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9001  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Where would society be without the internet? on: September 06, 2016, 02:32:28 PM
We will come back in the past, 20 years ago.
I remember that time since I'm older generation.
We didn't have Internet for communication but we played great games outside, in the streets and had better friends.
Now, most of your friends are virtual and you are to busy with internet and don't have time to go out.
We couldn't order air ticket over Internet but could talk with real human.
We couldn't have Internet banking but our money was more secure.
We didn't have ''big brother'' than as we have now.
Even without Internet we was fine Smiley

9002  Other / Off-topic / Re: What are you doing with Bitcoin? on: September 06, 2016, 02:25:02 PM
Part of BTC funds I invested in some other, online businesses.
I also just started my online business and will cover my initial expenses with bitcoin.
Rest of BIT funds I will keep in my bTC wallet and wait for price increase.
Hopefully, in the near future value of bTC will increase as lot and we will share great reward!
9003  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is a good way to store money? on: September 06, 2016, 02:21:36 PM
Well, there is no absolute security on Internet really.
Good hackers can break any online security and stole your funds online.
Even banks and governments can't absolutely protect their data online.
If you have large amounts in your bTC wallets, i will suggest you to store it in more safe way, offline, at the bank account.
Also, value of bitcoin is very changeable.

9004  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez on: September 06, 2016, 02:11:02 PM
Nije tema politika vec porez, moj stav i stav 99.999% je da porez ne treba placat na bitcoin ni pod razno, ne prijavljivat nista, ne praviti se lud i fantazirati o nekoj legalnosti, ako ove parazitske zemlje zele $$$ nek stvore klimu da se zaradi

Sto se tice banaka, treba obratiti paznju na limite, po transakciji, mesecne i godisnje, cim krenu da zatezu, ima anonimnih debitnik kartica pa onda mogu da te povuku za onu stvar, ko god promovise placanje poreza za digitalni novaj je u krajnoj ruci ili neobavesten ili zlonameran

Balkanske zemlje ako pokusaju da operezuju doznate iz vani, samo ce naciniti kontra efekat da niko nece koristiti banke, i ranije je postojala 100 nacina da se $$ dopremi van institucija, niko nije lud da placa harac a i ne treba

Da se razumemo, ovdje se nigdje ne govori o plaćanju poreza na bitcoin, niti je to uopće moguće napraviti u Hrvatskoj (prijaviti zaradu u bitcoinima i platiti porez na to).
Ja govorim o plaćanju poreza na inozemni dohodak, koji mi sjeda na bankovni račun u Hrvatskoj, u legalnoj i priznatoj valuti (euri ili dolari).
Prema tome, radi se o 2 potpuno različite stvari, koja jedna s drugom nemaju nikakve veze.

9005  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Koliko nas ima? on: September 04, 2016, 04:14:19 PM
Eto vec sam nesto duze vremena na ovom forumu, i vidim da dosta ljudi ovdje dolazi iz Hrvatske ili okolnih drzava, pa me zanima koliko nas je ovdje, i iz kojih sve drzava dolazite  Grin

Jeli se ovo odnosi na koliko nas ima (exYu) ili isključivo samo iz Hrvatske i ostali su nepoželjni?

Koliko ja znam, iako u nazivu hrvatski, ova je sekcija foruma otvorena za sve koji su s prostora bivše države, te govore sličnim jezikom i imaju iste ili slične interese.
Dakle, svi ste poželjni Smiley
Uostalom, i kad bi se htjela napraviti neka diskriminacija po nacionalnosti ili državi, to ne bi bilo moguće a protivilo bi se i samoj ideji otvorenosti i jednakosti Bitcoina.
9006  Other / Politics & Society / Re: World is Becoming batlle ground on: September 04, 2016, 04:03:06 PM
Today world is becoming battle ground for all the countries .....Everyone is trying to destablize others and to gain regional dominance they are using terriost groups for their cause

If you read or learned history, you will know it's nothing new really.
Before it was even worse, but today,thanks to UN and some other international organization, situation is little better.
One country can't so simple attack other country without reason.
In fact, in today's world, real battles are not military but economically.
All countries fighting for the market and trying to find strategic nations, partners etc.
We don't have so much ''real'' wars like before in the history, and it's good thing.

