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1  Economy / Collectibles / Ravenbit Interest on: July 02, 2024, 01:17:19 AM
Hey everyone, been a long time since I have been around, but just curious what the interest is like for Ravenbit coins?  I have the below (old pictures but still the same set) and just curious what interest there is in these since I don't really see them come up for sale/auction...

Series 2.3 (colored brass coins)
1x almost a full set, missing red coin.  Includes 1 of each green, yellow, violet, blue, orange.

Extra coins
2x green label
1x yellow label
1x purple label


Series 2.0.2 (colored bronze coins)
1x full set, only 6 possible. Includes 1 of each grey, green, yellow, red, and orange coin.

Also have a few extras of some of the colors, see pics below


Like I said, just curious what the interest is like. Not necessarily interested in selling yet unless it's a super strong offer. Also just showing off the collection as you don't ever really see one of these go up for sale, much less complete sets (still need that red for 2.3, if anyone has one they are willing to part with let me know).


2  Economy / Collectibles / (WTB) Ravenbit series 2.3- Node Bronze Red Address on: March 07, 2022, 03:51:12 PM
I am looking to purchase a ravenbit series 2.3 node bronze red address coin.

If you have one please let me know and we can work out a proce.

3  Economy / Computer hardware / (WTS) Brand New GIGABYTE AORUS GeForce RTX 3060 Ti ELITE 8GB on: September 27, 2021, 11:54:03 PM
I have this brand new 3060TI card for sale. Still in original box and wrapping. Ships from 66062.

Looking for $850 for it plus shipping.

Payment in crypto, happy to use trusted escrow at buyers expense.
4  Economy / Computer hardware / (WTS) Syncrobit HNT Miner Preorder on: July 24, 2021, 06:15:24 PM
I have 2 preorders for US Syncrobit devices that i am looking to sell.  The order for both units was placed on March 11th, so should be a pretty early order once they starr shipping.

Looking for offers.

Thank you

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Looking for Someone to Swap XVS to Eth For More on: March 18, 2021, 02:50:36 AM
I am a US resident and have some Venus (XVS) trapped on Binance that I can't convert, but I can withdraw, but have no way to exchange it even if I withdraw it. I have 52.65 XVS that is currently valued at $2720. So here is what I am looking to do...
1. Someone puts an equivalent amount of ETH, less 5% in escrow, preferably philipma.
2. I withdraw the XVS to an address you provide.
3. You release escrow.

Easy 5% profit for you, if you withdraw to Binance you can just convert back to ETH and profit.  I also have about $700 in TRON, FLM, and CTK I would like to do the same thing with, if interested in doing those all at once please let me know.

Thank you
6  Economy / Computer hardware / (WTB) MOBO Combo's and PSU's on: January 31, 2021, 12:42:57 AM
I am in need of 3 or 4 mining MOBO combos that include the motherboard, CPU, and RAM sticks.

I could also use another 2 or 3 PSU's, probably in the 800 to 1000 watt plus range for mining.

Looking for all this stuff used, with shipping to 66062 in KS. Escrow through trusted member a must, paying in btc.

Please let me know what you have.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Where to Buy Mobo's, CPU, and RAM Combos? on: January 17, 2021, 12:36:52 AM
I used to use gpushack to buy combos for motherboards that include a CPU a d RAM.  Is anyone aware of a similar service where I can get everything at once that just works? Also, any reliable place to get power supplies?
8  Economy / Collectibles / (WTS) BIG Ravenbit Sale on: May 12, 2020, 04:01:21 AM
Dont miss this chance to pick up some Ravenbit coins that barely ever come up for sale, much less entire sets of them.

Series 2.3 (colored brass coins)
1x almost a full set, missing red coin.  Includes 1 of each green, yellow, violet, blue, orange. Looking for 1.1 bitcoin for the set.

2x green label - 0.12 btc ea
1x yellow label - 0.22 btc ea
1x purple label - 0.32 btc ea


Series 2.0.2 (colored bronze coins)
1x full set, only 6 possible. Includes 1 of each grey, green, yellow, red, and orange coin. Looking for 1.3 bitcoin for the set.

Also have a few extras of some of the colors, will figure out which ones.


Shipping only in US, please reply below with questions or comments.  Will get pictures taken and posted.  Thanks
9  Economy / Collectibles / Physical Crypto and Bullion Coin Sale on: February 13, 2020, 02:14:00 AM
I have an assortment of both crypto related items and rounds/bullion for sale. Working to add prices and photos  but wanted to get things listed first.

