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I got paypal, looking for cryptos. Trusted members only. PM me. I am willing to send you my drivers license etc for ease of mind.
Hit me up if you would like to know more. One card I got is a Chains of Mephistophles. Pretty pricey card. PM me for more info/pics. And we can talk prices.
Hello I got 3 Antminer D3's that I am looking to sell. Also got one Antminer L3+ that I would also like to sell. Make me an offer and we can talk. I am based in Northern California. Willing to ship anywhere as long as buyer pays for shipping. Thanks. 
I recently wore change bank sig for 2+ months and only got paid 31 CAG which is worth less than $8.... All other bounty workers also got screwed over. Change promised to pay out 2% of all CAG tokens to bounty workers but instead paid out about 0.25% if that.... Heres a link to the bounty thread where you can see all the bounty workers complaints - have checked the blockchain and have noticed that they are siphoning from the bounty pool. They are sending large amounts of CAG tokens from bounty distributors wallets to their own private wallets. They are doing this so that it looks like they paid out what they promised but if you dig deeper into the blockchain you will see these transcations that are very suspicious... Transactions that are sending $5,000-$20,000 worth of cag tokens from the bounty distributors wallet when all other transactions from that same wallet are only like 30-500 cag (31 cag is about $8) and those transaction are the cag going to bounty workers. the large transactions are going to their own wallets. None of the bounty workers are happy with the amount they received. And they even disqualified me for pointing out that they are siphoning from the bounty pool!! Here is a link to an article on steemit i posted that includes screenshots of some of the siphoning that they are doing, I didnt post screenshots of ALL of the siphoned transactions but i posted a few of them, there are many more than this. DO NOT TRUST CHANGE BANK AND IF YOU INVESTED IN THIS PROJECT GET OUT ASAP!!!
Okay so.... I normally do not ask people for loans.... But check it out....(Plz stay with me here I know that the fact that it has to do with gambling will scare a lot of you away but this is pretty much a for sure thing trust me, you can even go try out this slot if you want for free on fortunejack...its a pragmatic slot called Golden Train) Alright... So I have this slots bonus built wayyyy up, and my bet is set at 0.012 BTC per spin........ All I gotta do is hit the bonus on it which really isnt hard to do but you need to have a good amount of btc to be able to hit it since my bet is set sooo high.... Once I hit the bonus its a guaranteed 2+ BTC which i will split with you and I will give you the remaining BTC that you loaned me to hit the bonus......I've had this bonus built up this high for a few months but i havent been able to even try to hit the bonus cuz I only want to try to hit it when I have 1 bitcoin cuz the bet is set so high....Once I hit the bonus it could even win 3+ BTC, swear to god, I will send you a picture of my drivers license so you know where i live and my name and what not. Normally I wouldnt ask for a loan to gamble with, but this bonus really shouldnt be hard to hit if i had 1 bitcoin...And I doubt i would need even close to 1 bitcoin to actually hit it but with the bet set as high as it is i wouldnt feel comfortable betting with anything less than 1 bitcoin in my wallet. I am willing to download teamviewer so you can watch while its happening, and so you can see exactly how much is won.... heres a screenshot of the slot, you see how it says "7" in the top left corner? That is the bonus amount that ive built up, just go try out the slot for free so you can see how it works and see how its pretty easy to hit the bonus. when i was playing this slot with a bet amount of 0.005 I was winning over 1 bitcoin from the bonus. Thats how I know this is a for sure 2+ bitcoin. possibly even 3 btc....sooo HIT ME UP. Thanks.
Will need to use a trusted escrow, pm me if interested!
Just figured I would post a screenshot of how many successfully accepted shares my Antrouter R1-LTC "lottery" miner has submitted in 7 Days/1 Week for anyone who is thinking about getting one or is just curious about its STATS/SPECS  My Antrouter R1-LTC has submitted almost 100,000 accepted shares in 7 days
And is averaging about 1.36 MH/s
Not too shabby.
Better than any GPU would do. Lol
IF you are interested in purchasing one you can find my other post where I have listed a couple for sale on this forum. But this is NOT why I am creating this post, I just created it so people can see the specs of this miner. Am only including this link for anyone who might be looking to purchase one Peace & <3
If you are serious and want to get more people involved in crypto's I have some good advice for you... That you should really listen to and actually implement....
