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101  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Meine Erfahrungen mit Cointiply ("kostenlos Bitcoin verdienen") on: July 27, 2019, 11:15:15 AM
Hallo zusammen,

ich bin noch nicht allzu lange im "Krypto-Business" unterwegs und hatte mich eingangs - wie vermutlich die meisten User - mit den Möglichkeiten des Geldverdienens ohne großen finanziellen Einsatz aus eigener Tasche beschäftigt. So bin ich auf die üblichen Verdächtigen Faucet Sites gestoßen, d.h. die ganzen Coinpot Ableger und eben auch auf Cointiply. Auf Coinpot möchte ich hier nicht genauer eingehen, seriöser "Anbieter" aber Erfahrungen wurden hier im Forum ja schon mehr als ausreichend diesbezüglich geteilt.

Persönlich fand ich Cointiply dann schon interessanter. Die Anmeldung funktionierte kinderleicht und schon konnte es losgehen. Nach erfolgreichem Login kann das Dashboard für Neulinge etwas überwältigend sein, sind die Möglichkeiten kostenlos Geld zu verdienen doch recht vielfältig. Die Anmeldung bei Cointiply wird mit 100 Coins belohnt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Faucets, arbeitet Cointiply mit Coins, die die "interne" Währung darstellen und dem Wert des US-Dollar entsprechend. Wow, für die Anmeldung gab es also schon mal 1 Cent! Cheesy

"Besonders" ist zudem der sogenannte Cointiplier, welcher in Abhängigkeit von den örtlichen Gegebenheiten und von der Aktivität eines Nutzers abhängt. Oben rechts findet man seinen aktuellen Kontostand inkl. Gegenwert in BTC.

Kommen wir zu dem wohl wichtigsten Part - wie genau lassen sich Bitcoins - bzw. Satoshis - verdienen?

Wie eingangs bereits erwähnt, gibt es das Faucet, welches 1x pro Stunde genutzt werden kann. Hierbei handelt es sich eine Art Glücksrad und je nach gedrehter Zahlt, variiert die Auszahlung. Maximal können hier 280 Coins ergattert werden - den Jackpot mal ausgenommen, welcher bei der Zahl 99,999 gewonnen wird und aktuell bei ~157.000 Coins liegt. Wie üblich muss vor dem Drehen ein Recaptcha ausgefüllt werden. Am Ende des Tages handelt es sich auch hier um ein typisches Faucet und ja, es ist kostenlos aber das Ansammeln dauert natürlich ewig...

Glücklicherweise gibt es bei Cointiply aber noch viele weitere Möglichkeiten. Der Reiter "Games" leitet zu Spielen weiter und ihr könnt während des Zockens ein bisschen etwas verdienen - bedenkt hierbei aber, dass eure PC-Leistung im Gegentausch zum "Minen" genutzt wird.

Zudem könnt ihr euch Videos anschauen und so Satoshis verdienen, die Verdienste variieren hier von Anbieter zu Anbieter.

Persönlich fand ich die Angebote unter dem Reiter "Offers" am interessantesten - hier werdet ihr beispielsweise für den Download und die Installation irgendwelcher Apps bezahlt. Habe ich persönlich nicht genutzt, stattdessen habe ich die vielen Umfragen ausprobiert, welche vergleichsweise große Mengen an Coins einbringen können. Ja, es ist total nervig, wenn die Umfragen abgebrochen werden etc. und auch hier muss man hinterfragen, ob Kosten-Nutzen es einem wert sind. Fakt ist aber, dass beispielsweise der Verdienst von 10,000+ Coins für die Teilnahme an einer Umfrage möglich sind.

Desweiteren gibt es auch einen Reiter "PTC Ads". Man klickt dann einfach auf einen Button, besucht eine Seite und muss sich diese über einen gewissen Zeitraum ansehen und werdet entsprechend vergütet - habe ich kurz ausprobiert aber war nichts für mich.

