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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: XLM - yes or no? on: July 24, 2023, 02:54:46 PM
Nothing special in my opinion xlm has the same possibilities as any other altcoin, is true at the moment it has a small growth but the market is unpredictable do not invest more than you can afford to lose
You're absolutely right. XLM (Stellar) is just like any other altcoin in terms of market potential and unpredictability. While it may show some growth at the moment, the crypto market is known for its volatility. It's crucial to approach investments with caution and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Diversification and thorough research are key to navigating the crypto space responsibly and making informed decisions. Keep in mind that cryptocurrencies can be subject to significant price fluctuations, so always be prepared for the possibility of both gains and losses.
2  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Isu Resesi 2023, Peluang Beli Bitcoin? on: July 23, 2023, 05:04:19 PM
sekarang dah pertengahan tahun 2023 tapi ane gak ngerasain tuh dampak dari resesi itu, apa bener yah indonesia tidak terpengaruh  Grin bukan itu aja sih tapi ane juga gak denger berita mengenai resesi itu, kalau bener terjadi pasti kan banyak berita tersiar. bagi ane sih terlepas dari berita itu tetap saja yang terbaik saat ini adalah buy karena ane yakin bullish semakin dekat.
Sepertinya orang Indonesia tidak terpengaruh oleh resesi yang terjadi di negara-negara lain. Orang Indonesia masih sanggup untuk mencari uang, membeli bahan-bahan pokok walaupun harganya sudah mulai naik. Tapi itu tidak masalah untuk orang Indonesia karena yang merasakan akibat resesi dunia ini bukan cuma satu atau dua orang Indonesia tapi semuanya. Bahkan barusan tadi saya nganter istri belanja, yang punya warung juga bilang wah harga-harga sembakonya pada naik.

Kalau untuk peluang beli bitcoin, menurut saya ini masih jadi saat yang bagus untuk membeli bitcoin apalagi harga bitcoinnya sekarang lagi turun alias ngedrop sampai di harga $30k. Jadi itu kembali ke masing-masing, apakah mereka mau membeli bitcoin di saat harganya menurun ini atau masih mau menunggu lagi? Kalau saya masih tetap membeli bitcoin soalnya ini lagi diskon Grin
Bener banget jadi kalo prinsip saya sih gini gapeduli harganya naik atau turun tapi beli aja sedikit sedikt lama-lama juga jadi bukit wkwkwk
ini sih buat opsi saya sendiri dikarenakan memang belum punya dana yang lebih banget buat beli saat diskon tapi lebih baik disimpan aja buat tabungan misal 100rb per bulan anggap aja deposito di bank
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Buy ETH as much as you can.... on: July 23, 2023, 04:56:07 PM
I see ETH to become next blessing in disguise, I remember when it was around $100 people condemned it not to go anywhere within the space of a month interval ETH shuck the price in 500% increase and today is about $1800 let's watch and see ETH will create unbreakable records, channel some useless coins you have to ETH and relax in future.