To get more people into cryptos what crypto enthusiasts need to do is start contacting as many large scale and even small scale businesses (but most importantly large scale businesses) and as many of us crypto enthusiasts AS POSSIBLE should be writting/ emailing/ calling/ requesting in person that these businesses should start accepting crypto as a form of payment, and we need to tell them about any and all ways which could and would benefit them if they WERE to start accepting cryptos as a form of payment.
BUT not all crypto's though, we should really only ask them to consider accepting only a few of the TOP cryptos AT FIRST and after they accept a few they will slowly start to accept more and more just like all these online casinos are starting to do now days lol. they all pretty much started with only accepting bitcoin and now most accept A LOT of different altcons...They need to start with the coins that are the most stable and also the ones that dont really go down in value too often and don't necessarly have to go up in value that often neither but if they do go up in value then that would only benefit them if they started accepting it as a form of payment so that is a plus for them and a good thing that they need to be informed about.
AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE NEED TO CONTACT AS MANY CORPORATIONS/ BUSINESSES AS POSSIBLE AND REQUEST THAT THEY START ACCEPTING ATLEAST A FEW STABLE COINS AS PAYMENT, TELL THEM ANY AND ALL BENEFITS THEY WILL GET FROM ACCEPTING THESE AS A FORM OF PAYMENT, AND EVEN TELL THEM WAYS WHICH THEY COULD START ACCEPTING IT AS A FORM OF PAYMENT, and all this would need to be notified to them in the simplest way possible for them to even think about considering it, cause if you make cryptos sound all complicated and volatile it will only confuse them and scare them away. ALL THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE PLUS we will need to tell them that their customers will receive discounts or small amounts of cash back WHEN THEY PAY USING CRYPTO'S! I do not know who would fund this part of my plan, but ANYONE who could afford to pitch in to make this happen WILL end up making A LOT more profits from doing this then they would actually be losing, cause this would make more and more people start to use cryptos just for the fact that they will get discounts if they do, will be sorta like receiving a coupon but BETTER and everyone loves coupons...BUT THIS WOULD BE WAYY BETTER THAN COUPONS cause the customers could purchase ANYTHING and receive a discount for it or cashback rewards. THIS WOULD MAKE TONS of people start to use cryptos which in turn would make prices skyrocket so anyone and everyone who is holding any of the cryptos that these businesses start to accept as payment WILL REAP BIG REWARDS!! SO LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN PEOPLE! IF YOU REALLY WANT CRYPTOS TO START BEING WIDELY USED BY A MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION OR EVEN THE WHOLE POPULATION THIS REALLY IS THE ONLY WAY of succeeding with making cryptos widely adopted.
ALSO another thing that would help would be if someone were to create software or something for these stores that decide to start accepting cryptos as a form of payment which would immediately/instantly list and sell the cryptos for them so they will end up with USD instead of ending up with cryptos that they wouldnt know what to do with unless they hired professionals to be charge of their crypto profits/money for them who could then decide what the best thing that they should do would be for each of the different crypto coins...Cause some, such as Bitcon, they might want to just hold onto in like a time locked wallet or something since its pretty much only going to go up in value ESPECIALLY once these BIG companies start accepting them as a form of payment...THEY WOULD GO WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY UP in value, especially if people received discounts for using them instead of using USD.
NEED A WAY FOR PEOPLE TO CONVERT USD TO CRYPTOS THAT IS EASY FOR EVEN YOUR GRANDMA TO DO, and possibly even have ATMS AT these stores which people could use to purchase cryptos. THESE ATMS WILL NEED TO HAVE ALMOST NO SERVICE FEES FOR THIS PLAN TO BE FEASIBLE, CAUSE WE CAN NOT LET THE FEES OF CONVERTING USD TO BITCOIN OR OTHER ALTCOINS CANCEL OUT THE BENEFITS OF THE DISCOUNTS THEY WILL BE RECEIVING IF THEY USE CRYPTOS TO PURCHASE THINGS AT THESE STORES! You know what I mean?! So we will need to buy or even create our own ATM's and special software which we would then place at these stores which have agreed to start accepting cryptos as payment and we will need to give the ATMS to the stores so the stores will know we are not benefiting from the ATMS (At least not directly, we would be benefiting from the rise i crypto prices though, so who cares about atm fees lol) and we will need to make it so the stores cannot add fees to the ATM's even if they wanted to do so. We give these atms to the stores along with advertisement banners which advertise the discounts ppl would receive if they use cryptos at these stores which they would be able to EASILY acquire at market price from these easily accessible ATM's WHICH CHARGE ZERO FEES cause who needs to profit from measly lil fees when we will be profiting from ALL these people buying cryptos and making the prices skyrocket!? SCREW THE FEES WE DONT NEED TO CHARGE THEM! lol.