Last but not least: Der sogenannte Multiplier, wo ihr eure Coins mit Glück bis zu 61x aufstocken könnt - reines Glücksspiel. Wink

Ebenfalls ist es möglich irgendwelche Items zu kaufen, die dann die Auszahlungen erhöhen - hiermit habe ich mich jedoch nicht beschäftigt. Es gibt einen Loyalitätsbonus und ganz wichtig: Auszahlungen sind ab 35.000 Coins möglich. Ab 35.000 Coins kann man au einen FaucetHub Account auszahlen. Will man direkt auf ein Bitcoin Wallet auszahlen, so müssen es mindestens 100.000 Coins sein. By the way: Hält man mehr als 35.000 Coins in seinem Account, so gibt es 5% Zinsen aufs Jahr.

P.S. Ich wurde nicht für diesen Beitrag bezahlt oder so (LEIDER NICHT) Cheesy Dachte mir bloß, dass für den einen oder anderen Beginner evtl. interessant Smiley
102  Economy / Gambling discussion / FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 on: July 24, 2019, 12:04:43 PM
I have noticed we dont have a thread regarding the upcoming FIBA Basketball World Cup and thought we should change that!

This is going to be the 18. basketball world cup with 32 participants. It is going to take place in China from 31/8/2019 till 15/9/2019 and we will have a total of 96 matches to enjoy.

Personally I cant wait for it to start. Firstly because I have high hopes in my country Greece this time (yeah, Giannis along with his two brothers will start)! Cheesy Secondly because I love basketball in general and this time many nations seem to take part with many of their NBA star players. Last but not least: There will be some great opportunities bettingwise! Smiley


Cote d'Ivoire


Puerto Rico


Czech Republic

New Zealand

Dominican Republic


Even though I think Greece shall play a good role this time, I dont think they will win the trophy... Wink Do you believe anyone could upset the USA this time?  
103  Other / Off-topic / Random thoughts about this forum and their users on: July 23, 2019, 04:53:07 PM
Hey guys,

as much as I love some of the information in this forum... I regularly find myself thinking: Are there so many "bot-like" people here posting weird, random stuff all the time that actually in most cases doesnt even make sense?! Its crazy... Or maybe its just me... Cheesy

I should start collecting the funniest random posts just like some of my German folks were doing in a thread - I will check to see if I can find it... Cheesy
104  Economy / Gambling discussion / Poker Myths - Help you become better players on: July 23, 2019, 11:51:34 AM

since gambling and also poker - which definitely is another story - is big in this forum, I thought I would share an article with some misconceptions regarding the best of all games there are. I hope those tips will help some of you becoming better poker players and make you more money playing poker. Feel free to share more poker myths with the community. Smiley

Over the years, a number of misconceptions have built up around the game of poker. Many of these misconceptions seem quite plausible, they just “feel” right, and so they get repeated and elaborated upon so many times that they virtually become axiomatic. Except that they are not true axioms; they are myths. What separates these myths from a relatively benign myth such as thinking that Elvis is still alive somewhere eating his peanut butter and banana sandwiches, is that poker myths will usually end up costing you a great deal of money at the tables. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the most predominant poker myths out there:

˜To win at poker, you have to bluff a lot. No question that bluffing is a critical poker skill. But most new players tend to vastly overrate its importance, and will try to bluff at pots far too often. A successful bluff usually requires certain preconditions (heads-up action, the right type of opponent, the right table image) and works best when a player’s actions in the previous rounds support his bluff — in other words, when he has been representing a strong hand all along. Far too many players keep trying to bluff into opponents who call too much (most low-limit and even mid-limit players fall into this category), or into multiway pots (where the likelihood of a bluff succeeding will decrease very sharply).

Beyond that, many poker players are convinced that even if a bluff doesn’t work, they still must keep bluffing in order to “advertise,” so they can get paid off more on their good hands. In the vast majority of poker games, this simply isn’t true. Again, in virtually all low-limit games and even a great many mid-limit games, your call-happy opponents will pay off your good hands handsomely, without any help from a bluff-advertisement. By bluffing to advertise, you may win a few extra bets on your great hands (which don’t come around very often), but those few extra bets won’t make up for all the money you lost on those futile bluffs. The primary reason to bluff is to try and win the pot, and as stated above, you need certain circumstances for a bluff to work.