ETH is good to buy and hodl for future purposes, you can also buy Islamic coin in subordinate.
Islamic coin is one of the newly altcoin ready to blast up the market. The management of Islamic Coin is based on Islamic principles, making it a suitable medium for investment in new projects that share similar values. Unlike investing in well-known cryptocurrencies, investing in Islamic Coin is not considered a speculative activity, with its first-mover advantage, Islamic Coin has the potential to become a catalyst for the active participation of the 1.8 billion-strong Muslim community in the world of cryptocurrencies. Islamic Coin is the native coin of Haqq, the proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain that runs on Cosmos using the EVMOS protocol, it goal was to provide a means of participation in the digital economy for devout Muslims around the world. Islamic Coin is referred to as a Shariah-compliant asset and is described as being halal.
ETH (Ethereum) has indeed proven itself as a reliable investment over time, with substantial price growth. It continues to hold promise for the future. As for Islamic Coin, it appears to be an interesting altcoin that aligns with Islamic principles, potentially appealing to the Muslim community's values. Being Shariah-compliant and considered halal, it may attract investors seeking ethical investments. However, as with any investment, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider factors like project fundamentals, team, and market dynamics. Diversifying investments and staying informed will help make well-informed decisions in the crypto space.
4  Economy / Speculation / Re: Be patient and you will be there soon. on: July 17, 2023, 04:24:42 AM
Patient is one of the key every BTC holders must embrace when waiting for bull market to come, because is a type of season every long and short BTC holders want to see before the end of the year before they can visit the market to sell. I bought BTC early last year when the price was $20k, and the price has taken a good step early this year to hit $30k which is very close to my expectations before I will start selling my BTC to have another opportunity to buy and hold for another bull to come. If you can endure with the current price situation, and hold not to allow any challenges make you to sell in this condition, I guess you will make a huge amount of profits from your holding soon. If the price of BTC reach $40k next month will you sell? I know many people will not sell until the price reach $100k, which it will take a long years before such dream will come to pass. What is your opinion.
Patience is indeed crucial for BTC holders, especially when awaiting a bull market. The timing of market cycles can be unpredictable, and it's essential to stay focused on long-term goals. Congratulations on purchasing BTC at $20k last year, and it's promising to see the price rise to $30k. Remember, setting realistic expectations is important, and selling decisions should align with individual investment strategies. If the price reaches $40k next month, it's a personal decision whether to sell or hold. Some may choose to secure profits, while others might have a higher target in mind, such as $100k. It's crucial to evaluate the market conditions, conduct thorough research, and make informed decisions based on your own risk tolerance and investment objectives. Holding onto BTC can potentially lead to significant profits, but it's important to continuously monitor market trends and adjust your strategy accordingly
5  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Pemerintah akan "mendatangi" para trader! on: July 16, 2023, 05:02:26 PM
Hal ini memunculkan berbagai macam spekulasi pro dan kontra karena memang dinilai cukup positif dari segi pengakuan legalitas perdagangan kripto karena tentu saja ketika pemerintah memberlakukan pajak kepada kripto maka secara otomatis mereka juga mengakui legalitas dari kripto tetapi disisi lain untuk kontra juga tentu saja pasti ada, seperti ketika inovasi kripto yang sebelumnya cukup berkembang baik dan tidak ada hambatan terlebih dengan tidak adanya pajak disana ketika diadakan pajak maka sebagian pakar mengatakan ini akan sedikit mengganggu dalam laju kripto di Indonesia. Walaupun memang dengan kondisi ini mau tidak mau sebenarnya ketika sudah ada perarturan dan legalitas maka tentu saja harus ada pajak yang ditanggung seperti yang mas katakan tentang barang apa pun itu jika memiliki nilai jual tentu akan ada pajaknya.
Majakin crypto ini cukup melegakan kita sebagai enthusiasm crypto karena secara tidak langsung pemerintah meng-amin-kan kalau crypto itu Halal, (walau beberapa organisasi masyarakat men-fatwa-kan haram). Karena dari berbagai sudut pandang asset, pemerintah memberlakukan layaknya emas bukan (sebagai mata uang yang menjadi penyebab crypto itu haram). Sehingga tidak ada alasan bagi Pakar jadi-jadian itu menyebut pajak crypto ini sebagai hambatan laju crypto, karena justru kalau tanpa pajak, Haram-nya crypto akan jadi mutlak.

Menurut saya bukan masalah legalitas yang paling menonjol tapi tindakan apa yang akan dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan pengenaan pajak, seharusnya ketika kita dikenakan pajak maka akan ada sebuah imbas positif bukan soal legalitas tapi keamanan dari para trader sendiri dan ini berbanding terbalik dengan apa tujuan cryptocurrency diciptakan yaitu membuat transaksi yang benar2 transparan dan anonim ketika pemerintahan ikut campur maka akan ada beberapa kebijakan seperti KYC yang diperketat dan semua transaksi di akun kita akan selalu dipantau. Dimana transaksi anonim akan hilang
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 👉{ESCROWED} FireDAO Bounty Campaign | 4weeks | 9 platforms | 3 millions $FLM. on: July 16, 2023, 04:54:46 PM
Week 3:
Type of campaign: Twitter
Spreadsheet N0: 347

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7  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Mobile Banking Hanya untuk cek saldo?, ya Explorer aja. on: July 16, 2023, 08:21:56 AM
Mobile Banking sekarang sudah jadi keharusan bagi setiap manusia *beradab. di setiap tempat pasti tidak luput akan pembayaran mobile banking.

