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1  Local / Ελληνικά (Greek) / Bitcoin Wallet looking for Greek translators on: June 06, 2015, 09:31:05 PM
Bitcoin Wallet, the popular wallet for Android and BlackBerry, is also used in Greece a lot. However, it's not completely localized. Would you like to help out? You will be translating from English to Greek, on Transifex:

If you create an account there, you can start right away. You are contributing to free software, GPLv3 licensed. Thanks!
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Looking for alpha testers on: March 25, 2015, 03:56:00 PM
We are in need of some testers for what will become Bitcoin Wallet version 4.22. Changes:

  • Approx. 2x speedup when synching the blockchain. We have more speedup in store in a couple of weeks, but this is the first step.
  • View all derived wallet addresses in list of "Your addresses". Keys from pre version 4 show up at the bottom of the list under "Old addresses".
  • "From addresses" are not shown any more. Nowadays you can distinguish payments by their "to address".

Note this is alpha software. Use at your own risk.


3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Bitcoin Wallet 4.0 release candidate! Please help testing! on: October 03, 2014, 04:08:13 PM
Finally, I uploaded the Bitcoin Wallet release candidate of Version 4! It's HD! Please help testing so we can release it the next days.

For the mainnet version, you need to become tester (see The testnet version is on Google Play already for everyone. There is also direct downloads here:

Here is what's new in v4.0:

  • All Bitcoin addresses are now deterministically derived from one single secret, which was created when you installed the app for the first time. So from now on, only one backup is needed to recover all your future funds in that wallet.
  • The app does its best to not reuse addresses any more. "Request coins" will use a fresh address on each invocation. The current address in the QR code on the main page changes as soon as coins are received on it.
  • When sending coins, the fee is shown while you type and before you press "Send". After sending, you'll see the paid fee in the transaction list.
  • When sending coins, most errors are now shown already before you press Send.
  • The app now requires Android 4.0.3 or higher. This makes UI development much easier in future.
  • The app has a fresher, sharper looking app icon. The icon for the testnet version is now entirely grey.
  • On Android 4.1 or higher, the app-widget is now horizontally resizable.
  • Based on bitcoinj 0.12.

Thanks to everyone participating, especially to all of the bitcoinj team members and the busy translators on Transifex!
4  Bitcoin / Meetups / Berlin, Texas: Bitcoin hackathon. Decentralise everything! [2014-02-21 to 02-23] on: February 06, 2014, 03:37:08 PM

The Berlin, Texas Hackathon

2014 is the year bringing us the next wave of free and decentralised systems in form of application-layers on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, opening the door to the next-generation financial and economic system.

This economic system is developed not by governments, banks or corporations but by people for people. Community hackathons have always been catalyst events, driving the development of Bitcoin further. So will the Hackathon organised by the Texan Bitcoin Conference, giving out more than 1 Mio USD in rewards for the participants.

In order to recruit contestants from the brilliant Berlin crypto-scene (or elsewhere) and allow them to join the Texan challenge the Berlin Bitcoin community is organising a pre-hackathon in Berlin, whose winners will be rewarded the trip to Texas, so they can bring some of that money and glory home.

The Berlin, Texas Hackathon will take place from February 21st to February 23nd in Berlin and we invite anyone to join, brainstorm, develop and share ideas, hack code, hack code and hack code. Or just hack, hack and hack. Anything you want.

The event will take place on the infamous c-base space station in Berlin Mitte. We'll start on Friday night around 7 pm and hack for 40 hours. Final demos will be held on Sunday afternoon. We'll then move down to room77 and the Bitcoinkiez for a final party. Hackers gotta party, after all.

Food and drinks will be provided throughout the whole meeting. This is a non-smoking event and sleeping zones are not provided, unless you decide to use yor keyboard as a cushion.

And last but not least, we'd like to thank our sponsor UFOstart. After all, they'll pay for the flights to send y'all to Texas.

To blockchain eternity!
5  Local / Treffen / Berlin, Texas: Bitcoin hackathon. Decentralise everything! [21-23.2.2014] on: February 06, 2014, 03:10:47 PM
(leider haben wir keine dt. Übersetzung)

The Berlin, Texas Hackathon

2014 is the year bringing us the next wave of free and decentralised systems in form of application-layers on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, opening the door to the next-generation financial and economic system.

This economic system is developed not by governments, banks or corporations but by people for people. Community hackathons have always been catalyst events, driving the development of Bitcoin further. So will the Hackathon organised by the Texan Bitcoin Conference, giving out more than 1 Mio USD in rewards for the participants.

