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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: This has been a Spoetnik Approved Rant™ on: April 30, 2014, 01:33:49 AM
The coin is based on a meme, it can't attract intelligent professionals to it.

Don't take this to be anything personal.. But this coming from someone who runs a casino? What "intelligent professional" plays games with his money- Games that are rigged for him to lose a majority of the time? You profit off the unintelligent every day. You see- People don't need to be geniuses to make, and have money. Maybe we have a different understanding of "intelligent" and what role that plays in an economy. (Again, nothing personal, just making an observation, and perhaps a bit of commentary on the ridiculousness of the above quote).

If it attracts the 18-35 crowd- The "intelligent professionals" will quickly take notice. Hell, if it attracts people at first, and converts them all to BTC, and Doge dies.. just as well, right? Unless they are stupid (as in, pay literally zero attention to the risks, and bet more than they can), they've lost very little, and have a better understanding of what they are doing before making large BTC transactions

I just don't get why there's an argument happening at all. Doge has brought thousands of people to crypto, and will continue to. BTC owners should absolutely be thrilled about Dogecoin. Obviously, Doge could never be considered a "threat" to Bitcoin. They aren't after the same market. If you "invest" in Dogecoin- You're probably pretty stupid. It's not designed to inflate. It's designed to be spent- investing a significant amount of money hoping for inflation is silly. Doge will be lucky to ever hit a penny. Bitcoiners should praise Doge as an awesome, inexpensive way to get your feet wet in the digital currency world, and hope that those Dogecoiners eventually "graduate", if you will, and buy some Bitcoin.

If you are too "professional", or too "mature" to have a little fun on the internet (or in life, for that matter), while still pursuing your end goal.. Well, I feel bad for you.

edit: Things like Dark Wallet may bring those "intelligent professionals" to Bitcoin, et al. Darkmarkets,  Drugs, weapons, murder for hire- Now that's an image booster! The exact things that have sown such public mistrust, and skepticism to Bitcoin are now being promoted, and touted as victories. We're begging governments to view Bitcoin, and all digital currency as nothing more than drugs and money laundering.

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: This has been a Spoetnik Approved Rant™ on: April 26, 2014, 04:12:25 PM
so you guys neutralized the dozen odd reasons i posted earlier by saying simply.. "no"

hmm wow that is impressive !

defying logic, reason and common sense by posting "nuh uhhhh" ? wow such debate skills.. much smart.. very genius !

Sorry but i hate to break it to you guys but posting a meme.jpeg or what ever does not,
make a clone coin with a doge picture on it held by some big bag holders into a good coin.. reality does not work like that.
I've asked for you to quote or re-write those points. The thread is too saturated with posts. It is not worth reading.

the gist of it is on page one when i created this topic.. it's damaging to parade a childish and useless scrypt clone as the leading crypto. (over Bitcoin)
i feel it does more harm than good such as making us all and Bitcoin itself look bad and proof is on the non crypto sites where random people state their opinions..
they think BTC is a ponzi as it is, looooong before Doge came along and if those guys seen Doge what will they think ?

Doge in non crypto site comments offends people and i can go copy and past the reactions from people around the world proving it easily.
Doge repels far more people than it attracts..
What it attracts is unprofessional greedy punks and brats interested in playing house "oh look liek we got'z a communtiees !!111Liekbbq11"
and these guys are only interested in the Ponzi Scheme aspect and i can't blame them there is nothing else to latch on to.. it's just a clone after all.
Notice how people say community over and over when you ask them what is good about it ? (the product sold is not the community)
It could have been any coin.. if they all showed up 3/4 months earlier it prob would be IFC they are all parading around as the Bitcoin killer in an obnoxious fashion..

and how in gods name does none of what i just said cross your minds guys ? i know a ton of people out ere think the same thing as me so wtf ? playing dumb ?
is that bag your holding so tightly making you blind guys or are we just playing games and denying things because what i say make your bag lighter ?

You fanboys could have used a serious and professional coin to attract mature and professional people supporting devs
that do real work coding instead of mass coin cloners who do it (cloning) as Shake said for "Fun and Profit"

and i have said all this in some way or another NON FUCKING STOP for a year so why are you guys yet again playing dumb ?
oh what ?? oh Spoetnik we have no idea what you said... the broken English is pretty bad i guess huh ? lol
then later you will tell me a i keep repeating myself all the time.. hahahha ..contradict yourselves much ?
not surprising the community is made of corruption and idiocy.. the perfect storm of it, we had never seen before.
a loud siren call to all scammy scummy corrupt dirt bags around the world to come flying in scamming as fast and as hard as they can.