˜You can’t beat super-loose games full of bad players. This one has doubtless been fueled by plethora of “good” players who have suffered horrendous losing sessions at the hands of fish who kept calling them down again and again with crappy cards — only to win again and again with improbable suck-outs. Whether those beleaguered players are truly good, or whether their own poker skill is greatly exaggerated in their own minds, is open to question. But the bottom line is: Those fish who keep calling with trash are the source of our poker profits. Yes, uber-loose poker games have variance that’s through the roof, and in turn that means even the best player can drop a huge chunk of money in these games during the short run. But you always want to play against bad opponents in any poker game, and the worse they are, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

˜I’m due for a win. While it’s true that statistically, things even out in the long run, that long run can be excruciatingly long indeed. Just because you haven’t been dealt pocket aces all day, just because you’ve been dealt 20 pocket pairs this session and never once flopped a set, just because you’ve missed your last 11 flush draws in a row, is no reason to believe that you are “due” to have it happen anytime soon. Sure, if you keep playing it will happen eventually, but eventually might be next hand, next session, or next week. Don’t base your poker decisions on the idea that the cards are somehow obligated to start falling your way now after beating you for so long. Cards can be very capricious little things, and they may decide to keep going against for a good long while yet.

˜The main goal in poker is to win pots. No, the main goal is to win money. The only people for whom this is not the case are recreational players who are simply playing for fun and can afford to lose money at the game. Focusing too much on winning pots, as opposed to winning money, creates a calling-station mentality. Players who try to win as many pots as possible find it extremely difficult to ever let go of a hand. After all, maybe they’ll hit their four-outer on the river, or maybe the other guy is bluffing and second pair really is the best hand. In the meantime, these players keep calling off their money — a little bit on this hand, a little bit more on that hand — in their eternal quest to win the most pots. And at the end of the session these players will find that those little bits of lost money have added up to a net loss for the day. Skilled players focus on winning the most money — saving an extra bet by not making a bad call here, and gaining an extra bet by making a value raise there. And for them, at the end of the session, all those little extra bits of earned money usually adds up to a net win for the day.
105  Local / Suche / Gastbeiträge/Artikelplätze gesucht on: July 21, 2019, 05:20:42 PM
Hallo zusammen,

gibt es hier Webseiten/Blog Betreiber, die im Gegenzug zu hochwertigem Content Links auf unsere Krypto Seite platzieren? Alternativ gern auch "normale" Artikelplätze anbieten.

106  Economy / Currency exchange / Have 100 € Paypal, need BTC :) on: July 20, 2019, 06:44:25 PM

I have 100 € Paypal and would like to get BTC for it. Any trusted user can help me out? Thanks! Smiley
107  Local / Αγορά / Metafrasi Website EN --> GR on: July 19, 2019, 01:24:14 PM
Geia sas paidia,

iparxei kaneis pou isos endiaferotane gia metafrasi enos website apo agglika se ellinika? Agglika kserw kala... ta ellinika m omws... asta na pane... giayto k rotaw edw! ;-)

108  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / "Mehr oder weniger" kostenlos $50 Krypto auf on: July 17, 2019, 09:20:06 PM
Hallo zusammen,

ich weiß wirklich nicht in welches Subforum das Thema am besten gepasst hätte. Es geht um eine offenbar nette Aktion auf, wo Werbende und Geworbene je $50 kostenlos erhalten - zuvor bedarf es jedoch einer KYC Verifikation und der Durchführung einer ersten Transaktion (Mindesteinzahlung $20). Das "Gute" ist, dass die $50 direkt nach erfolgter Transaktion gutgeschrieben und auf Wunsch umgehend ausgezahlt werden können - genau wie die zuvor eingezahlte Kohle.

Ich habe nichts von diesem Thread, ich erhoffe mir keine Referrals - ich bin selbst noch unschlüssig, ob mir die $50 eine KYC Verifikation wert sind. Hab aber gedacht eine Info an die Allgemeinheit wäre nett - für all diejenigen, die vielleicht noch nichts davon mitbekommen haben - zumal die Aktion zeitlich begrenzt sein soll.

Hier der Link mit der offiziellen Info:
109  Local / Petites annonces / Looking for a translator on: July 14, 2019, 10:07:22 AM
Bonjour mes amis!  Grin

I used to speak French rather well but it got more than rusty, so for an upcoming project I am looking for a website translator. The topic is not related to crypto at all - actually the website is about a very French thing: Crepes!  Grin

Is there anyone here who would be interested in taking up this project or can you guys recommend anyone? The volume will be around 20.000 words - the content is rather simple though, not really hard to translate.

Please get in touch via PM and let me know your rates as well.