Okay next thing that would NEED to be done would be to pay a company in china to mass produce electronic PRICE displays that could be placed under every item in all these stores which would also need to be connected to the internet so they could stay up to date and update the price of each item in the store and stay up to date on these prices through bitcoins price fluctuations, this part will prob be the most difficult part...ACTUALLY FUCK IT who need these f*ckin pain in the @ss things when we could just have it so that they find out the price in BTC (or w.e coin they are paying for) ONCE THAT ITEM IS SCANNED AT THE CHECKOUT STAND this would make things soooo much easier. All the customers need to see is the price of the items in US $$$ and they will be able to know how many items they can afford cause they will know how much their bitcoins that they own are worth in $USD$ (Or other countries currencies, where ever the store is located) KOOL THIS MAKES THINGS A LOT MORE SIMPLE would just need to create software which could calculate and display the price of the items in BTC only at when they are being scanned at checkout, can even set up little scanning stations/machines throughout the stores (like the ones some stores already have for finding out items prices) that the customer could use to scan items to see their value in both USD and in BTC just for an added convenience.
And the amount of money that the customers will have saved by using crypto's instead of USD will be printed onto the receipt so they will see that using cryptos is very beneficial and KEEP using them.
Okay, this whole discount thing doesn't need to go on forever, just long enough to get everyone used to using cryptos to purchase stuff, once they have used cryptos for a while they will start to just use them because of all of the OTHER BENEFITS and FEATURES that cryptos have to offer. so the discount thing will only need to be funded for like a year TOPS just so that more and more people will start to use it after seeing it being advertised at their favorites stores every time that they go to those stores and after hearing about their friends and family using them and hearing about how great and convenient (and easy) they are to use to make purchases all of these facts will add up and get people to start thinking about cryptos more and more untill they finally give in and start using it themselves cause they will either let curiosity win or they will be peer pressured into trying cryptos out by their friends and loved ones and they will LOVE using cryptos as a form of payment. We will also need to educate people about how cryptos have all of the features that the USD has plus A LOT MORE and cryptos are not influenced by inflation since most have a capped max supply limit.
If we could start working on completing ALL of these necessary steps cryptos will start being widely adopted and become the norm. And some of these people will even start getting curious to learn more about cryptos and the tech behind them and will end up using cryptos as a way to invest instead of just using them as a way to save money while shopping at their favorite stores. Hell they will even profit from themselves and other buying cryptos to cause people would prob trade usd for more crypto than they need for their shopping so they will have some left which they would prob just forget about till the next time they go shopping and once they do go shopping again they will realize that the price of their cryptos actually went wayyy up which im guessing would intrigue most people and make them want to start learning more about these magical money making/profit earning coins called cryptos.
Anyways, these are a few steps which I BELIEVE would need to happen in order for cryptos to start being used by the majority of ppl on this planet, if you disagree with my opinion feel free to comment below and explain to me why you disagree, would love to hear your opinion on this matter, and if you agree with my first steps to crypto mass adoption but think more steps/ objectives need to be added then I would love to hear what you have to add to my steps. I am sure there are definitely at LEAST a few major steps which have not crossed my mind yet as I only just thought all this up just now and as I was typing. lol. But I think I am onto something here so I am def going to put some more thought into this and even create my own post/thread with this info as the main topic of the post.
