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This isn't the real world; it's an Internet forum and we go by the rules that have been set out before us.

That is ridiculous.

What I suggest is that people start suing the forum if they realize a loss due to some of the activities here.  

How it works is that you sue the whois privacy service (which is in Panama).  It is unlikely that company will provide a court defense over a service that costs a couple dollars a year.  Most likely they will either divulge the true registrant or simply default.  

If the true registrant is identified they will need to provide a defense and identify themselves or they will default.  If they identify themselves then you can start identifying the staff and calling them in for depositions.  If they default then you can probably get a court order to seize the domain from the .org registrar which is located in the USA.  If were to default you really don't need that solid of a case, you just need a prima fascia case which will be successful if they default.  By suing the forum you will put them between a rock and a hard place.  

If you think this forum does not matter in the real word, think again.  The Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation shot himself in the foot by posting here and Barry Silbert used it against him in court  Vessenes has not posted here since:

Forum posts have also been cited in a several other criminal and civil cases such as the Silk Road and pirateat40 prosecutions.
Actually the forum would be protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which basically says that a website with user submitted information (posts) is not considered to be the publisher of such information.

The person who actually posts information (posts a post) is liable (when liability is appropriate) for anything they publish (post).

Any lawyer will tell you that doesn't hold up in court, because it usually doesnt.
Theymos had absolutely nothing to do with these bannings and most of the others that get banned. And this is a centralised privately-owned forum. If someone wants to create their own decentralised one they're free to do it. Creating a centralised one as he described probably wouldn't work very well for obvious reasons. Don't like what someone says? Get you and your buddies accounts and down vote to censor their posts into oblivion.

Yes you're right ,  the forum has need to be centralized  . Thanks again for your reply and sorry I didn't want to be arrogant ( it is only for know).
Theymos is responsible for the bans because hes handing power down to others to control the forum here, Hes the owner, hes responsible and guilty as anyone else is.  People are afraid to speak up.  I took a screen shot of this and if my account gets banned then Its more news to feed.
See, the people who actually think the staff are legit just have to suspect that your account is just a dummy account made to post here. 3 posts.

Why would you even "speak up"? You could PM the heads of staff if there's an abusive forum staff member.

Actually, i believe that this is frowned upon by theymos. i don't have a source on that but i recall a discussion on the matter from days long gone by.

You haven't been able to add anything to this discussion from the start. We don't have the power to change anything either because banning the sale of accounts will change absolutely nothing, but for some reason you are unable or unwilling to grasp this. How can you not comprehend this? Please tell me what good it would actually do? It wouldn't change a single thing except make it easier for people to fall victim to a bought account and that's why it is allowed.

You could simply ban account selling from the forum. That's what you do.

Then you still remind people that its possible that others are buying and selling accounts offsite, but its still illegal to do this onsite. So that's what you do.

It would do good because there wouldn't be as much buying and selling of accounts. I can't believe this isn't obvious to you. I don't think you can see things as clearly as you think that you do. Your position of power has warped your judgment to the viewpoint that you can do no wrong.

As an outsider, potential solutions to the problem are obvious. But you are fighting any sort of change tooth-and-nail, and I have better things to do with my time then help your forum maintain its existence. So much for credibility. To pretend this forum has any credibility is a disastrous lie.

TL;DR - You are openly endorsing crooked behavior by allowing account selling to continue unabated.

I haven't been warped by anything, I'm just able to look at this from outside the box whilst you are blinded by your own bias and somehow think banning it would make it decrease any less. You're so preoccupied with account selling being 'evil' (lol) that you think it should just be banished completely but cannot even look rationally at why banning will do nothing at all. Don't you know that prohibition or banning things never works? It just pushes the activity further underground and out of sight, that's it.

There is no whinging and whining going on. A simple statement of the facts, which you and others like you refuse to hear or give fair consideration.

You've spent the past two days whinging and whining. What facts have you stated exactly? I hope you're not confusing your opinion with one.
An unrelated matter entirely. it is very difficult to discuss a personal matter such as the one regarding my purported "attempt at buying trust" without becoming emotional. The issue we are discussing here is forum corruption and inconsistency of policies. I made two statements in this thread. perhaps you should read these statements and analyze them for facts/opinions before resorting to a personal attack, which is a sure sign of a lack of an intelligent argument.
There's not a flaw in my logic, but there is in yours. Everything can be abused in the world so should we get rid of that too? Nothing is perfect or flawless. The trust system serves its purpose as a guide regardless of whether it's perfect or can or is abused or not. Mods can abuse, users can abuse, police can abuse etc etc. That doesn't mean all those things are worthless and should be gotten rid of. Should we just get rid of the entire forum since it can be abused? No, we make do with what we've got. If you don't like the trust system or the way the forum operates or is run simply don't use them. You're not forced to nor are you obliged to take any trust or feedback sent/received seriously. That is entirely up to you.

