so you guys neutralized the dozen odd reasons i posted earlier by saying simply.. "no"
hmm wow that is impressive !
defying logic, reason and common sense by posting "nuh uhhhh" ? wow such debate skills.. much smart.. very genius !
Sorry but i hate to break it to you guys but posting a meme.jpeg or what ever does not,
make a clone coin with a doge picture on it held by some big bag holders into a good coin.. reality does not work like that.
I've asked for you to quote or re-write those points. The thread is too saturated with posts. It is not worth reading.
the gist of it is on page one when i created this topic.. it's damaging to parade a childish and useless scrypt clone as the leading crypto. (over Bitcoin)
i feel it does more harm than good such as making us all and Bitcoin itself look bad and proof is on the non crypto sites where random people state their opinions..
they think BTC is a ponzi as it is, looooong before Doge came along and if those guys seen Doge what will they think ?
Doge in non crypto site comments offends people and i can go copy and past the reactions from people around the world proving it easily.
Doge repels far more people than it attracts..
What it attracts is unprofessional greedy punks and brats interested in playing house "oh look liek we got'z a communtiees !!111Liekbbq11"
and these guys are only interested in the Ponzi Scheme aspect and i can't blame them there is nothing else to latch on to.. it's just a clone after all.
Notice how people say
community over and over when you ask them what is good about it ? (the product sold is not the community)
It could have been any coin.. if they all showed up 3/4 months earlier it prob would be IFC they are all parading around as the
Bitcoin killer in an obnoxious fashion..
and how in gods name does none of what i just said cross your minds guys ? i know a ton of people out ere think the same thing as me so wtf ? playing dumb ?
is that bag your holding so tightly making you blind guys or are we just playing games and denying things because what i say make your bag lighter ?
You fanboys could have used a serious and professional coin to attract mature and professional people supporting devs
that do real work coding instead of mass coin cloners who do it (cloning) as Shake said for "
Fun and Profit"
and i have said all this in some way or another NON FUCKING STOP for a year so why are you guys yet again playing dumb ?
oh what ?? oh Spoetnik we have no idea what you said... the broken English is pretty bad i guess huh ? lol
then later you will tell me a i keep repeating myself all the time.. hahahha ..contradict yourselves much ?
not surprising the community is made of corruption and idiocy.. the perfect storm of it, we had never seen before.
a loud siren call to all scammy scummy corrupt dirt bags around the world to come flying in scamming as fast and as hard as they can.
Free Market™
Don't whine at me about ranting when you ASK me for it either.. as usual you guys provoke a specific response from me by asking me questions,
then start crucifying me for it.