Seems like you guys need to have more exposure.
Does the sale progress bar updated automatically or not? Because it seems, based on your latest sale progress up to this second, you guys haven't managed to raise even a tiny ETH yet.
mau nanyak neh masih kebingungan, laporan yang benar itu bagaimana ada yang laporan stiap hari dan ada yang diminta untuk laporan setiap minggu, untuk yang dimintai laporan stiap minggu itu gimana cara laporannya, apa semua yang kita share itu di laporkan pada saat itu juga atau hanya satu share aja di laporkan disetiap minggunya?
Semua share yang dilakukan dalam minggu itu di laporkan gan. -snip- gak ada dilist gan?? padahal site itu bagus & uda rilis tokennya (BNTY), tapi websitenya masih dalam tahap pengembangan .. nice sharing gan.. Saya hapus, karena agan ngequote seluruh post yang sebenarnya gak perlu. Silakan diposting ulang dengan quote yang lebih rapi (hapus bagian" yang tidak perlu, quote headernya saja misalnya).
halo gan saya ada akun yang terkena negatif trust karena multi akun dalam mengikuti bounty, pertanyaan saya bagaimana cara menghilangkan negatif trusnya? dan apakah ada kampanye bounty yang menerima negatif trust.
Arsip sebagai bukti: Kalau salah satu akun agan kena tuyul dan karena mencurangi campaign, maka seharusnya akun ini juga kena red trust karena yang memiliki juga agan sendiri.
sebenarnya saya kehabisan kata-kata, juga kebiasaan kata non-formal, jadi gunain kata gituan biar bahasa indonesianya baku. kalo gitu thanks atas masukannya gan, saya bakal jadi lebih baik lagi dalam men-translate Baru paham saya kalau 'per benang' ini masuk bahasa non baku. Memang link sumbernya mana sih coba saya periksa? Saya yakin aslinya adalah 2000 JLT per thread, tapi karena pake tools jadinya otomatis jadi 2000 JLT per benang. Ya sudahlah, itu urusan agan.
But how would we know? Can you share some sites that are currently doing this remote mining without our consent? as long as we are visiting the site? Is there a way that we can detect or monitor such activities that is running silently using our machine? Please add some important links for newbies not to be taken advantaged by those people mining remotely in websites.
They're probably using javascript, something like coinhive (if I name it correctly). If you wanted to be free from such sites, better disable javascript when you browse, unless you really need it. Take a look at your CPU statistics when you browse, if you're only browsing 'light sites', but your CPU activities is so high (90% utilization or more) then it is likely that those sites have something behind. I remember visiting some sites, personal blog, that uses coinhive script on every page. However, listing such sites would not help that much 'cause they might died soon after being reported as malicious sites. Just turn off your javascript and you're good to go. CMIIW. Helpful read thank you
Nice spam, thanks.
Sudah baca-baca berita terbaru dari OEL Foundation? Jangan lupa untuk membaca ya, berikut ini beberapa di antaranya: Dan yang paling baru: Foundation dinilai sebagai salah satu ICO emas pada Q3 2018 oleh Global Coin Report!
Dan jangan lupa, ronde kedua undian berhadiah dari OEL Foundation juga sedang berlangsung!
Ada banyak berita baru mengenai Sharering. ShareRing are excited to be representing MOBI at the upcoming Automated Vehicle Symposium in San Francisco next week. If you're in town, come and find us at the MOBI booth. You can see a panel talk with Chris Ballinger, CEO of the MOBI Alliance (ex CFO of Toyota) about Blockchain in the Automated Vehicle Ecosystem on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (Room: Golden Gate 7). More info here: akan mewakili MOBI dalam Simposium Kendaraan Otomatis di San Fransisco, 10 Juli. Ada yang mau berkunjung? Jangan lupa baca berita di atas juga yah!