Edit: KWH has good points.

I'm just saying, you're encouraging evil dicklessness.

Feel free to ban me if it pleases you.

We're not encouraging it. We can't do anything about it and 'evil dicklessness' will happen regardless, but you don't seem to be able to comprehend this. And why would we ban you? Idiots are allowed a voice too regardless of how wrong or annoying they may be.

Isn't it funny how the biggest defenders of the default trust are those setting atop it? these people are not bitcoin supporters. a supporter of bitcoin would encourage decentralized consensus proof of trust algorithm. maybe they don't understand that bitcoin is decentralized proof of trust in and of itsself, but on the same token, perhaps they are corrupted morally and feel the need to protect their bottom line, by keeping a monopoly on the trust system, and their corruption has overriden their logical thinking algorithm. food for thought :-)

Says the guy who was desperately trying to buy trust to appear trustworthy. Bitcoin may be decentralised but this forum isn't. All you whingers and whiners should get together and create your own decentralised utopian bitcoin forum because I'd love to see how it wouldn't work.

There is no whinging and whining going on. A simple statement of the facts, which you and others like you refuse to hear or give fair consideration.
You guys realize the trust system is completely meaningless, right?

So long as you can buy and sell accounts, you can get trust that you didn't earn and use it to make trades with people who don't know they are trading with a bought account.

This is why account selling should be frowned upon and not openly endorsed.

And yet that fixes nothing, accounts will still be bought and sold. The "burden of proof" should not rest on the administrators but rather upon those wanting to trade, they are not here to hand hold. It is up to the individual to check the Trust of those they deal with and actually LOOK at what has been left and who left it. Then you can form an educated opinion if you want to believe it or not. A good thing about these buys and sells; it makes you really check the account before you trade. At least it should.
Trust is not meaningless, it is a good starting point.

I do agree with everything you just said here. Perhaps the next step would be building a decentralized escrow system into the forum. (one can dream, and it will probably never happen for many reasons, some obvious and some not)
No, it makes sense. Your argument doesn't though. You seem to think that trust is only meaningless because accounts are allowed to be sold, but whether they are or not makes no difference to the trust system because accounts will still be sold regardless. Banning the sale of accounts changes absolutely nothing, apart from maybe making people like you think they're now a little but safer, when they're not.

OK so lets just do away with pretending that the trust system actually matters then, can we?

The entire component should be removed from the forum since it is already prone to being abused.

You're like the American government trying to defend an indefensible position. You won't accept that there is an underlying flaw in the root of your logic.

Isn't it funny how the biggest defenders of the default trust are those setting atop it? these people are not bitcoin supporters. a supporter of bitcoin would encourage decentralized consensus proof of trust algorithm. maybe they don't understand that bitcoin is decentralized proof of trust in and of itsself, but on the same token, perhaps they are corrupted morally and feel the need to protect their bottom line, by keeping a monopoly on the trust system, and their corruption has overriden their logical thinking algorithm. food for thought :-)
127  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 08:07:36 PM
h4xx0r : "I want to trade $5 Paypal for Bitcoin, so I can buy trust. Or maybe not, I just want to buy McDonalds using Bitcoin !!"  Shocked

Exchanger A : "Ok, let me check your profile..."

Warning: Trade with extreme caution!

you deserve that warning message,
h4xx0r -- Scammer Alert!

there was no negative trust prior to this incident.
128  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Businesses get $25,000 fine for using Bitcoin, $2507 fine for gov officials on: October 08, 2014, 06:32:37 PM
Is this legitimate? Normally i would be all against this, but based on how judgemental this community is and with all of the scammers to blame, i approve. Until crypto has regulation i cannot fully support it. 
129  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Selling 3 BTC for paypal or skrill asap on: October 08, 2014, 06:30:38 PM
I will buy $5 usd worth of bitcoin from you with paypal. must place the bitcoin in escrow before i send you from paypal.
ESCROW a whopping $5 payment, wow seen it all. LOL...

