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81  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Berani mengambil resiko apakah salah satu tindakan menuju sukses on: December 31, 2023, 01:16:53 PM
Pertanyaannya apakah sepadan mengambil resiko dengan pengetahuan yang di miliki karena jangan sampai resiko di ambil tetapi pengetahuan tentang investasi tidak di pelajari dengan benar.
Bitcoin merupakan aset yang cukup volatilitas dan jika seseorang tidak mengerti caranya melakukan investasi yang benar maka di khawatirkan akan mengalami kerugian.
Semua bentuk yang melibatkan uang memiliki dampak resiko akan tetapi ketika seseorang bisa meminimalisir akan jauh kebih baik. Keberanian untuk mengambil resiko harus sejalan dengan pengetahuan tentang bitcoin dan jika itu bisa dilakukan dengan benar maka mengambil resiko tidak menjadi sebuah masalah bagi saya.
Tentu hal yang sangat penting memiliki pengetahuan yang memang telah kita pahami dengan baik ketika memutuskan untuk berinvestasi, karena tanpa adanya pengetahuan yang baik tentu kita tidak akan dapat merasakan keuntungan dalam investasi.
Yang anda katakan sangat benar, segala bentuk yang melibatkan uang tentu memiliki dampak resiko dan jika kita tidak memiliki pemahaman yang bagus tentang investasi tentu kita tidak dapat meminimalisir kerugian yang akan kita dapatkan dalam investasi tersebut.
82  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Kesadaran pemuda dalam mengembangkan usaha on: December 21, 2023, 05:27:08 AM
Sempitnya lapangan kerja membuat pemuda sadar bahwa lewat pengembagan usaha bisa menompang kembali kehidupan, walau tidak kaya raya dalam berwirausaha kita tidak lapar, minimal uang untuk jajan sudah ada, sebab sekecil kecil usaha kita bos dipangil oleh orang lain, itulah kelebihan lain dalam mengembangkan usaha
Untuk saat ini memang sangat sulit untuk bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan, jadi akan lebih baik kita mengembangkan potensi yang ada pada diri kita dan memulai untuk membangun sebuah usah sesuai dengan kemampuan yang kita miliki dan juga kita harus terus berkembang untuk membuat usaha yang kita bangun tersebut menjadi lebih baik.
Ketika seseorang memutuskan untuk memulai sebuah usaha tentu telah menyiapkan dirinya akan tantangan yang akan dihadapinya ketika usaha mereka sedang berjalan dan juga mereka akan menghadapinya untuk menjadikan mereka lebih baik dalam usaha yang dijalankannya, memang benar dengan membangun usaha walaupun kita tidak kaya namun dari usaha yang kita jalankan tersebut setidaknya kita dapat memenuhi akan kebutuhan yang kita perlukan, jika kita dapat menjalankan usaha kita dengan baik tentu kita akan mencapai kesuksesan dalam usaha yang kita bangun tersebut.
83  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: [DISKUSI] Semoga saja tragedi pemilu 2019 tidak terulang on: December 21, 2023, 05:12:07 AM
Apakah itu sebuah kebetulan atau memang karena para anggota TPS tersebut memang semuanya memiliki riwayat penyakit yang berat. Sebab jika benar,kenapa para anggota TPS tersebut lolos ketika di tes medis/kesehatan.Berarti jika lolos pastinya para anggota TPS tersebut benar-benar sehat dan minimalnya tidak memiliki penyakit yang berat. Karena setahu saya,sebelum di lantik menjadi anggota TPS,selalu ada rangkaian tes kesehatan. Dan biasanya orang-orang yang memiliki riwayat penyakit berat,tidak diperbolehkan untuk menjadi anggota TPS. Jadi pertanyaan yang ingin saya ajukan,apakah mereka benar-benar menjalankan tes kesehatan atau tidak?,atau mereka di loloskan saja,karena memang tidak ada kandidat untuk mengisi anggota di TPS?.

