I know AM100 dividends last week were postponed to this week. It's Wed, I received my AM1 divs, what about the AM100s?
I have emailed TAT with my BTCTC TAT-AM100 share info a few days ago. Hopefully he will transfer these to Havelock soon, now that dividends have been paid out ....
I have pushed my AM-PT shares to TAT as instructed, and emailed TAT with the relevant info. The assets are now gone from my portfolio at BTCTC. Hopefully I will get some type of confirmation from TAT and the new shares will show up in Havelock soon.
UPDATE: AM-PT shares successfully transferred by TAT to Havelock. Thanks!!
Email sent with requested info. Hopefully TAT will send some confirmation of receipt of email? 
Yes, please provide instructions once you have a plan. Hopefully, a similar plan will be formulated for those also holding AM-PT shares at BTCTC.
Following the announced close of BTC-TC, should we be requesting a move of our asicminer-PT shares into direct shares or should we wait as it will be done anyway?
Anyone having trouble logging into website? Login page loads for me, but after entering username/pass I get a 502 bad gateway error
Since its PPS, I've already switched to my failover pool until 50BTC returns to normal.
FWIW I am not a fanboy. I used to use XFX back when they had double-lifetime warranties. But for my mining rigs I went with two systems, each with 3 Gigabyte 7970s, the GV-R797OC-3GD model. I haven't tried to push them too far, but I have gotten about 700 kh/s scrypt, and 620 MH/s SHA256. They are voltage locked unfortunately, but I can OC memory for scrypt, and UC memory for SHA256 while OC'ing the core just fine.
They are in a milk carton open air case with 250mm fans blowing at them, and they run around 65C with 24C ambient temps.
By your logic, might as well take the $950 and instead of buying a contract, just buy BTC directly. At current price of $101, you could get 9.4 BTC. And just like the platinum contract, if the price rises about $101, you make a profit. If it is less, you will lose money. Oh, and since you are nit-picking, I forgot to include the 10% management fee that Cloudhashing charges, so the platinum would actually earn 9.2 BTC * 0.9 = 8.28 BTC. ( https://cloudhashing.com/revenue-reinvestment) By buying BTC directly, it is even less work than a contract. And, you avoid the uncertainties of whether Cloudhashing would actually have the hash power ready when Sept contracts start.
By my calculations: BRONZE 1 GH/s contract - now starts in Sept
At current difficulty, 1 GH/s earns 0.0322 BTC/day. But as you know difficulty has been skyrocketing. Previously, on avg every 2 weeks difficulty increased 10%, the past difficulty (and looks like coming difficulty) have increased on the order of 20-25%!
If this trend continues, by the time the Sept contract starts (say 10 wks from now, or 5 difficulty adjustments of 20% each), 1 GH/s will only bring 0.0131 BTC/day. A year of such mining (again assuming 20% increase in difficulty every 2 weeks) would only net 0.91 BTC total. Since a 1 GH/s contract costs $150 currently, the price of a BTC would have to be $167/BTC to *break even*, let alone earn back a profit.
Even the best PLATINUM contract at 10 GH/s starting in Sept would only earn back 9.21 BTC at the end of a year (with assumptions above). But in this case, BTC would only have to be $103/BTC to break even.
For comparison, a BFL 5 GH/s ASIC costs $274, so to get the same 10 GH/s power you would only need to spend $548 vs $950 for the Platinum contract.
This is never gonna happen, but interesting to think about: if I understand correctly, the bitcoin network difficulty adjusts every 2000 or so blocks, in order to keep blocks being generated once every 10 minutes.
Now at current network hash rate of 130 TH/s (well, more like 150 TH/s recently), the difficulty is 15,605,633. What if suddenly the network hash rate drops by 90%? Although the difficulty will adjust downwards to compensate, that difficulty will take 2000 blocks to "readjust" since it doesn't happen instantaneously.
But if the network hash rate is reduced by 90%, it'll take a looooooong time to generate 2000 blocks before the network difficulty compensates. Is it feasible that a sudden, extended drop in hash rate will lead to a long, dry spell due to the lag time before the difficulty drops in response?
I gotcha. A week ago on eBay they were goin for $450, now it looks like they're about $350 and headed down.
In researching BTC exchanges, it seems like a transfer of fiat from a traditional bank to Dwolla takes 3-4 business days, way too long. Other than their "FiSync" network, which provides instant transfers but requires an institution to use that interface. Currently, I believe there is only one FiSync bank participating.
Any other options that are faster for getting fiat into an exchange, and ultimately buying BTC?
I understand your disappointment. Looks like you bought 6 units, which if delayed by 2 days would cost you a total of $11.85 in lost profits at current rate of $91.90/BTC.
However, I believe CITM did the best he could given the number of customers he had. I think he has fulfilled the terms of this Group Buy, and did ship out using your requested method, and within 1 day as he promised. Even online etailers do not always ship 1st in, 1st out.
Agreed, but is 3.2.1 working reliably with the USB Block Erupter under Win7 yet?
What level of CPU usage are people getting using CGMiner 3.1.1?
I've got a Win7 x64 setup with a Core i5-3570k and getting about 25% CPU usage, hashing with just one USB Block Erupter.
Any tracking numbers yet? Thx!
*Hands CITM a double shot expresso*