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1  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Cepat dan Efektif on: July 13, 2024, 07:45:57 AM
Sebetulnya menurunkan berat badan itu common sense ya, semua orang sudah tau caranya, tapi yang sulit itu penerapannya di dunia nyata. Dan kemudian cara menurunkan berat badan itu beda-beda juga tergantung usia. Ketika orang sudah tua, diet itu tidak efektif karena metabolisme sudah mulai turun dan masa otot akan berkurang dimakan usia. Solusinya itu angkat beban (fitness) kalau mau menurunkan BB dan tidak rebound kalau sudah tua.

Kalau masih muda metabolisme itu masih tinggi sehingga diet masih bisa efektif untuk menurunkan BB. Ibaratnya masih muda itu mesin masih nyala bagus sehingga diem pun masih bakar energi lumayan banyak untuk pertumbuhan, kebutuhan otot, dsb. Kalau sudah tua mesin nyalanya udah empot-empotan (gegara turunnya masa otot dan metabolisme melambat) jadi kalau tidak digas ya ga bisa bakar energi.

Iya gan, karna usia itu menentukan energi kita, semakin lanjut usia kita energi juga semakin menurun, jadi dari sekarang kita menjaga diri kita dan mengonsumsi makanan yang sehat agar tubuh kita juga sehat, selagi masih memiliki usia yang muda dari sekarang kita harus menerapkan rutinitas olahrga dan banyakin minum air putih, dan juga jaga pola makan, jangan terlalu banyak makanan yang mengandung lemak dan berminyak, kurangi minuman yang manis berlebihan, sering konsumsi minuman yang hangat, jaga pola pikir kita jangan terlalu stres, pikirkan apa yang perlu di pikirkan, dan jangan lupa jaga pola tidur kita, jangan sering begadang karna tidak baik untuk tubuh kita, jadi selagi masih muda jaga baik-baik tubuh kita agar masa tua nanti tidak cepat keropos, di usia makin tua kita masih seger tidak memakai tongkat masih bisa berjalan dengan sendiri tanpa bantuan alat lain, itu sedikit tambahan dari saya.
2  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Common Mistakes people make in Trading on: July 13, 2024, 06:53:50 AM
When someone makes a trade not based on the knowledge they have, of course only luck can give them a profit in that trade, as you said, they are more similar to the activities carried out by a gambler, of course this will be a big loss because they have made a big mistake when deciding to trade. and it would be better for them to first learn what can be done in trading or not so that they can trade correctly.

Greed and emotion will of course make us unable to trade well and we must be able to train ourselves not to trade with emotion which results in us not being able to make a profit from trading because these two things will certainly be difficult to do the right thing when make trades.

You are right, of course everyone who trades will experience losses due to mistakes they make, whether they have been trading for a long time, or even if they are new to trading, of course this is a normal thing, but they must be able to correct every mistake and try again carefully so that Don't repeat the same mistakes again to be able to make a profit from trading.

Similar things often happen because they think too much about big profits so they forget about the things they receive only at a loss. By prioritizing our egoism, we will also do things that we shouldn't do so that problems don't happen to ourselves. Don't put it first. Our passions and emotions must remain relaxed under the applicable rules so that we can minimize losses.

As you said, it's true that basic knowledge should be learned before starting trading so that we can know which paths we can take and which we can't, there are rules and ways to play, everyone has their own method to make a profit, don't just play. Large capital does not guarantee large profits either. The most basic knowledge can then be balanced with slow practice while studying so that we can absorb the knowledge more quickly.
3  Economy / Economics / Re: [Bitcoin or Gold] choose correctly on: July 13, 2024, 06:42:50 AM
First of all, I think both are solid money and both have advantages over each other. Bitcoin is an easier asset to carry and store. It also has better divisibility than gold.  Gold is a solid store of value that has been in human history for thousands of years. The world's gold stocks are known. Alchemists can't do hocus pocus. There is gold in space, but it costs more to transport it here. In short, I like both and I try to accumulate both as much as possible...

