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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / WTS 1310 YAC on: May 30, 2013, 01:42:58 AM
PM me with any offers, BTC or LTC only please.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / selling 3k FC, 20LTC PER 1k on: April 26, 2013, 12:47:46 AM
who wants to trade!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Selling 5k FC, 1k lots at 0.35BTC/15LTC per 1k on: April 19, 2013, 12:03:32 AM
Title says it all.

First come first serve.

reply in thread or PM.


edit: corrected title, had a sizable math error.

4  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / the new gigabyte 7950 rev2.0.. best GPU miner in my opinion on: April 13, 2013, 01:09:57 AM
Why do i say that?

Well for starters this thing will do 630 mhash/s and 680 khash/s (for scrypt).

that is absurd.. i have a sapphire 7970 that can barely do 680 and 720...

for balls to the wall all out mining this card is tough to beat.

it IS voltage locked however, which is a downside compared to the rev 1.0.

however, the rev 1.0 had no heatsink over the VRM's.. so those things were the limiting factor for the clock speed.. take it over 1150 for BTC mining and poof.. thermal shutdown.. the rev 2.0 does 1200 all day long no issue.

so.. just my thoughts. anyone else use this card?
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / ALT coins and difficulty.... on: April 07, 2013, 03:39:20 AM
So, I was thinking and came up with an idea.. I wonder if it is even remotely possible for a current or new alt-coin to implement.

FRC and TRC have both now been plagued by coin hoppers.. people shooting the difficulty to a very unprofitable level and then dumping for the next best thing.. leaving difficulty way high and the legitimate users of the coin in a rough spot.

Is it possible to have some kind of 'difficulty decay' system outside of the typical readjusts?

For example: TRC is now 55% as profitable as BTC to mine.. if there was a way for the network to see "oh gee, for the past 5 hours we have been at a 5x block time cycle, lets go ahead and start dumping down the difficulty to alleviate this issue"

Or maybe if other coins just adopted the PPC/NVC method of constant gradual adjustment., you wouldnt get this absurd jumps that screw everything up.

What are your thoughts?
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / oh why oh why did we sell...... on: April 06, 2013, 01:42:18 PM
man it sure is kinda rough looking at just how high TRC/PPC/LTC exchange rates have gotten....

having mined 15k TRC like it was nothing a few months ago... at current FX rates thats $50k worth

oh well, you live and you learn
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Where are the TRC/PPC pools at? on: April 06, 2013, 12:44:47 AM
Is there any other decent TRC or PPC pool besides coinotron?

We need more redundancy.. coinotron has been pretty iffy lately with its uptime, and now that bitparking shut down its amazing PPC pool..we need more options Smiley

8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The perfect alt-coin on: March 15, 2013, 03:29:50 AM
What are some characteristics that the perfect alt coin would have? I am curious as to what the community thinks.

- Number of coins total (as in 21m for btc.. 84m for ltc etc)
- Block frequency (every X minutes)
- Difficulty adjustment frequency (in blocks)
- POW only or some other method of generating coins as well? (POS for example)
- # of coins in a block: Fixed, or variable?
9  Other / MultiBit / WTF multibit? on: March 15, 2013, 02:21:36 AM
So I was trying out multibit last night to see if i could successfully import my blockchain wallet into it.... it worked.. cool, delete that wallet (since i cant figure out how to encrypt it....)

Come to find out this morning the damn thing somehow transfered 8btc into that wallets auto-address.. heart rate speeds up.

MAN OH MAN am I glad that Recuva exists for windows...install that puppy.. send it to the folder in appdata.. and 3 minutes later BAM my wallet key is there.

Load it into multibit... shows nothing.. huh? (i confirmed the coins are there with blockchain viewer)...

Export that key.. import into blockchain.. do a transfer.. BAM coins safe and sound..

WTF multibit.... how buggy and crappy can you be?
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / the biggest change I have noticed in bitcoin on: February 27, 2013, 11:21:33 PM
I've been part of the "Scene" since late aug 2012 and here is what I have really noticed starting to happen in just those ~6 months

- More professional services popping up.
- Substantial acceptance by companies who are serious mainstream players on the internet
- A solid and relatively stable FX rate, and one that seems backed by decent fundamentals instead of pure speculation
- Interesting alt-coins that attempt to make their mark but can't ever quite hit critical mass
- an overall ecosystem that is quickly taking shape, i am VERY excited for what the next couple of years holds and hoping that legit services become more popular which help bitcoin lose its reputation for being a ponzi scheme and a "drug payment system"

heres to hopefully a great 2013 and 2014!
11  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / so.. why do verification's have to occur exclusively in blocks? on: January 20, 2013, 04:51:30 AM
I was thinking... Why is a block being found the ONLY way a transaction can be verified?