Free Market™

Don't whine at me about ranting when you ASK me for it either.. as usual you guys provoke a specific response from me by asking me questions,
then start crucifying me for it.  Roll Eyes

You clearly have zero understanding of economics, and the free market. The fact that you write these long, droning posts with literally nothing but a couple of your personal opinions in them reflects that. You are the reason BTC gets a bad name. A bunch of elitist keyboard econ majors with zero real world knowledge beyond what's posted by other BTC fanatics.

Nothing you have stated has anything to do with a coins value. Oh.. So a community doesn't give something value? That's funny. Poeple using a currency doesn't give it value? Get a job dude. What makes Doge such a scam, any more than any other coin? You're talking out of your ass. 100 other coins that are just clones.. but you talk about doge.. why is that? Oh right.. BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY USING IT AS A CURRENCY.

You talk about all these coins that have "innovation", and how you feel bad for their devs cause they work so hard! Uh. Boo fucking Hoo. If people don't want to use your coin- It has no value. I don't care what code you have behind it, or what great new innovations you have. If nobody uses it, it is worthless. If BTC had no community.. guess what.. it would be worthless. Without a community that values the coin, and wants to spend it, nobody would accept it as payment, and it would be worth nothing. So yes, a community is a pretty important thing when it comes to crypto. How much would the US $ be worth if nobody in the world wanted, or accepted it?

So yes, keep talking about how Doge is "scammy" (stilll with no justification for that classification), while you push coins with a couple thousand users worldwide, who only use them to dump for BTC. Genius. Now those are coins worth having!!!/sarcasm
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why Doge coin is bad on: April 25, 2014, 11:42:56 PM
Dear, Doge Fanboys and cheerleaders,

Your crappy shitcoin is nothing but a crappy clone of any one of the 100's of other scrypt clones
with an icon as it's only unique feature and redeeming quality.. which is just a picture some guy found online and used.
The dev / douche aka: coin cloner, could not even be bothered to create a new meme.jpg for his Coingen coin lol

i hope anyone supporting this coin gets cleaned out and loses all their money bad !

Doge coin is a scammy crap clone coin that is damaging to Bitcoin and the entire Altcoin scene.
When major news outlets online report on Bitcoin news and they start including news about Doge
it make Bitcoin look bad.. i can see clearly people who are not even in crypto are disgusted by this crap scam coin.
Never mind the guys like me who have been at it for a while and watched many other shitcoins like this come and go..

The only reason it has gotten popular is because noobs that showed up late to the Altcoin game
decided they would FLASH MINE this coin.. greedy stupid noobs are the problem and i kinda wish Bitcoin never exploded in popularity sometimes.

The intelligence level of Doge supporters is at best.. retarded.
They are too stupid to realize that their support of Doge and their damaging antics are undermining the very thing giving their shit coin any value at all.
Which is the ability to dump the shit coin for a REAL currency such as Bitcoin.. you make Bitcoin look bad by shouting Doge all over the web..
while making Bitcoin look bad while in turn making Doge look bad and worth less.. your smart guys lol

I just feel sorry for all the dev's out there that had gone to great lengths to create and support a REAL honest alternative to Bitcoin.
The lime light is stolen from them at every turn because of mouthy retard noobs screeching Doge and Much yes 'tard crap..

And yes it is in fact possible to trade and mine a coin AND not support it and make money of it..
after all you might as well if the stupid dumpy scamcoin exchanges are going to add the coin then ya go for it ..might as well make a few $$ with it.
You don't have to run around like a moron across the web screaming Doge every chance you get trying to lure new people into a ponzi scheme.

Never mind the long term implications of this clone coin crap.. you idiots are doing REAL supporters a dis-service
and i am going to make sure your shitty little scam coin goes nowhere by pointing to the new people how utterly scammy and useless Doge coin is.

My advice to new users is do a bit of research and find one of the other alternative crypto-currencies to get involved with
that offer something unique and have a real dev team with a real road map of goals.. just look for them there are many.

So it's bad, cause you don't like it?

"OMG- Why does the Peso even exist? It's just a re-hash of the old "paper money". OH MAN WHAT IDIOTS USE THAT!?!?!"

Guess what dude? Some coding innovation isn't what makes a coin worth something. What makes it worth something.. like ANYTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD.. is whether people value it or not. So, you don't value it. Uh... Nobody cares. Which other community has such a large member base, or has brought as many new people into the crypto scene? What makes Doge any more of a Ponzi scheme than any other crypto currency?

The fact that Doge is inflationary, and not designed to behave like BTC and the others make it quite different, in only that small change. It is never supposed to make you rich.. which is clearly your only aim in the crypto game. Doge is SUPPOSED to be worth very little. Anyone who thinks it will ever come close to a dollar is delusional. It is an entirely different coin, with an entirely different purpose.

You feel bad for the Devs of other coins? Boo hoo. Create a coin people want to own, and you have no problem.

Cry more, dude. Cry more.
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