Agree with your opinion, both of them have fantastic value, both of them also generate profits and we can use them for long-term investments, because gold cannot be affected by inflation and neither can bitcoin, so I think if we can choose both, what's the problem? , as much as we can, trying to invest in gold and bitcoin is fine, because both are very valuable in our eyes, it can guarantee the future when we can collect them as our assets to use in the future so that our economy continues to be stable, everyone's dream people can collect as much gold as possible, it can be used as jewelry and also our investment, bitcoin too, can guarantee our future for our savings and assets.
4  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Mentalitas yang kuat juga diperlukan dalam trading jangka panjang on: July 09, 2024, 05:31:41 AM
Terjun secara langsung memang lebih efektif, namun tetap harus memiliki dasar-dasar yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk sebuah mentalitas trading yang kuat. Yang pertama sudah pasti harus disiplin, karena tanpa hal tersebut sisi emosi bisa menjadi lebih dominan, yang kedua harus sabar dan sebisa mungkin meminimalisir kebiasaan buruk, sehingga tidak ada pengambilan keputusan karena kondisi bias atau terlebih karena pengaruh impulsif.

Dan yang tak kalah penting adalah tidak terjebak pada kerugian, karena pada dasarnya kalah dalam trading adalah sesuatu yang tidak bisa dihindari, bahkan untuk sekelas Trader profesional sekalipun pasti pernah merasakan kekalahan dalam aktifitas trading mereka. Intinya jika kita bisa mengatasi perasaan (emosi) dari kerugian yang diderita, maka itu bisa menghindarkan kita dari kurang percaya diri atau melakukan tindakan impulsif karena ingin mengejar kekalahan sebelumnya. Caranya dengan melakukan rehat serta melakukan evaluasi.

Bener gan, belajar ilmu dasar dulu setelah itu baru terjun sembari belajar dan praktek itu akan membuat lebih cepat paham akan ilmu trading, harus didasari ilmu agar tidak salah mengambil langkah kedepan karna trading memiliki modal sehingga ketika salah mengambil keputusan maka yang harus kita terima adalah kerugian, mental terbentuk ketika sudah mulai mencoba kerja sedikit demi sedikit maka kita akan paham tentang trading sendiri, sembari mempraktekan kita juga harus terus menggali ilmu yang bermanfaat agar kita bisa lebih mahir lagi kedepannya, dalam praktek pembelajaran kita harus ingat bahwa kedisiplinan cerminan utaman dan terus berhati-hati jangan ceroboh harus santai dan menikmati itu semua, jangan pernah gegabah dalam mengambil keputusan walaupun kondisi tidak memungkinkan, harus tetap tenang pikiran agar semua bisa berjalan dengan aman.
5  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Mengubah insecure jadi bersyukur on: July 09, 2024, 05:08:44 AM
Betul gan karena jika kita tidak mensyukuri apa yang kita raih piks sih itu menurut saya tidak adil banget karena jika bukan kita yang menghargai akan hal itu siap lagi karena orang lain belum tentu memberikan dukungan dan semangat kepada kita.
Insecure itu hal yang relatip dan wajar asalkan itu tidak melekat dengan lama, makan dari itu kembali lagi ke pribadi kita masing-masing supaya kita bisa menghindari rasa insecure itu dan hidup lebih baik lagi tanpa ada nya minder sedikit pu .

Bersyukur dengan apa yang telah kita raih itu sebuah kunci kesuksesan kita kedepan, bagaimanapun kita harus mensyukuri apa yang diberi dengan demikian kita tidak merasa kekurangan, disaat kita bisa menerima dan mensyukuri denganb yang ada kita juga bisa belajar dengan melihat orang lain yang dibawah kita, masih banyak orang yang tidak seberuntung kita, setidaknya mereka tidak mengeluh dengan apa yang mereka rasakan jadi kita juga bisa intropeksi diri dan memperbaiki dirikita kedepan agar lebih baik lagi, bagaimanapun rezeki sudah di atur jadi tugas kita cuma berusaha dan berdoa agar diberi jalan yang lurus dan dibuka rezeki untuk kita agar bisa membantu sesama laen, tidak perlu insecure yang perlu bersyukur karna belum tentu orang laen seberuntung kita, dan belom tentu orang yang kita insecure itu benar seperti yang kita lihat dan kita bayangkan.
6  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Apa strategi trading terbaik untuk pemula? on: July 08, 2024, 04:52:06 AM

Dengan modal yang besar, keuntungan bisa jadi maksimal, tapi kerugian bisa jadi maksimal juga. Menurut saya position trading adalah strategi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh orang-orang sibuk yang memiliki prioritas lebih ke pekerjaan dunia nyata mereka.