Crypt items
1x 2013 silver casascius 0.1 Btc round - 0.35 btc
1x 2014 casascius st. Petersburg coin -  0.06 btc
3x  2012 peeled 5 Btc Casascius round - 0.015 btc ea

2x 2013 graded MS67 Lealana 1 Ltc -  0.04 btc ea
1x 2013 graded MS68 silver lealana 0.1 btc #25 - 0.15 btc
1x 2013 graded MS65 brass lealana 0.1 btc #22 - 0.14 btc

1x 2015 graded MS68 denarium 1/10 btc - make offer
1x 2015 graded MS68 denarium 1/100 btc - make offer

1x graded MS70 anonymous mint 1 oz silver - 0.05 btc

Silver wallet
1x 2014 silver wallets series 1 - 0.02 btc
1x 2014 silver wallets series 1 gold plated #43 - 0.03 btc

Nasty Fans
1x nastyfans 1oz silver 1 seat - make offer

Microsoul - apparently these are now worthless and there are no coins left loades on them, are they worth anything? All the luckybit have their stickers intact.
Luckybit #1.3
Luckybit #3.9
Luckybit #4.9
Luckybit #5.9
2013 microsoul 0.01 unfunded

Series 2.3 -  node bronze (missing red for a full set) make offers
3 x green (27 made)
1 x yellow (18 made)
2 x violet (15 made)
1 x blue (12 made)
1 x orange (6 made)

Series 2.0.2
1 full set of colored coins available for sale. Only 6 of these are possible as there were only 6 orange versions made. Comes with a grey, green. Yellow, red, and orange colored coin.
Also have various colored coins in addition to the above

I have a bunch of ravenbits that I need to post as well. If you are looking for any ravenbits, especially the colored paper ones, please let me know.

Non-crypto items
2x 2015 1/10 gold american eagles. $185 ea
2x roll of 40 90% silver washington quartera. $135 ea
6x 1oz silver buffalo rounds $20 ea
2x 2010 walking liberty 1oz silver rounds $20 ea
10x 2015 walking liberty 1oz silver rounds $20 ea

Soke pictures can be found here...

Shipping only in the US and buyer pays shipping and escrow costs. Please reply to this thread with questions or offers.
10  Economy / Collectibles / (WTS) Silver Lealana Bitcoin Tenths on: December 19, 2019, 03:18:29 AM
It's time for me to part with these coins. I have had them since I originally purchased them many years ago.  See below for description, very motivated to sell.

8 x lealana loaded 0.1 silver btc. Serial numbers: 1146, 1150, 1151, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1161. Not marked as buyer funded, only owner has been myself, only taken out of capsule for photos. Funded pre-fork.
Looking for 0.15 BTC ea

Public addresses are...
1146 - 1BTCeXCNdDXwt5QFRMwja9n8SrRxNiVGgZ
1150 - 1BTCDBNwANiyZKqgKj62ep7X5kyDAq1NWE
1151 - 1BTCdRgHpEG2gbTUqiarsGjTvvUHBQJzgS
1154 - 1BTCGjfumdnpPaLcmwrmuUUAdLiUPZCnsw
1155 - 1BTCdmotmfNVY6LM3UDaMtBrbuN8KZeFFs
1156 - 1BTCDazmR17XBYPyezr2BUXGB7ysthBCuG
1157 - 1BTCEBu5hwfxPnqtmfYwkAEpQeQQ1vvJJq
1161 - 1BTCF8dyV8Lcci4z351iUvP4MWytJmoKgx

Shipping from US, happy to use escrow at buyers expense.
11  Economy / Currency exchange / Looking to Buy 15k in Btc in the Kansas City Area for Cash with a 12% Fee on: July 02, 2019, 12:39:47 PM
Willing to pay 12% over market price for 15k worth of bitcoin in the Kansas City area. If you are able to meetup to make this happen today please let me know.
12  Economy / Collectibles / Various Physical Crypto's For Sale on: June 27, 2019, 12:35:38 AM
Please see listing below for an updated list of what I currently have for sale. Will add more as I have some time.

If its posted below, it's still for sale...

8 x lealana loaded 0.1 silver btc. Serial numbers: 1146, 1150, 1151, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1161. Not marked as buyer funded, only owner has been myself, only taken out of capsule for photos. Funded pre-fork.
Looking for 0.14 BTC ea

1 x graded MS68 loaded lealana 0.1 silver btc. Serial number 25. Not marked as buyer funded. Pre-fork funding.
Looking for 0.21 btc

1 x graded MS70 anony mint 1 oz. 0.999 silver

1 x casaacius st. Petersburg bowl coin. 1 oz 0.999 silver

Full set of colored ravenbit node brass A coins. Includes a grey coin (150 made) a green coin (30 made), yellow coin (18 made), red coin (12 made), and orange coin (6 made)

Almost complete set of ravenbit series 2.3. Only missing the red coin.

Only shipping to U.S., escrow welcomed at buyer expense.

Please post below with offers/questions. Happy to haggle and make deals on multi coin purchases
13  Economy / Computer hardware / Selling Off Mining Equipment on: June 10, 2019, 09:38:21 PM
Please see below for an ongoing list of various mining equipment that I am liquidating. Taking offers on everything, discounts for bulk. Willing to sell entire rigs or part things out.

Rig 1
7x RX470 Sapphire Nitro with 4 giga of Samsung vram
Corsair RM850 PSU
XFX Pro 1250W PSU
MSI gaming Z170A with 4 gigs of ram and Intel Pentium Processor.

