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9201  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Which country will be next to alight from the sinking EU ship? on: June 25, 2016, 08:40:46 AM
I heard that in Czech parliament there are already initiative for similar referendum, for leaving from EU.
In Germany, if Merkel loose next parliament election and radical right party win, we will probably see such referendum in Germany as well.
It's the same situation in Netherlands and France.
In Croatia, my country, only minor party right now demanding such referendum so it's not likely that we will have such referendum in the near future.

9202  Other / Politics & Society / Re: David Cameron Resigns As U.K. Prime Minister After Brexit Vote on: June 25, 2016, 08:35:56 AM
I also feel sorry about David Cameron.
I think he did very good job as UK Prime minister.
He solved very difficult political issue with Scotland, was able to negotiate very good deal for UK after talks and meetings in EU, didn't have any political scandal etc.
Unfortunately, he was forced by conservative, right wing of his party to start this nonsense with referendum and on the end, as responsible politician and honest man, he resigned.
9203  Other / Off-topic / Re: What do you do with your btc? on: June 25, 2016, 08:31:04 AM
I have my own strategy with Bitcoin Smiley
Some of BTC funds I invested in other online business opportunities, some of funds I invested in my own online business and rest of funds I keep in my BTC wallet.
In this way, I don't care much if Bitcoin price is going up or down, I know that I used my BTC funds in the best possible way.
9204  Other / Off-topic / Re: The bitcoin in daily life on: June 25, 2016, 08:28:07 AM
Have you guys ever used bitcoins like a payment method?
How hard it is to explain to someone what's bitcoin?
In your country there are many stores where you can use the bitcoins?
Do your friends related to bitcoin? Do they know what exactly is a bitcoin?

Yes, of course but mostly I invested BTC funds in some online business opportunities.
It's very hard to explain Bitcoin to someone else, specially to my wife Smiley
In my country there are only a few stores which accept Bitcoin.
Most of my friends don't know or don't care about Bitcoin. I hope this will change soon.
9205  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Osnivanje udruge on: June 23, 2016, 05:06:13 PM
Hvala na trudu Smiley

Nema na čemu, i drugi put Smiley
Bitno da je stvar krenula.
9206  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Women beating men; is it common? on: June 23, 2016, 05:02:03 PM
I've read many articles claiming that domestic violence coming from women might be more common than we think but we just don't really get to know about it because it's rarely reported. What do you think about this? Could it be real? And if yes, to what extent?
It is real, but the fact that society think that when woman beat a man it is funny and doesn't seems serious at all. But guess what, it is serious. A man should have equal rights as woman has too. Isn't that how equality works.

I agree with you.
It's the same situation when couple divorce, and if they have children, in 95 % court will give children to woman.
In the law both man and woman have the same rights but in reality, in some areas man have more rights and in other woman.
We should change it.
I don't think it's common that women beating man but I think that emotional abuse by woman is more common and happen often.
Women usually don't have enough power to beat man but emotionally they can sometimes do more damage.
9207  Other / Politics & Society / Re: There IS life after DEATH: Scientists reveal shock findings on: June 23, 2016, 04:57:32 PM
Don't get me wrong, af_newbie. I am not trying to humiliate you in the least. I am trying to get you to wake up to the fact that God exists, before it is too late for you.


Humiliate me?  You are insane.   Anyway I really don't have patience to help you with your reading comprehension.  Try Scholastic books first.

Again, God is in your head and in your head only.  Trust me.  There is no evidence of him existing anywhere else.

Hmm.. There is no evidence consciousness is inside your head either. When there is a brain damage or a coma we are unconscious (aware of what's around us) When we sleep we are unconscious (aware of what's around us). But consciousness does not stop when we wake up.

Consciousness could be living outside our brain. See that's the problem when we want to use a tool to explain itself and why it exists without understanding the first thing about it.

If the parallel between an electronic circuit and the brain is the same, and if there is zero tissue damage we should be able to wake up the dead.

Are we sure the same consciousness comes back... or something else?

What is consciousness?
Can we see it?
Is this material or spiritual thing?
If is spiritual science can't detect it directly, only indirectly through such researches.
It's said in Genesis that God created man from flash and spirit.
If body is connected with flash, what is connected with spirit?