Karena situasi itu, ada kelebihan & kekurangan yang dialami para position trader, biasanya mereka tidak peka terhadap pasar karena tidak memiliki waktu lebih untuk riset, dan lebih memilih jalan singkat yaitu mengikuti para influencer, contohnya para pengikut sekte ulti nolan.

Iya bener gan, lebih baik ambil langka yang lebih menjamin untuk dirinya, dengan memulai di Position trader maka kerugian yang dia terima minim, dan dia dengan mudah bekerja di kehidupan sehari-hari tanpa harus memusingkan diri dengan trading, karna position trader adalah perdagangan dengan jangka waktu yang lama, bisa jadi berbulan-bulan maupun bertahun-tahun, karna position trader memilih mengabaikan jangka pendek lebih memilih dengan jangka panjang, position trader adalah jenis perdagangan yang memiliki jangka panjang dan konsekuensinya juga memiliki potensi keuntungan yang lebih besar, tergantung modal kita waktu kita memulainya, semakin banyak modal yang kita keluarkan semakin banyak juga keuntungan yang dapat kita terima.
7  Economy / Economics / Re: A lot wealthy people not smart they just use debt on: July 08, 2024, 04:36:08 AM
In today's market, the more capital one has the higher the rate of return on investment. That is why we must seize the opportunity when our own capital becomes a major obstacle to our greater productivity. So having complete knowledge about debt management and working accordingly we need to utilize our business ideas so that success comes to our doorstep.

Rich people are now thinking about developing their business, going into debt is not because they are not smart, by taking loans they are trying to expand their own business, that way they will expand their business network so that they can easily cover their loans, because the more capital they spend on expand their business, the more profits they can achieve, so thanks to their extensive network they can easily compete with the market, they take out loans after their market is stable and they can also allocate their funds well and in an orderly manner, they must also be able to organize financial management them as best as possible so that they are not harmed by the proceeds of the loan.
8  Economy / Economics / Re: Lessons learned after striving to save money at the age of 30. on: July 08, 2024, 04:22:44 AM
In the age we live in, 30 years is a long time to mature well and understand all the needs and importance of everything. There is no doubt that a person who loves himself can love others. It is very important to take care of ourselves. Saving is very important and there is nothing wrong with it if you are saving wisely. It is one thing to meet your basic needs and it is another thing to be wasteful and spend all the money to meet your basic needs.

If you are doing that, it will not mean that you are not able to save up, but there is a condition that you do not have enough money to save up.

That's why I call those people wise who start saving at a young age, those people live a successful and happy life later, and those who are wasteful and can't save will survive in the future.

Save from now so that we can enjoy it in the future, saving is not stingy for yourself, but setting aside a little wealth for urgent days, where one day we will definitely need money with a high nominal amount in a short time, with savings we can solve the problem itself , in terms of saving there is no age limit and minimum as long as we intend to save whenever and wherever we can do it, and the most important thing when we save is not to sacrifice our health, health is the most important thing in everyday life so don't waste it. waste our body health,
9  Economy / Economics / Re: How to improve your condition? on: July 08, 2024, 04:11:00 AM
Very nicely written besides I want to say that people who actually rely on their luck or blame their luck are very lazy people. So if we want to enrich our lives we have to organize our lives according to the plan and work without regretting our position. But in this case we have to check our ability first. Otherwise despair will surround us if we think about the impossible. So it is better to consider the ability and get down to work accordingly.