But ya, come on people lets all start bugging the crap outta corporations, businesses, small stores and sh*t like that UNTIL THEY FINALLY GET TIRED OF US BUGGING THEM SO MUCH AND AGREE TO START ACCEPTING IT AS A FORM OF PAYMENT!! But before we start to bug them we need to think of EVERYTHING that would need to take place to make this conversion/ or adoption as easy for EVERYONE as it could possibly be. ONCE we can do that and have a legit plan to tell these corporations and have a list of ways they would benefit from accepting cryptos written up for them, THEN we start buggng the crap out of them, AS MANY OF US AS POSSIBLE NEED TO BUG AS MANY COMPANIES/CORPORATIONS OR W.E AS POSSIBLE and one of them will be bound to give in at some point...BUT it will need to be as easy as possible for them to START accepting crpytos as payment if we are gong to be able to talk them into agreeing we will also need solutions for this and how to make it as easy as possible for everyone, the stores, the customers, HAS TO BE SIMPLE FOR EVERYONE. So LETS GET TO WORK PEOPLE!! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR!? Well....guess you all were waiting on me to come up with this brilliant plan, but now that I have come up with it there are no more excuses! Lets do this SH*T!
And to all of you good writers out there, if you would like to help make crypto widely adopted by the masses, rewrite this post for me please using all your writing SKILLZ! lol Thank you! (Hey I am the plan creator/idea thinker, that doesnt mean I am a writing prodigy/expert as well! haha. Wish I could write better though, but maybe in a different life that will end up being my main skill. Who knows.
Peace and <3
Hello, I am here to offer my service as a Sig Bounty Regulator for your bounty campaigns, when listing your sig bounty rules make sure to add this to your rule list "All posts must be constructive and be more than 75 characters to be able to count for stake rewards for this bounty" this will make it so that only people who post good quality content will be rewarded bounty rewards and those who are posting only comments like " I am going to keep my eye on this project" and one word comments will lose their rewards, you dont want a bunch of spammers out there advertising for you! People don't want to click on spam sigs! ...Whenever I click on someones sig its cause they seem smart and have good quality posts which makes me think that they must be sporting a good project in their sig space!
I offer my services for a low fee, might even accept your projects coin, if it seems like a good project, as payment for my services. My services will include me checking EVERYONE in your bounty campaigns posts that were made since joining your campaign, you will have to have everyone put the date that they joined your bounty in the bounty form so I can look back to that date then add up their posts which have 75 characters or more to see if they qualify, you will also need to require them to make a certain amount of posts during your campaign to qualify to make my job easier and also tell them that they CANNOT remove your signature till after the campaign has ended and you personally announce on the bounty thread that they can remove their sigs. Another part of my job will be to check up on everyone in the campaign randomly throughout the campaign to make sure they havent removed your projects sig and arent trying to cheat, if i notice they have removed the sig before they should have I will put them on a disqualified list and I will notify them personally and tell them why they have been disqualified and give them the chance to explain themselves n what not though it would be kinda hard to explain why you removed your sig before you were supposed to but ya never know..
Doing this will make it so that ONLY PEOPLE WHO DESERVE to be paid will get paid and they will also get paid more than they normally would if you didn't hire me cause if you didn't hire me then A LOT of people who don't deserve to be paid will end up getting paid which will negatively effect those who actually deserve it by resulting in them makin a lot less than they should make...So the benefits of hiring me as sig bounty regulator are -
1) I will make sure that everyone in your bounty who is wearing your sig is doing your project justice by posting quality content since that attracts people to click on the sigs more than spam type content, which just scares people away and makes them not want to click on the spammers sig.
2) I will make sure you arent paying people who do not deserve to be paid, people who are posting low quality content or spam which will also benefit those who do deserve to be paid which will make those people who do deserve it more loyal to your project since you will be showing them that you appreciate their work and they will get paid more in the end.
3) If there were more sig bounty regulators it would actually end up benefiting bitcointalk altogether in the long run cause it will make the people who post low quality content just to get paid from bounties that they do not deserve to be paid for either stop posting low quality content and they will have to start only posting good quality posts/comments or they will just go away, either way there would be a lot less spam on this forum.
We can talk about my fees once i hear about your project, if it ends up being a huge project with A LOT of work for me to do it will cost more than the project that have a normal amount of work for me, but either way my fees will still be a great deal and definitely be worth it. Especially if I choose to accept your coin as payment
I will report to you once a week or however often you want me to, I can also add up bounty stakes for you and do other work as well, just let me know what you need me to do and it will be done.
Thanks for your interest and hope to hear from you soon!