How else do buyers protect themselves in a transaction? i have no chargebacks on my account, i would like to keep it that way. sending first with paypal, i may not receive my btc. then i would have to do a chargeback with paypal. no thanks.
130  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 06:28:58 PM
That pisses me off. ANY forum with a trust system where you tried to do that would result in you being instantly slapped down. Buying trust is buying trust on ANY forum with a trust system. Don't whine about the truth.
Umm, ok? if you have a point make it. Seems like you're the one whining about the truth. I never tried to buy trust. i said i thought about it, then i stipulated in my post requesting a trade that we would exchange feedback. that is not the saming thing as "buying trust", you all are trying to find deeper meaning in something as shallow Mozart's grave.
You were obviously trying to farm trust from those trades, no matter how many times you try to say you weren't.  You tried to game the system, now you are marked as so.  You can still get plenty of trades here by using escrow.

those trades? it was a singular, one time trade, i'm not here to trade cock sucker. you already knew that, and if you didn't well, you're the one calling me out atleast get it right. i was here to get some bitcoin through the trade, and get a positive trust rating. then i planned to offer my services, using the trust rating to help me attract potential clients. here to try and tap the bitcoin economy for extra work. that way if fiat collapses, i already will have inroads here.
Okay, that one trade (although I suspect you would have done the same again or taken up multiple members)  You wanted to make a trade for the point of gaining trust, not unlike a rep loan, both of which are scammy behavior.  

I'm done here, the rating stays.

You weren't going to remove it either way. I had already apologized to you and you ignored that post, so it goes without saying that that apology is no rescinded.Continuing,  you cannot possibly know i would have done another trade again. That reminds me of that movie with Tom Cruise where they charged people with crimes they would commit in the future, but i will digress and defer on that matter, to the more pressing issue:

If this is scammy behaviour, why are Signature Campaign reps not considered scammy?

Ive saw plenty of rep loans btw, look at default trust. half the members on the list have questionable feedback. Look at TF, Blazr, and Vod. Far from model citizens. Remember their account farming operation? how about when Blazr got caught and paid his way out of it? enlisting Vod and others to leave negative feedback on the posters who busted them out? there was never any recourse for either of them on the matter. No punishment for the protected, tsk tsk. Reminds me of corporate america.

To me, it seems we have a system here designed to protect the interest of a select few, and leave the common user on the outside looking in. We need a clearer guideline. It seems one thing is acceptable until the general consensus changes on the matter.

I was thinking of finding reputable hero members and asking them to do trades with me. i would send first, proving i am trustworthy. Really i just want it for bragging rights. My friends at work will be jealous of my green trust rating

Sig campaigns are people providing a legitimate service (advertising) in exchange for BTC.  Once the transaction is done people may leave trust.  Stunna did not make trusting him a requirement to be part of the sig campaign.

I looked before i leapt with that post. Hence my admission of a mistake. I am not talking about stunna. he is a respected user and is no doubt on the up and up.
131  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 06:07:02 PM
That pisses me off. ANY forum with a trust system where you tried to do that would result in you being instantly slapped down. Buying trust is buying trust on ANY forum with a trust system. Don't whine about the truth.
Umm, ok? if you have a point make it. Seems like you're the one whining about the truth. I never tried to buy trust. i said i thought about it, then i stipulated in my post requesting a trade that we would exchange feedback. that is not the saming thing as "buying trust", you all are trying to find deeper meaning in something as shallow Mozart's grave.
You were obviously trying to farm trust from those trades, no matter how many times you try to say you weren't.  You tried to game the system, now you are marked as so.  You can still get plenty of trades here by using escrow.

those trades? it was a singular, one time trade, i'm not here to trade cock sucker. you already knew that, and if you didn't well, you're the one calling me out atleast get it right. i was here to get some bitcoin through the trade, and get a positive trust rating. then i planned to offer my services, using the trust rating to help me attract potential clients. here to try and tap the bitcoin economy for extra work. that way if fiat collapses, i already will have inroads here.
Okay, that one trade (although I suspect you would have done the same again or taken up multiple members)  You wanted to make a trade for the point of gaining trust, not unlike a rep loan, both of which are scammy behavior.  

I'm done here, the rating stays.

      You weren't going to remove it either way. I had already apologized to you and you ignored that post, so it goes without saying that that apology is now rescinded.

      Continuing,  you cannot possibly know i would have done another trade again. That reminds me of that movie with Tom Cruise where they charged people with crimes they would commit in the future, but i will digress and defer on that matter, to the more pressing issue:

If this is scammy behaviour, why are Signature Campaign reps not considered scammy?