Kalau berbicara tentang tes kesehatan tersebut saya bisa mengatakan saat ini surat kesehatan bisa dibeli dengan mudah di Puskesmas. Ini adalah fakta pahit yang tidak dapat terelakkan. Saya berani bersuara seperti ini adalah karena saya pernah melihat praktik tersebut di depan mata dan juga dari cerita rekan-rekan saya. Jadi siapapun yang punya penyakit berat seperti Diabetes, kolesterol, hipertensi, riwayat jantung atau ginjal juga bisa lolos dan menjadi anggota kpps. Karena untuk menjadi anggota kpps tidak perlu hafal materi-materi tentang pemilu. Cukup anda punya Paman atau Sahabat anda disana maka anda dipastikan akan lolos bahkan jika anda hanya plonga-plongo saja saat wawancara.
Dikarenakan sebagian oknum petugas puskesmas yang mempersulit untuk mendapatkn surat tersebut maka ada sebagian orang yang memutuskan untuk membayar berapapun asalkan bisa mendapatkan surat kesehatan tersebut dalam hal ini kita tidak dapat menyalahkan siapapun karena sistem yang ada pada semua tempat sekarang berbuat demikian jika mereka melihat kita hanya datang sendiri maka akan mereka persulit sampai mereka bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut untuk bisa mendapatkan uang dari mereka yang memerlukan surat tersebut.
Menurut saya tentu ada kandidat untuk mengisi anggota pada TPS namun sebagian orang malas untuk mengurus berkas persyaratan tersebut sehingga mereka menempatkan siapa saja yang dekat dengan mereka untuk menjadi anggota TPS.
84  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Apakah metode DCA bagus untuk investasi? on: December 21, 2023, 04:42:13 AM
investasi metode DCA sebenarnya konsepnya sangat mudah. hanya menabung crypto pilihan dengan jumlah tertentu dan konsisten tidak peduli dengan kondisi market yang sangat fluktuatif. mau market itu naik atau turun tetap saja lakukan deposit crypto dengan konsisten. dan yang namanya menabung pasti sudah merupakan uang yang tidak akan pernah dipakai untuk jangka panjang. kuncinya investasi DCA hanya konsisten menabung sesuai anggaran yang telah di perhitungkan sebelumnya.

akan lebih bagus lagi jika anda memahami waktu yang tepat untuk membeli. kalau orang awam sih beli saat market merah di rentang waktu investasi rutin tersebut. karena konsisten disini bukan waktu tepatnya.
misalkan akan invest model DCA bitcoin tiap tanggal 1 karena gajian, jadi tidak selalu tanggal 1 selalu invest, bisa tanggal 2,3 atau saat market sedang mengalami penurunan di bulan tersebut.
Ya menggunaan metode DCA dalam melakukan investasi memang dapat dengan mudah dilakukan walupun mereka baru mengenal kripto dan juga mereka akan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari investasi yang dilakukannya, ketika kita menggunakan metode DCA dalam melakukan investasi tentu kita harus memiliki penghasilan tetap untuk dapat menggunakan metode tersebut, karena akan sangat sulit jika kita tidak memiliki penghasilan tetap dalam menggunakan metode tersebut.

Menunggu penurunan harga untuk membelinya tentu bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dapat dilakuakan, karena kita tidak dapat mengetahui kapan harga tersebut turun dan akan lebih baik kita membelinya sesuai dengan apa yang kita mampu dan jangan pernah memaksakan diri untuk melakukan investasi jika kita belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan diri kita sendiri.
85  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Who should own a demo account? on: December 21, 2023, 04:11:37 AM
Demo accounts are useful for new traders mostly and users who are engaged in real trading also if they have good trading strategies how could they have time to engage themselves in the demo account? Because when someone enters real trading he has to know about the methods and more upcoming strategies and the way he has to face problems, these all things should be kept in mind. But every trader should have own choice.

Then he only has time to invest that in real trading. Although still those users who are much experienced in the trading may be have some demo account through which they teach some users to trade in different ways.
I agree with what you said, that most of those who are new to trading of course they have to try first on a demo account so that they can understand more about the trading they are going to do because if they don't understand trading well and immediately try to trade with money Of course they will experience failure in their trading.

