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1  Economy / Economics / Timeline on: August 09, 2011, 03:26:07 PM
Putting some of the facts and outlooks together, i'm doing a modest prediction ..

2011 - we are here, nothing extraordinary
2012 - aliens visited our planet
2013 - public announce of an on-line exchange which will aim to compete with paypal
2014 - release of open-source market engine with built-in BC support; raising of good bunch of local markets based on it
2015-2016 - Bitcoin client 1.0; first really big deals using BC
Simultaneously in 2015..2019 - raise of interest to alternatives due to Big Crash of fiat currency, i think there will be several proposals of digital currency like BC , maybe couple of them will be implemented by government, although in the end they all probably will fail by the same reason: it will be baked by individuals who interested in control over it. But we know already taste of freedom.
2020 - a key year in every respect, i guess you woke up someday and first thing you'll notice is that the good old world as you know it are not actually exist anymore.

Dont panic! Its not necessary to be year full of tragic events!

I do not making you to believe, just for note. This foresight based on my personal observation.
2  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 19, 2011, 05:24:36 PM

Call me crazy or not adequate to reality, but I want to believe , there are even better ways to move around. This russian scientist developed device after many years of studying insects,  which allow him to fly on ... of course he died due to his experiments with unknown matter   Cry ...

Although I agree it would be wonderful if this were real, I have to point out that we cannot see the back of his collar in the floating photo.  If I were to make a hoax website, I'd start with some obscure genius character that the Western world would not have heard of, and putting him into the former Soviet bloc is a great start.  And then photos like this, taken so that the reader's eyes are pulled away from the only part of the photo that a support cable could be seen and making certain that any such cable is not in the camera's view anyway.  Even if it were in view, such a photo could still be faked today using a few of those clear high-test fishing lines.

An evidence of this idea from several labs around Earth:

Grebenikov claims he is not the first who did an working prototype, but he is a men, who very likely fully understand the mechanic (or at least just understand).
His site is HTML version of his book and he is not talking about technologies but wants to convey "Guys! Take care of this world - the ancient and fascinating world of insects, the infinite and unique pantry Mysteries of the Universe!"

The problem (and why so silence around it) is that this teches gives a (bad? good?) man absolute weapon or literally Power of God.

( hurry up while this server is online )
3  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 13, 2011, 08:20:48 AM
A time-warping force-field generated by the secret geometric power of chitin?  You don't say!  I think Time Cube sells those wholesale.

There is only one thing i want to add before any speculations: his insight was in mechanics of insect flyings, not material. As far as i can catch, this "force" based on electro-static impulses flowing through special geometric  structures. That is probably some of insects uses this mechanism.

He was trying to show his discovery in Ministry of Science , they said it was useless invention  ... He also figured out, that discovery of deeper moral laws is better than any other technical advantages ...
4  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 13, 2011, 05:44:14 AM

These guys get 93 gallons of ethanol from each ton of wheat straw.  Hypothetically, after growing your wheat crop and fermenting the straw and distilling it, if you were to load up your Deuce and a Half with wheat along with all the fuel produced, you could take 83 bushels approximately 2200 miles and back on paved roads.

Call me crazy or not adequate to reality, but I want to believe , there are even better ways to move around. This russian scientist developed device after many years of studying insects,  which allow him to fly on ... of course he died due to his experiments with unknown matter   Cry ...
5  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 12, 2011, 07:43:26 PM
I think this is a good idea but please consider carefully the energy costs involved in transporting grain.  It may have to be a very local project.

Says that russians are best at impossible tasks? So will wait until new type of engines would ready ...  Smiley
6  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 09, 2011, 12:16:20 PM
I went to the website and couldn't make heads or tails of it, but as I was there exploring I was struck by what I was just doing.

As little as two decades ago, even if the Internet were available then, having this conversation about trade with players within Russian territory would have earned me a visit from the US Secret Service.  You kids probably have a hard time understanding a world wherein geo-political interests trumped free trade and business interests, but for the majority of my lifetime that was simply the way it was.  And we couldn't have imagined the world since the breakup of the Soviet Union and the rise of the global Internet.