9007  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you think bitcoin is one new step for sucess. on: September 04, 2016, 03:50:58 PM
Yes, I think so but this will not happen overnight and also, right strategy is needed.
I see that many Bitcoin users buying or collecting Bitcoin at high price and as soon as BTC price drop little bit, they are selling Bitcoin in panic, and loosing a lot.
For me, bTC is long term business and I don't expect to become rich overnight.
I can wait how long is needed and, when Bitcoin reach certain level and become main standard for online payments, replace Paypal, than people who trusted Bitcoin and could wait, will share great reward Smiley
9008  Other / Off-topic / Re: What is your plan to get rich with Bitcoin? on: September 04, 2016, 03:46:10 PM
I don't believe in ''get rich overnight'' online promises.
We still need to help Bitcoin project a lot, with sharing news about it, educating people, trying to inspire merchants to accept Bitcoin etc.
Eventually, after some time of hard work and effort, I believe that Bitcoin will become mainstream and that our patience, faith and hard work will be rewarded with high price of Bitcoin.
At that moment, I will probably retire, sell some of my Bitcoin funds and travelč around the world, enjoy life Smiley
9009  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you believe in god? on: September 02, 2016, 03:44:51 PM
Yes, I believe in one God, Heavenly, universal parent of all people in the world, Parent of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu, White, black and yellow, African, European etc.
I believe that almighty God love us all equally, rich and poor, small and big...
Unfortunately, many people talking about God in the terns. ''My God'' and ''my heaven'' or ''my salvation'' what is wrong.
Can parent love one child more than other?
Any parent know the answer Smiley
9010  Other / Politics & Society / Re: One million white English children may have been victims of Muslim gang rape? on: September 02, 2016, 03:36:23 PM
I think that you are really overreacting here and making unnecessary drama.
Muslims living in Europe and uK already very long time and nothing like this happened, ever.
if you think about new Muslim refugees, they will not be able to enter UK, it's very clear.
So, no need really for such post.

9011  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It is time to Ban Religion on: September 02, 2016, 03:30:01 PM
Ancient Rome tried to ban Christianity, they persecuted and killed christians. Ancient Rome collapsed but christianity is still here  Smiley

Yes, it's true. Did you think why?
Ancient Rome was selfish state, greedy for power, money, luxury life, world political domination etc.
Christianity was greedy for God's love, and loved people around them, helping and supporting each other, was fighting not for earthly domination or money but for eternal, god's kingdom.
It's very obvious why Christianity is still here, after 2 000 years and Ancient Rome is not any more with us Smiley
9012  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why would customers use Bitcoins? on: September 02, 2016, 03:23:18 PM
Bitcoin may be anonymous but it certainly isn't private. It's easily tracked unless you launder your coins.

You have just made a reason why customers should not use it.  Anyway, it is still private than credit cards from banks where you provide all your information.

If exchange to exchange transaction or using for physical stores it is totally anonymous.

But if you will use to purchase online goods or products from famous online merchants that needs an account you have to give your personal information.

You are right here but even in such case I will still use bitcoin payment option.
First, I have available bTC funds in my wallet which I can spend.
Second, it's very fast, simple and secure way to pay in this way.
Third, in such way Bitcoin will become more popular and more ''big'' merchants will accept Bitcoin and we will eventually become mainstream.
I don't have problem to share my private info with trusted merchants.

9013  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Can Bitcoin help poor countries? on: September 02, 2016, 03:15:29 PM
I don't think so.
Bitcoin can help people to send money faster and in more secure way and protect their privacy but if you are poor and don't have INternet, Bitcoin can't help you really.
Poor countries we have to help in different way, with donations, educations, investments etc.
9014  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitkonan on: September 01, 2016, 09:50:50 PM
[...]Tek kada i ako se odlučite da bitcoin pretvorite u kune, dolare, eure... i to prebacite na bankovni račun u Hrvatskoj (dakle oba uvjeta moraju biti zadovoljena) dužni ste to prijaviti poreznoj[...]

Taj drugi uvijet me ćisto iznenadjuje. To bih znaćilo da netko ko živi u RH može stavljat (i držat) novac na strani (recimo Švicarski) raćun i to ne prijavit poreznoj...?!?