Those who have a good understanding of trading certainly have a different way from others in teaching new users how to trade and they will also find it very easy to explain to new users about trading with the experience they have.
86  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: TRADER bukanlah PENGANGGURAN on: September 23, 2023, 02:02:30 PM
Sepertinya begitu, karena sampai saat ini, beberapa konten digital sudah mulai dilirik oleh pemerintah dan perusahaan besar. Bisa jadi pekerjaan yang diidamkan masyarakat kayak PNS, akan lambat laun ditinggalkan karena minimnya gaji dan sulitnya masuk ke circle tersebut. Namun kayaknya tidak 10 atau 20 tahun lagi, karena beberapa anak sekolah yang ane temui masih banyak yang bercita-cita jadi PNS ikut orang tuanya. Jarang ada yang bercita-cita menjadi konten creator atau youtuber yang sukses.
Gaji atau penghasilan yang didapatkan dari konten digital jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan idaman semua orang sebagai PNS atau bekerja di pemerintahan, apalagi akhir - akhir ini banyak sekali konten di TikTok yang memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat kita bahwa pekerjaan sebagai konten kreator sangat menjanjikan dan tidak harus bekerja secara offline untuk mendapatkan uang.
Saya rasa cita - cita untuk menjadi PNS bagi generasi milenial ke depannya bakal berkurang mengingat hasil yang didapatkan dari online baik menjadi konten kreator atau frelance jauh lebih menguntungkan apalagi tanpa ada keterikatan waktu.
Saya rasa mereka yang memiliki keinginan untuk bekerja sebagai PNS tidak melihat seberapa besar gaji yang mereka karena jika dilihat dari gaji yang mereka dapatkan hanya mampu memenuhi untuk kebutuhan mereka saja tidak akan cukup untuk hal lainnya, namun mereka menginginkan pekerjaan yang akan mendapatkan jaminan sampai hari tua mereka, saya banyak melihat kawan kawan saya yang bekerja sebagai PNS tetapi mereka tetap mencari penghasilan tambahan agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mereka karena jika hanya mengandalkan gaji tentu sangat sedikit tergantung golongan.
Bekerja secara online memang bisa mendapatkan penghasilan yang cukup baik jika kita melakukannya dengan baik dan kita juga bisa bekerja dimanapun dan kapanpun dan ini akan sangat menguntungkan karena kita bisa mengatur sendiri waktu yang akan kita gunakan untuk bekerja dan hal ini sangat berbeda dengan PNS yang waktu kerjanya telah ditentukan waktunya.
87  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Bagaimana sih melawan rasa malas on: September 22, 2023, 11:31:53 AM
Tidak bisa di pungkiri saya juga adalah seorang pemalas namun saya selalu memerangi rasa malas yang ada dalam diri, dengan cara berpikir untuk masa depan soalnya kalau kita bermalas malasan kita berpotensi tidak akan mendapatkan masa depan yang cerah, khususnya dalam bidang ekonomi dan Materi (harta) karena yang saya lihat orang yang sudah Kaya Juga masih mencari harta dan tidak bermalas malasan.

Saya rasa begitu saran dari saya gan dan yang penting adalah niat untuk tidak bermalas malasan dan ingat masa depan.
Memikirkan tentang masa depan kita adalah salah satu cara yang baik agar kita tidak bermalas malasan karena jika kita tidak memikirkan untuk diri kita sendiri tidak akan ada orang lain yang memikirkan kita, setiap orang tentu pernah merasakan hal seperti ini namun kita harus melawan nya agar kita tidak merasakan akibat yang buruk dari rasa malas yang ada pada diri kita. Anda benar orang yang sudah memiliki kekayaan yang cukup pun masih bekerja untuk mengumpulkan kekayaan mereka, bagaimana dengan kita yang tidak memiliki kekayaan yang cukup jika kita bermalas malas tentu ini akan sangat merugikan diri kita dan tidak ada yang memikirkannya jika kita tidak melawan rasa malas yang ada pada diri kita.
88  Economy / Speculation / Re: The time has finally come...??? on: September 20, 2023, 08:10:31 AM
I don't think anyone knows the future price predictions of BTC, but I am also a BTC investor who definitely has predictions and always speculates that BTC has the potential to reach $80k or $100k. but in my opinion the rise and fall of BTC depends on the state of the world economy. If the world economy progresses, I think BTC has the potential to go to $100k during a bull market .
Bitcoin doesn't have a feature plan that is known, any year ww have different Bitcoin price because of the market, theirs something that I know very well concerning bitcoin price and that is that the price of is one and it changes and some have not asked why bitcoin price changes every year, it can be up next year and reaching to another year the price goes down, the price of bitcoin is not predictable but people do say that the price of bitcoin you can predict it
Currently, no one can know when is the right time to buy it because most people can only make predictions but cannot be sure whether the prediction will actually come true or not. It would be better for us to collect it and we must have a strategy in collecting it in order to make a profit each person has a different way of collecting it, but they all certainly hope for the profits they get from investing.
89  Economy / Economics / Re: To afford personal education or a property? Where to allocate funds? on: September 20, 2023, 07:12:50 AM
Getting quality education is one step to achieve wealth in the future. But we know that it’s still far from reality to make it work. However, educating yourself about buying a property will eventually make your future bright and secured as long as you also know how to run your investment. For me, it’s more practical to invest first for your future, and just get quality education while you are in the middle of your investment.