Selamat, anda sudah melanggar rules forum. Terjemahan pake google translate, atau kalau gak gitu agan terlalu 'bagus' kalau nerjemahin. Terjemahan: (75.000 JLT) - Penghasilan: 2000 JLT per benang
Silakan pasang alamat ETH Wallet di sepanjang sisi link dari tugas selesai pada Jolt Coin Slack Invite Link di bawah saluran #Bounties untuk menerima hadiah.
bagaimana agan bisa membantu menaikkan rank, kalau smerit yang agan punya sangat lah terbatas. saya akui sekarang sudah sangat terasa sulit menaikkan rank, karna sudah memberlakukan merit sebagi salah satu syarat. saya juga merasa sangat susah mendapatkan merit, bukan tidak mau membuat post yang konklusif ataupun informatif. karna kita tahu sendiri semua member pasti mempunyai keterbatasan smerit yang semakin lama akan habis satu per satu.
Apa agan sudah baca OP secara menyeluruh dan melihat apa yang terjadi di thread ini? Agak aneh baca komentar agan, yang sepertinya cuma lihat OP sekilas terus langsung komen. yang mau saya pertanyaakan apakah moderator mempunyai smerit yang tidak terbatas?
Secara teknis smerit mereka akan bertambah tanpa harus mendapatkan smerit dari orang lain terlebih dahulu dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Lebih tepatnya smerit source, bukan hanya moderator. Baca lagi ya.
Fungsi dari sign mesage ne apa ya gan? Terus terang ane bingung gan Kalau di post" sebelumnya minta video, ada benarnya juga gan kalau ada video tutornya, agar lebih gampang di mengerti gan. Makanya sebelum ngepost baca dulu. Mungkin agan tidak terkesan. Jadi apa gunanya sign message?mungkin itu yang terfikir dibenak agan. Tapi sign message sangat penting jika ingin berdagang dengan seseorang. Saat ini ada setidaknya 3 akun di bagian meta yang diperebutkan. Masalah utamanya adalah: seseorang tidak dapat melakukan sign message , seseorang tidak meminta sign message untuk perdagangan atau seseorang tidak tahu bagaimana cara melakukan sign message . Saya akan mencoba yang terbaik untuk menunjukkan cara melakukan sign message dan cara memverifikasi sign message. Untuk itu saya akan menggunakan gambar agar mudah dilakukan. Saya juga akan mengupdate thread ini dari waktu ke waktu.
[Tambahan OP] Sign message juga berfungsi untuk sebagai bukti jika suatu saat akun bitcointalk agan di hack orang dan dia merubah kata sandi dan emailnya, sign message ini akan membantu agan memulihkan atau mengambil kembali akun agan tersebut dengan cara menghubungi admin dan memberikan bukti sign message agan yang sudah di posting di bitcointalk.
Itu tulisan di atas ada di OP. Silakan cek sendiri. Gak perlu ngasih video kalau audiensnya baca saja gak mau.
I don't think this is the appropriate sub-forum if you wanted to post about this one. Maybe off-topic?
-snip- I believe this is the sources of all the problem, and i think we need some standard for people who wants to be a manager. SMAS list and Darklist is a great tools made by some responsible managers in this forum and it kinda help the community to grow better, but some lazy managers just want money flowing to their pocket without doing a good and hardwork.
Just around 2 or 3 days ago I suggest excluding local posts in a signature campaign to a bounty manager. I've told them that it will be hard for them to check the post quality if it is not written in English. But it seems that they don't care about it. I think "no spamming" rules in the signature campaign was just a decoration for their bounty thread. On another day, I also send pm to a bounty manager/ICO team that their ANN/Bounty/Whitepaper is being translated poorly using Google Translate. And how did they respond? "It is fine as long as it is different enough from Google Translate result." Damn, I never thought they'd respond like that.
-snip- I understand the difference between local forums and main section, but that’s what I wanted to point out too. As a small community, we are mainly free from spam and other bounties bs, the “tone” of posts/conversations are keeped high level and so why not, in this scenario the merit system can actually be used as intended.