As a child, we would have to regularly participate in 'drills' at school.  Wherein the children would either flee the classroom and huddle in the halls crouched into a ball, or under our desks.  As an adult, I rationally realized the shear futility of doing such a thing if the US had ever gone to war with the USSR; but as a child it was truly frightening.  I can understand how such propaganda could condition a majority of those children to ever distrust foreigners.  Fear is a huge motivator, particularly in children.  I have no doubt that the USSR used similar tactics with it's population.

Thank God for the Internet.

I can say that fear of americans was rational. It have been not political games.  I think the Soviet leaders were at one time at the point from which there was no way back ... I don't know what save mankinds, but signs of this ... crazy age ... I see everyday here.

It's all make me thinking, that one ego (no matter, it is just a single person or a group) must not have access to control the world. That's why Internet (and Bitcoin)  is here, thats why we are using neural network to control our body. If a God create human beings, he probably a pretty good designer.

7  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 08, 2011, 12:59:47 PM
So you would be selling ag futures contracts in Bitcoin?

Not now. They will selling products from a stock.
8  Economy / Economics / Re: Devilish plan :) on: April 08, 2011, 12:42:53 PM
And the exchange:
9  Economy / Economics / Devilish plan :) on: April 08, 2011, 12:23:52 PM
I have some devilish plan. Please don't consider that it will really working, although... who knows.

The economy can be imagined as some pyramid , isn't it? So that at the bottom layer there are buying-selling foods, real-estates and so on. On the top are science budget, NASA  and so on.
So, while on top are circulating relativelly small amount of money, on the bottom this value is really huge (so that we can say, that money is an energy of people who wants to still live).
Therefore while your currency is not being used for buy food or some room, it's actually just "a piece of paper", or just a bit of void in case of Bitcoin.

That being said, was a saying. Last summer we started on-line trading site of farming products for Russian market. So while it is still frozen as we have no investors, no ads, no much free time to develop it and so on. But, just recently I discovered Bitcoin and for me it just what I want to! Just imagine market, where farmer can sell ten tons of some product without banking routines (maybe via escrow), and in about couple of hours he can spend this money as he wants. I don't even say that we can offer additional services powered by bitcoins... Using Bitcoin as our private payment system, the exchange can be unique!

As you probably knows, Russia have "unlimited" space of soil and most of it are being used as agricultural base. I suppose grain is the second most demanded product after oil on the world markets... It means...

In sum, to make a profit we have to use Bitcoin. In the same time, if  we are successful, Bitcoin gain power to control the world, as it is being used on the bottom of economic pyramid } Smiley

What do think?

10  Local / Oбcyждeниe Bitcoin / Re: К вопросу о распространенности биткоино&a on: April 02, 2011, 05:11:28 AM
Взгляните на это:
11  Other / Off-topic / Re: Advertising video of Bitcoin on: March 06, 2011, 03:44:05 PM
Meh, I stopped watching when they showed a scientist modifying crops. Too environmentally progressive for my tastes. I rather see frames of the government looting your giant money stack as it tries working for you.

.. nop, IMHO bitcoin is environmentally friendly, because of it (1) disciplines the economy and (2) do not require "paper representatives" .. so why not to using this trend? ..
12  Other / Off-topic / Advertising video of Bitcoin on: March 06, 2011, 03:13:45 PM
It already here:

.. replace last  frames with Bitcoin logo and slogan "Bitcoin is natural ... money" or something like this, and you will get perfect advertising company for Bitcoin network Smiley

But doubt if copyright holders of this video will accept this idea...
13  Local / Новички / Re: Пеар в рунете? on: March 02, 2011, 09:38:17 AM
Мои две копейки - короткая заметка в блогах Компьютерры:
14  Local / Новички / Re: Зерно за bitcoin on: February 25, 2011, 09:30:05 AM
Насколько я понял систему, система скриптов транзакций в биткойн позволяет в том числе навешивать на транзакции пароли. Это как в вебмани - перевод с активацией.

То есть фактически биткоины переворачивают экономику вверх тормашками: государство уже как-бы и не нужно.. Все сделки можно проводить с помощью биткоинов, быстро и безопасно. Получается .. "революция"? Эта тема кстати уже поднималась на анг. форуме.. Там предположили что гос. придется или подстраиваться под новые правила игры или воевать с ними..
Делу революции помогу на добровольной основе.

