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7761  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 21, 2015, 11:05:46 AM
rpietila, I am referring to a mathematical definition of entropy where order is low entropy and disorder (chaos) is high entropy. What you are referring to is probably resiliency, fitness, and Taleb's Antifragility concept, which is maximized with higher entropy (contrary to CoinCube's assertions that chaotic systems don't converge, which is precisely why they are resilient, because the world is not convergent on a few top-down possibilities but rather a smorgasbord of divergent paths).

P.S. Something poignant from Armstrong:
7762  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 20, 2015, 05:36:40 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Pen is mightier than the sword; coming War Cycle will be mostly propaganda
Date:    Tue, April 21, 2015 5:57 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <>

Recall my quotes of Howard Katz upthread wherein he stated, "THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD".

I was discussing the likelihood of a Russian EMP attack on the USA here and here, and basically it doesn't seem likely because the global elite want to maintain control.

The elite needed WW2 to prod the USA into war so they could take over the country with a corrupted central bank and income tax fueled by the need to borrow massively during that period. At this time, there are no such strong countries that resist the NWO, thus there is no need for total chaos. Instead the elite want a controlled burn. What we are seeing now is scripted show between globalists' elite controlled countries and leaders (e.g. the Russia vs. NATO scripted conflict propaganda), to scare and lead the masses into the NWO. Nevertheless globalist the-powers-that-be want to raise the fear factor as much as possible to keep the Marxist (reliance on government) sheep locked into the headlights all the way through. Thus limited EMP attack is not implausible, if they are sure they can prevent this from spinning out-of-control to full scale nuclear war. Rather it is much more likely this will be a "virtual war" where the war is mostly about propaganda on mass and social media (a viral disease of collectivist political correctness mass delusion) to program the minds of the masses to accept the NWO savior. Do you understand now why the CIA and bankster's such as Goldman and JP Morgan financed Facebook and control every major mass media operation? Thus if you are addicted to Alex Jones (Infowars, etc), ZeroHedge, or any other hyperventilated, sensationalists media outlet, then you are already hooked into this "virtual war" mind programming. You probably stack gold too which is another confirmation.

In short, Armstrong's coming War Cycle will be an informational war, because we have moved into the information age. Also because people are mostly zombies now (rational, critical, independent thinkers are rare).

There will be a POTUS "election" in November 2016 but it will be a farce and this will propel the rebellion after 2016 which leads to the breakup of the USA over the coming decades, especially as the economy turns down hard starting later in 2017. For the elite's NWO plans, all that matters is to control the mass media propaganda that will portray patriotic civil disobedience as anarchy, warlordism, terrorism, extremism, and lack of order (i.e. chaos).

As I wrote previously, it won't be until after 2017 that the USA turns down hard economically (although the actuarial decline is underway and accelerating, it is masked by the international capital inflows and the $trillion cash deficits to keep the masses oblivious).

As I wrote previously, the USA peaked and began it's decline on April 2013 with Edward Snowden's expose.

As I wrote previously, a global pandemic circa 2018-2019 could be caused by or exacerbate the coming wars.

I have written many times about China's ruling party being fully on board for the plan of the global elite to turn the world into a global technocracy, most recently here from page 8 of iamback's posts. Technocracy means a world controlled from the top-down, including for example Smart Meters in the home so that even they can monitor and shut off your appliances from the central command station.

P.S. Anyone on the lookout for something I might be working on should note the post I made in the Skycoin thread.
7763  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 20, 2015, 12:09:00 AM
Well I disagree with your opinion of ZH. Martin is now submitting articles to ZH.

ZH has some useful posts, buried in a smorgasbord of hyperventilated noise.
7764  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 19, 2015, 07:49:07 PM
CoinCube, I had already addressed your latest post, well before you wrote it as follows.

Yes central banking was needed to maintain confidence because the large concentration of monetary capital required for production in the Industrial Age, but in the fledgling Knowledge Age knowledge capital can not so centralized and thus we no longer will need a central bank to prevent runs on confidence.

The problem is not leverage. Rather root of the problem has been that capital enslaved labor until (just recently) knowledge became the predominant component of production startup costs.

Think it out[1] and you will see the generative essence of the issues you are raising are all due to the fact that capital enslaved labor and this actually supported (and required![2]) the large collectivization of society.

The Knowledge Age paradigm shift I have elucidated upthread is profound.

[1] Map out all the relationships and trace the generative essence though the "directed graph". My brain did this instantly.

[2] This is a deep point I haven't emphasized enough.