That's right, bro, we as human beings have to continuously try as hard as we can, especially as we are men who are full of responsibility, both for ourselves and for our family, we are the backbone so never complain about the good fortune we have received, how much good fortune we have received. it all depends on our efforts, we should introspect ourselves and fix ourselves where we are lacking so that we can be better in the future, never fantasize about things that are uncertain, so that we get lost in useless fantasies to the point that we become lazy about trying, Luck comes to people who never give up trying, so we try as hard as we can because we are still in good health.
10  Economy / Economics / Re: Luxury items stock will be good way to go on: July 08, 2024, 04:02:11 AM
Bro, every market goes up and down and people make Money and here are many people who lose money by investing in luxury things. So before investing in luxury things,you should study the technical analysis and you should  focus on market either it is going up or down. If you invest your money with great analysis and great study of graphs ,you can be successful by investing in luxury thing. Avoid investment in luxury things if you have no knowledge and you are talking step due to  only opinion of your friends. I is dangerous for any person who is investing his money.

In my opinion, it's fine if you want to invest in luxury goods, but you have to remember that not necessarily luxury goods will always be profitable, there are times when the goods are priceless, and be careful when buying luxury goods, don't let them be lured, but instead we end up wanting them. cheated by irresponsible people, study the price charts for these goods so that we are not easily lied to and fooled by other people, we have to buy things a lot, because when we need money in the near future it is not easy to sell These items have to take a long time, because not everyone wants to buy these items at a high price, everyone has their own benchmarks so be careful when investing in luxury goods.
11  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: [Merit] Share your best posts/threads with Fillippone to be merit assessed on: July 07, 2024, 02:47:03 PM
Round 4

Re: Digital Bank
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Re: This Will make you rich
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Re: House Edge
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Board     : Marketplace Gambling

Re: My betting strategies
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Re: Money addiction
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12  Local / Topik Lainnya / Re: Bagaimana sih melawan rasa malas on: July 07, 2024, 12:54:03 PM
Dan kita semua sepakat bahwa hal itu bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dilakukan, karena memang godaan dan rintangan akan selalu ada, saya ane juga mengatakan bahwa ini tidak bisa di bentuk satu atau dua bulan, ini memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dalam membuat kebiasaan atau karakter disiplin, terkadang kita pasti kembali malas lagi setelah melakukan beberapa minggu usaha disiplin, karena jika berbicara tantang kebiasaan malas itu tentang reaksi tubuh dan reaksi pikiran dan hal itu bergerak secara fluktuatif dalam diri kita, seperti halnya ambisi untuk membuang rasa malas itu sendiri dalam diri, terkadang itu mati dan kita beberapa waktu malas lagi, dan ane pikir itu adalah sebuah hal yang wajar, namun seberapa cepat kembali pada jalan atau tujuan untuk menghilangkan rasa malas itu tadi.

Sebenarnya disiplin itu terbentuk dari diri kita sendiri sejak masa sekolah dulu, bukanlahi sekarang kita bentuk kedisiplinan diri kita sendiri, kalau dari masa sekolah sudah kita bentuk diri kita dengan kedisiplinan maka sekarang kita mudah untuk membangun kembali disiplin itu, disipiln waktu yang paling terpenting, kalau waktu sudah bisa kita jaga dan hargai maka yang lain akan menyusul, sepertinya juga dengan rasa malas, kita harus menerapkan pada diri sendiri untuk bangun cepat melalui dengan aktifitas yang berguna di pagi hari, seperti contohnyan olah raga dipagi hari untuk menghindari tidur pagi, terus lakukan aktifitas yang bermanfataan untuk menghilangkan rasa malas pada diri kita.
13  Economy / Economics / Re: Low wages and high real estate price rent and buying prices are main problems on: July 07, 2024, 12:43:02 PM
Obviously that is the most important problem, because our income is the key to everything, when our income is small but our expenses are increasing day by day then the main problem will arise, then followed by the second problem, when our income is not sufficient for our daily needs. So we should never dream of owning property like a halfway house.