In order to recruit contestants from the brilliant Berlin crypto-scene (or elsewhere) and allow them to join the Texan challenge the Berlin Bitcoin community is organising a pre-hackathon in Berlin, whose winners will be rewarded the trip to Texas, so they can bring some of that money and glory home.

The Berlin, Texas Hackathon will take place from February 21st to February 23nd in Berlin and we invite anyone to join, brainstorm, develop and share ideas, hack code, hack code and hack code. Or just hack, hack and hack. Anything you want.

The event will take place on the infamous c-base space station in Berlin Mitte. We'll start on Friday night around 7 pm and hack for 40 hours. Final demos will be held on Sunday afternoon. We'll then move down to room77 and the Bitcoinkiez for a final party. Hackers gotta party, after all.

Food and drinks will be provided throughout the whole meeting. This is a non-smoking event and sleeping zones are not provided, unless you decide to use yor keyboard as a cushion.

And last but not least, we'd like to thank our sponsor UFOstart. After all, they'll pay for the flights to send y'all to Texas.

To blockchain eternity!
6  Local / India / Hindi translator for Bitcoin Wallet for Android on: January 24, 2014, 07:56:10 PM
Hi there,

I'm searching for someone who would help translating the popular Bitcoin Wallet app to Hindi.

Translations are preferably done via Transifex:

The app is open source and free software. You'd be helping spread of Bitcoin in India. Let me know if you have any questions.


7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Preview of Bitcon Wallet with bitcoinj 0.11 on: January 16, 2014, 10:03:45 PM
I have uploaded a new preview to

It has new, more efficient networking code and uses memory more efficiently. This saves battery power and allows for larger (in bytes) wallets.

It allows sending coins to P2SH addresses. Also, if sending it now has more specific error messages, e.g. when running out of funds.

Any testing done on the bitcoinj 0.11-based previews is appreciated. Bitcoinj 0.11 is due out the next weeks, and an app release will follow.
8  Other / MultiBit / A random user observation on: November 23, 2013, 07:29:09 PM
I just witnessed a beginner being overburdened by the multiple wallet interface of MultiBit. I assume she downloaded MultiBit because its the recommended client for her Windows notebook. She bought a large sum of Bitcoins face to face from a trader. I entered the scene when she wondered why the amount has been confirmed on the page she had opened but it wasn't even appearing in MultiBit. I quickly checked the addresses and they were different. This is when I got very concerned about her coins. In the end, we found out she had in inadvertently created multiple wallets and switched to the wrong one. I don't know why all the balances in the overview showed BTC 0.

Anyway, today it struck me that we need even simpler wallets. No multi wallets, no several currencies, no key import/export (except for backups) and also no watch-only keys or fancy stuff like that. Larger fonts (!), less buttons. Less options. No multiple views on the same data. It really needs to stay as simple as possible. Otherwise, we will see many people ending up frustrated, especially if at some point in time they are being forced into Bitcoin (because the Euro gets worthless).

Edit: Ah, and I should add that I was also overburdened with the whole situation, at least for some painful minutes. I wasn't familiar with the MultiBit UI.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / mBTC denomination on: November 23, 2013, 10:21:34 AM
Finally, mBTC denomination is testable. If you want to help, download one of the mBTC versions from this link. Thanks!
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Offline Transactions and Bluetooth! on: August 20, 2013, 03:09:19 PM
Over the last few days, I was busy with finally including Bluetooth based offline transactions and making QR-code and NFC based offline transactions usable again, which are already in the app since 2011 albeit hidden.

First, let me explain. An offline transaction is a transaction that is directly transmitted between the sender (customer) and the receiver (merchant). It does not require an Internet connection. This is especially useful for the case where a customer comes into a shop and his or her phone is disconnected, maybe because the shop is located in an area with weak cell coverage or maybe the customer simply does not want to pay exorbitant roaming fees. It's also useful in other scenarios, for example at a tech conference with flakey wifi.

Probably the easiest way will be Bluetooth based: It is based on work Mike, Grazcoin and me started at a Bitcoin Hackathon a year ago. Basically, it saves one "pairing interaction". By scanning the Bitcoin request a Bluetooth channel is established in the background which is being used to communicate the signed transaction back. Because it is a labs feature for now, both parties need to enable the feature in the settings. The merchant needs to actively request coins, and stay on that request screen. As soon as the customer has scanned the request and signed the transaction, the Bluetooth channel is used for broadcasting, in addition to the usual Bitcoin P2P network.

