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41  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Metode pasivne zarade - opcije i testiranje istih on: July 24, 2020, 03:40:13 PM

Baš sam danas gledao taj ali skupo mi je imati tako puno MCO tokena da bi imao Netflix. Kako sam dobro izračunao, treba stejkati protuvrijednost $2.000 što mi je stvarno puno. (bivši Monaco), je uspio na neki način povezati crypto i fiat. Plaćate fiatom a dobivate crypto. Imaju trenutno jedinstven CashBack program od 1 do 5%. Karticu možete "puniti" fiatom ili cryptom (jedno vrijeme je bila samo mogućnost "punjenja" fiatom, ali su to opet omogućili).

Da bi imali mogućnost CashBack solucija potrebno je zaključati na 6 mjeseci 50 (2%), 500(3%) 5000(4%) itd... MCO coina. Kak je kolega Big_ napisao većina benefita je već dostupna od 50 uloženih MCOa.
Sukladno ostvarenom postotku, iznos CashBacka će Vam automatski biti dodjeljen u MCO protuvrijednosti. I zbilja su korektni (za sad).
Nema baš puno VISA kartica koje Vam omogućavaju da dobijete natrag 2-5% plaćenog iznosa.
Druga interesantna stvar je što imaju "posebne" partnere gdje CashBack ide do 10% (uz 50 ili više uloženih MCOa). U Hrvatskoj to vrijedi (provjereno) za Kaufland, LIDL, McDonalds i Glovo. Znači platite recimo u LIDLu 500kn karticom i dobijete natrag 50kn vrijednosti u MCO. I tako bi trebalo biti do 30.9. (do kad traje promocija). je izdao 2 tokena. MCO i CRO.
MCO token je "valuta" u kojoj Vam isplaćuje "cashback" i potreban Vam je (zaključan) ako želite imati pogodnosti. Trenutno su plasirali oko 50%. Vrijednost je bila do 5.5USD, trenutno oko 4.1USD. Kako će se u budućnosti kretati vrijednost ovog tokena teško je reći, i definitivno ovisi o priljevu novih korisnika kartice. se dosta reklamira, i točno se vidi kad postanu dostupni u određenoj zoni kako vrijednost MCOa poraste (potražnja).
Osobno, MCO pretvaram u stablecoin, držim samo minimum koji mi je potreban za benefit kartice.

CRO token, trenutno 10.mjesto na CoinmarketCap-u. Coin koji propagiraju i populariziraju na svojoj burzi. Ukoliko "zaključate" 10000 CRO coina (180 dana), dobivate godišnji prinos od 20%. Trenutna vrijednost je oko 0.145USD, i uvijek blago raste. Raste radi raznih akcija i promocija koje organiziraju (a preduvjet je da imate "zaključane" coine).

Crypto Syndicate, je jedna od takvih akcija gdje Vam na burzi omogućavaju da kupite određeni altcoin ili čak BTC u 50% cijene (sukladno određenoj količini). Čini se malo komplicirano ali funkcionira.
U naravi, skoro svaki tjedan najavi neku Syndicate akciju (primjerice trenutno je u tijeku akcija  NEO coina vrijednosti 500.000USD).
U datom trenutku,"zaključaju" tečaj, otvore prijave i obično se u roku 24 sata javi od 10000 do 20000 članova. Nakon 24 sata zatvore prijave i iznos NEOa u vrijednosti 500000USD podijele na primjerice 10000 prijavljenih. Svaki član ima pravo kupiti NEO coina u vrijednosti 50USD sa 50% popusta (u trenutku zaključavanja tečaja).
Primjerice u posljednjoj Syndicate akciji sam uspio kupiti 36USD vrijednosti KNC coina za 18USD.

Tu su i drugi benefiti: Netflix, Spotify, Lounge, referal itd...

Da li će scam ili ne? Da li će se jednog dana urušiti (Ponzi)?

Projekt je definitivno inovativan, scam nije, jer se radi o dužem projektu, sa reguliranom legislativom u USA, EU, Aziji itd... Kartica su izdali nevjerojatno puno. Sad, da li će uspjeti održati ovaj tempo i interesantnim akcijama motivirati članove da učestvuju u ovim akcijama treba vidjeti.
Meni se ovo čini interesantno, ali opet treba biti oprezan.

Kao jedan pozitivan znak odnosa prema korisnicima navest ću primjer WireCard blokade. Izdavač VISA kartice za EU je bio Wirecard. Kad je blokiran u roku 2 sata je doznačio kompletan iznos koji sam imao na kartici (u fiatu) na moj MCO račun (protuvrijednost). Kartica je opet proradila, mislim za 4 dana.

Kartica uglavnom prolazi svugdje (VISA), ali ako slučajno se pojavi problem, platite sa agregatorom, koji to naplati od (i dobijete cashback).