9208  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you think bitcoin is one new step for sucess. on: June 23, 2016, 03:10:30 PM
Since many of the youths are involved in it. Also it is now a good source of earning. Can new generation be independent and will bitcoin help for personal development.

Yes, Bitcoin can help people to earn some income but there is no guarantee for it.
As you can see, value of Bitcoin is not stable and people can earn profit here but also loose money.
If I can suggest, it's better not depend 100 % on Bitcoin value but learn some skills like programming and maybe create some Bitcoin site, create some BTC products like debit cards, BTC ATM's etc.
In this way you can earn money based on your knowledge what is better than wait and hope that Bitcoin price will increase.
So, yes, new generation will be independent and BTC will help their personal development but only if they learn how to use Bitcoin technology. 
9209  Other / Off-topic / Re: Two types of Bitcoiners, Which are you? on: June 23, 2016, 02:57:00 PM
In fact I have my own strategy for Bitcoin.
Part of my own BTC funds I invest in my other business opportunities and rest of funds I keep in my wallet.
What I will do with this funds?
Still didn't decide, it depend on many facts, from my personal life, status of Bitcoin in the future etc.
9210  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coincidence that Sun and Moon seem same size or God's work? on: June 22, 2016, 10:08:27 AM
I'm sure that God created everything, whole universe, and also he created all laws in the universe.
It's the same when we create something, like machine, and put some program in.
This machine have limited freedom to operate according to the program.
In the same way, this event is not coincidence but result of God's creation.
Of course, we, humans, are much more than machines, and have free will also to choose our own life path.

9211  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Where would society be without the internet? on: June 22, 2016, 10:03:16 AM
The same as before Internet age.
We will learn to live without Internet, and nobody will die and society will not collapse because of luck of Internet Smiley
People managed to live without Internet for centuries so no doubt that they can live without Internet again.
Of course, life will be much more difficult and complicate but people an adapt to any situation, no doubt about it.

9212  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BitCoin as Payment option on: June 22, 2016, 09:41:21 AM
It's good idea but you should prepare well for it.
First, be aware that sometimes Bitcoin confirmation time can be long.
Also, Bitcoin price is very changeable.
So, in your case, I suggest that you have some reserve always and it's best, in my opinion, to exchange BTC funds every day to usd in order to avoid any lost because of changeable value of BTC.
Some payment processors, like Solid Trust Pay, offers to do it instantly for you, so you don't need to have separate balance for Bitcoin, you always receive your funds in usd.
Bitcoin will not disappear overnight, don't worry about it.
9213  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Osnivanje udruge on: June 21, 2016, 02:51:19 PM
OK super, onda su se stvari promjenile u zadnje vrijeme i nije više tako striktno kao prije par godina Smiley
Inače, aktivan sam član 2 udruge, jedno sam vrijeme bio i tajnik, te znam da je zakon o udrugama prije par godina bio jako strog, da smo morali birati i predsjednika udruge, i tajnika, i nadzorni odbor...
Iz ureda za udruge grada Zagreba su nam vraćali statut udruge na doradu, jer nije bio u potpunosti u skladu sa zakonom o udrugama...
Pa pripremanje financijskih izvještaja...
Drago mi je onda da to više nije tako striktno i komplicirano kao prije par godina...
Želim vam puno sreće u radu.
Ako mogu ikako pomoći, javite Smiley

Da, ova zadnja promjena zakona iz 2014. je navodno olabavila propise. Naravno, ništa nam ne garantira da kad zgotovimo i predamo statut, da nam ga neće vratiti na doradu ili što već. Dobra je stvar što je većina tih statuta uglavnom ista pa možaš naći hrpu primjera kako statu treba izgledati.

Evo, ako će vam biti od pomoći, dijelovi statuta (bez konkretnih podataka) moje udruge, koje biste možda mogli iskoristuiti u statutu ove udruge:
Na temelju čl. 22 Zakona o društvenim organizacijama i udruženjima građana (NN 10/90) Osnivačka skupština ----
dana ---. g. donijela je slijedeći
I  Naziv, sjedište, znak i područje djelovanja Udruženja
Ovim statutom uređuje se Svrha osnivanja  i  način  djelovanja  udruženja građana  s nazivom    
Sjedište udruge je u....
Znak udruge je---

ll  Cilj osnivanja
Ovaj cilj će se ostvarivati na slijedeće načine:
III Financijska sredstva
Financijska sredstva udruge biti će osigurana donacijama od strane sponzora, organiziranjem dobrotvornih priredbi i na druge, u okviru zakona, dozvoljene načine .