I think both of these things will be equally good if we are able to carry them out well, but running a property business also requires expertise in this area so that we don't make mistakes in running it so that we experience things we don't want and if we don't really understand it, it will It's better if we need to study it or look for someone who can guide us in investing in this field.
90  Economy / Economics / Re: Business failure among small-scale entrepreneurs on: September 18, 2023, 06:50:48 AM
when business is still small anything needs to be efficient, one mistake and business will fail thats the thing with building business from scratch from the very bottom.
its unlike what majority of people said that building business only needs courage, its not just that, luck also have big role in having big business, like if you start a business thats very niche and few years later that niche becoming a big thing then your business will definitely grow really fast.
also, when the big companies starting to get into that field, you'd also need to face them in which they have advantage of having bigger capital for better marketing and promotions. that period would also be as difficult as the other.
There needs to be a lot of preparation that needs to be done before we start a business because if we don't prepare well then it would be better if we didn't have to start it because if we start by just listening to the words of other people who run a business well without understanding the risks of a business well. then of course the business we run will not run well. For those who understand business well and have sufficient capital, it will certainly be easier to build a business because without these two things it will be very difficult to build a business that will develop well.
91  Economy / Speculation / Re: How do you suggest I handle incorrect price predictions? on: September 17, 2023, 05:34:05 AM
I find it frustrating when my price prediction for the market fails. I know that it is difficult to predict the market movement due to its uncertainty and also that it is not possible to consistently predict the future accurately but it still hurts when I tell it to my friends and it doesn't turn out so. In January, I had predicted that by the third quarter of the year, bitcoin will hit $35k - $40k. I hide my head in shame because right now it is struggling at $25. Maybe I should stop quarterly prediction and stick with monthly predictions. Also how do you suggest I handle incorrect price predictions? Anybody been here. How do you handle it?
You are making one of the most basic mistakes a trader can make, which is to stick with your prediction to the point you feel bad when you fail to predict the market accurately, remember, what matters at the end is not how many predictions you got right or how close you were to predict the price perfectly, what matters is how much money you can make, and if you are making money out of this market then you should not care about a few mistaken predictions.
In trading we are faced with many choices of people who make predictions, but of the many people who make predictions, they don't even use the predictions they make because market conditions are rapidly changing, so it would be better to trade if we had the ability. yourself to trade and continue to learn from those who already have experience in this matter.
92  Economy / Speculation / Re: Good time to sell? on: September 17, 2023, 04:59:30 AM
No one knows what Bitcoin's next ATH will be, so if someone wants to sell, they have to guess and figure out a selling price. Because here everyone wants profit so if a certain amount of profit can satisfy someone then it is their own strategy. Bitcoin is a life changer, Bitcoin can change an investor's life as we have seen in past bull markets. So the most important thing here for me is that I haven't set any target yet, so I think about taking decisions based on market conditions.
You don’t need to make a guess before you sell, all you have to do is to set-up your target price and make sure that you are happy with the profit because you cannot chase the market always and you have to sell in order to satisfy yourself. Buying and selling is easy, and it will always depend on your choice and contentment, if you are happy with a 20% profit then so be it, don’t aim for a high one because it might not happen.
Guessing before selling may be an option for those who want to keep it or sell it, this can be profitable or vice versa. I really agree with what you said if we have set a profit target then we are better off selling it because with the market conditions moving very fast then if we don't sell it there is a possibility that we will miss the opportunity to take profit and make us have to wait for it if we don't want to make a little profit.
93  Economy / Economics / Re: I wonder if food prices in your country have also increased? on: September 16, 2023, 01:49:47 PM

The residents' economic sector has actually begun to recover and improve in the past few months. But because at this time there was another spike in prices again, it made the people around me start to complain again about the current economy.

But I was wondering if this only happened in my country or in your country too?

