Cgminer is rejecting me every diff. what to do .
I says me low difficulty share of 1.4 sometimes 5.4 sometimes and so on
Please Help me
You're probably mining the wrong algorithm. What are you using the mine and what are you targeting (pool) what algorithm are you setting it to mine?
yeah please check this if you have any solution for this please reply it on thread. i have fighting with cgminer for this from 2days

Not sure why you created two threads for the same problem. I posted this there;
You're mining the wrong algorithm your need to specify x11. Its hard to give you more information because you did not give the information i asked on the other thread + you cropped the screenshot hiding the important information and you also did not link your config file.
You should probably start by getting SGMiner with any version 5+. The problem is most likely that you did not tell cgminer what algorithm to mine so its using default which is probably sha256 or scrypt, can't tell since youre hidding the important information.