Hello, I got 2 Antrouter R1-LTC wifi litecoin miners that I am looking to sell. Was selling them on ebay but am having issues with ebay so figured I would try and sell them on here. We would need to use a trusted escrow for the transaction for both of our safety. $150 each OBO + Shipping Thanks! BTCKayaManBTC
Looking for Developers who are wanting to join the NEO DAPP contest but do not have any good ideas to build on. I have ideas but I am not a programmer, so if your a programmer who is short on ideas, hit me up!! I got an idea that could potentially win the contest if we get started ASAP BTCKayaManBTC
Our Mission Sparkle Coin’s mission is to create a more efficient global economic growth and promote societal advancement by developing a platform that brings cryptocurrencies into mainstream business and consumer markets.
By adhering to these practices, we hope to bring the world closer together by introducing a new universal cryptocurrency-driven economy. Struggles for Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency adoption has been slow until now because the technologies were still being developed and the necessary infrastructure was not in place. Sparkle coin represents the second generation of cryptocurrencies that will push through the barriers since the technologies have matured and we developed an entire support system around Sparkle Coin. What is a second generation cryptocurrency company Unlike the previous generation of cryptocurrencies which mainly focused on the technical aspects of the blockchain technology, Sparkle Coin, along with the economic ecosphere around it, focuses on how to use these technologies to transact in the real-world. By doing so, we are able to use these tools to create an entirely new economy with tremendous potential for growth.
What is Sparkle Coin?
Sparkle Coin is a diamond-backed cryptocurrency designed to be a part of a new economic ecosphere, which is built on top of a solid foundation based on proven business fundamentals essential for real-world transactions. Sparkle Coin is a hybrid cryptocurrency possessing the best qualities of both POW (Proof of Work) and POS (Proof of Stake), providing rapid adoption through mining of Sparkle Coin as well as long-term sustainability through minting. Sparkle Coin is a managed cryptocurrency with full support from a company founded by business and technology veterans, who have pre-funded the operating company Sparkle Coin, Inc. for 100 years.
How Does the Diamond Backing Work? Sparkle Coin is an asset backed cryptocurrency, which provides a level of protection for the early purchasers of the coin. Each Sparkle Coin is backed by $5 worth of GIA certified diamonds procured through established diamond sellers, which can be immediately redeemed the day after the Sparkle Coin ICO in increments of $500. However, if the price of Sparkle Coin reaches $25 per coin, the backing will stop. At five times the initial price, the economy built around Sparkle Coin will have proven itself and Sparkle Coin will then have its own intrinsic value. This was the goal from the beginning. The reason for the $5 diamond backing is to provide early adopters of Sparkle Coin a safety net for their participation in this new economic ecosphere. If the price of Sparkle Coin falls below $25 after the backing has been removed, it will not be backed by diamonds again. How Does Sparkle Coin Work? Sparkle Coin can be traded and sold for fiat currencies, providing immediate liquidity into CASH after the ICO. This is not available for the vast majority of cryptocurrencies available today. Sparkle Coin can be used to purchase products from some of the largest online stores in the world through, part of the Sparkle Coin economic ecosphere. Sparkle Coin can be used to purchase products from millions of potential online merchants wanting to transact in cryptocurrency, who cannot at this time without the use of VCoin Exchange’s payment gateway software and Sparkle Coin itself. The Sparkle Coin Economic Ecosphere The goal of this new ecosphere, comprised of Sparkle Coin and the related companies, is to utilize blockchain technologies to create a new economy that can be more efficient in its growth and contribute to the well-being of the world economy as a whole.
Sparkle Coin A diamond backed, transaction-centric, hybrid cryptocurrency used as currency for this new economic ecosphere.
VCoin Exchange A powerful currency exchange where Sparkle Coin can be traded with other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Provides software and payment gateways for virtually any merchant to accept Sparkle Coin and other cryptocurrencies as payment for products and services. VCoinMall is a peer-to-peer e-tailer which connects customers with retailers and other e-tailers including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Toys"R"Us, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Staples. Customers can pay using cryptocurrencies including Sparkle Coin, Bitcoin, and Ether. The products are shipped directly to the customers by the stores. All returns and exchanges are also handled directly by the stores.