Merci! Smiley
110  Economy / Gambling discussion / My betting diary on: July 13, 2019, 01:22:45 PM
I have been betting on sports quite successfully for many years now and thought I would start a betting diary here in this forum. Anyone who wants can of course follow my bets, feel free to do so - in the end though, this is not the main intention of this thread and most importantly: please only bet with money you can afford to loose.

Please do not expect this to be a highly professional diary - I will just write down the events along with my picks, the respective odds and mark them green (if won) and red (if lost). I will not share my exact stakes for the time being. I will be tracking all of my bets in this opening post. I am kindly asking you not to "spam" this thread - you are more than welcome though for "real" discussions even though these should be related obviously.

This thread is now self-moderated - as mentioned before, you are welcome to post stuff that makes sense - all "random" posts will be deleted though.

Bet History

11.07.2019 - Crusaders vs B36 Torshavn: 1 @1.75
11.07.2019 - Connah's Quay vs Kilmarnock: 1 over 0,5 goals @1.80
11.07.2019 - Ventspils vs Teuta Durres: 1 @1.67

12.07.2019 - AEK Athens vs AS Trenčín: 1 @1.67
12.07.2019 - Derry City vs UCD: Over 2,5 goals @1.65
12.07.2019 - Shelbourne FC vs Cabinteely FC: 1 @1.53

13.07.2019 - Yokohama F. Marinos vs Urawa Red Diamons: 1 & over 1,5 @2.50
13.07.2019 - Sligo Rovers vs Waterford: 1 @2.38

14.07.2019 - Orlando vs Columbus: X2 & over 1,5 @2.60
14.07.2019 - Minnesota vs Dallas: 1 @1.80
14.07.2019 - Djurgardens - Malmo: Both teams to score @1.86
14.07.2019 - Lillestrom vs Stromgodset: 1 @2.01
14.07.2019 - Hacken vs Orebro: Over 2,5 @1.55
14.07.2019 - Seattle Sounders vs Atlanta United: 1 @2.05

15.07.2019 - Stabaek vs Sarpsborg: Both teams to score Yes @1.80
15.07.2019 - Helsingborg vs Sirius: 1 @2.00

16.07.2019 - Olympiacos vs Nottingham: DC 1X & Over 2.5 goals @2.25

16.07.2019 - Skendija 79 vs Nomme Kalju: Over 3.5 goals @2.15
16.07.2019 - Valletta vs Dudelange: 2 @2.80
16.07.2019 - Saburtalo Tbilisi - Sheriff Tiraspol: Both  teams to score Yes @1.65

18.07.2019 - Inter Turku vs Brondby: Over 2,5  goals @1.67
18.07.2019 - RoPS vs Aberdeen: 2 @2.02
18.07.2019 - Petrocub vs AEK Larnaca: 2 @1.95

19.07.2019 - Senegal vs Tunisia: Tunisia to win the trophy @1.95
19.07.2019 - FC Koebenhavn vs AGF: 1 -1.5 @2.15
19.07.2019 - TSV 1860 Munich vs Preußen Muenster: 1 @2.00
19.07.2019 - Derry City v Sligo Rovers: 1 @1.55
19.07.2019 - FC Sion v Basel: 2 @1.60
19.07.2019 - Slovan Liberec v Viktoria Plzen: 2 @2.370

20.07.2019 - CSKA Moscow v FC Orenburg: CSKA Moscow -1.00 (Asian Handicap) @ 1.825 - PUSH
20.07.2019 - GIF Sundsvall v BK Hacken: Away Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.610
20.07.2019 - AIK v Helsingborg: Home Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.660
20.07.2019 - Kaiserslautern v Unterhaching: Home Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.850

21.07.2019 - IK Start v Ham-Kam: Home Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.8

21.07.2019 - PFC Sochi v Zenit St Petersburg: Away Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.530

22.07.2019 - Odense BK v Lyngby: Home Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.55
22.07.2019 - Kalmar FF v Djurgarden: Away Win (Full Time Result) @ 2.25
22.07.2019 - Carl Zeiss Jena v FC Ingolstadt: Yes (Both Teams to Score) @ 1.66
22.07.2019 - Hammarby v Elfsborg: Yes (Both Teams to Score) @ 1.7
22.07.2019 - ACS Sepsi v FCSB: Away Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.75