tapi kalau orang sepertiku ini yang sedikit agak kurang dalam hal bertransaksi pakai mobile banking, hanya kugunakan untuk lihat saldo saja.
begitu juga bitcoin, dulu aku install wallet di handphone hanya untuk lihat saldo bitcoinku saja. sedangkan untuk transaksi, yah pakai laptop, karena aku ini cukup paranoid bertrannsaksi pakai handphone karena pernah kena scam transfer duit di link yang aku kelik.

sekarang ini semenjak ikut signature bitcoin, untuk ngecek apa bayaranku sudah masuk apa belum, cuma pakai explorer yang ku bookmark di browser, dan ku shortcut as home page di layar utama. sehingga ketika lagi di jalan atau kerja, aku bisa ngecek gajiku lewat explorer itu saja, sangat aman dari pengamatan scamer, hacker atau mafia.

Kalau teman-temann bagaimana se? apa masih install wallet hanya untuk cek saldo?.

*beradab,(sungguh tidak beradab manusia jika punya tabungan tapi tidak punya mobile banking) karena tempo hari aku ngantri ATM hanya menunggu seseorang ngecek saldo, this is really weird di jaman teknologi makin terdepan.

Benar sekali, Mobile Banking memang telah menjadi keharusan di era ini. Sangat penting bagi setiap individu yang ingin terus berada dalam lingkaran yang beradab. Pembayaran melalui Mobile Banking kini menjadi hal yang tak terlewatkan di setiap tempat.

Namun, saya memahami bahwa ada orang-orang seperti Anda yang merasa sedikit kurang nyaman dalam bertransaksi menggunakan Mobile Banking. Anda lebih suka hanya melihat saldo saja. Saya juga memiliki pengalaman yang serupa dengan Bitcoin. Dulu saya menginstal dompet di ponsel hanya untuk melihat saldo Bitcoin saya. Namun, untuk bertransaksi, saya lebih memilih menggunakan laptop. Hal ini disebabkan oleh keparanoidan saya setelah pernah menjadi korban penipuan transfer uang melalui tautan yang saya klik.

Namun, semenjak saya bergabung dengan Signature Bitcoin, saya hanya menggunakan explorer yang saya bookmark di browser dan saya shortcut sebagai halaman beranda di layar utama. Dengan begitu, saya dapat dengan aman memeriksa apakah pembayaran saya sudah masuk atau belum, tanpa perlu khawatir akan pengintaian dari penipu, peretas, atau mafia.

Bagaimana dengan teman-teman? Apakah Anda masih menginstal dompet hanya untuk memeriksa saldo? Bagi saya, menggunakan explorer sudah cukup untuk melakukannya.

Saya sepenuhnya setuju dengan pernyataan Anda tentang pentingnya beradab. Mempunyai tabungan tapi tidak memiliki Mobile Banking memang terasa aneh di zaman teknologi yang semakin maju seperti sekarang.
8  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Bitcoin trading and gambling on: July 16, 2023, 08:18:45 AM
So having made all this comparisons, do you think that bitcoin can be classified as gambling?
Your comparisons is like that of a beginner both to in Bitcoin investment and gambling. If you were a professional gambler, you would have spotted the errors in this anology. You would know that investing in Bitcoin is like making your own luck while gambling is like depending on others to make your luck for you. There is no iota of likeness between the two. If you gamble you would know it is hard for you to beat the casino but in Bitcoin investment you are like the casino if you play your cards right.
Bitcoin cannot be classified as gambling. While there may be similarities in terms of uncertainty and volatility, there are fundamental differences between bitcoin trading and gambling. Gambling is largely dependent on luck and chance, where outcomes are determined by random factors beyond an individual's control. In contrast, bitcoin trading involves analysis, research, and informed decision-making based on market trends, technical indicators, and fundamental analysis.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: look, look, what's this on: July 16, 2023, 07:51:45 AM
I heard about such question years before and most of people were Against it. First of all, currently it doesn’t seems to be happened. Cryptocurrency volume, trading, buy sell order and others things need to update every second. With such conditions, how it is possible to manage all of those things without internet connection? If you have any idea, then you can share with us.
You raise a valid point about the dependence of cryptocurrencies on internet connectivity. Indeed, the nature of cryptocurrencies requires real-time updates and access to online platforms for trading, transaction verification, and maintaining accurate records.

As of now, it is challenging to imagine managing cryptocurrency-related activities without an internet connection. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies relies on a network of computers and nodes interconnected through the internet to validate transactions and maintain consensus.