I hope my local community can be like yours. We've had major problems in Indonesian section as a lot of members only care about money. I don't mean everyone, but yeah, you know what I'm talking about. BTW, there are a lot of people in my community who rank up and gain more than 100 merits like you do OP. Congrats, and welcome to the club.
He might be using a tool which can change the last seen time, who knows?
Does such tool even exist? "Who knows?" So, why would joniboini get panicked while the accusation given from the OP is a little bit fishy?
Oh, so I am panicked? Thanks for enlightening me. You have busted up wapinter and some members that have been running an ANN bumping services ? A good try but there is no one who can believe this from a guy like you who do not possess standards, look at me and my post quality, i read whitepapers and understand projects but never run just for money and post shit posts. The reference screen shot you submitted here: for higer rank members - Anyone can easily analyze this is made by you to spoil others reputation and spam around the forum with your shit posts. Do you think a manger in the forum is a fool? and easy to become a manager in the forum? Well, at least I know that BitRentX is not stupid enough to check whether that is true or not. -snip- Analysis: I notice wapinter is a bounty manager and have better experience with various projects. Being such expertise i cannot even trust your reference screen shot which shows group name itself has a spelling error. higer Vs higher. This is the better evidence you are intentionally trying to pull others into problems in the forum with fake screen shots and simply looping every account names from the Ann thread into a sheet and trying to expose something which they are not.
Well, he is the admin though. You can tell him to fix the spelling error. -snip- From the above message i can understand how easy for you to commit a lie bitcointalk account clearly brings an evidence here your chatting history matches with the details and do not lie even after begging me funds: that makes this interesting. I never see someone so stupid as 'me' who post any details that reveal my true self before I wanted to scam someone. I'll be no longer replying this thread 'cause actmyname rebuttals is enough to rebut all the accusations against me.
-snip- rather some big manipulators like the ones mentioned could cause this effect or maybe it is just the people involved in crypto are losing their fate? In my opinion, both are equally probable Increasing more than $400 or dropping $400 only in around 1 hour without any fundamental changes is more likely done by the whales though. Lots of good news are coming up last week but it seems that it doesn't bring a lot of effect to bitcoin prices. Probably there is a lot of hodl-er who sit still on the sideline waiting for the bear to go away. You might wanted to read this:
Poll akan berlangsung seminggu lagi, setelah itu hasilnya akan jadi sebagian dasar pertimbangan apakah thread akan dibuat atau tidak. -snip- saya newbie nyimak dulu biar nambah wawasan sambil baca baca post para senior & mungkin kedepannya bisa ikut diskusi Gak perlu post buat izin nyimak. -snip Saya sangat setuju dengan pendapat agan singkat dan begitu jelas. Sedikit tambahan dari saya agan walaupun ane masih sebagi pemula atau newbie secara logika tidak mungkin sebuah post kita sama atau terjadi duplikat bila kita mempostnya secara benar dan mengikuti arah peraturan yang ada di SF ini, kecuali kita males membaca Threadnya atau suka mengcopypaste yang sudah ada di post reply. Mohon arah bimbingan suhu bila post ane ada kekurangan
Ini bahan diskusi lama, saya hapus postnya karena merespons hal yang out of date. -snip- mungkin untuk memancing diskusi juga bisa gan,mungkin ada yang punya jawaban berbeda gan tapi memang lebih baik di tanyakan secara individu saja Idem yang di atas.
I'm actually more concerned about the spamming that is done by high-ranked members (Member and up). This has become a pain in the ass in my local sub. Just imagine, a legendary ranked member post almost one-liner in all of his posts, doing a quote pyramid, almost like he is too lazy to just post a new reply properly. The roots of all of this problem are, of course, the signature campaign. I don't mean that we should remove it, I just think that bounty managers should be more responsible for checking the post quality of all participants. If all signature campaign being run like ChipMixer, then probably there will be no spamming problem. SMAS blacklist is also great. -snip- To be honest, I do believe that a "newbies jail" can encourage the people to become a good poster, but if we approach the matter in a really different way than before (for instance, by doing contests in their limited board, by giving them some explanations about the forum, and educating them, giving them awards, and helping them to leave the jail once they get, for instance, 5 merits) .