What About Price Volatility, Which Has Prevented Mainstream Adoption of Cryptocurrencies? When a customer purchases products or services through or an online store using VCoin Exchange’s payment gateway with Sparkle Coins, the merchant gets paid the exact advertised price of the products or services in U.S. Dollars, regardless of the changing value for Sparkle Coin. This process (patent pending) provides the stability merchants have been waiting for to conduct business with cryptocurrencies. Is Sparkle Coin Stable? Sparkle Coin is designed for rapid adoption and long-term sustainability because it is a hybrid algorithm, which allows for POW mining of coins and also POS minting of coins. Real business relies on stability. Sparkle Coin, Inc., is the only company in the blockchain and cryptocurrency world to incorporate a fund set aside for the operation of the company for 100 years. Each day, the company receives 1,000 Sparkle Coins from an off-line managed and audited digital vault to help seed and fund the growth of Sparkle Coin, which was generated in the Genesis Block.
Mining and Minting
Sparkle Coin, forked from Bitcoin and Peercoin, allows for POW mining of coins and POS minting of coins. Approximately 1,008 coins are available to be mined daily for 100 years, after which the award block will be halved over time similar to Bitcoin. 1,008 coins per day for 100 years equates to: 36,817,200 Halving of the award block will add additional coins for years more. Block time is set to approximately 10 minutes and 7 Sparkle Coins are awarded per block. Mining is available starting at 1:00 PDT September 20, 2017. Minting will also start at the same time as mining with a maturity of a 30-day minimum and a 90-day maximum. This means you will have to hold onto newly acquired Sparkle Coins for 30 days before minting is permitted and you have up to 90 days to mint using those coins. Genesis Block A Genesis block totaling 59,187,500 Sparkle Coins will be mined immediately before the ICO to be used as follows: Sparkle Coin ICO: 4,000,000Pre-ICO supporters: 200,000BOUNTY: 200,000 Sparkle Coin, Inc. 100-year operations prefunding: 36,525,000-To be kept in an off-line, managed and audited account 1,000 coins will be release daily to seed, promote, and manage the Sparkle Coin markeVCoin Exchange 100-year operations prepurchase: 9,131,250-To be kept in an off-line, managed and audited account 250 coins will be release daily to seed the Sparkle Coin market and operate the exchange. VCoin Mall 100-year operations prepurchase: 9,131,250-To be kept in an off-line, managed and audited account 250 coins will be release daily to seed the Sparkle Coin market and operate the service.Gaining Mindshare Sparkle Coin will be widely promoted through millions of dollars of advertisements on social media, online websites, radio, television, printed advertisements, and live events. It will have one of the largest marketing budgets in the history of the cryptocurrency industry and become a widely recognized brand name. Why Buy Sparkle Coins? When you purchase Sparkle Coins, you are contributing directly into the new economy we have designed. You are not investing in a company or the creation of a company. We have already done that and have even pre-funded Sparkle Coin, Inc. on our own for 100 years. By purchasing Sparkle Coins, you are putting those coins into circulation to be used for transactions such as purchasing products and services through and other online merchants using VCoin Exchange's payment gateway, or increasing the trading volume on VCoin Exchange. Your purchases of Sparkle Coins help to grow the economic ecosphere built around Sparkle Coin. The volume of purchases of Sparkle Coins has a direct effect on the transaction volume the ecosphere can accommodate. The higher the value of all of the circulating Sparkle Coins, the more online merchants and VCoin Exchange can bring into the ecosphere, which in turn will provide the holders of Sparkle Coin more options to purchase products and services worldwide. How is This ICO Different? Unlike most ICOs today, which are only at a White Paper stage, needing the ICO funds to start development. The Sparkle Coin management group has completely developed the entire economic ecosphere and is ready to launch Sparkle Coin, VCoin Exchange, and There is real value in Sparkle Coin, Inc. and Sparkle Coin itself, not just hype. Sparkle Coin means business and it’s ready to conduct it today.
Development of Sparkle Coin and the ecosphere of companies started two years ago in 2015, which culminates at the Sparkle Coin ICO on September 20, 2017.
Hello I have 30 Sparkle Coins that I will sell for $9 each, right now they are selling for $11 each on the ICO website, so thats a small discount if you buy from me instead of the ICO! And the price is going up, ICO will be selling them for $13 soon instead of $11! Once it goes up to $13 each I will be selling them for $11 each if i havent sold em yet so hurry and buy em now! We will use an escrow service as it would make me and you feel more comfortable with trading.