IV   Članstvo
Član ---- može postati svaka fizička i pravna osoba koja prihvaća Statut ---- i čiji prijem potvrdi ----

Prava i obveze članova
Svi članovi imaju jednako pravo da biraju i da budu birani te da sudjeluju u
svim aktivnostima

Obveze članova su da poštuju Zakon i odredbe Statuta .
O primanju  novih  članova  u ---  odlučuje---
Istupanje  iz  ----

Član nema, na osnovi svog članstva, nikakva prava na imovinu----  
-----može  isključiti  svakog  člana  ako  djeluje  protiv  njezinog  interesa.  O isključenju  odlučuje  

V Tijela udruge
Najviše tijelo upravljanja----
Skupština usvaja Statut, izmjene i dopune Statuta ----
Sve odluke Skupština donosi javnim glasovanjem i to natpolovičnom većinom nazočnih članova ----

VI   Predstavljanje, zastupanje i odlučivanje ---

VII Prestanak rada udruge----
VIII Završne odredbe---
Sve poslove udruge članovi obavljaju dobrovoljno , bez naknade .
Rad --- je javan. Javnost rada --- osigurava se na
Statut  donosi  Skupština  ----,  natpolovičnom  većinom  glasova  članova
Skupštine  nazočnih na sjednici .

Ovaj Statut stupa na snagu osam dana nakon usvajanja

9214  Other / Politics & Society / Re: religion on: June 21, 2016, 02:34:23 PM
Religion is actullay a very good tool to lead huge amounts of people.. smartest gun invented until now and most dangerous story told for thousands years

The problem is the current religions have done it all wrong... you cannot have things in your "holy book"... "written by god"... like slavery, homophobia, et al

Simply reading the old testament has turned many christians into atheists

Religion "could" be a good tool... if you remove all the obviously wrong parts... the hatred and bigotry, the multiple genocides, magic and miracles, etc

Religion has inspired so many horrible events in history like the crusades, inquisition, witch burnings, book burnings(science)...

and more recently, 9/11, ISIS, the Orlando night club massacre, murders of both atheists and christians by machete in Bangladesh

When will it end?!?
I have said it before and will say it again.
All religions should be shut down and declared as an ongoing criminal organisation group, most if not all have probably broken every law there is.

There is very little difference between the mafia and most religions, both stand over people with the threats.

I don't agree with you.
First, it's our freedom to choose if we will believe in God and be member of some religion or not. It's human right and you can't deny it.
Second, it's true that some religious representatives did evil things but because of this you can't blame all religious people. Many of them did great things, helping others, with medical help, food, shelter etc.
Finally, you can't say that institution by itself is evil or good. Only people can be good or bad, and we judge them based on their actions. 
9215  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How is bitcoin most important to you? on: June 21, 2016, 02:24:13 PM
I still can't say that Bitcoin is the most important thing in my life, other things like my regular job, family etc,. are much more important.
Bitcoin may become important in my life if becomes mainstream in the future, online payment standard and if its value increase a lot.
In such case all my financial difficulties and troubles will be solved forever Smiley
Of course, financial aspect is always important in our lives but can't and shouldn't become the most important thing.
9216  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: deposit money in paypal by bitcoin on: June 21, 2016, 02:19:22 PM
how many wants this feature?
actually i love paypal service and hope that PayPal will add this feature in future.
by this process we can withdraw our btc any time in sec.just send btc to paypal then withdraw to bank.
whats your opinion is here any other service like paypal which accept bitcoin...?