It's getting worse in our country average wage earner in our country cannot keep up anymore, just last night there was an announcement of electricity and oil price hikes but there's no increase in wages, you need a sideline or another member of your family is also working for them to survive.
It is really hard for a country if it's not an oil-producing country, our country depends on oil coming from the Middle East the blame is on our government for not creating energy sources like solar and renewable energy and not creating jobs for its people. 
If we only have one income then it will be very difficult to meet our personal needs at this time because the price of goods continues to increase, as you said we need to find some additional income to be able to meet our personal needs at this time. In my personal opinion, blaming the government in this case cannot have any impact on ourselves and our families, but if the government can improve the current situation for the better, of course this will really help people who have small incomes to meet their living needs.
94  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Trading or investment! What's your take? on: September 16, 2023, 03:54:38 AM
more people may be more active in doing both. but have you ever seen anyone think they are only lucky in one area? Everything can be learned, but sometimes people feel that they are more fortunate in a particular field when they have tried two or more times in doing something.
Likewise with investment or trading. people may be able to do both, but sometimes they always fail in investing and on the contrary always profit in trading. Or maybe on the contrary there are those who always fail in trading but profit in investing. So maybe that's the reason why there are people who don't do both.
There are many things that need to be understood before we start trading or investing. If we don't really understand both of them, it's a good idea for us to choose which area we are good at so that if we do, we don't experience big losses. If we understand these two things, it will certainly benefit us a lot do both of these things.
95  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Trading not for everyone! on: September 15, 2023, 05:47:34 PM
Crypto trading is risky work you will ever do In my view you have to take steps very carefully and wisely. If you are a newbie and want to invest and you have no experience we suggest that you follow the path by buying and then holding for the correct time. You have no care of market fluctuation either it's up or down you just leave your fund for some time. Another is to use DCA in which the risk of losing your assets is very low and you can add funds on a weekly or monthly basis and then wait for the bull market, When it comes then sell your assets it will give you more profits.
It is a risky job if you treat it as your main job. There are real life traders and they know that doing this as their main source is hard.
But with experience that they've gathered all over these years, the risk seems to be cute to them anymore because of that built up that they've gone through.
I agree that for newbies, it's best for them to stay as holder first before they commit into a real life day trader. They also have an option to remain investors and holders.
In every job, of course there is a different level of risk, as well as the results, if in our job there is a big risk, we will certainly get a big profit too, but if we don't understand what we are going to do in a high risk job, we will obviously get a loss very large. For beginners, there are many things that must be learned to be able to face work that has high risks continue learning and asking questions from those who are experts in this field so that we can gain profits in trading.
96  Economy / Economics / Re: World economy is now being powered by cryptocurrencies. on: September 15, 2023, 12:53:02 PM
The World economy was purely depend on the cryptocurrency now,the reason behind this was many people now earning using the cryptocurrency.Some people earning from the cryptocurrency trading,some people by using their social media account and earning some tokens.Some also earning from the forum campaign payment,by many ways people earning crypto currency.The same money was used by the people for using the services in their country.So they are paying the certain part of earning money for TDS and some for the service received from the society.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say "most people's economies depend on cryptocurrencies" rather than the world economy depending on cryptocurrencies. Because if we compare the world economy with the cryptocurrency market capitalization we are still far from considering that the world economy depends on the crypto market. Moreover, when compared to the current population, it could be said that the percentage of people working in the cryptocurrency sector is not very large - even though it helps the economy of many people, globally the number can be said to be still small.
At the moment, not everyone knows about crypto, but this is very helpful for those who want to earn extra income for themselves, but as time goes by, of course they will teach their generation about how to get and use crypto currency and this will certainly become more Many people know that cryptocurrencies can be accepted in various circles. Of course this requires a long process, but I think one day cryptocurrencies can be used anywhere for shopping.
97  Economy / Economics / Re: Building wealth it's not just one time Luck on: September 14, 2023, 07:26:16 AM
Exactly, I agree with your point, when investing with your previous profits and you don't have a specific plan am sure you will lose your fund, on anything you are doing, you need to have an idea before investing, anyone who is succeeding in investment now, has thoughts and expertise on the investment they are doing, because without knowledge, I don't think someone will succeed, I can say building a wealth is not an easy thing to do, you need to wake up and you will never give up before you can achieve your goals.

Nowadays, everything we do really requires knowledge as a starting point, especially if it is about investing in the crypto market, which basically has very sharp price fluctuations every hour. So it cannot be denied that every person must have basic knowledge that can provide a little guidance for him apart from guidance from other people's advice on this matter, because someone who is determined to invest without having sufficient knowledge will definitely experience losses more easily.