Thanks BTCKayaManBTC
I can create word art for your threads for a small fee 
Can also do regular type of designs like how other ANN threads are designed. Just gotta show me examples of what you would like it to look like or describe it to me the best you can if you have something specific you would like it to look like, otherwise I can just design it for you and you don't gotta give any examples or explain anything, I will just make it look awesome and give my own unique style to it.
Here is a sample of one of my recent designs, its not perfect because it takes foreverrrrr to make. Well...a few hours. lol..
If you got an idea in mind or would like me to do some word designs to make the words look like your logo or coin or w.e just let me know what your wanting and i'll let you know if it would be possible to create or not and i'll tell you how much I would charge (Not too sure how much I would charge though since I am just starting to do this and havent charged anyone for my work yet..haha. Or you can tell me what you are willing to pay for it and i'll let you know if I will do it for your price or not. I accept most crypto's as payment, even if your crypto is new I will prob accept it as payment Thanks for your interest! .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. .'::::::So I have decided that I am::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. .':::::going to start treating altcoins as if:::::::::::::::::::::'. .':::they were pokemon, gotta start catching::::::::::::::::::::'. .'::::them all... Yes, that even means the shitcoins:::::::::::::::::'. .'::::unfortunately...wouldn't be catchings them all without:::::::::'. .':::catching the gay shitcoins now would it? Nope..It wouldn't:::::::::. .:::I mean...Ash even caught Slopoke and other gay pokemon didn't:::::. :he? Lol... I will need help though, if anyone has any unwanted shitcoins :or any other coins that they could spare hit me up, and I will download:: :the wallet or give you my eth add.:y if it is a token, once I have collected ::them all,will take screenshots( of all my coins)(will try and put them::::' ':all in one wallet for the screenshot,so might need to send them all to::::' ':an exchange or something for that) then, once I have collected them::' ':::there is a new coin being released ever second it seems like, but::::' ':once I have collected all of them besides the newest ones [coins::::' ':that are about to come out etc]) I will distribute all of them::::::::' ':randomly to 10 different winners, havent figued out how I will::' ':chose the winners yet, but I will once the time has come and:' ':I will try and distribute them fairly (price wise). I will also:' ':make a list of contributor's on this page and will list the' ':usernames of people who send me different coins as' ':a thank you.Will also make a list of the coins that' ':I have & possibly a list of coins I do not have:' '.::::::(that would take forever lol)::::::::::::.' """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. .'::::::So I have decided that I am::::::::::::::::::::::::::'. .':::::going to start treating altcoins as if:::::::::::::::::::::'. .':::they were pokemon, gotta start catching::::::::::::::::::::'. .'::::them all... Yes, that even means the shitcoins:::::::::::::::::'. .'::::unfortunately...wouldn't be catchings them all without:::::::::'. .':::catching the gay shitcoins now would it? Nope..It wouldn't:::::::::. .:::I mean...Ash even caught Slopoke and other gay pokemon didn't:::::. :he? Lol... I will need help though, if anyone has any unwanted shitcoins :or any other coins that they could spare hit me up, and I will download:: :the wallet or give you my eth add.:y if it is a token, once I have collected ::them all,will take screenshots( of all my coins)(will try and put them::::' ':all in one wallet for the screenshot,so might need to send them all to::::' ':an exchange or something for that) then, once I have collected them::' ':::there is a new coin being released ever second it seems like, but::::' ':once I have collected all of them besides the newest ones [coins::::' ':that are about to come out etc]) I will distribute all of them::::::::' ':randomly to 10 different winners, havent figued out how I will::' ':chose the winners yet, but I will once the time has come and:' ':I will try and distribute them fairly (price wise). I will also:' ':make a list of contributor's on this page and will list the' ':usernames of people who send me different coins as' ':a thank you.Will also make a list of the coins that' ':I have & possibly a list of coins I do not have:' '.::::::(that would take forever lol)::::::::::::.' """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
You teach me and i'll teach you! Pokemon! Gotta catch em all! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALLLLLLLLL!!!! POKEMON! BTCKayaManBTC
Dash miners... let's work together and pool our mined Dash together to create a shared masternode for extra profits. I have ordered some D3 Antminers (3) Which I will be receiving in November...Once I get them up and running would be kool to start saving up my mined Dash to create a masternode..unfortunately that would take a long freakin time by myself, with 3 D3's at today difficulty it would take me a year just to mine 61 Dash...BUT TOGETHER we could create a shared masternode in no time. (well not really no time but a lot quicker than it would take us invdividually lol) we can start with 1 shared masternode where everyone has to contribute atleast 10 DASH to join, then create another one and another one untill each of us can afford our own masternodes. Will figure the details out once the time comes, just figured I would post about this now to get a head start and gather us like minded people together. This would also help the price of Dash not go down as much, I believe the Dash value has been going down lately cuz so many people who bought D3's have been selling off their mined Dash which is making the price go down. Anyways. If this sounds good to anyone leave a comment.
