Do you have any bounty program ? can you share details.
The current price of RealtyReturns Token (RRT) stands at $0.05 per token. It's a golden opportunity to add RRT's in your cryptocurrency portfolio.
It's a famous saying by warren buffett that Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful. Price of RRT will surely go high with the launch of actual project and listing of RRT's in crypto exchanges. Those who take the risk now will be the winner at that time. Just like the price of BTC was 0.009 USD in 2009 and those who bought it at that rate enjoyed later. Seeing the underlying potential of RealtyReturns I see this a buy call.
I am very excited to experience the VIRTUAL REALITY GAMBLING as this is coming out for the very first time. If ALIVE CASINO successfully launches this feature, the project will be a big success and nothing can stop it from going to the moon.
The aim of this project is really attractive. We launched to help overseas investors and others avoid the volatility of the markets by securing their money in income generating properties and providing instant liquidity not previously offered by real estate. – Manny Fernandez, Co-Founder, CEOCrypto market is speculative, while the real estate market always appreciate in value. RealtyReturns provides you an opportunity to invest your cryptocurrency in a profitable sector. There are not many platforms like that developed so far.
The aim of this project is really attractive. We launched to help overseas investors and others avoid the volatility of the markets by securing their money in income generating properties and providing instant liquidity not previously offered by real estate. – Manny Fernandez, Co-Founder, CEO
Real estate sector is always interesting to talk about. This becomes a promising source to combine with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. I hope this Cross-Border Blockchain based Real Estate Marketplace will make a new crypto business with many advantages for people and crypto world. By harnessing the power of blockchain, RealtyReturns will bring transparency that will improve the availability of reliable property records and the efficiency of transactions. Since nothing can be forged over blockchain. With too many intermediaries involved in every real estate investment, fee / commision associated with every investment deal is very high. By introducing Blockchain, all intermediaries are removed which results in lowering fee/commission.
Alive Casino has a huge market to attract and this market will grow in the years to come. The market was USD 44.16 billion in 2016 and is estimated to reach USD 81.71 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 10.8% The use of mobile devices for online gambling purposes is increasing. The market growth for this industry is very geography specific. More than 80 nations have legalized online gambling and Europe has the largest online gambling market in the world, and this is just going to increase as Netherlands adopts new online gambling regulations. Source
Robotina already has offices in Dubai and some references places where their products are installed are Louvre Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Airport, Dubai Customs, DP HQ and Imdaad HQ along with several shopping malls in Dubai.
Why should one invest in Robotina ? - I care about saving money.
- I care about earning ROX.
- I care about the planet.
- I would like to be empowered.
For me all these four options are attractive.
They are also not charging huge commission. With every investment, RealityReturns will charge 3% of the security token issuance. I think that's very much nominal
The team behind the project matters a lot and the presence of verified people like Manny Fernandez (CEO/Co-Founder) behind the RealtyReturns gives it a big edge.
Any info about registering ROX tokens to any exchange?
The Robotina platform will optimize the operation of the entire electrical network, reduce power consumption and reduce energy costs. And it also makes it possible to save money and/or earn ROX tokens as a user or simply a member of the community
It will be a win-win scenario for the users who will opt for Robotina platform. Already there is huge awareness among people to save electricity not only to save bills but also to conserve natural resources and Robotina is providing both of these features.
SupraToken will launch First dual-transactional token ecosystem adopting a hybrid framework to ensure functional optimization. ( source). Whats dual-transactional token?
whats the linkage of S-Tokens with SPT? I am a bit confused, can somebody explain me this.
A. Pre-presale will take place from the launch date published in the website until 500 S-Tokens are sold. The site saying that Pre-preSale SOLD OUT. This means 500 S-tokens are already sold out.
do you charge on word count basis ? I have few article on blockchain to be written, like following - blockchain in the cryptobank
can u do this?
The world is in dire need of clean energy. Non-renewable sources will be wiped out very soon the way humans are consuming them to produce energy. We have to shift ourselves to renewable sources before it gets too late.
If we have 24/7 electricity available that doesn't mean everyone in the world has that blessing. According to World Bank- Roughly one billion people live without electricity.
- Hundreds of millions more live with insufficient or unreliable electricity.
- At the same time, approximately 3 billion people cook or heat their homes with polluting fuels like wood or other biomass, resulting in indoor and outdoor air pollution that has widespread health impacts.