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8781  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Fidel Castro Dies at 90. Today is the day Cuba is .. on: November 26, 2016, 01:43:42 PM
Completely free!


First U.S citizens are allowed into the country and that might have caused him to have a heart attack.

One communist country has fallen and 4 more too go! Wink

I don't agree with you.
First, communist party is still in the power in Cuba.
His brother, Raul, is still leader in the country.
His legacy in Cuba is still very strong and people in Cuba are brainwashed to believe that America is their enemy and China and Russia friends.
I don't think that Cuba will be free so soon.

8782  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are the Russian so happy with the win Trump? on: November 26, 2016, 01:38:48 PM
Answer is very simple.
Trump already said that he likes Putin, that he is ''great'' leader, that USA and Russia should become ''friends'' etc.
Such words are surely ''music'' for Russians.
Also, it seems that American military troops will leave Korea, Japan, Europe and left this countries helpless and without defense.
He will also cancel trade agreements with EU and Korea, Australia...
If I will be Putin, I will celebrate day and night because of such outcome in American presidential election.

8783  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Difference between Bitcoin and real money? on: November 26, 2016, 01:33:17 PM
For me, this difference is very clear, without to much technical details.
I can receive salary from my regular, offline job, only in real money.
Bank will accept my payments for the loan only in real money.
Offline shops will also accept only real money.
Unfortunately, only a few merchants accept Bitcoin in my country so we have no choice but to exchange Bitcoin to the real money, if we need to buy something.
It seems that right now I don't have so many choices with Bitcoin.
I can keep my BTC funds in the wallet, spend for digital staff or exchange to real money.
So, to put in simple way, I manage my daily living with real money and keep my BTC funds as assets for the future.

8784  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is bitcoin being used for illegal activities on: November 26, 2016, 01:19:28 PM
Yes, of course.
For example, i heard news that police catch drug dealers in my country recently.
They ordered and bought drugs in dark web with Bitcoin.
Criminals always want to hide their activities and identities and because of it Bitcoin is perfect for them.
It's bad fact for us, because general public can become negative about Bitcoin, because of this.

8785  Other / Politics & Society / Re: We are not in a hurry, we have dreams... like exploring space on: November 24, 2016, 04:41:11 PM
It's good to have dreams.
Vision of President Kennedy, to go to the Moon, inspired all country and helped many areas in American industry to develop and make good profit.
Mars is achievable goal, probably around 2030 but it's still to expensive and complicate, with a lot unresolved issues.
The main issue is how humans will survive there.
8786  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can Bitcoin help poor countries? on: November 24, 2016, 04:31:44 PM
How to help poor countries?
It's really very complex matter and bitcoin surely can't be main solution.
I think that poor people first need help with food, water, shelter, education, electricity...basic needs.
Only when you fulfill their basic needs, you can educate them about Bitcoin and help them to start.
Main problem in poor countries is also luck of electricity and Internet and without this people can't use Bitcoin.

8787  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can Bitcoin be used for Good? on: November 24, 2016, 04:23:12 PM
What is your definition, what is good?
If you ask 10 people this question, you will probably receive 10 different answers Smiley
In my opinion, if we, through our actions, can help others, it's good.
So, for example, maybe send BTC donations to charity, homeless people, buy food and help poor people etc.
8788  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kretanje cijene on: November 24, 2016, 03:56:02 PM
Šta mislite, koliku cijenu će Bitcoin imati do kraja ove godine?

Kako je krenuo lijepo rasti do kraja godine $1000 je realno za ocekivati, a i da ovakva cijena ostane da ne pada i to je takodjer super.
Kod Bitcoina je jako teško dati neka realna predviđanja.
Prije svega, Bitcoin nije dio mainstreama i s njim se ne trguje na službenim burzama, ne može se kupiti u bankama...
Govorimo o altenativnom tržištu virtualnih valuta, gdje je jako teško bilo što predviđati, a ono što je bilo prije tjedan, dva, ili godinu, ne znači gotovo ništa danas.
Dugoročno, vjerujem da će bitcoin rasti ali kratkoročno su mogući mnogi skokovi, i prema gore i prema dolje.

8789  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Registrirani online posao/servis u RH on: November 24, 2016, 03:40:42 PM
Zasto ne registriras posao/servis izvan RH, online?

Dobar prjedlog.
S obzirom da će ti sav posao biti online, nema nikakvog razloga da prolaziš kroz ''pakao'' birokracije u Hrvatskoj.
Ono što kod nas traje tjednima, pa i mjesecima, npr. u V. Britaniji se riješi online u nekoliko sati.
Sve dokumente dobiješ isti dan na email i možeš početi posao Smiley
Ako trebaš kakav savjet, možeš mi se javiti na pp.
8790  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alert about Terror Attacks in Europe from USA. on: November 22, 2016, 03:18:00 PM
I'm afraid that this will be our reality for a very long time.
It seems that ISIS loosing war in Syria and Iraq but they attracted a lot followers around the world, specially in Western Europe.
Such people are very dangerous for our security because police don't have info about them (ISIS find them and trained them online).
I'm afraid that we will see a lot terrorists attacks before this madness end.

8791  Other / Off-topic / Re: Poll: Which religion is the best religion? on: November 22, 2016, 03:10:29 PM
The issue was originally raised improperly, you need to respect all religions that do not harm others.

I agree with you.
We should understand that God is the best and origin of everything.
Since we lost God, we need help to find him again.
In order to help us, God send us saints and holy people and ultimately holy books in order to guide us in this spiritual journey.
Religion is just organization of people, who are searching for God and trying to support and help each other.
When we find god, we will not need religion any more.