However, it's worth noting that there have been discussions and advancements in technologies like satellite-based internet connectivity and mesh networks that aim to provide internet access even in areas with limited or no traditional internet infrastructure. Such developments could potentially address concerns related to internet connectivity and expand access to cryptocurrencies in more remote regions.

Nonetheless, in the current landscape, having a stable and reliable internet connection remains a fundamental requirement for actively participating in the world of cryptocurrencies.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Thoughts on the Next Crypto Opportunity on: July 15, 2023, 05:38:41 PM
Regardless of any digital currency, it does not have any value itself. Its value comes from whether there is a market and whether it can be used in circulation. If it does not have these two points, it will not have much value. If there is a digital currency that can be used in a specific way  If it becomes a currency in circulation, its value will be very high.  Do you guys have any recommendations for this type of currency?
To simplify the investment opportunity with the crypto market, I find it to go from the basics with knowledge and have experience with them and then get results. Personally, I find that getting a profit from this market is not difficult, namely accumulating capital from existing work and then investing and waiting a long enough time to look back on the profits, but Honestly participating in this market I find many people are more easily caught up in the mentality of greed in the short term than having a strategy to achieve a specific goal, so trends appear to make it easier to earn. money in the short term and also easy to lose money in the short term. And re-research is not considered a priority in the first place, which is the main reason that we gradually let go of opportunities that have arisen.
Unfortunately most of the people that invest do not do it because they researched what they should buy, or have time to hold it for long. Both of these reasons could lead to you losing a lot of money and that is why it's such a big danger. I understand that there could be some people who may not have time to hold it, but in that case do not buy anything, if you really want to then you could invest into bitcoin, but even that's not a guarantee and most likely result would be going super higher.

I believe that the best thing to do would be making sure that you stay away from it. The other part is even more strange, because if you are not willing to study and learn more about it then why are you even here? Others won't help you with it.
It's true that investing in cryptocurrencies without proper research and a long-term mindset can be risky. Many people get caught up in short-term trends and overlook the importance of having a well-defined strategy and achievable goals. Greed can often cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions.

For those who lack the time or expertise to thoroughly research cryptocurrencies, it's advisable to exercise caution and consider investing in more established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which has demonstrated longevity and market acceptance. However, it's crucial to note that even Bitcoin's performance is not guaranteed, and investing in any cryptocurrency involves risks.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 👉{OPEN} BillionAir Pre-sale Bounty Campaign 3.0 | 4wks | 1 millions $AIRB ~$25K on: July 15, 2023, 05:32:20 PM
Week 4: 10 July -16July
Type of campaign: Twitter
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Spreadsheet N0: 568

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Previously Report :
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12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY] ✅✅ Anaphora AI ✅✅28M ANAPH token Rewards ! 2 Week Campaign ✅✅ESCROWED✅ on: July 15, 2023, 05:17:15 PM
Forum Username:  taufik0911
Telegram username:  @taufik0911
Which Campaign you joined:  Twitter
ERC-20 wallet address: 0xef81c273a627ffB79A7FC06d601c01D5B27C65F6
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🔥[Bounty] GptVerse | AI Powered SocialFi Dapp For Education | 150K GPTV |🔥 on: July 15, 2023, 05:14:18 PM
Forum Username: taufik0911
Forum Profile Link:;u=1115989
Telegram Username: @taufik0911
Participated Campaigns: Twitter
BSC Wallet Address: 0xfbF886E9475C8a5A1cF0e54635B78347379c47a7
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 👮‍♂️[Bounty Inspectors]🔵 Milady Kitty -2500$ worth $KLADY REWARD POOL.(Listed) on: July 15, 2023, 05:07:59 PM
Forum Username: taufik0911
Forum Profile Link:;u=1115989
Telegram Username: @taufik0911
Participated Campaigns: Twitter
ERC-20 Wallet Address: 0xef81c273a627ffB79A7FC06d601c01D5B27C65F6
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀🚀 [BOUNTY] WorkasPro| +2 Million $IDEA Token ~ $7,000 | Listed in Exchange on: July 15, 2023, 04:53:48 PM
Proof of Authentication