Extra Parts:
1 x Gigabyte 1070 nvidia card
1 x ASUS 1070 nvidia card

Hard Drives:
4 x 80 GB drives (western digital and seagate)
2 x 500 SSD GB drives (seagate)
2 x 500 GB drives ( western digital and seagate)
2 x 1 TB drives (western digital)
1 x 2 TB drive (seagate)
7 x 3 TB drives (western digital and seagate)
4 x 4 TB drives ( western digital and seagate)
4 x 5 TB drives (western digital and seagate)
1 x 8 TB drive (seagate)
1 x 8 TB Seagate easy store (connects through USB)

Shipping to US only, happy to accept escrow.
14  Economy / Computer hardware / (WTS) 1070 Graphics Cards on: June 08, 2019, 08:24:21 PM
Currently for sale are 2 nvidia 1070 GPUs, still in perfect working condition. One gigabyte and one Asus, 8 GB models.

I am asking $200 per GPU plus shipping (flat rate box should be about $10, I forget the exact price).

Shipping only in US, escrow welcome at buyer expense.

Please reply below if interested!
15  Economy / Exchanges / Any new exchanges lately? on: June 02, 2019, 06:46:45 PM
Are there any new exchanges lately that I can purchase bitcoin from a bank account with in the US besides coinbase or Gemini?

Alternatively, has anyone ever been banned from the 2 aforementioned sites and then been allowed to use them again?
16  Economy / Collectibles / (Price check) Colored Ravenbits on: May 25, 2019, 06:37:26 PM
I haven't seen any of the colored ravenbits come up for sale recently and wanted to see about a price check on the following sets...

Ravenbit series 2.3 ( bronze set) - only missing the red colored coin. Includes the orange coin of which only 6 were made, meaning only 6 full sets are possible.

Ravenbit node brass "A" ( brass set) - complete colored set, only possible to have 6 full sets.

As previously stated, not necessarily looking to sell, more curious about what the current price is on these sets or individual coins.

17  Economy / Collectibles / (AUCTION) 4 Lealana 1 Litecoin Tokens All Graded on: December 13, 2018, 12:02:40 AM
Up for auction are the 4 items below.  This will be split into 2 separate lots, so you can bid on lot 1 or lot 2 only.

Lot #1
2x 2013 Funded Lealana 1 Ltc Token - MS-67 Graded

Lots #2
1x 2013 Funded Lealana 1 Ltc Token - MS-67 Graded
1x 2013 Funded Lealana 1 Ltc Token - MS-68 Graded

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/fYvcFba"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Auction Terms:

Bid Format:   Bids only in BTC, payment only in BTC.

Starting Bid:  0 BTC

Bid Increments:  0.001 BTC

Auction Ends:  Sunday, 16 December 2018 @ 1900 US Central Time (CST)

Sniping:  No, each bid in the final 15 minutes adds 15 minutes until no bid has been made for 15 minutes

Excluded from Bidding:   I may exclude/disqualify bidders, or require a deposit, for any bidders at my sole discretion.  If you are a brand new account, or have issues in your trust feedback, please PM prior to bidding. 

Forum downtime:  If the forum goes offline in the final 4 hours of the auction I may extend the auction at my discretion

Shipping:  At cost in addition to the winning bid.  Ships from USA.  Buyer responsible for any local customs/duties.

BTC payments only to this address: 1MYxMV23G3d8GaJ3RoXYfCX4nRBGwK9pSL

Happy to answer any questions and good luck!
18  Economy / Collectibles / (WTS) Various Physical Coins on: December 12, 2018, 09:37:00 PM
I need to liquidate some of my physical coin collection unfortunately.  This recent drop in price has come at the least opportune moment right as my wife and I decided that she could go back to school.  Well, with the drop in price, we ran out of bitcoin to live off of, so here we are.  I haven't been able to keep up on the collectibles thread recently, so I am not totally sure on fair prices.  So please reply below with fair offers.

I currently need to raise about 0.8 btc, so once i hit that I may stop or sell a few more for next months tuition payment, but more coins will be added as I get some time to do them.

Anonymous Mint 1 Oz 0.999 Silver - MS-70 Graded

2014 Casascius St. Petersburg Bowl Coin - Some slight bleeding, but still in good condition

3x 2013 Funded Lealana 1 Ltc Token - MS-67 Graded

2013 Funded Lealana 1 Ltc Token - MS-68 Graded

2013 Funded Lealana 0.1 Btc Silver - MS-68 Graded

I have to do a little work right now.  I will add some more coins later and get some pictures put up too.  Thank you all for your interest.
19  Economy / Computer hardware / (WTB) Hosted ASIC Units on: April 17, 2018, 03:14:59 AM
If you have ASICs currently hosted somewhere, I am interested in them.  Please let me know what you have and where they are hosted and we can see if we can workout a deal.


20  Economy / Currency exchange / Have Cash in Kansas City, Need Bitcoin (About 35k Worth) Paying Spot +2% on: March 29, 2018, 01:34:16 PM
I am in need of about 35k worth of bitcoin. I have cash in Kansas City, KS and am willing to pay a 2% premium.

Please let me know if you have the coins available.
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