That's why when we're still young, don't waste it in vain, we have to think about the future, it's time for us to think about changes for ourselves, we have to be rich in thought, poor in wealth is fine but poor in thought is not, because of what what comes to us is all from good and clear thinking from ourselves.
14  Economy / Economics / Re: Is taxation theft? on: July 07, 2024, 12:31:05 PM
No matter the financial status of any individual, it is advisable to pay taxes even though the government may not make judicious use of those taxes being paid by residents of a country. Taxes generate revenues for government to maintain and build infrastructure and there is no way the government can disregard making sure that those dividends of democracy is not visible for all to see because if people pay taxes and the government doesn't want to use those taxes for their purpose then the citizens can do a peaceful protest to question the government why the taxes they paid are not allocated to what they are being paid for. Every civil workers is expected to pay taxes and it has become mandatory especially for civil workers because as soon as their salaries are paid it will be automatically deducted then as for people that have self made jobs, they can pay through direct assessment by going to the board of internal revenue to make payments.
It is important for every one in a country to pay taxes irrespective of the amount of salary or income you earn as this a primary payment needed to generate revenues in building infrastructures and public services.
We know that most government have become so corrupt such that they divert some of these revenues generated from taxation but it should not discourage anyone from paying taxes.

Paying taxes is an obligation for all of us, every job has something called exposure, and the community itself obeys tax obligations, but after the rampant theft of state tax money from the proceeds, people struggle to pay taxes but the money is misused by irresponsible individuals. answer, people today are not negligent about taxes, but they are lazy because taxes from small people are misused instead of for infrastructure development but instead they enrich themselves, many tax office officials steal tax money from the people, when will this country progress if the officials still consuming people's money that is not their right, this is what causes the emergence of "is taxation theft".
15  Economy / Economics / Re: Oil discovery is it a cause or a blessing? on: July 07, 2024, 12:18:42 PM
People must be retarded for hating oil. If they hate oil so much, they should live in a world there they don't consume any oil for a week. Guess what though, it is not possible. Even if you use an EV and cook your food on electricity powered cookers, the food you buy from the grocery store gets transported on trucks, planes and ships that use gasoline. Without oil/gasoline, the civilization we knew wouldn't exist today. So, if you discover more oil, it is obviously nothing but a blessing. The countries that have lots of natural energy sources are mostly rich countries. It is because everybody needs that commodity.

It's true, as you said, we shouldn't all hate oil, because most of the tools we use every day use oil, we should be grateful that we are still given the ease of oil for natural resources, like the country of Qatar, they are rich in petroleum, So we have to remember that everything that has been given is beyond our capacity, so be grateful and enjoy it, because we need it every day, that is a blessing that exists today, for other people who hate oil, it is because they manage tourist attractions where air pollution really disturbs the peace of visitors. and tourists, therefore most of those who hate oil are the ones who suffer losses due to air pollution and climate change.
16  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: TRADERS are not UNEMPLOYED on: July 06, 2024, 05:55:57 AM
I understand the concept of trading related to full time job and aside trading anyone can still make money to support their trading journey because money is needed to finance every step. Trading is not a job but, any trader can earn profit always while sometimes they face lose, in situations like this I will consider trading as a side job, it’s an additional income mainly because a trader can’t win always.

Whatever activity can make money is the real job, if for example there is someone working in an agency but doesn't have a salary, just money for food, that's called mutual cooperation, trading is a trade where we have to really try to get the capital we have. spending it is not in vain and can produce profits that are sufficient for our lives.

Trading itself provides a lot of useful knowledge, in trading we are taught very broad patience where we can get through it all with patience in a time that doesn't know how long it will last, and we are also taught about controlling our emotions so that we remain calm in the face of all obstacles and challenges. , so that we don't become frustrated because we don't achieve what we want.
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Accepting this reality of trading has helped me a lot. on: July 06, 2024, 05:45:26 AM
Losing is okay as long as your profit of the year is still positive, if you keep losing thought maybe it's time to do some reflections.

in my future trading experience I've experienced many loss and most of them are just due to being too greedy, also sometime due to trend changing in the blink of an eye, as you can see with future trading and high leverage a good news or bad news could cause short squeeze or long squeeze, avoiding this is rather impossible since it's unforeseen thing that we can't control.

but instead of being mad and try to make entry to the market again I just called it a day, and try to relearn pattern again. loss is what make you realize that maybe you're being too reckless with your trades.

I agree with your opinion, when we have started trading, the thing we must avoid is being rash in making decisions, don't make decisions carelessly so that it can cause losses for ourselves, first learn how to make the right decisions so that big mistakes don't happen. .