Leverage or not, leverage is just loans, trading should smooth the curve as long as good traders win, and bad traders lose their money and are no longer traders. Problem with QE/ZIRP is that bad traders' purses are constantly refilled with new money.

Bingo. The problem with the public is that they have been easily led to demonise banks (which are only reacting) to the incentive created by giving  governments too much power to fuck (taxpayer backstop) with the market in the first place. It's like a feedback loop that not only increases moral hazard but it is also enabling greater and greater degrees of clueless fuckups and power grabs by government.

I have two soulmates on this forum.  Kiss  Cool

...This time will be worse. Much worse. There is no liquidity in markets. It smoke and mirrors. Operation Jade Helm about to go in to effect nation wide. Walmarts converted into detention centers.

This is it.

There will never be another US Election. The US Constitution will be suspended making Obama a Dictator.

Weird shit with the Walmart story. Not quite sure what to make of all this, but I lean towards bizarre outcomes for the USA no later than 2018.

This Technical Signaled The Last Two Market Crashes And It Just Happened

Stop with the ZeroHedge noise. The USA stock market is going to double or triple by 2017.

ZeroHedge's paradigm is a lot hyperventilated adrenalin to get you hooked on their site. But most of it is short-term myopia.

I became much more sane and made wiser trading decisions when I stopped reading ZH and started reading Armstrong.
7765  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 19, 2015, 10:58:29 AM
His argument is that as long as leverage and investment options (financial entropy) scale linear to wealth, equilibriums are stable.

More erroneous top-down modeling that doesn't model that systems anneal with autonomous action (i.e. degrees-of-freedom). Nature anneals itself. Leverage can become far overextended with Coasian barriers such as collectivized control.


So I finally got around to reading the linked articles by Denninger. An interesting read. The assumption that leverage allows optimal price discovery, hedging, and marketplace harmonization holds true only in non corrupt and transparent marketplaces. It is a legitimate question if leverage in our current system does anything other then allow for rentier profits.

And a corrupt system can do whatever the fuck it wants to do, so why even blame leverage?

Because you centralized governance orgy lovers don't wish to blame and address the fundamental problem. Instead you want to fuck with society in ways that cause megadeath (see below).

The rampantly poor logic skills are disgusting.
As fiat based monetary systems are inherently fraudulent it is understandable to react as Denninger does and attempt to limit leverage which acts as a multiplier of the underlying fraud.

And I will leave as an exercise in macro economics math for you as to how banning usury leads to societal collapse, Dark Age, megadeath, and warlordism (feudalism). Hint: friction can never be 0, and friction causes acceleration and deceleration (i.e. gravity).

Rather then try to battle against leverage which is admittedly a mixed bag it would probably be more efficient to work towards abolishing fiat.

Do you even know what you mean by fiat? Do you mean fractional reserve banking or do you mean legal tender laws?

You can't ban fractional reserve banking, as it is a natural feature of society. It will spontaneously create itself, as it did in the 1800s in the USA with private banks doing it. The Catholic church banned usury in the Middle Ages and that enslaved the people in a Dark Age.

If we can accomplish that the problem of leverage may solve itself.

TPTB where we often seem to diverge is in the area of coercion. In my opinion some of the very best of your writings was in your discussion on freedom of action.

Quote from: Anonymint

Indeed with infinite degrees-of-freedom, no leverage would be needed, but this means there is no friction thus speed-of-light is infinte, thus we would cease to exist because the past and present would collapse into an infinitesimal point.

So sorry you wouldn't want what you wish for, because the universe would be gone.

Control freaks can't seem to grasp that nature is the way it is because our existence requires imperfection (a.k.a. friction). These fuckers want to regulate a perfect world (they are so offended that nature is harsh and chaotic), and thus they fuck everything up into a perfect hell. You all don't seem to grasp basic math.

Aminiorex is correct that "levered" debt-based money supplies are a very bad idea.

He clarified that his point of contention is around the creation of the money. I assume he means centralized control is the evil. In that case, I agree 100%.

But fractional reserves will always exist and you had better not try to ban them else you will be back in the feudal age. I leave it as an exercise for you to teach yourself why. I am tired of writing.

Debt-based systems inherently and progressively restrict the freedom of action of economic participants. Leverage simply accelerates the process. Debt-based systems are used to enslave the vulnerable majority. All forms of coercion, including those that arise naturally from chaotic systems, reduce degrees-of-freedom and overall fitness.  