Ako je to tako, sutra se selim za RH.
U RH možeš prijaviti porez samo na novac koji je fizički ušao u zemlju.
Ako ti je novac sjeo na račun u nekoj drugoj državi, onda ga, logično, ne plaćaš u RH već u toj državi, po poreznim zakonima te države.
Tu sad već ima puno varijaciju na temu jer s nekimn državama rH ima ugovor o izbjegavanjuz dvostrukog oporezivanja, neke zemlje su porezne oaze...
To je već pitanje za porezne stručnjake a ne za mene.
Ja mogu odgovoriti samo na pitanja o porezima u RH.
9015  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitkonan on: August 31, 2016, 02:51:40 PM
Daniel91 i još neki su si stvarno dali truda i sve lijepo objasnili, kako i zašto jesu ili nisu platili porez. I mislim da je sad svima jasno. Ajmo sad zaključiti da se u RH ne plaća porez na Bitcoin kao takav. Bitcoin kao valuta, roba ili nešto treće u RH nije definiran niti jednim zakonom. Točka.
Samo ako dodas da u momentu kada zamenis taj Bitcoin u valutu da si obavezan platit porez.
Nisi dužan tamo gdje je definiran kao valuta.

Duzan si (ili nisi) tamo gdje ti je prebivaliste. U RH jesi (cim pretvoris BTC u valutu)...

Da skratimo ovu sapunicu.
Bitcoin kao valuta, novac ili financijska imovina nije priznat u Hrvatskoj.
To znači da se ne može prijaviti u poreznu i ne može platiti porez.
Tek kada i ako se odlučite da bitcoin pretvorite u kune, dolare, eure... i to prebacite na bankovni račun u Hrvatskoj (dakle oba uvjeta moraju biti zadovoljena) dužni ste to prijaviti poreznoj kao svoj drugi dohodak iz inozemstva, i to putem joopd obrasca te uplatiti predporez i prirez (ako ga vaš grad/mjesto ima).
Godišnji obračun poreza od ove godine ne radite vi već porezna i preplaćeni iznos poreza (kolokvijalno povrat poreza) isplaćuje vam se iduće godine direktno na bankovni račun.
Nadam se da je sad konačno sve jasno Smiley
p.s. Seljo, na tvoje provokacije više ne odgovaram.
9016  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What is a sovereign nation? on: August 31, 2016, 02:38:17 PM
IN today's modern world there is no such thing as ''a sovereign nation''.
We have political institutions as UN and economical like World Bank which influence world a lot, in positive or negative way, with their policies.
Of course big countries have more power in such international organization but can't control everything.
Also, for example a lot American debts is in the hands of China and Saudi Arabia investors.
Everything is connected and there is no truly independent country in the world now.
9017  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump or Clinton: Does it matter? on: August 31, 2016, 02:30:55 PM
Yes, it matter.
Hillary Clinton is much more qualified for this position, she will not lead aggressive and dangerous foreign policy, accept dictators, create walls between Mexico and USA etc.
Trump is much more actor than politician.
He acting all the time and manipulate media and voters a lot.
He don't have quality of good leader and will divide country and the world, in the case he win election.

9018  Other / Off-topic / Re: bitcoin affects life a lot on: August 31, 2016, 02:25:52 PM
Bitcoin is an source of additional income  and everyone loves it, so I don't think there would be any user who will take  bitcoin negatively, it affects a life a lot for sure, but only for is betterment.

It's a currency, not just a source of additional income. Users here won't take it negatively, but people hearing about the scams of it and about the use of drug trade... It makes Bitcoin very unpopular among them.

The mindsets of people will change in future when they will be aware about the potential of bitcoin and we will find many more users who will start using bitcoin as a currency.

Yes, I also believe that soon or later Bitcoin will become mainstream but we should work together to speed up this process.
We should inform people about Bitcoin, educate them, have strong advertising campaigns, also explain merchants about benefits if they accept bitcoin additional payment option etc.
We still have long way to pass, ahead of us.
9019  Other / Off-topic / Re: What to do with my signature campaign earnings ? on: August 31, 2016, 02:20:12 PM
i am newbie and no one is going to accept me. therefore i have no idea/

Lol dont be so depressed...