I wants this feature?
Because still many online services and products we can't pay with Paypal.
Because of this I have to exchange my BTC funds through virwox service to paypal, what is very expensive way.
I hope someone, mybe you, will create cheaper and more easy way to exchange Bitcoin to Paypal.
9217  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Osnivanje udruge on: June 20, 2016, 06:34:06 PM
Mislim da vam je ovo, centralizirana vs. decentrlaizirana udruga, zapravo ''lažna'' dilema.
Po hrvatskom zakonu o udrugama vi morate na osnivačkoj skupštini udruge odabrati predsjednika udruge, potpredsjednika, tajnika te nadzorni odbor udruge.
Nema tu izbora, želite li centralizaciju ili ne već vas na to ''sili'' zakon o udrugama, jasno ako imate nanjeru legalno registrirati udrugu u Hrvatskoj i voditi udrugu u skladu sa zakonom.
Također, na osnivačkoj skupštini mora biti prihvaćen i statut udruge, koji također mora biti u skladu sa zakonom, te mora biti otvoren poslovni račun u banci i mora biti određeno tko ima pravo raspolagati sredstvima udruge, kolika će biti članarina...
Također se jednom godišnje mora napisati financijski izvještaj udruge i predati nadležnim tijelima, te se najmanje jednom godišnje mora sazvati skupština svih članova udruge.
Predlažem vam da ne ''brzate'' sa osnivanjem udruge dok sve niste dobro provjerili i dok niste pripremili statut udruge, koji ćebiti u skladu sa zakonom.
Predsjednik udruge ima ovlasti propisane zakonom, i ne mogu mu se smanjivati a koordinacijski odbor kao takav nje postoji u zakonu u udrugama.
Morate, u skladu sa zakonom, na osnivačkoj skupštini udruge birati članove u predsjedništvo udruge i u nadzorni odbor udruge.
Nadzorni odbor kontrolira zakonitost poslovanja tijela udruge, predsjednika i tajnika.

U Zakonu o udrugama iz 2014. nigdje ne piše da udruga mora imati predsjednika, potpredsjednika, tajnika te nadzorni odbor. Piše da udrugu mogu osnovati najmanje tri člana, da mora imati skupštinu i nekoga ovlaštenog za zastupanje udruge. "Skupštinu udruge čine svi članovi udruge ili njihovi predstavnici izabrani na način propisan statutom udruge". "Članovi upravljaju udrugom neposredno ili putem svojih izabranih predstavnika u tijelima udruge na način propisan statutom." Dakle ovisi o nama kako se dogovorimo. Moženmo se dogovriti da imamo koordinacijski odbor da vodi udrugu (koji bira skupština) ili možemo svim članovima dati jednaka prava za upravljanje.

Također, budući da u zakonu ne piše ništa o tome da udruga mora imati predsjednika, on nema niti "ovlasti propisane zakonom". Dakle možemo mu dati ovlasti kakve želimo,

Nadalje "Članovi udruge sami nadziru rad udruge." (čl. 42). Nema nikakvog nadzornog odbora. "Inspekcijski nadzor nad radom udruge, u smislu ovog Zakona, obavlja nadležni ured." (čl. 43).

Osnivačka skupština propisana je zakonom pa ćemo se toga držati i dobro proučiti prije nego u to krenemo.

Ostale su stvari također propisane zakonom te ih se moramo držati.

Hvala na detaljnim komentarima. Ovakav se doprinos cijeni.

OK super, onda su se stvari promjenile u zadnje vrijeme i nije više tako striktno kao prije par godina Smiley
Inače, aktivan sam član 2 udruge, jedno sam vrijeme bio i tajnik, te znam da je zakon o udrugama prije par godina bio jako strog, da smo morali birati i predsjednika udruge, i tajnika, i nadzorni odbor...
Iz ureda za udruge grada Zagreba su nam vraćali statut udruge na doradu, jer nije bio u potpunosti u skladu sa zakonom o udrugama...
Pa pripremanje financijskih izvještaja...
Drago mi je onda da to više nije tako striktno i komplicirano kao prije par godina...
Želim vam puno sreće u radu.
Ako mogu ikako pomoći, javite Smiley
9218  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Osnivanje udruge on: June 19, 2016, 02:34:16 PM
Hvala svima koji su došli. Skupilo nas se dvadesetak. Ovo je sažetak rasprave:

1. Ime udruge: Hrvatska Bitcoin udruga.
2. Područje djelovanja: primarno Bitcoin, ali ćemo imati sluha za ostale kriptovalute i blockchain tehnologije.
3. Organizacijska struktura: Bila je predložena centralizirana i decentralizirana. Većina je glasala za centraliziranu. Predloženo je da udruga ima predsjednika koji predstavlja udrugom, ali nema velike ovlasti. Udruga bi imala koordinacijski odbor koji bi provodio odluke i imao veće ovlasti od predsjednika.
4. Za komunikacijski je kanal (barem privremeno) odabran Budući da će članovi udruge biti iz cijele države, većina aktivnosti udruge odvijala bi se online. Treba razmisliti o strukturi i načinu odlučivanja u online sjednicama.
5. Gospodarske djelatnosti: Zasad se nećemo baviti ovakvim djelatnostima.