23.07.2019 - Viktoria Plzen v Olympiakos: Yes (Both Teams to Score) @ 1.830
23.07.2019 - T.N.S. v FC Copenhagen: Over 2.5 (Total Goals) @ 1.650

24.07.2019 - BATE Borisov v Rosenborg: Yes (Both Teams to Score) @ 2
24.07.2019 - Ferencvarosi TC v Valletta: Over 2.5 (Total Goals) @ 1.5
24.07.2019 - NK Maribor v AIK: Home Win (Full Time Result) @ 2.37
24.07.2019 - Red Star Belgrade v HJK Helsinki: Red Star Belgrade & No (Result/Both Teams to Score) @ 1.530

25.07.2019 - Haugesund v SK Sturm Graz: Haugesund (Draw No Bet) @ 2.100
25.07.2019 - Aris Salonika v AEL Limassol: Home Win (Full Time Result) @ 1.720
25.07.2019 - Lechia Gdansk v Brondby: Yes (Both Teams to Score) @ 1.830
25.07.2019 - Torino v Debreceni VSC: Over 2.5 (Total Goals) @ 1.650

26.07.2019 - Rapid Vienna - FC Salzburg: FC Salzburg (Full Time Result) @ 1.910
26.07.2019 - Dinamo Moscow - Ural: Dinamo Moscow (Full Time Result) @ 1.600
26.07.2019 - Guingamp - Grenoble: Guingamp (Full Time Result) @ 1.830
26.07.2019 - SJK - Lahti: SJK (Full Time Result) @ 1.800

27.07.2019 - Cove Rangers - Raith: Raith (Full Time Result) @ 1.650

27.07.2019 - Brechin - Montrose: Montrose (Full Time Result) @ 1.500
27.07.2019 - Basel - St Gallen: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 1.620
27.07.2019 - Sirius - AIK: AIK (Full Time Result) @ 2.100
27.07.2019 - FK Tambov - Spartak Moscow: Spartak Moscow (Full Time Result) @ 1.670
27.07.2019 - La Equidad - Union Magdalena: La Equidad (Full Time Result) @ 1.750
27.07.2019 - Ajax - PSV: Ajax (Full Time Result) @ 1.730
27.07.2019 - Waasland-Beveren - Club Brugge: Club Brugge (Full Time Result) @ 1.500
27.07.2019 - AFC Eskilstuna - Hammarby: Hammarby (Full Time Result) @ 1.45

28.07.2019 - New England Revolution - Orlando City SC: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 1.620
28.07.2019 - New York Red Bulls - Columbus Crew: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 1.670
28.07.2019 - Chicago Fire - DC United: Draw or DC United (Double Chance) @ 2.100
28.07.2019 - FC Dallas - Real Salt Lake: FC Dallas (Full Time Result) @ 1.700
28.07.2019 - Houston Dynamo - Seattle Sounders FC: Seattle Sounders FC (Draw No Bet) @ 2.200
28.07.2019 - Hamburg - Darmstadt: Hamburg (Full Time Result) @ 1.650
28.07.2019 - Brondby - Odense BK: Brondby (Full Time Result) @ 2.300
28.07.2019 - CSKA Moscow - Lokomotiv Moscow: Over 2.5 (Goals Over Under) @ 2.200
28.07.2019 - Djurgarden - BK Hacken: Djurgarden (Full Time Result) @ 2.050
28.07.2019 - Neuchatel Xamax - Young Boys: Young Boys (Full Time Result) @ 1.550

29.07.2019 - Ceske Budejovice - Sparta Prague: Sparta Prague (Full Time Result) @ 1.600
29.07.2019 - Elfsborg - Kalmar FF: Elfsborg (Full Time Result) @ 2.05
29.07.2019 - Lorient - Paris FC: Lorient (Full Time Result) @ 2.050
29.07.2019 - AaB - Silkeborg IF: AaB (Full Time Result) @ 1.570
29.07.2019 - Helsingborg - Orebro SK: Helsingborg (Full Time Result) @ 1.85

30.07.2019 - Valletta - Ferencvarosi TC: Over 2.5 (Goals Over Under) @ 1.620
30.07.2019 - Olympiakos - Viktoria Plzen: Olympiakos (Full Time Result) @ 1.730
30.07.2019 - Maccabi Tel Aviv - CFR Cluj: Maccabi Tel Aviv (Full Time Result) @ 1.95

