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1  Bitcoin / Press / 2014-02-16 - The Clueless Media - Bitcoin's Biggest Hurdle? on: February 17, 2014, 01:40:22 PM

Interesting that someone is pointing this out.  I do so as often as I can.
2  Bitcoin / Press / [2014-01-09] The bitcoin mining race heats up. - Bloomberg on: January 10, 2014, 02:06:58 PM

Interesting that Bloomberg got an article out that was mostly ok for once.

One of the people they interviewed said he sometimes stuffs papers in his mining equipment to get them up to optimal temperature, though.  Worth a few laughs.
3  Other / Off-topic / What are you drinking on new year? on: January 01, 2014, 01:38:50 AM
Started with Svedka, then on to Jack Daniels.  Both iced.
4  Other / Politics & Society / Obama on NSA spying on: December 23, 2013, 01:33:39 AM
The fact of the matter is that the United States, for all our warts, is a country that abides by rule of law, that cares deeply about privacy, that cares about civil liberties, that cares about the Constitution,” concluded the President.

This was the end of a speech about spying on the public. If this is a country that cares about the rule of law I, we're left to assume he meant secret laws.
Civil liberties? You mean like voting rights? If we have no oversight, how can you call it a democracy? They just do anything they want and say it protects us from terrorism. Sure we could vote them out of office when there is something untenable pushed through.. if corporations didn't have a stranglehold on the system. How can we even do that, though, if we don't know what they're doing? It would be very surprising to find out that there were not other secrets that are being kept from public view.
As for caring about the constitution, that's quite a joke. How can he get away with saying these things? In the mainstream media he is only questioned by republicans, who have no credibility in attacking him. They lost that after rooting for their heroes when they constantly obstructed democracy in Obama's first term.
The left-right paradigm is only bringing us closer to totalitarian democracy. If this was found out while a republican was in office, liberal minded people would be protesting. Now they are unsure, indifferent, and even defending the policy.
5  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-12-19 Forbes article on the Oyate Initiave on: December 19, 2013, 04:14:36 PM
A new project to use bitcoin as a community is starting up.  A disenfranchised community is going to use bitcoin to improve the lives of it's members.  Sounds like a boon for them and bitcoin.
6  Bitcoin / Hardware / Boscombe Pierlytics on: December 10, 2013, 09:03:50 PM
Has anyone seen this yet?  Specs look about in line with other machines coming out at in February and March.  I haven't seen any threads devoted to this company yet, which is a bit of a red flag since the page is in English, and well done.  (only a couple errors that I have found, and trivial ones at that)

I can't find their team on Linkedin, though they do come up on other social media.  One of them is just listed as "Jan."

Maybe someone with unlimited data will want to do a more thorough look.  I'm almost out for the month.
7  Other / Off-topic / I need an app developer on: November 03, 2013, 05:46:18 PM
The first set of applications I would like to make come from my experience (7+ years) teaching Tai Chi.
Eventually I have a couple other apps that I think should be made, some extremely simple with a high earning potential if they catch on.

I realize this is the newbie section, and my newbie question is:  Where should I post about this on this forum since the beginning project is not about bitcoin?  I wanted to ask here first because I would like to work with someone from the community if possible. 

Looking for someone who can prove they have experience programming apps for mobile devices, and needs a new project.  Pay will be split ownership of apps developed, and all profits gained.
8  Economy / Securities / selling TAT.VIRTUALMINE shares on: October 18, 2013, 06:05:54 PM
Due to my locale I cannot create a bitfunder account.  Unfortunately havelock isn't taking this security on.
I own 2260 share of TAT.VIRTUALMINE
These are rated as being worth from 1.33 to 15.82 xbt

Contact me at for a quick reply at  I have to sell the lot together, then transfer them to your bitfunder account.  Escrow is fine if you don't know me.
9  Other / Beginners & Help / Feathercoin scam, beware on: August 11, 2013, 03:50:05 AM
Warning, Feathercoin Scam!

Though it did get me to download the real client.  Didn't even realize it was a scam at first because I never use links sent to me.  Downloaded the client and sent my new address


They said it wasn't a valid address, and in figuring out the problem I realized I ought to warn people.
Here is the text they sent:

My Feathercoin giveaway has began! I am a large holder in Feathercoins and want to boost it's popularity. To do this I am offering the equivalent of 10$ in feathercoins for every person that gets the feathercoinQT wallet and sends me the newly made address.