I think theymos mean that newbie jail is like a barrier that makes new potential member, who wanted to participate for this forum become lazy to do so because they can't go straight to the sub-section or thread that they wanted to participate in. On the other hand, usually, the one who has the motivation to go through all the hassle is someone who wanted to gain 'something' (and I mean money). Eventually, they'll revert back to their spammy posting style after they've gone through it. Meaning: if a post is good enough, then we must give merit, even if it isn't awesome, but if the post is amazing, ok, let us give far more than one merit. If the people see that, by having a decent behavior, they are going able to rank-up, then probably more will try. The actual situation is discouraging people, for, honestly, it is very difficult to rank-up beyond member right now, even if your behavior is quite decent. We need to change our mindset, to try to think again as a newbie, to wear their shoes for a while and to reward all that we are not rewarding now.
Even if merit did not exist, you should not spam in the first place. We are not talking about whether newbies are getting the merit they deserved or not, are we? In a society, when there is no hope, then the people cross the street and become evil, lazy and sad. If we show the people that this is possible to rank-up, truly possible, then probably more will come with a new mindset.
It is possible to rank-up. Check out these profiles (from my local sub): HusnaQA, jillscarbrough, roycilik, abhiseshakana, manji, pandukelana2712, etc.
-snip- PingPaid adalah platform dan protokol yang memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat "sumber daya" dan mentransaksikan aset menggunakan blockchain untuk mengamankan pembayaran. PingPaid memungkinkan Anda membuat "sumber daya" bagi industri atau domain apa pun. Beberapa contoh: tempat tidur dan alat mandi, eCommerce, layanan pengiriman uang, dll. Sebagai platform, Anda akan dapat membuat dan mengakses "sumber daya" yang dibuat khusus secara langsung menggunakan teknologi QR Code, dan sistem antarmuka online. Sebagai protokol, Anda akan dapat menggunakan API PingPaid untuk melakukan operasi domain atau industri apa pun. PingPaid saat ini memiliki integrasi dengan beberapa industri: eCommerce, tempat tidur, pengiriman uang, makanan dan minuman, dan lainnya yang dapat dilihat di antarmuka PingPaid BETA yang tersedia di protokol melalui PingPaid akan memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan operasi menggunakan PingPaid API dan platform secara otomatis. Anda dapat membuat dan mengakses sumber daya secara terprogram dan aman. API PingPaid akan menggunakan bahasa markup JSON untuk mengirim dan menerima perintah. PingPaid tidak bersaing, tetapi justru meningkatkan ruang cryptocurrency dengan melengkapi teknologi yang ada dan yang akan datang; dan melepaskan paradigma tanpa batas di ruang cryptocurrency saat ini. Silakan baca buku putih untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang teknologi menarik untuk blockchain ini: Mantep gan translatenya. Google translate sangat membantu ya. Source: GTranslate
Sebelumnya mohon ijin kepada pandukelana dan joniboni, karena ane buka Topic ini. saya hanya ingin memberikan beberapa sMerit untuk merayakan account ini naik ke SR (sedikit lebay) sih tapi tak apalah . -snip- Congrats om. You deserve it. Btw, apa gak lebih baik dieksplisitkan berapa smerit yang tersedia buat di-giveaway? Dengan demikian member yang submit di sini bisa mengantisipasi kira-kira mereka bakal dapet jatah atau enggak dilihat dari berapa banyak post yang disubmit di sini dengan smerit yang om jill punyai. Kan sudah jelas thread ini hanya untuk mereka yang sudah punya 9/99/249/499/999 merit. Ini baru satu kok minta direview?