31.07.2019 - AIK - NK Maribor: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 2.000
31.07.2019 - Rosenborg - BATE Borisov: Over 2.5 (Goals Over Under) @ 2.100
31.07.2019 - FC Copenhagen - T.N.S.: Over 3.0 (Goal Line) @ 1.83
31.07.2019 - FK Qarabag - Dundalk: FK Qarabag -1.0 (Asian Handicap) @ 1.9
31.07.2019 - Real Madrid - Fenerbahce: Over 4.0 (Goal Line) @ 1.83
31.07.2019 - Bayern Munich - Tottenham: Over 3.0 (Alternative Goal Line) @ 1.7

01.08.2019 - AEL Limassol - Aris Salonika: Aris Salonika (Full Time Result) @ 1.950
01.08.2019 - Brondby - Lechia Gdansk: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 1.800
01.08.2019 - Levski Sofia - AEK Larnaca: Levski Sofia (Full Time Result) @ 1.950
01.08.2019 - Levski Sofia - AEK Larnaca: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 1.910

01.08.2019 - BK Hacken - AZ: AZ (Full Time Result) @ 2.300
01.08.2019 - Spartak Trnava - Lokomotiv Plovdiv: Spartak Trnava (Full Time Result) @ 2.000
01.08.2019 - Atromitos Athinon - Dunajska Streda: Atromitos Athinon (Full Time Result) @ 2.150

02.08.2019 - Silkeborg IF - Hobro IK: Silkeborg IF (Full Time Result) @ 2.500
02.08.2019 - Silkeborg IF - Hobro IK: Over 2.5 (Goals Over Under) @ 1.750
02.08.2019 - PEC Zwolle - Willem II: Yes (Both Teams To Score) @ 1.530
02.08.2019 - Troyes - Clermont Foot: Troyes (Full Time Result) @ 2.150
02.08.2019 - Le Havre - Niort: Le Havre (Full Time Result) @ 1.730
02.08.2019 - Grenoble - AC Ajaccio: Grenoble (Full Time Result) @ 2.050
111  Other / Off-topic / Starcraft Broodwar Guys here?! on: July 12, 2019, 04:17:32 PM

anyone here used to play starcraft broodwar back in the good old days?! Since this is a highly technical forum, I thought I may find some fellow bw players and maybe we even know each other. Cheesy
112  Other / Off-topic / How to count words of an ENTIRE website? on: July 12, 2019, 09:13:52 AM

I have been searching but I cannot seem to find anything. Does anyone maybe know a site which is able to count the words of an ENTIRE website?

I found several websites but the problem is they only give you the word count of the respective page. I want to know how man words website has in total, including all subpages.

Thank you very much in advance.
113  Economy / Gambling discussion / Betting Diary on: July 11, 2019, 12:53:48 PM
I have been betting on sports quite successfully for many years now and thought I would start a betting diary here in this forum. Anyone who wants can of course follow my bets, feel free to do so - in the end though, this is not the main intention of this thread and most importantly: please only bet with money you can afford to loose.

Please do not expect this to be a highly professional diary - I will just write down the events along with my picks, the respective odds and mark them green (if won) and red (if lost). I will not share my exact stakes for the time being. I will be tracking all of my bets in this opening post. I am kindly asking you not to "spam" this thread - you are more than welcome though for "real" discussions even though these should be related obviously.

Bet History

11.07.2019 - Crusaders vs B36 Torshavn: 1 @1.75
11.07.2019 - Connah's Quay vs Kilmarnock: 1 over 0,5 goals @1.80
11.07.2019 - Ventspils vs Teuta Durres: 1 @1.67

12.07.2019 - AEK Athens vs AS Trenčín: 1 @1.67
12.07.2019 - Derry City vs UCD: Over 2,5 goals @1.65
12.07.2019 - Shelbourne FC vs Cabinteely FC: 1 @1.53

13.07.2019 - Yokohama F. Marinos vs Urawa Red Diamons: 1 & over 1,5 @2.50
13.07.2019 - Sligo Rovers vs Waterford: 1 @2.38