Ignorant bullshit and incorrect!
7766  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 17, 2015, 05:11:14 PM
7767  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 16, 2015, 04:21:00 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Marxism has always been the root problem,  but central banking isn't needed in the Knowledge Age
Date:    Thu, April 16, 2015 11:14 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <>

Armstrong has written an incredible history of the Fed (must read!):

Bottom line is the masses and their Marxist delusion has always been the root problem as I wrote recently[1].

Yes central banking was needed to maintain confidence because the large concentration of monetary capital required for production in the Industrial Age, but in the fledgling Knowledge Age knowledge capital can not so centralized and thus we no longer will need a central bank to prevent runs on confidence.

The Knowledge Age paradigm shift I have elucidated upthread is profound.

Please don't ever think I've lost my love and appreciation for the relationship we built over the past year or so.

I still don't think you've gotten the point that anarchy contains top-down organization too and we humans are not superior to nature. But this is to be expected, because it is a philosophical difference but it is also the reason that I don't like white people as much any more as I did in my youth. I view them as dysfunctional, harmful meddling and "trying to fix everything that isn't broken" and not fixing their own shit especially this ubiquitous collectivist "control nature, nature is barbaric and repulsive" philosophy which is the root cause of the rising totalitarianism.

Sorry I am blaming that attitude as the root cause. Until Westerners can look at themselves and their internal attitude as the cause, then your society must crash and burn.

7768  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 15, 2015, 03:32:50 PM
7769  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 15, 2015, 09:05:55 AM
Please don't ever think I've lost my love and appreciation for the relationship we built over the past year or so.

I still don't think you've gotten the point that anarchy contains top-down organization too and we humans are not superior to nature. But this is to be expected, because it is a philosophical difference but it is also the reason that I don't like white people as much any more as I did in my youth. I view them as dysfunctional, harmful meddling and "trying to fix everything that isn't broken" and not fixing their own shit especially this ubiquitous collectivist "control nature, nature is barbaric and repulsive" philosophy which is the root cause of the rising totalitarianism.

Sorry I am blaming that attitude as the root cause. Until Westerners can look at themselves and their internal attitude as the cause, then your society must crash and burn.

And I am so proud of Marty (see linked blog posts below). I don't know if he did this because of my emails, but I will say I advised him that he can be very productive if he focuses on those who can use his information and not "cast his pearls at swine" as Jesus warned in Matthew.

P.S. my improving health is such an incredible change to my life! I am loving this life again. I can compete again finally! And oh boy do I want to compete!!! Nonstop work lately. Slept 6 hours then right back at it. I want to go crazy on athletics too. Just exploding with grrrr tiger male energy! Love it.
7770  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 14, 2015, 11:55:16 AM
First time I've seen Armstrong use the term "knowledge age".

First they ignore you, next they fight you, and finally they join you.

Quote from: Armstrong
In all honesty, formal education is destroying the so-called knowledge age.

Does the following quote resemble something I've been writing lately.

7771  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 14, 2015, 05:52:59 AM
Please don't ever think I've lost my love and appreciation for the relationship we built over the past year or so.

I still don't think you've gotten the point that anarchy contains top-down organization too and we humans are not superior to nature. But this is to be expected, because it is a philosophical difference but it is also the reason that I don't like white people as much any more as I did in my youth. I view them as dysfunctional, harmful meddling and "trying to fix everything that isn't broken" and not fixing their own shit especially this ubiquitous collectivist "control nature, nature is barbaric and repulsive" philosophy which is the root cause of the rising totalitarianism.

I don't think quitting is in the vocabulary of AnonyMint.  Cheesy


What is starting to kick in now is that I am really coming cured from the Multiple Sclerosis and my tiger feeling is coming back. I worked 16 hours and didn't even feel tired. I have 9 years of "catching up what I lost" itch to burn.

My new site was launched on Sunday and the acceleration of user signups is underway today.

Soon can move back to crypto-currency work. Cheers.
7772  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 13, 2015, 11:59:54 AM
You too good luck.
7773  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 13, 2015, 11:49:25 AM
CoinCube, my response is that the free market will decide. And what ever it decides is what is.

Men control their top-down portion of the economy. But no man and no oligarchy controls the free market. Even massively collectivized Coasian barriers fall eventually.

If voluntary anonymity is repulsive or you believe (or hope) unsustainable because you don't like that people can voluntarily hide their reputations, then that is your personal pet peeve shared by many other jealous collectivists who irrationally fear everything that they can't control and thus hate human freedom. The free market will decide if anonymity is a better and sustainable paradigm or just a short-term fix to a peaking totalitarianism.