I will be doing this up to the one hundredth address I receive and depending on the results I get on the ftc market I will either continue or discontinue these giveaways. Please do not attempt to send me multiple addresses, I have my ways of finding out. After downloading the wallet send me a pm on here with your ftc address. Hope you realise the investment opportunity that is feathercoin!

You can get the wallet from


The link of course looks like, but is actually if you read the url link on the bottom left of screen as you scroll over it.

The message I received when I sent the address is:

Quote from: FCTaiChi on Today at 06:33:57 PM

Your address is not generated from our provided wallet. You have to download new client using our link and generate new address and send it to me.


Note downloading the client isn't enough, they want you to use THEIR link.

Please let people know by bumping this on reddit.

10  Bitcoin / Group buys / Decentralized Hashing - HashFast Sale, we only have until 11:59PM Monday! on: August 02, 2013, 04:34:15 PM
**UPDATE**  HashFast Sale is happening now, details are explained here.

Update on HashFast Sept 21, 2013

The prices on the HashFast machine are available, and the tables I made show probable values
Relative values:
Why HashFast?
11  Bitcoin / Hardware / Big Picture Mining on: July 30, 2013, 11:02:19 AM
Dear Bicknellski, why did you delete this message?  I think it is a succinct response to your criticism of my table.


Chips included.
Under the column "Your Chips" you have a "no"  This is correct already I think.

Heat Sink Included.
All components for manufacturers are included, and if they are not I try to get estimates on what they will be.

Given overclocking to 350 Mh/s pretty much given with current components. (Hardware component changes might improve this beyond 350+ Mh/s for our K1 models.
I read Yifu remark that 450 is the hard cap.  I think people will be running these around 350 like you say, but every manufacturer using Avalon chips is listed at 282, since that is the claimed number, and the agreed upon hashrate.  I would only have to change one number to update everyone, so it's not an issue of time.  I just want to have an even field.
That being said, I've thought for a long time that Avalon and the rest of the manufacturers were underselling their selves.  Are you saying that you are going to sell the miner overclocked, or that you assume that people will use it this way?

Price fluctuates from $49.99 USD set price against the MtGox price.

Current MtGox Price $99.34 / BTC or BTC 0.50 per K1 Unit.

Please revise your table accordingly.

The prices of each miner are linked directly to the price of bitcoin at the top of the table.  At the moment I'm showing .50BTC Maybe what you are seeing is the BTC/GH column at .56  The bitcoin per miner column is not shown on the website.
12  Other / Off-topic / 2013-07-12 Decentralized Hashing - Bitcoin: Back to 100 on: July 12, 2013, 02:50:22 PM

13  Other / Off-topic / 2013-07-12 Decentralized Hashing - Miner Table at 500% difficulty on: July 12, 2013, 02:47:42 PM

14  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-07-10 Decentralized Hashing - Is it the right time to buy a bitcoin miner? on: July 10, 2013, 04:53:18 PM

15  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-07-06 Why not to panic when bitcoin drops. Analysis and charts. on: July 06, 2013, 11:15:12 AM

The tone of the title is set to catch people who are unsure about the stability issues, educate them about history and some of the natural comparisons used by the bitcoin community.
16  Bitcoin / Hardware / If I ordered chips from Avalon now, what month would I get them? on: July 05, 2013, 04:56:31 AM
17  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-07-03 Decentralized Hashing - Bitcoin Foundation Responds to Regulators on: July 04, 2013, 05:59:27 AM

Bitcoin Foundation Responds to California Regulators

18  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-07-03 Decentralized Hashing - Bitcoin Bounces off $75, Reeling After a Dump on: July 04, 2013, 02:32:48 AM
Bitcoin Bounces off $75, Reeling After a Dump

19  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-07-02 Decentralized Hashing - xCrowd Announces New Bitcoin Miner on: July 03, 2013, 06:45:24 AM
xCrowd Announces New Bitcoin Miner

20  Bitcoin / Hardware / Butterfly Labs: 500 GH on order now! on: July 01, 2013, 03:53:17 AM
Butterfly Labs: 500 GH on order now!
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