8792  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Everyone already knows about bitcoin" no.. no they do not.. on: November 22, 2016, 03:03:51 PM
Every time I go to the bank I like to ask them if they have heard of BTC, most of the time the answer is no.   
I do ask a lot of people about BTC.. a restaurant near me.. near ish use to accept it as well, I asked to pay with it, they said it no longer exists.. .... ...

Most people I find still have zero idea what BTC is unless they are friends with the likes of us.. I don't think we are even in early adoption stage.. we are in "the chasm" .. it would appear we are going to survive though... appear anyways..

I dunno just something I have taken note of. 

Pretty much everyone that has heard of it assumes it's worth like 5 cents and shits themselves when I say it's $1k (Cad) .. we are in very interesting times with BTC.

It's the same in my country.
We don't have many BTC users, and just a few merchants accept Bitcoin offline.
In whole country we have just 2 BTC ATM.
Most people don't know about bitcoin and don't care, honestly.
In fact, many people are even scared to use Internet banking or to pay for something online.
I hope that this situation will change but it will not happen overnight.
8793  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What are the main problems bitcoiners face? on: November 22, 2016, 02:59:10 PM
In my opinion, there are to many Bitcoin SCAM sites, Revshare and HYIP, with false promises for high return.
Also, in my country, very few people accept Bitcoin offline, no so many users in my local area, no legal regulations etc.
I also don't like to much exchange fees connected with Bitcoin.

8794  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Brexit armageddon hasn't happened ????? on: November 21, 2016, 04:35:37 PM
The Brexit also hasn't happened in that Britain hasn't actually left the EU. It's pushed back the start if negotiations by two years, if it ever happens at all (or a shock speeds up the process of declaring Article 50)

A bit premature of the article I'd say. But in the end panic and fervor never match the on-the-ground realities. It's just hyped up in the moments leading to such an uncertain event. After the hype dies down a bit people realize no much has really changed.


But if you actually do Brexit, there's a precedent for it turning out just fine.
 Huh Huh

I didn't expect that UK will leave EU quickly.
Such thinking really was very naive.
Political establishment, financial and business industry... was again this idea.
Now, they will try to delay such decision as much as they can and will also try to control damage.
Main goal is to stay as part of unique economic market.
I don't think that negotiation between EU and UK will finish in next 4-5 years.

8795  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europeans are being forced to accomodate rapefugees. on: November 21, 2016, 04:27:51 PM
No you're wrong, because these are not decision take by Renzi or another Prime Minister (or government). This is just the result of european laws / decree.

Ideally, the opinion of the Italians must count when the European laws are taken in to account. Because they are also part of the European Union. Unfortunately, now all the decisions in the EU are taken solely by Germany. Most of the times, the other members are not taken in to account.

I don't agree with you.
In EU, we have democracy, and all states have right to suggest laws, and to vote.
Germany alone can't make any decision.
Real problem in EU is not Germany but Poland and Hungary.
They refuse to accept political decisions of EU and also there is no real freedom in these countries, or real democracy.
Generally, European problem is less democracy in some countries and disunity.
Refugees just showed how weak and small is Europe.

8796  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gradma knows about bitcoin. on: November 21, 2016, 04:22:15 PM
It's great to see such stories Smiley
Unfortunately, in my country, such a story wouldn't be possible.
I think that maybe less than 10 % of old people are Internet users.
Most of them used only email I think.
Even younger generation hesitate to use Internet banking, or to buy something online, for example.
We still have a long way to go.
8797  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is there new people coming to Bitcoin? on: November 21, 2016, 04:14:05 PM
Yes, I think.
In this forum I see more new users every day.
Also, my friends are more and more interesting in Bitcoin.
Before, it was very difficult to inspire them for Bitcoin but now, it seems people finally understood great potential of Bitcoin.
WE are not yet mainstream so still no so many people are here.
It will change soon.
8798  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europeans are being forced to accomodate rapefugees. on: November 20, 2016, 11:13:13 AM
Perhaps they should have tried Saudi, they have a 100,000 air conditioned tent city just sitting empty.

I am sure their muslim brothers would have welcomed them with open arms

Saudi Arabia should take all of them, because it was their actions, which ultimately resulted in the outbreak of this civil war in Syria. Also, they are supporting various hardline Islamist terrorist groups in Syria, such as the Jaysh al Islam and Jabhat Al Nusra. These groups have terrorized the civilian population, forcing them to flee towards the neighboring nations.

Saudi Arabia will never accept them, no way.
Answer is very simple.
Refugees coming from democratic societies, like Syria, Iraq etc. with free elections, woman rights, free media etc
Saudi Arabia don't want such people in their country.
They are afraid that refuges can influence native people with ''dangerous' ideas about woman rights, religious freedom, free media etc, and they can't allow it.
They will give money or anything necessary for this refuges, but they will never allow them to come in Saudi Arabia.
8799  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Would you eat a human? on: November 20, 2016, 11:07:07 AM
When i see such question, first thing which comes in my mind are stories about cannibal tribes in Indonesia, Guinea etc.
It was part of their culture to eat humans.
Other thing I remember is one movie about true story, when a plane with an American rugby player crashed in the Andes.
For days nobody could find them.
They didn't have food and was starving, dying from hunger.
Some of this players died and was lying around the plane.
finally, in attempt to survive, surviving passengers started to eat death people around them.
After this story, it's hard to answer your questions.
Of course, we are not cannibals but if something like this happen, what you or I will do?
I don't know, honestly.

8800  Other / Off-topic / Re: How much did you spent in the internet using bitcoin? on: November 20, 2016, 10:59:36 AM
No so much really.
My main idea is to keep my BTC funds in the wallet and wait for price increase.
I just exchanged a few times my BTC funds to ''hard'' money in order to cover some urgent and important expenses, like expenses for my new online business.
It's really much better not to spend any BTC funds now because value of BTC will increase a lot in the near future.
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