By the way, please don't forget to build a dossier reputation on every potential natural threat in the universe, e.g. include wild animals, unknown tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.. Or just do what many modern people do these days, which is try to keep nature as far away as they can and live in antiseptic bubbles with anti-bacterial soap and very stringent laws and political correctness peer pressure.
7774  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 13, 2015, 11:40:43 AM

Quote from: myself
1. In any decentralized, voluntary participation free market, the control of resources (e.g. savings, knowledge, etc) are always power-law distributed. The leaders will drive the rise of the post-industrial (a.k.a. Knowledge Age) economy and their fixed capital costs are insignificant component of their cost of production.

2. The relevance of the masses is they are fodder for the vested interests who control the political collective and they are vested into the Industrial Age where the control over finance, stored monetary capital, and fixed capital traits give them their power. Thus all the NSA totalitarianism, War on Terror, etc.. Our political masters are marching towards a one-world reserve currency. But the Knowledge Age is fledgling away from their power. They think these fodder are their asset to maintain control, but the Knowledge Age will simply hand them all the liability for those fodder and none of the control, e.g. taxing virtual anonymous commerce will be impossible.

I could go into more detail on your other points, but suffice it to say we are headed into a tempest and a radical paradigm shift for humanity (as was the analogous case for the rise of the Industrial Age, which as you may know required the Black Death in Europe to raise the value of labor).
7775  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 13, 2015, 11:18:59 AM

Quote from: myself
Suvy, we don't disagree on debt being useful. I refined my understanding on debt after contemplating the degrees-of-freedom and fitness point. And that is why I also think leverage is good. I think the problem with leverage is the lack of self-annealing in the free market due to top-down control over reserve ratios which via regulatory capture leads always to lack of transparency. The free market can't anneal political collectivism. Well it does route around that Coasian barrier by collapsing the entire economy instead later once the default contagion forces to do so have accumulated. I think we are that juncture again in world history. Current ETA is collapse to accelerate over the period 2016 - 2019. Europe first, then USA in late 2017 after the strong dollar from the safe haven capital flows chokes off the USA economy. Asia will bottom first because Asia doesn't have the burden of demographics, massive unfunded liabilities for boomers, and bankrupted pensions due to ZIRP.
7776  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 13, 2015, 10:49:32 AM
CoinCube, anarchy will never be composed of infinite equiprobable (i.e. resourceful) actors with no hierarchical structure, thus the downside systemic risk is mild (i.e. the free market will be able to organize and converge on solutions and is the most resilient system nature gave us). There will always be leaders (such as myself) who apply more resources and thus more control into the free market with our resources, e.g. more knowledge capital. In other words, the voluntary participation free market provides for the self-annealed balance between decentralization and hierarchical leadership. The free market and Adam Smith's Invisible Hand is nature's optimum system for us.

Whereas, involuntary participation top-down collectivism has a systemic end game risk of being controlled top-down in totalitarianism, i.e. entropy near to 0.

This asymmetry of systemic risk is undeniable.

Please don't waste my time with more of your illogical myopia and inapplicable strawmen (i.e. yes the research paper is applicable and the optimum entropy is self-annealed by the free market, not by totalitarianism). You can't grasp simple mathematical asymmetry that has been spelled out so clearly for you.

I am familiar with The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude, or the Anti-Dictator  by Étienne or Estienne de La Boétie (November 1, 1530 – August 18, 1563). We have the same birthday. He is one of the people I have been compared to since he looked deeply into human nature and government as well with the strange surrender of freedom.

The date of preparation of the Discourse on Voluntary Servitude is uncertain but he too was young and delivered his observations between the age of 18 and 22.

The essay argues that any tyrant remains in power because his subjects grant him that power. The freedom of men is voluntarily relinquished by society for they become corrupted by the habit and prefer the servitude of the courtier to the freedom of the free man. This relation between domain and obedience it actually important to understand for this is the reason we have cycles in our political-economy.  This is the great mystery of politics – why do people surrender their freedom preferring the obedience to rulers? What possesses humankind to even agree to standby and allow their rights, privileges, and immunizes plundered and otherwise oppressed by government overlords? What Boetie explains in “The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude,” is fa fascinating observation. It is not fear that creates the domination of society, such tyranny requires our consent which can be non-violently withdrawn.
7777  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 12, 2015, 09:38:28 PM
CoinCube, I can't fathom how the mathematical point flew right over your head.  Huh I give up. The balance is precisely high entropy. Collectivism doesn't have it.

aminorex, you lack logic skills despite your apparently impressive math and other skills. I have noticed this on numerous occasions, but this can be because your mental focus is in other areas at the moment. That debt-based money enslaves holders says nothing about causality. That you think a single virtual currency could be destroyed says nothing about the entropy of the market place and the number of altcoins ready to jump into its place. You completely sidestepped the actual generative essence by presenting strawmen that contained no applicable logic. I stopped reading there. Nevermind. Thanks for the upthread help.