Was just watching a documentary about Quantum computers, and it said that right now quantum computers are only application specific ....which made me start thinking about mining with ASIC quantum computers...perfect...Who wants to throw down and get one with me!? lol. start a quantum mining farm! haha.
Electroneum is a new cryptocurrency founded by Richard Ells who is a successful digital businessman who has started several multi-million dollar online businesses. Electroneum is looking to snatch up the crypto market by utilizing the smart phone as its base component and the asset which will host its platform on. There are 2.2 billion people who own smartphones so this is definitely a great market and an obvious one that makes you question why no one else has thought about doing this before now.
Electroneum has its own app which will be launched right after the token sale has ended on october 31st, the app can be used to easily send and receive electroneum via the Electroneum crypto wallet, and will also include mining software that you can use on your smart phone to mine Electroneum! This is huge since most other altcoins require expensive hardware which is hard to obtain as it usually sells out right away.
Think about that for a second… You could start a mining farm that will consist of just many different smartphones which you can set up to mine for you, I can picture huge smartphone mining farms now…haha. Buildings full of running, plugged in smartphones which will all be mining electroneum. This could be a LOT cheaper than other cryptocurrency mining farms since you could essentially just use old smart phones that people pretty much just throw away once they get a new smart phone, could essentially get all the smartphones in your farm for free or very cheap so all you would have to pay for would be the electric bills.. Honestly I cant wait to see how this turns out and to see if people actually start smartphone mining farms. Heck maybe I will just start a smart phone mining farm! Hopefully the price of electroneum goes way up to make having a smart phone mining farm worth setting up!
People will also be able to transfer electroneum across different platforms and different apps and games which would make it more easily adopted since people would have another reason to purchase some Electroneum, to fuel their apps and games. I think Electroneum should start working harder on marketing this idea to other apps to help people start adopting it easier and quicker. If certain apps could only be fueled by purchasing electroneum that is when more and more people would start to adopt it and use it.
So, in my eyes Electroneum is looking like it will have a bright future, it has a great team behind it, a great revolutionary idea to make mining cheaper and more widely accessible and will be able to transfer it between different mobile apps, yeah its looking pretty good so far. So hurry up and get some electroneum + a bonus while the ICO is still going on cause it will be ending shortly! Don’t want to miss out on the next Bitcoin now do you?! Didn’t think so.
If you would like to receive a small discount use my referral code here to help both of us out! Your referral code is: 7654D9
My referral link-
And if you would like to join the bounty program for Electroneum here is the link to the bounty page, better hurry though!
This article is also posted by ME (KayaMan) on Medium and steemit
So im trying to set me PC up to GPU mine by executing a .bat file and whenever i start it it immediately I added a "Pause" command to the file to see if it had an error message and it says that my mining info isnt recognized as a command... here is my mining file..
-a Lyra2z -o stratum+tcp:// -u blahblah.blahblah1 -p blah blah
It says "-a" not recognized as a command
I am using windows all up to date on a gaming PC... Have had trouble with this for a long time, been trying to set up miners like this for about a year, ended up just using nicehash cuz it works... everything else i try doesnt work and IDK why its pissing me off.
So I really need YOUR help here plz... should i just switch over to Linux or somethin? lol.
Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.
I recently tried out nicehash to see if i could make a profit from it, I deposited btc to my account on nicehash and then i purchased scrypt hashing power to mine litecoin, but I ended up losing half of my money doing this...So I am wondering how exactly do people make a profit from buying hashing power from nicehash? And what did I do wrong? lol. Seems like a good way to throw your money away the way I did it..
Thanks BTCKayaManBTC