January 05, 2019, 03:11:28 PM
I guess forum do not care about account names,
I understand, what if the account often does fraud, spammers, etc., does not affect the name of the bitcointalk forum or anything else.

If should not have to be related ti the account owners real identity,
yes, there are still other names that are better, even though they are not real names, of course there are negative effects.
BT actively protects the identity of the forum members.
I hope so too, for the good name, the bitcointalk forum.
To OP: Keep your post useful and you will be rewarded nicely.
Thank you, I'm only concerned if the account is wrongly used. because it concerns the most important names.


All accounts get banned, my topic, key, thank you.( Xal0lex )
6916  Other / Meta / [ask] Account names very ironic. on: January 05, 2019, 02:21:21 PM
I have no idea how people can register accounts with names that are often encountered on the bitcointalk forum.
It's ironic, whether it's a joke or the most ridiculous thing every registrant has ever done.

+} Forum # Position:Brand new
+} Legendaris # Position:Brand new
+} Sr,Member # Position:Brand new
+} Member # Position:Brand new
+} Economic # Position:Brand new
+} Other # Position:Brand new
+} Help # Position:Brand new
+} Topic # Position:Brand new
+} Ethereum # Position:Brand new
+} Ten # Position:Brand new
+} BitcoinForum # Position:Brand new
+} Project # Position:Brand new
+} airdrop # Position:Brand new

+} Bitcointalk # Position:Newbie
+} Heromember # Position:Newbie
+} Meta # Position:Newbie
+} Bitcoin # Position:Newbie
+} Mining # Position:Newbie
+} child # Position:Newbie
+} Market # Position:Newbie
+} token # Position:Newbie
+} BitcoinDiamond # Position:Newbie
+} BitcoinCore # Position:Newbie
+} account # Position:Newbie
+} Merit # Position:Newbie
+} Bounty # Position:Newbie
+} EThereumClassic # Position:Newbie

+} Local # Position:Member
+} altcoin # Position:Member

So I do not blame every individual is the right of everyone, for that there is no other name or our real name that can register on the bitcointalk forum.
Indeed, the name is not a guideline or the majority of each account, but the good name of the forum is also needed, not for one container or field to be used as an account name.
6917  Other / Meta / Re: Bitcointalk mass hacking... Look at seclog now! on: January 04, 2019, 07:40:16 PM

I see a lot of dead accounts woke up now! Yeah now it's happening!

Can anybody explain this situation?

In the human mind, is good and there is bad, right now people don't have work, they can only make trouble and nonsense, so it's not surprising to find something like this, maybe you can see zombies waking up from their nests ,
1. zom Position: Brand new
2. zombie Position: Newbie
3. zomb Position: Newbie
4. zo Position: Newbie
5. z Position: Newbie

1. una Position: Newbie
2. uni Position: Brand new
3. une Position: Brand new
4. uno Position: Brand new
5. unsa Position: Newbie
6. unc Position: Brand new
7. unv Position: Newbie
8. unz Position: Brand new
9. unm Position: Newbie
10. unQ Position: Brand new

For that there is no need to wonder what people are doing, maybe in 1 day all over the world it can make the same thousands of accounts, by irresponsible person.
6918  Other / Meta / Re: Posting in local boards to improve language skills? on: January 04, 2019, 10:52:54 AM
I'm not sure if I made this topic or one similar to this last time I wanted to post, however, I feel the environment here might have changed between now and then.

This might be useful for getting an answer for a few other members too, I think jet Cash was trying to have a go at Spanish for example.
I think posting anywhere is good especially local with perfect language in life, the second language is like that, for example, (GERMANY).(Spanish).
So the problem is not language or posting, so as to avoid spam, etc.
The point is: knowledge about what is discussed.
For example: Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Economy, etc., this needs to be underlined, to know all the problems that are asked and answered.
I don't think language is a factor in the error of factors that are fundamental to knowledge about the forum either locally or internationally.
Any language, be it English, German, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, if there is a willingness to learn, you can do it.
6919  Other / Meta / Re: Share! Share !! Share !!! on: January 03, 2019, 04:39:13 PM
Their is no use having lots of merits and not sharing ,
Sure what you do, knowledge, effort, skills, and experience are really needed to get what you want, everyone wants the best and the best, as long as you want to have a real effort. give a positive and useful posting to bitcointalk members, what you want is definitely achieved,
In essence, give information, topics, and meaningful answers, you can do it. The hands above are better than the hands below.

1. [Quality posts with perfect Merit results.]

2. [Quality posts with perfect Merit results.]

3. [Quality posts with perfect Merit results.]

4. [Quality posts with perfect Merit results.]

5. [Quality posts with perfect Merit results.]
6920  Other / Meta / Re: A different approach to solving the sig spamming problem. on: January 03, 2019, 07:45:42 AM
Credits could be removed for bad posting, and added automatically for responsible posts.
Signature, is the stage of making an agreement between members of Bitcointalk with Altcoin or Bounty, It can be said for negotiations that are (myltilateral) singnature or agreement text has been considered valid since the form of the forum, if ⅔ posting of participants registered givesvote either in local or international furum, singnature are performed by members of various methods to promote and aim well.

What does it mean when singnature is removed, all Bitcointalk members will disappear as if they were swallowed by the Earth, so if singnature, social media like Facebook, Twitter, telegram is removed for what forum ?, well if this happens it can be even more devastated.
forum, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, blockchain becomes history like. Viramid or the kingdom of Fir'un and Ka'run whose treasure is a myth.

I have a singnature adventure that is not heavy and does not disturb other parties.
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