       Ive saw plenty of rep loans btw, look at default trust. half the members on the list have questionable feedback. Look at TF, Blazr, and Vod. Far from model citizens. Remember their account farming operation? how about when Blazr got caught and paid his way out of it? enlisting Vod and others to leave negative feedback on the posters who busted them out? there was never any recourse for either of them on the matter.

No punishment for the protected, tsk tsk. Reminds me of corporate america.

To me, it seems we have a system here designed to protect the interest of a select few, and leave the common user on the outside looking in. We need a clearer guidelines and more accountability for all, not just the select few. there needs to be a counterbalance. like the ability for an admin to leave a note on trust ratings.
132  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: Selling 3 BTC for paypal or skrill asap on: October 08, 2014, 05:53:23 PM
I will buy $5 usd worth of bitcoin from you with paypal. must place the bitcoin in escrow before i send you from paypal.
133  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 05:40:00 PM
That pisses me off. ANY forum with a trust system where you tried to do that would result in you being instantly slapped down. Buying trust is buying trust on ANY forum with a trust system. Don't whine about the truth.
Umm, ok? if you have a point make it. Seems like you're the one whining about the truth. I never tried to buy trust. i said i thought about it, then i stipulated in my post requesting a trade that we would exchange feedback. that is not the saming thing as "buying trust", you all are trying to find deeper meaning in something as shallow Mozart's grave.
You were obviously trying to farm trust from those trades, no matter how many times you try to say you weren't.  You tried to game the system, now you are marked as so.  You can still get plenty of trades here by using escrow.

those trades? it was a singular, one time trade, i'm not here to trade cock sucker. you already knew that, and if you didn't well, you're the one calling me out atleast get it right. i was here to get some bitcoin through the trade, and get a positive trust rating. then i planned to offer my services, using the trust rating to help me attract potential clients. here to try and tap the bitcoin economy for extra work. that way if fiat collapses, i already will have inroads here.
134  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 04:59:17 PM
That pisses me off. ANY forum with a trust system where you tried to do that would result in you being instantly slapped down. Buying trust is buying trust on ANY forum with a trust system. Don't whine about the truth.
Umm, ok? if you have a point make it. Seems like you're the one whining about the truth. I never tried to buy trust. i said i thought about it, then i stipulated in my post requesting a trade that we would exchange feedback. that is not the saming thing as "buying trust", you all are trying to find deeper meaning in something as shallow Mozart's grave.
135  Other / Meta / Re: How can i get a green trust on my profile? on: October 08, 2014, 04:55:45 PM
You mean projecting angst like having a temper tantrum and throwing your toys out of the pram and calling people faggots?  Roll Eyes That sounds pretty angsty to me, whereas pretty much everyone else was trying to calmly give you advice.  The sooner you realise where you went wrong the sooner you can move on from this but it doesn't look like you're mature enough to see any of this.

you can't convince me of a lie. keep dreaming.

Okay, you can believe what you want.
You can continue asking for trust.
Nobody will delete that post, don't worry.

People will just think that you are out to scam them, and give you negative trust.
You may be honest, but nobody cares. You are asking for trust needlessly, and they trust you lesser than before.
How much ever you cry, you cannot make people trust you, and that is exactly what a green number means.

wow, that was heart warming jambola. I was seriously moved. I almost felt a tear forming in my tear ducts.
136  Other / Meta / Re: How trust system works ? on: October 08, 2014, 04:54:04 PM
Does anyone know if the trust system will function in the same way in the new forum software?

All the current features of this forum are going to be carried over to the new one, so probably yes. I haven't read anything about a new or revised system.

I remember a discussion arising about it last july when i joined up here. I think one poster had requested a revision to the trust system. I'm pretty sure theymos shot it down, but can't remember. there's a thread where its discussed somewhere.
137  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 04:49:03 PM
I already did admit it was a mistake(only in the court of public opinion, morally there is no problem, but i see that paypal trades are sketchy anyway, so overall it was a mistake). I still must inform you, I don't feel like it was the big deal its being made out to be(because it isn't, you've probably just all synchronized your menstrual cycles. it happens when a bunch of bitches cohabit the same space, even on forums apparently). The sole objective wasn't just to gain trust. a killing two birds with one stone kind of thing. Gain some trust , get some bitcoin to deposit at cryptsy, none of which really matters. its my own damn business.