14.07.2019 - Orlando vs Columbus: X2 & over 1,5 @2.60
14.07.2019 - Minnesota vs Dallas: 1 @1.80
114  Economy / Currency exchange / [H] 100 € Paypal [W] BTC on: July 10, 2019, 12:31:30 PM

I have 100 € Paypal and would like to get BTC for it. Any trusted user can help me out? Thanks! Smiley
115  Local / Biete / Hochwertige Sportwetten Artikel/Texte (unique) on: July 06, 2019, 02:00:54 PM
Hallo zusammen,

betreibt hier zufällig jemand eine Affiliate Webseite oder hat einen Draht? Ich habe hier ein paar sehr schöne Sportwetten Theorie Artikel, welche zu schade zum Vergammeln sind.

Falls Ihr Bedarf habt oder wen kennt, freue ich mich über eine Nachricht.

Danke und ein schönes WE.
116  Economy / Services / [HIRE ME] GERMAN TRANSLATIONS: WEBSITE / UNIQUE CONTENT / ANN + MANAGEMENT on: July 06, 2019, 10:00:48 AM

I am a professional translator and I am now offering all sorts of translations, website translation as well as content creation and (ANN) thread management in English/German here on bitcointalk.

Native German speaker with a certificate of proficiency in English, having worked for several years as a foreign languages correspondent. Then I started my own online marketing business, ran several multi-lingual websites and also offered translation as well as unique content creation services. All in all I have more than 15 years of experience in this field with some focus on the online gambling world.

Right now I am offering my German services to all of you, this is your one-stop shop for any German assistance you may need. And remember, Germany is a huge market and definitely worth entering.

I have already worked with several forum members, translated websites, translated ANNs, created unique content from scratch and in addition, I am also managing ANN threads in the German local board. Not only will I translate your stuff, website, create content etc., I will do this without you having to worry about it, since I am going to manage the thread and update it on my own. Just having your ANN thread (or any other promotional thread for example) translated once, will not do it, you want updates of course. You can find references in the 2nd post of this thread.

Pricing is negotiable depending on the project. I may request a 50% advance payment of the agreed total price when starting to work with new clients. Payment preferably in BTC or ETH.

Looking forward to hearing from you via PM and/or TG.
117  Economy / Digital goods / Selling poker theory/strategy content for webmasters on: June 27, 2019, 07:43:05 PM
118  Economy / Lending / Loan of 0.01 BTC needed - not a spammer, nor a scammer ;) on: June 22, 2019, 12:09:27 PM

I need a loan of 0.01 BTC - I will repay within a max. of 5 days and I can pay 0.002 interest. I know I am still a rather "new" member here but I have already worked with/for several forum members. If needed right now I have 0.01 BTC as collateral.

Thank you very much in advance. Smiley
119  Local / Biete / 12 Euro in nur 5 Minuten verdienen on: June 15, 2019, 11:35:02 AM
Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte euch heute die Möglichkeit geben gemeinsam schnell verdientes Geld zu machen. In the end of the day gibt es 12 Euro für wenige Minuten "Arbeit":

- Online Banking  mit einer App namens Numbrs über meinen Reflink verknüpfen und ihr erhaltet automatisch 10 Euro überwiesen. Von mir gibt es obendrein 2 Euro Paypal als Bonus. Für mich gibt es auch 10 Euro vom Anbieter, d.h. ich mache 8 Euro, ihr 12.

Numbrs gibt euch eine Übersicht der Ein- und Ausgaben und hilft beim Sparen - eventuell tatsächlich zu gebrauchen für den einen oder anderen. Die Kohle abstauben lohnt auf jeden Fall, kann die App doch im Anschluss jederzeit gelöscht werden.

- absolut seriös
- keine Kosten
- keine Verifizierung via Ausweis o.ä.
- 100% Auszahlung
- keine Verpflichtungen zu Folgeaktionen o.ä.

Bei Interesse gerne PN. Smiley
120  Economy / Gambling discussion / Poker strategy advice on: June 09, 2019, 08:36:31 PM
Hey everybody,

I used to play poker a lot and besided that, I also wrote poker strategy stuff for many "famous" poker websites out there. I have just searched through the forums but most of the poker strategy related threads were old so I thought I would open a new one where I share some of my strategy stuff, you can share your ideas/strats and we can discuss. After all, poker is the only game where you can actually win if you are truly good - in the long run, of course! Smiley
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