The old methods of pairing twice are still there - QR-code and NFC: If the customer taps a transaction that he would like to get to the merchant, it is put onto NFC. Also a QR code is available in the action bar. The merchant needs to scan either of the two. Caveat: Some large transactions do not fit into a QR-code, so that feature may not be available at all times.

A word about security. As a merchant, you must be aware that transactions received directly from the customer are much more easy to spoof. For that reason, the growing grey dot of validations will initially not be there for a direct transaction just received. If at least your device has Internet connectivity, it will broadcast offline transactions to the network and listen for validations. If you see that dot grow, you're reasonably safe for small values. If you see the green "pie progress" grow, that means the transaction is confirmed via the blockchain and you're very safe. If you see neither of the two, you should have reason to trust whom you're dealing with.

All of this stuff is being made available in beta 3.18, downloadable either from

or from the Google Play beta channel. See this thread on how to participate in the beta channel.

Please do comment and report any quirks you may find.
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / IMPORTANT: Android key rotation on: August 11, 2013, 05:05:33 PM
Please read the post quoted below.

A fixed version 3.15 of Bitcoin Wallet is rolling out now. If you don't want to wait for the Google Play update, you can install directly from these links:



As soon as you upgrade, it will create a "rotate transaction", sending your funds over to a fresh, secure key.

Important: You need to backup your wallet again, because of the added key. The old keys will not be included in the backup, so keep your old backups around just in case.

Generally, do not use old addresses/keys for receiving payments any more. Also make sure to not import old backups into any wallet.

If you have a wallet with unconfirming transactions or if the rotate transaction does not confirm for a long time, consider replaying the blockchain. After replay, your funds should be rotated without problems.

Thanks to everyone contributing to fixing this very serious issue!

Hash: SHA512

We recently learned that a component of Android responsible for generating secure random numbers contains critical weaknesses, that render all Android wallets generated to date vulnerable to theft. Because the problem lies with Android itself, this problem will affect you if you have a wallet generated by any Android app. An incomplete list would be Bitcoin Wallet, wallet, BitcoinSpinner and Mycelium Wallet.

In order to re-secure existing wallets, key rotation is necessary. This involves generating a new address with a repaired random number generator and then sending all the money in your wallet back to yourself. If you use an Android wallet then we strongly recommended you upgrade to the latest version available in the Play Store as soon as one becomes available. Once your wallet is rotated, you will need to contact anyone who has stored addresses generated by your phone and give them a new one.

If you use Bitcoin Wallet by Andreas Schildbach, key rotation will occur automatically soon after you upgrade. The old addresses will be marked as insecure in your address book. You will need to make a fresh backup.

Updates for other wallet apps should be released shortly.

Some technical details of what exactly has gone wrong inside Android will be released once the upgrade process is reasonably compete. I will keep track of the upgrade status of each wallet app I know about in the post below.
Comment: GPGTools -


12  Other / MultiBit / Debian/Ubuntu packages for MultiBit? on: July 11, 2013, 11:56:17 AM
Are there any .deb packages for MultiBit? I generally prefer installing via apt to installing via a custom installer.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Bitcoin Wallet alpha and beta channels on: May 18, 2013, 09:10:34 AM
I'll be using the alpha and beta channels of Google Play
for publishing release candidates and preview versions of Bitcoin Wallet.

beta = release candidates
alpha = previews

If you want to become/stay a tester, you need to be either member of
the bitcoinj mailing list or a member of the Google+ Bitcoin
community. Next, visit this link and follow the instructions:

If you did not yet backup your private keys, now would be a good time to do.

I just published 3.05 RC to the beta channel (alpha is unpublished at
the moment). Let me know how this works for you. I'll still be uploading
versions to the download page at Google Code for users without Google
14  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Mobile wallet downloads surge! on: April 11, 2013, 10:28:31 AM
I noticed that downloads of mobile wallets really surge during the last weeks. I've seen this on other wallet apps as well, but here is the example of the "installations per day" chart of Bitcoin Wallet (which just released version 3.0 by the way).

15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Bitcoin Wallet 3.0 available! on: April 11, 2013, 09:48:23 AM
I'm proud to announce version 3.0 of Bitcoin Wallet.

The changes are massive:

  • Now requires Gingerbread (Android 2.3.3) or later.
  • Export/import encrypted private key backups to/from mail or online storage.
  • Switch to new block store format, uses seriously less internal storage and doesn't grow.
  • New installs are instantly fully updated and useable.
  • Got rid of block chain snapshot in APK, installs updates much faster.
  • Lots of small improvements and bugfixes.
  • Based on bitcoinj 0.8.