My exceptional logic skills are what makes me a very highly capable programmer. Programming is much more about a state machine of logical possibilities, than other types of intellectual disciplines.

There are more productive activities I could be doing than this.
7778  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 12, 2015, 02:25:58 PM
Large scale collectivism is insane because low entropy systems have systemic collapse risk in the vicinity of 0.

Whereas the free market has a much higher entropy and thus systemic collapse risk is very low (thanks aminorex for reminding me of that). Taleb has been explaining this in his reknowned books, e.g. Antifragility. Are you collectivists asleep and blind? Read.

Large scale collectivism has another horrific moral and ethical flaw that the free market doesn't have, with horrific systemic risk implications. Specifically it enables individuals to transfer their responsibility to the State and obfuscate their individual irresponsibility.

Sorry CoinCube, for as long as you do not rescind your "anonymity is repulsive" and do not admit the abominable, asymmetric difference in systemic risk between large government and free markets, then we can't possibly function together in society. You obfuscate (to yourself!) that you want to kill me, so how can I live peacefully with you then.

Come on, you have a university degree in math. Don't let it fail you now. Be erudite and objective please.

Explanation of Entropy

Entropy = Sum(pi × log(pi)), where pi = probability of event i

That equation says a more uniformly distributed occurrence of events has a higher entropy; whereas, concentration of high probabilities for certain events has a lower entropy. At the extreme low a single possible event has a probability of 1 and thus an entropy of 0.

So a system where everything is controlled by a single top-down authority has only one possible set of outcomes (those favored by that single-minded authority) and thus it has an entropy of 0.

We can view entropy as the information content of the system. Thus systems with many autonomous actors with no one actor having a great majority of the possible outcomes in the system, have a much higher information content, i.e. they are smarter, more resilient, and more Antifragile.

7779  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 12, 2015, 02:14:44 PM
In line with your asteroid example above unrestrained anarchy can lead to megadeath in other ways. As we proceed into the knowledge age the resources required to develop and deploy nuclear, chemical, and biological attacks will continue to decline. At some point it may be possible for a single individual to possess the destructive potential our nation states have today. Human nature requires us to develop and enforce significant controls around such technology. Terrorism is a currently a bogeyman used to further state control. That may not always be the case.

The only way the State could stop individuals from acquiring and using such technology would be to track everything everyone does. Choke points of yore only (e.g. export restrictions on certain technology) worked before the internet. The cat is already out of the box and the only way to put it back in, is to track everything everyone does. That Orwellian State would mean certain extinction of the human race because centralization of power corrupts absolutely and there will be no way to break out of it until hits 0 (i.e. cancer entirely killed the host).

The logic you expressed appears to me to be certifiably insane because...

All you have provided are the choice between two scenarios which are both human extinction paths.

My gosh. Sociopath much? Why not contemplate a more rosy possibility?

Of course anarchy (a.k.a. the free market) would never end up with the outcome you illogically fear. Because (unlike a perfectly centralized system which has 0 entropy), the entropy of the free market is higher (not 0) and thus it has a higher implied equilibrium state (above 0).

Can't you PERCEIVE (i.e. envision) that the free market will always react by providing self-defense technology? For example, technology to leave planet Earth if necessary, technology to live underground, and remote sensing (this exists already) technology sniff out certain chemical compositions in a certain proximity. Etc, etc, etc.

This perfectly exemplifies why those who lack PERCEPTION and are too much JUDGING, will prefer insane (absurd) low entropy choices.
7780  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Devastation on: April 12, 2015, 01:27:39 PM

TPTB we appear to be converging towards consensus once more. We usually always do eventually which is somewhat interesting given that our often dramatically different starting positions.
From the logic above you can see why I reach the conclusions I do mainly.  

Ideally, the decline of the state should be in a progressive, inexorable and gradual allowing time for the development of DACs to promote progressive freedom and lay the groundwork for further shrinkage of the state.


I oppose the creation of a vacuum unless there is absolutely no other choice.  
Show me the existing not hypothetical decentralized alternative that has any realistic chance of efficiently replacing a centralized solution and I will support it enthusiastically.

You can count on me to have significant reservations about any solution that relies on destroying existing state functions in the hopes that things will just turn out ok.

We appear to be in significant agreement on the above.

My next post will get into the meat of where we still have incongruence or misunderstanding.
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