Check Potential Activity and Account Price Online are the rates considered in calculating account price :-
0.000375BTC per
Current Activityb)
0.00025BTC per
Potential Activityc)
Post Quality Multiplier i)
Excellent : 1.10x ii)
Good : 1.05x iii)
Fair : 1x iv)
Poor : 0.95x v)
Very Poor : 0.9xd)
Trust Multiplier i)
Dark Green : 1.10x ii)
Light Green : 1.05x iii)
Neutral : 1x iv)
Negative : 0.20xSpecial thanks for scripts:-
ak111in (Developer of Potential Activity Bot)b)
ColderThanIce (Developer of Account Price Calculator)c)
SebatianJu (Thanks for making a link to the potential activity bot file.)I just linked up all the files and uploaded it to server so that users can get info. at one click.
NOTE: The delay for this script is set at 2 seconds so it will take 2 seconds to read 20 posts,
Thus if you are checking the potential activity of a user with 200 posts , expect to wait for 20 seconds before the script finishes.
Tips are welcome but dont tip me :p , tip the REAL DEVELOPERS (ak111in,ColderThanIce,SebastianJu) .........