Either sit on them or invest into something, investing into something holds the risk of no return but holding on the bitcoins is probably more ensured. They have proven to rise every time after a downfall so they will probably get above 600 again which is free money in itself for you if you already own the btc

I think that a few signatures campaigns even accept newbies.
If no free place at the moment don't be to depress.
all signature campaigns owners look for good quality posters.
So, while you are waiting that someone accept you in the campaign join different discussions here, on this forum, share your opinions, ideas, experience.. and also write good quality posts and very soon you will be accepted in some campaign, don't worry.
9020  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitkonan on: August 30, 2016, 06:14:19 PM
[...] A i za porez, da bi ga morao platiti, to prvo treba biti negdje definirano. Prvo Bitcoin kao takav, a onda i promet njime.

Evo opet... Molim vas prestanite vec jednom davati ljudima pogresne informacije (sa potencionalno teskim posledicama).

Tko zeli vise procitati o ovu (bitcoin i porez) diskusiju molim procitat ovaj topic. (Pogotovo Daniel91 je jako jasno i prakticno objasnio kako dijelovati u Hrvatskoj.)
Thread je gubitak vremena i ne definira nista specificno. Izgubio pol sata za nista. Ako sam propustio nest , quotajte pls.

Pola sata?!? Za sedam stranica!?! OK... Onda nista.

A slikovito, jelte.. A i preglupo je sto hvalis potez od daniela91 - prijaviti porez na bitcoin zaradu kao ''drugi dohodak'' iz inozemstva a povlacis pare preko bitkonana ( hrvatske firme ).
Sto se drzave tice tvoji bitcoini su nista sto se njih tice, vec ih zanima kad to pretvoris u novac, a to se dogodi na bitkonanu.

Po mom misljenju to sto je on prijavio taj porez neznaci nista. Jednako je vjerovatno da potencijalno dobije kaznu kao i netko tko nije uopce prijavio nist, jer je sama prijava netocna (a time i lazna)

Da se razumijemo, ja nisam prijavio porez na Bitcoin ili Bitcoin zaradu, jer to po hrvatskom poreznom zakonu nije ni moguće, niti je Bitcoin od strane Hrvatske narodne banke prepoznat kao službena valuta.
Ja sam prijavio porez na zaradu u eurima, koja mi je sjela na devizni bankovni račun, od prodaje Bitcoina.
Kao izvor prihoda naveo sam Internetsku zaradu i s obzirom da kategorija kao takva, u poreznim pravilnicima ne postoji niti imaju šifru za to, moj porezni službenik, koji mi je dodijeljen u lokalnoj ispostavio porezne uprave, rekao mi je da upišem šifru za drugi dohodak iz inozemstva po osnovi rada kao slobodnog umjetnika.
Dakle, ništa ja nisam radio na svoju ruku ni napamet već po naputku porezne uprave, onako kako je jedino zakonski to bilo moguće prijaviti.
Već nekoliko godina tako radim i nemam nikakvog problema (ni kazni) a već sam dobio i par značajnih povrata poreza nazad na svoj račun, za pretplaćeni iznos poreza.
Dakle, moja prijava nije netočna, a nije ni lažna.
Prijavio sam porez na način kako je to jedino bilo zakonski moguće, po uputama porezne uprave.
Molim te dane širiš dezinformacije i ne zbunjuješ ostale korisnike.
Prije nego što nešto komentiraš, trebao bi se prvo dobro upoznati s materijom a ne pričati napamet i bez konkretnih činenica i argumenata.
Ja sam oko poreza i bitcoina istraživao pola godine, bezbroj puta bio u poreznoj upravi na sastancima, kontaktirao i pročelike porezne uprave, ravnatelja te jako dobro znam što govoim i sve sam u praksi provjerio i isprobao.

Idi pa se leči. Ako nije problem o kolikim svotama poreza govorimo jel... kad si 6 miseci visija u poreznoj i upozna načelnika i to... čisto okvirno nemoraš u brojku ono više ili manje od...

Na ovakve provokacije ubuduće više neću odgovarati.
Ja sam iznio konkretne činjenice i podatke i zatražio sam da se o ovako važnim pitanjima i temama, kao što je plaćanje poreza, ne iznose neprovjerene informacije.
Zbog toga ovakav komentar smatram neprimjerenim.
Ne pada mi na pamet da s tobom dijelim podatke o svojoj Internet zaradi ili visini plaćenog poreza.
Na ostala pitanja ću rado odgovoriti i pomoći.
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