Sljedeći je korak napisati prijedlog statuta udruge. Ako ima zainteresiranih za pisanje ili komentiranje, neka mi se jave na pm.

Što kažete na centralizirana vs. decentrlaizirana udruga?

Mislim da vam je ovo, centralizirana vs. decentrlaizirana udruga, zapravo ''lažna'' dilema.
Po hrvatskom zakonu o udrugama vi morate na osnivačkoj skupštini udruge odabrati predsjednika udruge, potpredsjednika, tajnika te nadzorni odbor udruge.
Nema tu izbora, želite li centralizaciju ili ne već vas na to ''sili'' zakon o udrugama, jasno ako imate nanjeru legalno registrirati udrugu u Hrvatskoj i voditi udrugu u skladu sa zakonom.
Također, na osnivačkoj skupštini mora biti prihvaćen i statut udruge, koji također mora biti u skladu sa zakonom, te mora biti otvoren poslovni račun u banci i mora biti određeno tko ima pravo raspolagati sredstvima udruge, kolika će biti članarina...
Također se jednom godišnje mora napisati financijski izvještaj udruge i predati nadležnim tijelima, te se najmanje jednom godišnje mora sazvati skupština svih članova udruge.
Predlažem vam da ne ''brzate'' sa osnivanjem udruge dok sve niste dobro provjerili i dok niste pripremili statut udruge, koji ćebiti u skladu sa zakonom.
Predsjednik udruge ima ovlasti propisane zakonom, i ne mogu mu se smanjivati a koordinacijski odbor kao takav nje postoji u zakonu u udrugama.
Morate, u skladu sa zakonom, na osnivačkoj skupštini udruge birati članove u predsjedništvo udruge i u nadzorni odbor udruge.
Nadzorni odbor kontrolira zakonitost poslovanja tijela udruge, predsjednika i tajnika.
9219  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Gdje prijaviti prevaranta on: June 19, 2016, 02:24:00 PM
Hvala svima zaista od srca, puno ste mi svi pomogli, volim vas <3..

Hvala, nema na čemu Smiley
Nadam se da ubuduće više nećeš imati ovakvih problema.
9220  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Azerbaijan has moved to Europe? on: June 19, 2016, 02:21:03 PM
Maybe I was in school too long ago, but I remember being taught about the Bosphorus strait, with Europe on the left, and Asia on the right. Well, I've just checked the news and I read an article about Formula 1 racing. The European Grand Prix is tomorrow and that will be in Baku. In Azerbaijan. That's in Asia to my eyes.

Yeah, well, Australian participated in the Eurovision and it's on the other side of the planet. I think they are flexible about sports and contests!  Grin

Yeah they are flexible for advertising money and commissions. And every organization and people who funds them. Any nation can buy an European identity now. Just like people.

Yes, it's all about money. Azerbaijan has paid the F1 organizers (all British, what an irony!) to make an European grand prix and they happily accepted the money.

I understand that the divide between Europe and Asia is artificial. I'm actually in a good position to know that all borders are man-made, but it's also cultural. I've been to Turkey only once, and part most of Istanbul is quite all right, but if you drive a bit further into the country, it's obvious you're not in Europe anymore. The people, the houses, everything is different from what I'm used to see in Europe.

You are right.
Even in some parts of Europe, like Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro etc. you can feel that you are not in Europe any more Smiley
Their culture, social standard, tradition etc. don't belong to modern Europe.
In sport competitions like football basketball etc. Israel is always part of Europe but in fact they are in Asia.
There are a lot borders in Europe like political, cultural, economical, geographical etc.
Azerbaijan don't belong to Europe at all, it's obvious, but money can buy everything Smiley

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