If you want to take advantage of the new block store format, you need to reset your blockchain once (Options > Settings > Reset Blockchain).

Download/update from Google Play:
(update will become available during the next hours)

Direct download:


Thanks to everyone who contributed to Bitcoin Wallet and bitcoinj. Mike Hearn again invested lots of work to make mobile wallets work just as snappy as online wallets, but without the disadvantages of online wallets.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / BlackBerry BB10! on: March 20, 2013, 10:08:25 PM
Bitcoin Wallet is now available for BlackBerry BB10! It's a bit of an outdated version (because of the lengthy review process), but I'll take care of that soon.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / [updated] Release Candidate of Bitcoin Wallet 3.0 availble for testing on: March 08, 2013, 02:25:08 PM
I just uploaded testnet and prodnet previews of the next major version (probably 3.0?) to the download page at

It includes the latest bitcoinj 0.8 snapshot.

Notable user-facing changes:

  • Instant initial app setup for new users. No need for any blockchain download before you can receive the first payment!
  • Reduced app size to just 1.5 MB (down from 15 MB) by not carrying a blockchain snapshot any more
  • Reduced blockchain storage requirement to less than 1 MB (down from 25 MB+)
  • Increased speed of blockchain replay (needed in case of key imports or error recovery)

Plus some small enhancements and bugfixes which already went into the stable release 2.44 I put up on Google Play today.

Important: By default all of the enhancements only become active for new installs. If you want to benefit, you need to reset and replay the blockchain once. This will upgrade you to a new block store format. After that, if you decide to go back to the last stable release 2.44, the app will force close once, removing the block store. Just start it a second time and it will replay the chain using the old format again.

As always, treat previews with care. Make sure you've got a backup of your private keys.

Bugs can be reported in the issue tracker at
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Happy Birthday, Bitcoin Wallet! on: March 07, 2013, 01:00:01 AM
Today marks the second birthday of Bitcoin Wallet. Wow, a lot has happened since then!
19  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Poll regarding rounding of Bitcoin amounts in clients on: March 03, 2013, 04:38:24 PM
The purpose of my post is getting opinions about rounding of Bitcoin amounts.

Most clients already cut of insignificant zeros at the end. So for example, 1.22000000 gets 1.22. Still, especially if you use currency conversion frequently, you'll have a lot of crude amounts (like 0.31745883 for a burger) in your wallet. In my opinion, this makes it hard to read, especially for non-technical people.

Bitcoin Wallet currently implements a labs feature that allows you to round to either 4, 6 or 8 digits after the comma (see Preferences -> Labs -> Precision of Bitcoin values). Note that when entering amounts yourself (such as when sending a payment) you still can use any precision you like. Also, the setting of course doesn't affect any internal calculations, so there is no "adding up of rounding errors" and stuff like that.

My questions go to all of you, not only Bitcoin Wallet users:

Would you use such a feature in your client?
Do you think it makes sense, also for non-technical people?
Do you find 0.1255 easier to read than 0.125501?
Should we kind of standardize the options (4, 6 and 8 digits) for all clients?
I deliberately left the option of 2 digits out, because we're way past the "0.01 is equivalent to a penny/cent" era. Do you miss it still?
Which option should be default?
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Wallet for Android / Bitcoin Wallet 2.41 released! on: February 24, 2013, 09:46:03 AM
I'm proud to announce version 2.41 of Bitcoin Wallet.

The changes are mostly under the hood, but some of them are massive:

  • Seriously reduced bandwidth and CPU usage due to usage of bloom filters on peer connections
  • Faster connection setup to peers
  • Ability to spend your own change instantly, without waiting for confirmation
  • No need to manually disconnect any more for any of the preferences
  • Preference for showing the connectivity indicator
  • Shortcut to request coins by long tapping on QR code
  • Enhanced Peer monitor to show more info about peers, e.g. hostname
  • Fallback for fetching exchange rates (bitcoincharts first, then blockchain)
  • Lots of small improvements and bugfixes
  • Based on bitcoinj 0.7

The bloom filter feature depends on seeing at least one bitcoin-qt/bitcoind 0.8.0 (protocol version 70000+) to download blocks from. As of today, the chance for this is roughly 50% and will increase as the new version spreads. If you want to help, update your bitcoin-qt now.

Download/update from Google Play:

Direct download:


Thanks to everyone who contributed to Bitcoin Wallet and bitcoinj. Mike Hearn and Matt Corallo earn extra hugs for making bloom filters a reality!
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