Революция (без кавычек) мешает бизнесу развиваться, вносит анархию и доставляет людям только беспокойство. Так что пока нет никаких серьезных поводов. У нас сейчас не семнадцатый год, извините товарищ. Smiley

Гос. тоже двигается в этом направлении (см. Но как известно из истории, у него не всегда получается как лучше, так что биткоины могут быть подспорьем для НСПК (точно не альтернатива: кто решится зарплату выдавать ... "на дискетах"?).

Короче, даешь эволюцию платежных систем!  Grin

А пароли для транзакций это очень гут.. Только почему то в программе нет этого. Ещё не реализовали?
15  Local / Новички / Re: Зерно за bitcoin on: February 25, 2011, 07:12:26 AM
Нужен escrow service.

1. Иван покупает биткоины на бирже и затем переводит доверенному третьему лицу.
2. Федор доставляет муку Ивану, но курьер не отдает зерно пока не получит подпись.
3. Доверенное третье лицо получает подпись, затем сразу переводит биткоины Федору.

Интересная идея.. Подпись, естественно, электронная? Smiley
16  Local / Новички / Re: Зерно за bitcoin on: February 25, 2011, 07:07:43 AM
добавить на пару BTC / Grain ? Smiley

Было бы круто.. Но реально я начну чесаться в этом направлении только ближе к лету.
Хотя Grain разный бывает: пшеница (3,4,5 кл), рожь (А,Б) .. наверно не все так просто?..
17  Local / Новички / Re: Зерно за bitcoin on: February 24, 2011, 04:58:53 PM
товарищ говорит

надо начать писать рекламные материалы и распространять среди покупателей и продавцов (организовать доставку рекламы).
Кроме того, пользователей надо еще научить на это бирже торговать => нужны обучающие курсы (ссылку на которых надо давать в материалах).

так же, нужно было рассматривать как минимум зону su, организовывать "франчайзинг" - чтобы торговали во всех регионах (пусть локально)

иначе на бирже так оборотов и не будет

Рекламу мы собираемся запускать, когда будет возможность. И обучающее видео  тоже сделаем.
 "Филиалы" в регионах - вопрос времени (я надеюсь).
Не могли бы объяснить чем зона su отличается от ru? В плане преимуществ.
18  Local / Новички / Re: Зерно за bitcoin on: February 24, 2011, 04:08:44 PM

Да, есть, но товарищ говорит, не все хотят продавать зерно вагонами..
Кстати, статья семилетней давности.
19  Local / Новички / Re: Зерно за bitcoin on: February 24, 2011, 03:10:02 PM
Как организовать обмен крупных сумм на биткоины?

Надо выставлять зерно на продажу, фьючерсные контракты тоже и ждать, пока цена биткоина вырастет.
Дайте, пожалуйста, ссылку на вашу биржу,
а так же расскажите, как собираетесь решать проблемы со стоимостью доставки

Это "локальная" биржа. Я так понял доставка включена в стоимость продукции..
100 р здесь для примера
20  Local / Новички / Зерно за bitcoin on: February 24, 2011, 01:51:52 PM
Мы этим летом запустили новый проект : биржу с/х продукции. Пока конечно дело идет вяло, так как нет ни спонсоров, ни бесконечного времени для развития проекта.
И тут мне пришла в голову идея: мы можем реализовать сервис безопасных сделок, используя биткоины как буфер.
Схема такая (упрощенно): предположим Иван печет булочки и ему нужна мука. У Федора есть мельница. Он предлагает две тонны муки за 100 руб. Иван покупает эквивалент 100 руб в биткоинах и переводит на наш буферный счет. Если сделка прошла успешно и все довольны, мы переводим биткоины на счет Фёдора. Фёдор может оставить их у себя (банки больше не нужны!) или обменять на рубли.
Сделка в два клика. С банковскими переводами это заняло бы вечность.
Теперь вопросы:
  • Как организовать обмен крупных сумм на биткоины?
  • Как быть с государственным контролем (налоги, акцизы и прочее)?

То есть фактически биткоины переворачивают экономику вверх тормашками: государство уже как-бы и не нужно.. Все сделки можно проводить с помощью биткоинов, быстро и безопасно. Получается .. "революция"? Эта тема кстати уже поднималась на анг. форуме.. Там предположили что гос. придется или подстраиваться под новые правила игры или воевать с ними..
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