Why cant a message just be sent out to the nodes/clients with a simple query of "hey... so it is cool if address X sends Y BTC to address Z... would you approve that in a future block?"

Randomly pick a dozen or so nodes to send it to and if all responses come back affirmative at least then there is substantially greater evidence of the transaction being legit verses completely unsafe.

MAkes sense to me at least.. but i'm not to intimately familiar with the technical side of transaction verification.

12  Bitcoin / Pools / Here comes the day EVERY pool operator dreads.... on: November 27, 2012, 09:49:09 PM
Halving day!

At least it looks like it will happen during the day (USA time)...

Best of luck to all of you for a safe and smooth transistion!

I bet it feels like Y2k... lol
13  Bitcoin / Pools / A VERY useful feature for pools on: October 09, 2012, 11:51:36 PM
So on the LTC side... has a "mobile web" version of its API. Essentially what this does it shows, in a VERY mobile friendly form (just a weblink, no login required) of the stats like hash rate, unearned rewards etc.

I then am able to use the android "meta widget" app to capture this data and put it on my phone as a widget.

this is SO immensely useful and I can't imagine it taking too much effort to implement.

Please pool operators. Do the community a favor and implement a  web-based api viewer for your pools?

(oh, and if there is a generic api-viewer app/website out there, let me know, as some will let you see the raw data in webpage form, but it's a bit more of a pain when not in user-friendly format)

14  Economy / Economics / why does it matter who directly takes bitcoin? on: October 06, 2012, 02:01:34 AM
Seriously.. Why does THE important thing for bitcoin seem to be how many merchants take the currency? I mean.. good luck going anywhere with a bar of gold and buying services.

It would be like: "Hi there mister accountant! how many grams of gold will it cost me to get a tax return filed today? Do you have a scale on hand?"

Almost nobody takes gold as a payment method, yet it is 1600+/oz. Why must bitcoin be any different?
15  Other / Meta / what the frick is this crap? on: October 02, 2012, 10:34:34 PM
I am seeing this signature EVERYWHERE... not going to lie.. it is pretty friggin annoying..

54Gh/s bASIC Bitcoin Mining Devices
Pre-Order Yours Today!     
Only $1069.99 !
16  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / using intel hd3000 while mining on: September 26, 2012, 12:37:28 AM
So, I've come to find that mining at the best rate and using a desktop as a "daily" dont go along well together.

So i went ahead and started using the good ol integrated graphics chip on my core i7 and low and behold CCC throws a fit and none of the sensors work anymore (afterburner/gpu-z are useless for checking out the card temps/clocks etc). This is for a pair of 7950's not in crossfire mode.

Does anybody know if there is a workaround to get the sensor readings back and control of the card?

Hashrate is just fine though, so it doesnt affect actual mining.


17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin and actually selling/buying with it on: September 03, 2012, 02:53:51 PM
I just stumbled upon a post where a guy is selling an android tablet for X amount of BTC and thought "ya... thats some risky stuff right there" and realized actual reasonable usage of BTC isn't so far away.

Think about all of the devices coming out with NFC capability. Combine this with a quality, proven app on say android/iOS and you have a good replacement for cash/paypal for in-person transactions. There is no specific worries about trust, as it is just as risky as a cash/goods handover in person and what address someone is using is not an issue either, as the apps would store all that information automatically and transfer over the appropriate info when the 'bump' is made.

What do you guys think? To me, this sounds pretty sweet and something that could reasonably become a possibility.
18  Other / Beginners & Help / To late for a new guy with GPU's? on: September 01, 2012, 01:19:04 AM
Howdy. So I am new to the bitcoin scene with a 7950 and a couple 7870s (good for a total of 1400mh/s). I ran the numbers, things looked good and I did my research before buying.

However! Now that I have the good and am cranking away at some coins, I am reading about the upcoming BFL devices and the good ol upcoming halving.

Not going to lie, but that two things combined seem pretty scary for the profitability of future GPU work. Do you guys think I should stick with it or have I 'missed the boat' so to speak?
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