i personally not feel bothered if there are some people who being gamblers couples even will be very exciting if those couples visiting together to the casinos and playing at the same games and in my view as long as they don't ruin their life by being an addicted in gambling that would be fine
Almost everyone who has understood what Bitcoin is or what cryptocurrencies are, have tried to share that technology with their family and friends but it's not that easy to convince them about it. Some people have lots of misconceptions about Bitcoin and they'll never understand, can't do anything about it.
Good thinking and I agree with your thoughts. To understand bitcoin takes patience and learning even harder because if they do not have an understanding of bitcoin then tend to have a lot of misconceptions about bitcoin then they will never understand about it. most people here talking about the power of social media and yes we cannot push people to understand about bitcoin and indeed to understand bitcoin it took more procces and not instantly but if you're spread good contents regarding related bitcoin with good explanation at your social media or sharing your suceess story from being cryptocurrency users then i think people will interested to read your article and eventually they will use bitcoin
yang dapat kita lakukan sekarang adalah dengan melakukan pengkajian terhadap ketentuan pajak yang telah ada, diantaranya adalah Pasal 4 ayat (1) huruf (d) Undang-undang PPh dan Pasal 1A ayat (1) huruf (a) Undang-undang PPN. Pemasukan apapun, dari hasil apapun termasuk bitcoin tetap menjadi subjek pengenaan pajak penghasilan. Lengkapnya saya pernah bahas di blog saya silahkan dikunjungi kalau sempat http://cryptolocho.com/2017/08/11/cara-investasi-cryptocurrency/indonesia bahkan belum mengakui bitcoin sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah apalagi meregulasinya maka bisa dikatakan bitcoin belum bisa dikatakan sebagai bagian dari pajak penghasilan atau bahkan kemungkinan banyak orang kaya yang menyimpan bitcoin untuk tax evasion karena bitcoin belum sepenuhnya dikontrol dan dikendalikan maka itu sampe sekarang pengguna bitcoin masih belum dikenakan pajak dan kemungkinan ini pula yang jadi penyebab mengapa pemerintah mneganjurkan untuk tidak menggunakan bitcoin karena mereka tidak punya kontrol penuh untuk itu
Yes Italy big favourite,what will happen in Italy if italian team will not qualify,national tragedy and economic crisis,big loses for bar owners.If we look last Italy performences thay are really ;poor,big striking problems,but Italy will qualify .Other Denmark-Irerland will be interesting,Erickssen is booming in Totenham but Ireland will fight,
play off match, i think italy can easy win and get one ticket in world cup iam not believe if italy can't get ticket, italy meet sweden in play off match if say about chance in world cup, italy not big favourite, big favourite, still brazil, germany and argentina(although in qulaification argentina is very bad performance) Sweden is not a weak team and i think this is hard game for Italy because Sweden also have several good players who currently playing at european teams and i can't imagine if Italy defeated by Sweden and failure goes to world cup 2018 which mean we will lost again european national team who not able to playing in this event besides Holland
i have been experience just like OP said several years ago when mintpal exchange still exist i bought the coin with cheap price at 5 satoshi and untill hoping this coin rise up again then i'm watching the chart everyday but sadly this is never happened that even this coin has dropped to 1 satoshi and eventually my investment being the dust and i think before your regretted your decission then cuting your losses is the best option because there is no guarantee if there is altcoin which is the price dropped and it will be pumped immediately and i have to say trading is unpredictable
if you're compare between bitcoin and Ethereum i think obviously most people answers will says bitcoin is more profitable but we cannot avoid ETH as the future of investment too because this altcoin had strong communities and good concept and good technology as you can see there are plenty ICO project based on ETH token was pretty suceessfully so in my view if you have the particular amount of money to invest at cryptocurrency then considering bought both of them is good for the future purposse
ini kesekian kalinya media diindonesia memberitakan negatif tentang bitcoin yang seolah-olah bitcoin itu buruk sekali dan penggunanya itu akan dipidanakan seperti penggunaan obat-obatan terlarang dan seolah-olah juga mereka itu sangat tahu sekali bitcoin melebihi orang-orang disini tetapi kalo ane pribadi menyingkapinya sekarang selama tidak ada pernyataan resmi dari pemerintah akan menindak pengguna bitcoin maka ane ga akan stop menggunakannya dan juga selama VIP sebagai exchanger terbesar diindonesia masih berjalan tanpa ada hambatan yang berarti menggunakan bitcoin masih belum dikategorikan melanggar hukum
Nokia owner has did the wrong step with underestimate android OS and too confident with their OP symbian because they thought Symbian as the most famous operating system will never replacement by another OS but maybe this is will happened too with bitcoin if there is new coin which have more good from technology side and able to surpassing bitcoin i think might be bitcoin eventually will be replaced by another coin and lack of demand so the future will be hard to predictable but this is possible to happened that bitcoin will be worthless someday
i'm not anymore use them since there are some users who complaining regarding deposit and withdraw option and indeed i personally never have any issue during use them and the latest news i hearing is most of my friends use yobit several times ago to save their bitcoin because on 2nd hardfork this exchange give bitcoin split called bitcoin gold but i have to admit that i'm slightly worried trade at there because there are plenty scam coin available