And he could even lose his capital if he doesn't have the slightest knowledge to start this, because someone who carries out investments without sufficient knowledge and experience will definitely not know how to manage his capital or investment well and can also panic more easily when he sees decrease in prices in the market.
It really takes special knowledge and expertise to be able to start an investment so that we can anticipate unexpected situations in investing. By having good knowledge in making investments, at least if something happens that we don't want, we can handle it well so that we can still persist in what we do and it is also very necessary for us to have someone who guides us in investing because if we have a problem in investing we can ask for a solution from him to overcome the problem we are facing.
Choosing to invest without having good knowledge and just relying on capital alone is a very bad thing because many things that we cannot predict can happen and we will definitely experience losses and we will lose what we have more easily than we collect it.
98  Economy / Economics / Re: Is market manipulation a common occurrence everywhere? on: September 13, 2023, 04:18:37 PM
By definition, I think that market manipulation always happens even the people that doesn't know about it are actively participating in market manipulation, what I mean is that people that are buying goods and services are the reason why the market moves so if there's an advertisement for a product or service then in a way it can be a way that the marketers manipulate the market. So in a way, market manipulation happens everywhere and it's a common occurrence.
Basically, marketing strategy is the key to boosting sales of a product. There are many marketing strategy systems that immediately stick to our memories, so we buy them and apparently this is also experienced by many people, thus moving the market simultaneously and causing big movements. This is something that usually happens in a business, and then it depends on whether the product is able to survive and gain the trust of future consumers
In developing a business, of course everyone has a different marketing strategy to market the results of their production, some succeed in attracting interest from their consumers and there are also those who fail in marketing their goods. If they have good production and are successful in marketing, of course they will make a profit for their business. If the goods they produce are goods that are sought after by consumers, of course they will be able to survive for a long time in the business they have built and this can be profitable for consumers and business actors.
99  Economy / Speculation / Re: Take your eyes off from the fall in price on: August 26, 2023, 02:47:51 PM
As a young bitcoiner that is having plans to invest in bitcoin or already investing. How do you feel about the current price of bitcoin?
* is it encouraging to you that this is an opportunity for you to buy more.
* does it makes you  lose  hope concerning your investment that it should have gone beyond bitcoin current price of $25,835.
Before now many speculators do say by this the price of bitcoin should be around $35,000 by now, and this is the kind of news investors wants to hear all the time but it is unfortunate that the price of bitcoin has drop to $25k which can be heart breaking to some investors expecially the new ones. 

Do not let the price of bitcoin right now make you give up on you investment plans, the drop in price is just a distraction to make you take a decision that can make you regret of the better days of the market coming.
You will feel bad when looking at Bitcoin recent falling price and if you want be happy for recent falling price of bitcoin don't think of bitcoin falling and rising again, because when you continue to think of bitcoin price it will make you sell off your bitcoin you invested, so if you don't want to get discouraged as new investor in bitcoin don't think of the market any longer, just concentrate on other investment because bitcoin most surely rise for tye second time, investment in bitcoin is something of endurance and when you endure or have patients in bitcoin you will make profit
Yes, you are right, seeing the price of Bitcoin lately, of course it is not an easy thing for those who are just starting to invest in Bitcoin, but by having a lot of information about Bitcoin, of course they will understand that investing in Bitcoin must have patience so that they can get good profits later. If they don't have good patience, of course they will sell it if they see the current price because they will be worried if the price will go down again and this will make them not get a profit if the price goes up again later.
100  Economy / Economics / Re: Save your environmental economic cycle on: August 25, 2023, 02:54:00 PM
Hi, friends.

We are currently in a chaotic phase of global economic uncertainty, everywhere in the world is almost similar to this situation in terms of economy, energy scarcity, food scarcity and many others. but that's not what will be discussed with friends here.

A few days ago I was walking around the housing complex, and I noticed that a lot of grocery stores and other needs (conventional/retailers) had gone bankrupt, maybe this happened because prices were soaring even worse, and people prefer to buy from online stores instead of buying from neighbours, which causes the economy to slow down is undeniably this is the impact of the global economic chaos and technological advances.

If you are a person who has money to shop for daily needs, I suggest you buy from merchants around you instead of shopping online whose stores are far from your place. This must be done to turn the wheels of the economy in your neighbourhood and save them from bankruptcy, at least you give them space to live.

The presence of an online shop has indeed made a lot of changes, in terms of convenience, of course online shopping is a fun thing because we can easily choose products that have the best reputation at the online store, of course not all products can be purchased online and what I'm doing right now is more buying daily needs at shops around the house even though I know it is more expensive but interaction with people around is very meaningful.
When shopping online, we really need to pay attention to the reputation of the store so that when we buy goods, we do not receive goods that are not according to our wishes. I choose to do online shopping only for items that I can't get around my environment and if I can still get the items I want around me, then I prefer to buy them around me because the goods we see directly will certainly satisfy us more in shopping . I totally agree with you that interacting with the people around us really needs to be done.
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