Short-term and long-term trading both require adequate knowledge for ourselves, not just capital, extensive knowledge is also needed, high patience and self-confidence, don't trade because you follow other people, because we see the profits they get so we want to join in trading without being based on sufficient knowledge and experience.
18  Economy / Economics / Re: Not enough debt on: July 06, 2024, 05:37:53 AM
You are right. Debts should only arise due to some economic factors beyond our control and should not be seen as a motivating factor to work hard, working so hard just to clear up debts is not in anyway a progress made. People can actually do well without neccessarily going into debts, although it requires some high level of discipline and self control to be able to live within one's means, stick to budgets, save and endure too just to avoid getting into debts.

Debts no doubt can be very useful, but deliberately abusing the privilege can also be very disastrous. People just need to try as much as possible to within their means, invest in viable projects and only seek for borrowed funds when neccessary.

That's the importance of managing our finances, we have to be able to control ourselves in terms of expenses and income, try to earn more income than expenses, that way we don't have to look for loans or borrow money from other people for our needs, therefore we have to try as hard as we can. to earn sufficient income for the needs of ourselves and our families.

The emergence of debt is caused by our own excessive prestige, which gives rise to the thought of being in debt to other people in order to fulfill our own needs, it is better to style according to the contents of our wallet, do not force our will if that is what we can afford, be grateful, don't let us appear rich to other people, even though it's all the result of debt.
19  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Tapera Jadi Polemik, Haruskah dipaksakan? on: July 06, 2024, 05:30:07 AM
Terima atau tidak, di negara kita selalu ada pengalihan isu saat ada kasus besar seperti korupsi atau kasus besar lainnya yang menimpa pejabat negara seperti kasus korupsi dengan kerugian hingga 271 triliun. Namun untuk kasus TAPERA saya rasa bukan kasus dimunculkan ke publik untuk pengalihan isu agar kasus lainnya semakin tertutup dan tidak menjadi pembicaraan masyarakat untuk sementara waktu karena fokus ke kasus TAPERA.

Jujur meskipun saya full online dan tidak terikat dengan pekerjaan offline sangat tidak setuju dengan sistem TAPERA yang akan diterapkan pemerintah, disini kita bisa lihat ketidakmampuan pemerintah dalam memberikan jaminan bantuan rumah kepada rakyatnya sehingga dipaksakan rakyat untuk patungan membantu rakyat dan campur tangan pemerintah hanya sebatas perantara saja.
Sadis sebenarnya apalagi gaji pegawai dan pejabat yang akan mengingi posisi komisaris hingga posisi krusial lainnya di TAPERA mandapatkan gaji cukup besar dari uang potongan hasil keringat raykat sendiri.

Tapera ini adalah program pemerintah untuk membantu mereka untuk membayar hutang negara, dengan memaksakan rakyat untuk menyetujui program tapera yang tidak jelas maksudnya, hal demikian membuat polemik masyarakat untuk tidak menyetujui program embel-embel seperti itu, tidak masuk akal ada rumah dengan seharga itu, yang jauh sekali dengan perbandingan harga sekarang, sekarang saja tidak dapat rumah dengan harga segitu apalagi kedepannya yang semakin lama semakin naik harga rumah, program seperti ini yang menjadi kisruh di kalangan masyarakat bawah, mereka yang mati-matian bekerja lalu dipotong gaji dengan alasan program tapera lalu dana tersebut digunakan oleh oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab, sungguh sangat kejam sekali penguasa saat ini.
20  Economy / Economics / Re: Is Silver undervalued? on: July 05, 2024, 04:55:51 AM
Silver becoming just an industrial metal is not so bad if you think about it, silver is used in all kind of industrial processes which make the silver difficult to recover, so as the demand increases because of the push to move to green energies, and the miners fail to meet the demand, a drop on the world reserves of the metalis to be expected during the next years.

If true, then silver is likely poised to go up in value for the foreseeable future, so I can see silver being a good investment during the upcoming years.

Yes, bro, the price of silver is currently low, but demand is increasing so that one day the price of silver will soar high, so that it can match gold, or be above the price of gold, investors have warned about the increase in the price of silver in the future, It can be a pretty big investment if we prepare it from now on, it can be called a long-term investment where now the price of silver is going down and down, someday it's not certain when it will go up, so those of us who invest a lot in silver from now on will enjoy the profits we receive.
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