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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Send fees idiots. on: July 29, 2011, 04:16:39 PM
No wonder some of you have transactions that are more than a day old, or even a month.

Idiots will be idiots.

Add fees to the transactions!!!!!!
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / People say Bitcoin is a fiat currency on: July 28, 2011, 08:10:18 PM
But I say... What if it was a Toyota currency?
Or a Renault currency or audi?

Is it really

3  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Folding @ Home [FAH] on: July 09, 2011, 06:18:15 PM on a lot of cards including, but not limited to, HD3k series, and a lot of nvidias. And they dont even use opencl, but they still CAN use the gpu for computing.

I know they don't do double sha-256 rounds, but they sure do simulate protein folding, which is a bit more complex then your average double sha round.
4  Economy / Trading Discussion / Which payment processor to use? on: June 17, 2011, 10:21:41 AM
I basically used paypal, but with the increasing probability of someone refunding....i am willing to close my account there.

Problem is, i use Visa Electron which is a debit card accepted by PayPal and AlertPay. I could use AlertPay, but i know they have some stupid limit of $250 per either day or month. They also require i fax them my ID card(or whatever it's called) to get verified.

So i basically would like to use a different payment processor that 100% supports debit cards of type Visa Electron.
5  Other / Off-topic / Got your PayPal account frozen? Share here! on: June 09, 2011, 07:54:13 PM
I decided to make a thread where people can discuss about their accounts getting frozen and the circumstances that led to the freezing.

I myself haven't gotten my account frozen ever, could happen to any one of us.
6  Bitcoin / Mining / What card to get? on: June 07, 2011, 05:31:28 AM
The limit is pretty much the money and my PSU.

I have a Chieftec 600 watt PSU, of course it will never actually supply that much, it has 4 rails, and all of them supply 58 amps and it says on the sticker 576 watts max.

My rig is
Phenom 955BE - 125 watt TDP, but slightly downclocked and undervolted so it doesn't use up too much juice.
5850 which usually has a max TDP of 151 watts, it's memory is downclocked to 500 and overclocked to 765Mhz outputting 290mhash/s with some tweaks on Phoenix's side.

If we add them together 125+180(if we assume that much is used up by the overclock of the card) and say 20w for other peripherals = 325 watts so that leaves me with room for 230w max for a card.

Now it's you!
7  Bitcoin / Mining / Multiple miners on one card? on: May 27, 2011, 08:39:15 PM
I have just one 5850. It pulls ~273 Mhash/s at stock speeds. Now, i know that solo is near impossible even with dual 5970 and will be even more so, however do you think that the chance of finding a block increases if you have multiple instances of a miner running? I have 4 currently on my 5850 and the speed is somewhat divided for every miner.

Assuming that a quad 5970 uses the same method, don't you think the probability get's increased by a small fraction that you will find a block faster than with one miner? I mean it's basically the same thing with pools. Every worker requests new works, increasing the chance of the bitcoind sending the winning hash.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Where is the 120k blockchain file? on: May 19, 2011, 12:51:39 PM
I've been browsing google like crazy trying to find it. Where is it?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / What the hell is namecoin? on: May 18, 2011, 01:19:41 PM
I am reading the description..but i am sorry i just dont get what it does. Will it allow me to register my own domain or something?
10  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / What I've learned about pushpool on: May 17, 2011, 06:02:01 PM
I suggest we contribute in this topic knowledge of how to make pushpool work.

So far I've learned through trial and error that you should compile the source from the tarball. Doing it from git could take hours and you might still not compile it.

I've learned that you need sqlite3-dev and you must create the tables yourself. There is in the tarball, an example config file which i am yet to fully decipher.

I've talked to Luke-Jr and he said, that he wrote the core of pushpool. I am asked him if he wrote it in C(the language pushpool is written in). He said, no. He also said, it's some kind of other files...but not written in C

Any other contributions to make it work?

My aim here is to make a 'How to' tutorial on how one can compile and create his own pool down to the tables he should make.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How will summer affect your mining? on: May 17, 2011, 07:07:03 AM
Me, if i am able to get another card to CF, bad, very bad.

I personally want the stupid sun to die already. I hate the sun. I want darkness and unbelievably cold winters. 4.5 billions years is a long time...the sooner the better.
12  Bitcoin / Mining / WebCL on: May 16, 2011, 05:57:07 PM
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Creating my own pool(how does it work)? on: May 03, 2011, 11:39:42 AM
I see that on github there is a bitcoin pool server, however i am in doubt of it being that easy.

So how does one make a pool?
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Price is dropping on: May 01, 2011, 04:25:40 PM
We are back to less than 3 dollars again. Why? What happened?

Ninja edit: dropped by a few cents again just now.
15  Economy / Trading Discussion / A place where they trade using PayPal? on: May 01, 2011, 11:46:01 AM
After coincard ndrix is down, i am left with no place that supports paypal.

The reason i need paypal is not only that it is linked with paypal, but i have forgotten my pin number for the card so i can't withdraw money. But if they are in the paypal account i can use them freely.
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