The annoying truth here is that you all overreacted to something very minor, and now you are putting the full court press on me to admit and walk away, and i won't do it. A simple "hey that's against the rules! cease and decist immediately!" would have sufficed, but no we needed the back biting, preconceived notion about me and my intentions, modus operandi injectus ( i made that up)  and confrontation. OTR, the pompous assery is what makes bitcoin a sideshow oddity unappealing to the masses. look how people are treated as a newbie here, whether the individual is good or bad at heart. Go ahead and give me a negative feedback if you feel that strongly that i'm a bad person and have broken the sacred laws of bitcoin talk forum. At the end of the day, you will still be full of shit, and even more so high on your own farts. I may lose the ability of selling my services for bitcoin, but with the treatment received here, good riddance. I am doing just fine in the fiat world, and i will gladly return to it and continue to do my business solely in fiat. Maybe you should learn to solve problems without jumping to conclusions and we'd all be better off.
138  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 01:10:01 PM
How did I try twist your words? You laid out what you planned a couple of times and in your original thread:

I was thinking of finding reputable hero members and asking them to do trades with me. i would send first, proving i am trustworthy. Really i just want it for bragging rights. My friends at work will be jealous of my green trust rating

Everyone can see what this is apart from you. Nearly everyone accepts this logic, except you. There is no witchunt only people trying to get you to see how you are wrong on this. You've admitted several times what your intentions were and what you wanted from the trades but you just seem to not want to admit it or call it by what it is and that is you were trying to buy trust. I don't think you had some evil plan, but you wanted to abuse the system to make yourself look better regardless of whether you had honest intentions or not. I'll drop this when you do. You don't even have to admit you were wrong if you don't feel you were, but stop flogging a dead horse because you're still digging your hole so just let it go and move on and there'll be nothing further for me to comment on.

I did nothing wrong and I maintain that. I do not agree that is abusing the system. Taking a short cut and trying to gain a competitive advantage yes, but abuse no. Abuse would be fraudulent trust. If you think about it, all trust on this board is bought, some of it cheaper than others. Do you contest this logic?
139  Other / Meta / Re: cooldgamer abuse of the trust system on: October 08, 2014, 12:21:30 PM
I am not admitting that i did anything untrustworthy, because I DID NOT. I am not admitting to buying trust, because THAT WAS NOT THE POINT. Kinda just threw that in there at the last second. I am still mad, true but whatever. You faggots win, so congratulations, here's your prize. My middle finger bitch! sit on it and spin. wait you'd probably like that.

Oh, and pussy ass fuck boy, there is a difference between being stubborn and standing your ground. I'm not gonna take any shit, so go try that logic on someone dumb enough to accept it.

Clearly I'm dealing with someone who isn't smart enough to accept logic. I'm really not sure whether you're just trolling now or are just so blinded by your anger and stubbornness that you won't listen to anything that doesn't suit your agenda or proves you wrong. You're being stubborn because nearly everybody apart from you can see where you fucked up and what you did was wrong. You made a thread in meta detailing exactly what you were going to do: attempt to buy trust from trusted users. Why the hell did you even do that? You're either ridiculously stupid or this was just your plan all along. It's like a scammer announcing how he is going to pull off a con then crying when someone busts him. You're also just getting more pathetic as you go on and it's becoming pitiful now. 'Pussy ass fuck boy'? Seriously, how old are you? Let it go, seriously.

There you go inserting your agenda, which is clearly to get me to admit that i'm wrong somehow, when i'm not. notice you casually try to twist my thread titled "how to get a green trust on my profile" and twisted it into some evil maniacal scheme by me to defraud the trust system. Like i told you, push that logic on someone dumb enough to accept it.

To reiterate: I apologized for not heeding the warning from KWH( and anyothers as well, that should be a given). I felt like his opinion was probably a minority of the general consensus here, and decided to take my chances. I am also apologizing for calling cooldgamer and devthedev names. It was uncalled for i get that, my execuse: i was mad, and quite justifiably so. When you've done nothing wrong and you're the subject of a witch hunt like this and you can take it like a champ, well then you are a better man than me, and i would salute for you that. This is as much as i'm going to concede to you or anyone hilariousandco. i seriously wish you would drop it.
140  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Businesses get $25,000 fine for using Bitcoin, $2507 fine for gov officials on: October 08, 2014, 12:09:54 PM
I wonder what makes them ban bitcoin. Look like less people is supporting Bitcoin nowadays.

Less people? How?

He was just letting his agenda come exploding out of his flamboyant asshole. in other words, he was "talking out of his ass"
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