WorkAsPro Registration Campaign

Bitcointalk username : taufik0911
WorkAsPro username : taufik0911
Telegram username : @taufik0911
ERC20 Metamask Wallet address : 0xef81c273a627ffB79A7FC06d601c01D5B27C65F6

Twitter Campaign

Twitter profile link :
Twitter Followers : 3257

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🔥✅🔥 [BOUNTY] HASHFAIR GAMES🔥✅🔥 EXPERIENCE WEB-3 GAMBLING WORLD 🔥✅🔥 on: July 15, 2023, 04:38:12 PM
Reporting Week Number: 3
Bitcointalk Username: taufik0911
Telegram Username: @taufik0911
Twitter Username: @taufik09119
Twitter Profile Link:
Twitter Followers: 3257
Polygon Chain Wallet Address: 0xef81c273a627ffB79A7FC06d601c01D5B27C65F6

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Facebook Username: @taufik09119
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Facebook Followers: 3257

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17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: XLM - yes or no? on: July 15, 2023, 04:25:19 PM
Is your goal to make 10x profit? Is that right? If so, we have many safer options than XLM, such as ETH, BNB, or ADA...lots of potential altcoins hundreds of times your old coin. Honestly, I didn't even remember it until I saw your thread. Or if you have better knowledge, I recommend investing in new projects rather than old ones like XLM or XRP. We have potential projects for the next bull season, like ARB and APT...Many projects are about to release tokens, so why ignore them?

I think for ETH, BNB and ADA it can increase 10x, then it requires 2-3x bullrun, because the price of ETH, BNB and ADA has increased very much from the initial price, so it's possible that if there is a bullrun in the near future, then the price of ETH, BNB and ADA may only increase 3x-5x, but I agree with you that ETH, BNB and ADA is a safe investment for now and long term.

The Bullrun Moment is indeed very eagerly awaited by crypto lovers in particular, my filing if BTC has reached a price above 50K of course but, that's just my prediction and assumption. If BTC rises beyond the price I mentioned, it is very likely that, as you said above, the maximum ADA can increase 10x. and of course XLM is also not that significant.
When considering whether to invest in XLM (Stellar), it's important to evaluate the potential for significant gains. While XLM may not have gained as much attention recently, it's worth noting that the market is dynamic and can experience shifts in sentiment. It's essential to stay updated on market trends and consider factors such as the project's development, partnerships, and overall market conditions. Additionally, exploring other altcoins like ETH, BNB, and ADA, which have shown strong performance and have potential for growth, can be a prudent strategy. Diversification is key, and considering both established projects and upcoming ones can help maximize investment opportunities
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🚧 [BOUNTY] Pepemo | Meme, AI, Fun! Break the Matrix PepeMo! on: July 14, 2023, 05:16:03 PM
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19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why are altcoins important? on: July 14, 2023, 05:11:50 PM
Altcoins are the best source to earn huge profits because when a new altcoin launches, it usually pumped over 100%, with few exceptions. You can earn a profit in a limited time frame. Furthermore, the technology they are using and the innovation they are providing to the market is top-notch. Some are very good projects in terms of technology, for example, ETH, SOLANA, DOGE, XRP, etc.
I am not sure about what to do with this, it is not going to end up being anything good at all. I feel like we should not be considering the situation that bad. The truth is that we won't be seeing the alts go up a ton without bitcoin so it is all about having bitcoin increasing at first and there are tons of shorts and getting bigger nowadays.

Of course the price could go up a lot and break all those shorts to make some good return as well, but there is no guarantee on that at all, we can't really expect it to change anytime soon. We need to make sure that it is not like that between whales, we can't have a fight between shorts and longs because in the end if we are wrong then they will fight one way or another while hurting us.
In my opinion, Altcoins are important because they provide opportunities for potential profits and offer innovative technologies to the market. While the market situation may seem uncertain, it's crucial to consider the role of altcoins alongside Bitcoin. Bitcoin's performance often influences the overall market, and altcoins can experience significant gains when Bitcoin rises. However, it's important to note that the market is unpredictable, and there are risks involved. Balancing long and short positions is essential, and understanding market dynamics is crucial for making informed investment decisions. Stay updated and be mindful of the interactions between different players in the market
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 👮‍♂️[𝗕𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝘆 ]🔵"𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗦 𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗖" 5000$ ≈$𝗦𝗥𝗫 Token Re on: July 13, 2023, 10:58:48 AM
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