Isprika na dugom postu, no nadam se da sam bar malo pomogao sa informacijama, i ako mogu bilo što pojasniti, tu sam... Wink
42  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Metode pasivne zarade - opcije i testiranje istih on: July 24, 2020, 11:37:21 AM
Odlična nova tema, i detaljna prva analiza.
Pasivna zarada (koliko toliko sigurna), je oduvijek bila neki "sveti gral". Jako je puno sumnjivih projekata koji često loše završe, pogotovo u crpyto svijetu.
Kak je ovdje i bilo napisano diversifikacija je ključ svega.
Osobno imam (za sad) pozitivna iskustva sa investiranjem stablecoina u Celsius i Nexo Lending siteove. Iako se radi o skromnom ulaganju i periodu malo dužem od godinu dana, za sad sve funkcionira dobro. Kamata je od 8 do 12% godišnje.
Od veljače sam nešto sitno prebacio na Cryptocom (stable coins, 12%). Karticu/app sam uzeo radi drugih benefita (syndicate, cashback, partner cashback, netflix...) pa je poslužila i za diversifikaciju.
43  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is investment legit and safe? on: July 20, 2020, 03:28:14 PM
The value of CRO coin (token) will depend of work and actions (syndicate, staking benefits etc...). Only a 18% of tokens were issued for now...We have to monitor the volume.
Speaking about volume, MCO (another token of have 33% volume drop in last week.
44  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: - The Pioneering Payments & Cryptocurrency Platform on: July 20, 2020, 12:50:14 AM
Here is a small curiosity... guy bought a house with MCO Crypto card  Cheesy
45  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: - The Pioneering Payments & Cryptocurrency Platform on: July 20, 2020, 12:44:26 AM

From personal experience, (I use it around 6 months in EU), everything works correct. Staking, earning (up to 20% p.a.), cashback rewards (up to 5%), exchange and syndicate actions (possibility to buy some coins with -50%). For card owners they also have free Netflix, Airport lounge etc...
Even during WIRECARD affair (the issuer of VISA for EU), when cards were blocked, they refund all balance from card in 12 hours until cards start to work again.
They have two legit coins CRO (11th place of all coins) and MCO
Use it also for Paypal, and everyday spending. Very accurate and fast response. Never had any issue with undocumented costs.
Small tip for paypal: It is better option that handle the currency conversion...
46  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: MCO Visa Card from on: July 19, 2020, 12:40:00 AM
From personal experience, (I use it around 6 months in EU), everything works correct. Stacking, earning (up to 20% p.a.), cashback rewards (up to 5%), exchange and syndicate actions (possibility to buy some coins with -50%). For card owners they also have free Netflix, Airport lounge etc...
Even during WIRECARD affair (the issuer of VISA for EU), when cards were blocked, they refund all balance from card in 12 hours until cards start to work again.
They have two legit coins CRO (11th place of all coins) and MCO
47  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is investment legit and safe? on: July 19, 2020, 12:31:29 AM
From personal experience, (I use it around 6 months in EU), everything works correct. Stacking, earning (up to 20% p.a.), cashback rewards (up to 5%), exchange and syndicate actions (possibility to buy some coins with -50%). For card owners they also have free Netflix, Airport lounge etc...
Even during WIRECARD affair (the issuer of VISA for EU), when cards were blocked, they refund all balance from card in 12 hours until cards start to work again.
They have two legit coins CRO (11th place of all coins) and MCO

What We can say about future:
I really want to believe that this project will be live for a long time. But there is also some doubts, is this possible system for long term. Why?
For example, CRO coin mostly used for stacking on exchange. If You stack at least 10000 CROs on exchange (180 days), You got 20% interest P.A. This is also mandatory for Syndicate actions, and better interest for stacking another coins.
So, while We have a lot of interest for this project system will work...otherwise coin will drop.
MCO coins they use mostly to pay cashback and earnings. You need to stack 50, 500, 5000 or more coins to get cashback VISA cards (2%,3%,4%...). We can not predict the value of this coin, everything depends how many new users We will se here.
48  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: MCO Visa Card from on: April 14, 2020, 11:18:18 PM
They had a strong marketing campaign for credit cards. I decide to take a 3% cashback version, finish all their KYC, 40 days ago, no card yet (EU)   Angry
49  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: AMFEIX - is it legit? on: September 11, 2019, 09:44:49 AM
The "profit" percentage is irelevant if Your total deposit is unsafe. AMFEIX do not answer on basic questions about security of invested deposit. In fact no insurance at all.
Also, they continue their scam promotion to remove relevant comments with "fake" question-answer-comment- repeat...

Here is a more details:
50  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: September 04, 2019, 03:19:51 PM
Vjerujem da nas kolege iz Slovenije više čitaju nego što pišu, a bilo bi ih lijepo vidjeti ovdje. Nekak ćemo se razumjeti, nećemo gledati svaku točku (pika) ili zarez (vejica) ;-)
51  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: AMFEIX - is it legit? No, it is not...SCAM promotion EXPOSED on: September 04, 2019, 03:10:03 PM
"interesting" chat between "members", but it isn't help. Just contaminate the thread.
It is still a SCAM.

More info:
52  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: September 03, 2019, 08:04:45 PM
Zbilja, super se držimo, pogotovo ako znamo da nekim podforumima (španjolski, portugalski, arapski...) prilazi ogromna masa govornika sa više kontinenata....
53  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: AMFEIX - is it legit? No, it is not...SCAM promotion EXPOSED on: September 03, 2019, 07:58:21 PM
If You first time on this AMFEIX thread, do not waste Your time to read the fake conversation between 3-4 "members".