katanya sih desember nanti akan terjadi hardfork lagi dan kalo melihat pernyataan dari bittrex yang lagi-lagi akan membagikan split dari bitcoin maka hampir bisa dipastikan banyak orang akan beli bitcoin dan simpen di exchanger tersebut sambil menunggu fork selesai tetapi kadang-kadang terlintas dipikiran ane bahwa hardfork itu dibuat karena salah satunya alasannya adalah membuat harga bitcoin semakin tinggi karena buktinya semenjak hardfork pertama selesai harga bitcoin terus naik dan untuk sekarang sudah melampaui $7000
we still can bought bitcoin for small amount on the exchanges but if you have to wait untill the price dropped i don't think there will be massive dumped again which is we can utilize that situation because bitcoin looks stronger for me although there was several dumped happened but bitcoin can recover it and return to reach the higher price and in my view we cannot tackle this problem and as the bitcoin users liked it or not we have to following the trend and indeed even i cannot buy 1 bitcoin with the current price because that was so high and 1 bitcoin currently in my country worth to bought a car
i have say people will always be compare the upcoming hardfork to the latest hardfork which is the results from the previous one is makes bitcoin price better and i think this is not so different even if there are some exchanges who declare to split bitcoin with bitcoin silver then i'm pretty sure people will starting to bought bitcoin and save into those exchanges but i personally i won't change my decission that only save small amount of bitcoin into my local exchange and convert the rest to my local currency
i think my answers will be both that investing in bitcoin is harmful and also profitable because although the price is so high but volatile still be the actual part for bitcoin and there is no guarantee the current price is not bubble which mean will broken out anytime and the price back to dropped but indeed for those who had more patience with holding bitcoin will get benefit from their patience and get big profit from their bitcoin asset
i just know if there is another fork in december called bitcoin silver and after seeing 1st fork and 2nd fork which very sucessfully makes bitcoin price lifted i think 3rd fork will not so different that we will see new peak before through december and probably new all time high will be happened again however i think there is possibility the forks for bitcoin only the way to makes bitcoin more and more expensive
there are several other bitcoin forum which still exist currently even for my local language there is one site available now but last time i had use is bitcoingarden.org to claim the bounties program but they don't have too much active member to open discussion even more likely the members of those site only promote reff link or ponzi sites which is possibly scam however you can get the informations regarding all related bitcoin at this forum and i think not necessary to find another one
i'm not too familiar with those coins except komodo and if i'm not mistaken Komodo had succesfully ICO last year and if this coin still exist until today with pretty high volume support i think this is good to be considering as your portfolio and you have to realize that stick to the coin with have position on the top 100 on coinmarketcap will decrease your risk to loss
saat ini hackers tersebut sudah bisa mencuri 23 bitcoin dan normalnya virus akan selalu membayangi kita sebagai pengguna bitcoin apalagi sekarang bitcoin harganya mahal dan hackers sangat mungkin untuk mengincar orang yang punya banyak bitcoin tetapi apapun virusnya asalkan kita berhati-hati maka hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan bisa kita hindari dan tips di situs tersebut juga masuk akal apabila kita hendak bertransaksi maka harap berkali-kali cek lagi alamat yang ditujukan untuk menghindari salah kirim alamat bitcoin
i won't deny on 2017 bitcoin has throughout the best moment with reach all time high and honestly although i was so glad for bitcoin current achievement but i didn't expect the price will so high and to reach 2018 it took less than 2 months again and i'm so curious the current all time high price will breakable or not on that year but from now on i think not impossible to makes $10k as the new peak and looking forward to see this predictions if will be come true
the Indonesian government continues to monitor the development of bitcoin, I am very sure someday the government will legalize bitcoin in Indonesia.
in my opinion legalizing bitcoin in Indonesia, will have a bad impact in the country itself, because uneducated people about bitcoin will have a curiosity about it, why its bad instead of good? , because Indonesia Had high corruption rate, so it will a lot of people using bitcoin for tax evasion and money laundering. although its good for the bitcoin ecosystem because many people recognize bitcoin more. maybe the cause why indonesia has slightly fear with the risk of bitcoin users because possibly if bitcoin legalizing in indonesia this is will increase the activities of illegal acts such as corruptions or money laundering but i think we cannot only seeing this for one side only and if indonesian government could change their mind i think bitcoin can be considering as a part of important financial in this country and i believe admitted or not some people has helped from financial side during using bitcoin
as the cryptocurrency users and such as many suggestion people here then buy altcoin is good too rather than other asset but i suggest to you not go all in for altcoin only and makes 20% altcoin investment from your total asset is good i think and to avoid unexpected lost from your investment just stick to major altcoin such as ETH or LTC is good because these two altcoins will never lack of interest at least for next 1 year your altcoin investment will safe