Amfeix use SCAM promotion to mask the unwanted legit questions where they do not have answers.

Here in this post You can find the additional information on AMFEIX scam.
54  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: September 02, 2019, 08:57:03 PM
Prijavljujem thread o ALGOWAVE.IO (AI trading predictions)  koji sam počeo raditi, no sa nešto bržim završetkom, po uputi Algowave Supporta.

Algowave je bio jedan od prvih partnera (navodno najbolji AI algoritmi, potpisani MIT profesori i slično...).
Omogućavao je da svaki tjedan kupite "prediction" sa izborom 10 coina koji će porasti 5-25% u narednom tjednu.
Nažalost rezultati koje sam dobijao i prezentirao su daleko od obećanih.
Dosta se pisalo o Algowave-u i ENDORu, ali izgleda da izlaze iz crypto svijeta.
55  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: ENDOR: REVIEW & 30 days test (DISCONTINUED) on: September 02, 2019, 08:41:25 PM
Finaly I got a response from Algowave support:

So, how can I continue this thread if the Algowave official TS do not believe in system for now.

I decide to DISCONTINUE this thread, and I hope that Algowave will find some solution for their service, what is not profitable at all for now.

Algowave is not an option for trading/investment.

56  Economy / Investor-based games / Re: AMFEIX - is it legit? No, it is not...SCAM promotion EXPOSED on: August 30, 2019, 12:50:30 PM
Sometimes it is hard to understand how some people can try the same actions and expect different results.
I wrote two times about SCAM promotion of this investment service, where is exposed their unfair approach to potential investors:


...and they continue...try again with fake accounts push the thread one or two pages, to hide the legit questions where they do not have answers.

@hero101 - it is good monthly result, but unfortunately, it is useless. Who is ready to invest and give his money to unknown people without any reputation. The people who try to "mask" legit questions of the community about their service?
57  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: ENDOR: REVIEW & 30 days test on: August 26, 2019, 08:22:17 AM
Thank you for your weekly report, but it's better if you give screenshot about coin that they recommend as proof of their algo and predictions. Bit interested, but need more research and proof.

Very good point, and thank You for participation and proposal. Here is a coins predicted last week by Algowave. I will attach the picture on the end of each week.

Here You can see the picture of Week 1:
58  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: ENDOR: REVIEW & 30 days test on: August 25, 2019, 08:39:50 PM
WEEK 2 conclusion

With last bought AI prediction, I got 10 more volumenized  coins and I expect good results from last week.
Unfortunately, We got a disaster...

- STO - no trading on any exchange
- PTT - it has best result, over 100%, but droped on the end of the week
- ENJ - 3% in 7 days
the rest of 7 coins (You can see them on picture) lost more than 20% each.

So, with our strategy +5% target, -10% stop loss we had for 900 invested:
105+103+90+90+90+90+90+90+90=838USD (total loss -6.9%)

So, I am very disapointed, this is far away from real artifical inteligence prediction. As they offer the service, the coins what will rise 5%-25% in next week. Seven coins finish with around -20%.
How to use this "prediction"? This is unusable, no chance to profit from such predictions. I will ask the Algowave support, and try to figure what they think about this service.
Now waiting for an answer.

Here is the picture of last "prediction":
59  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: ENDOR: REVIEW & 30 days test on: August 25, 2019, 07:44:50 PM
Week 2

Just bought prediction for 10 coins for this week. Better volumenized coins, but still one coin what is not tradable at all.
Let's follow the week...
Day 1: Very interesting day. One coin rise over 100%! One coin drop -9%, and the rest coins is in the range -3% to +3%. So, if I found more cases with such unpredictable rise (over 100%) I have to tune investment strategy. From conservative to gambling tip strategy... Score: 1/10
Day 2: Nothing special, everything is in the range Score: 1/10
Day 3: Disaster day...After today BTC correction, 4 coins loss more than 10% of their value (SL hit), the rest of the coins is in the range. It is hard to see how this week can be profitable. I expect much more from AI. At this point it looks like ALGOWAVE predictions are total useless. Score: minus -3/10  Cry
Day 4: Disaster continue... another 4 predicted coins finish with more than -10% (hit SL). So now We can see that this system can not predict alts market drop. Weekly prediction is total useless, with significant drop of invested portofolio. I expect much more from BigData and AI... Support contacted, and waiting for their feedback. Score: minus -7/10
Day 5: Some coins drop even more, a few of them recovery a little bit but far away from starting price. I ask an ENDOR.COM for their opinnion (they are a AI signal makers, and reputable team). Waiting for an answer. Score: minus -7/10
Day 6: Still the same disaster: minus -7/10
Day 7: Nothing more to say, one coin is not tradable, one coin rise 3% and one rise up 100%. Score: minus -6/10
60  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: August 23, 2019, 09:19:22 PM
Prijavljujem jedan informativni post, nadam se da je poslužio...
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