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1  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🐺WOLF.BET - Provably fair dice game 🎲 Free faucet🚰 7-day streak bonus 🔥 on: July 25, 2019, 05:30:23 AM
Wow, one thing I really like about this community is that new things keeps rolling out every single day. Just when I thought that I have seen the best dice game, now here I checked up today and I'm seeing this wolf bet and I believe this is going to be the best indeed. This platform looks very cool I really like how they have designed the interface and everything about it. Really smooth and I would love to try It out so I have bookmarked and reserved it so I can use it later.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Celer Network (CELR) Launches Mainnet Stage! on: July 25, 2019, 03:41:14 AM
What are the future for celer network after got launched with mainnet ? One of my friend suggested to invest with celer network, but I like to hear your opinion before making a decision.
3  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Buying goods or services using crypto on: June 21, 2019, 10:06:36 AM
as we've been in a state of bear-trend for almost a year, i'm trying to find another usage of my eth and btc except hodling. do you know any real working crypto-marketplaces? probably it's not a bad option and i would find something really worthful to buy without any doubts of being scammed. kindly waiting for your feedback
If you want to spend your coins, you should be using There are even wallets where you can get gift cards and use them on Amazon. I have a Bitpay wallet and I can buy any gift card I want in-app. Their gift cards that you can buy with Bitcoin includes Uber, Amazon, Delta and even more. So if you're looking for a good way to be spending your coins you should have a Bitpay wallet. And they even have a Bitpay debit card you can use at worldwide ATM. That's the only wallet I know that offers those features, others don't do it.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Should buy and hold NEO? on: December 03, 2018, 06:16:20 AM
Well, I bought some recently and regret it, the GAS price is pretty terrible now, as all the current market prices.
NEO price to BTC is just going lower and lower. However, in the long-term it may be a good purchase, diversification is always a good idea.
NEO is a high potential project do not regret from your investment in this project because of the current market. Everything will be better in the near future and then this investment will bring a high profit for you. It is a coin which have a very high tendency to rise in the coming future.
5  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: WHY DO WE NEED A TRADING PLAN ? on: November 20, 2018, 11:01:24 AM
trading plan can minimize the risks and increase the profit. No one trader possible to make profit by consistenly without any trading plan. Also you need to track your trade experience.
Every single trader must take some steps to cater loss. You can’t hide yourself from loss rather you make strong moves and prepare your strategy so determined that risks are minored.
6  Economy / Economics / Re: Why everyone only invest in the crypto market? on: October 24, 2018, 12:41:30 PM
i diversify in stocks, commodities and mainly crypto, took some profits and bought a few things during the last bullrun
People invest in cryptocurrency for two reasons as I know. One is to earn more and more money and other is to use it anywhere, anytime in the world for shopping and even in his local markets. The future is that of cryptocurrency and we know that bitcoin is the leading crypto in the market; therefore it will take over the currency market and hope that other currencies will disappear from the market.
7  Economy / Economics / Re: When will Apple accept bitcoins? on: October 24, 2018, 11:02:33 AM
When they really need to. But they'll fight it hard! Apple's business model is to lock everything down -- very closed indeed. This does not align with the goals of bitcoin, at least, how I perceive them.

tl;dr Apple = closed. BTC = open.
If by “accept” you mean as a form of payment, no, not directly. You cannot buy a MacBook or an iPhone with Bitcoin.
Of course, you can use a Bitcoin Debit Card like CryptoPay to pay for anything you want with Bitcoin.
You also could sign up for Purse and get 15% off anything on Amazon, including Apple products.
by the way is that good for the market of both?
beside not many ppl using bitcoin
I think Apple will soon start accepting bitcoin as their payments because online selling means promoting your business and expanding its sale. Bitcoin will help them a lot because people from all over the world will easily pay them without converting local money in dollars and also no need for bank transactions. Just one click and your money will transfer to their bitcoin wallet.
8  Economy / Economics / Re: Will Africa be a good place for crypto? on: October 22, 2018, 11:02:16 AM
In African countries, people spend an average of 27 cents dollar on each cellular credit top up. They use crypto tokens to refill it.
this may sound strange to many crypto industry players, because the current blockchain vision to make the movement of millions of micro transactions around the world has proven to be a difficult challenge to achieve. however, South African startups prove that with a bit of ingenuity and an effective approach it can make cryptocurrency a better payment mechanism than the traditional way that many African citizens currently can in the future crypto, is more famous inAfrica.
Gradually the whole will use cryptocurrency as their local currency. We need to hold and wait for more time. The future is that of cyrptocurrency and as bitcoin is the leading crypto and most acceptable in the world, will take over the market in the future. South Africa was one of the earlier countries that accepted bitcoin as regular currency and the rests followed.
9  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Which coin best for holding on: October 20, 2018, 11:56:27 AM
Ethereum has a huge upside, coin once worth above 1.5k dollars each and right now its about 200 dollar levels and nothing major changed for the coin and it is even better than it used to be and the only reason why it is not going high again is the market, everything else is bullish on ethereum except the market.

As soon as market trend goes up again ethereum will have a huge spike because there are a lot of people expecting ethereum to go up and the miners will stop selling their ethereum after a while which means price HAS TO go up so that people would start selling again.

Stellar has also built itself a great market with the content writing and with the content world of crypto being heavily influenced by stellar I think the world of content writing in crypto space will have to fight to death until stellar worths something again because they are losing more and more money by the drop of price for their works.
Bitcoin is the leading crypto in the world and I think that holding bitcoin will be better than any other crypto because the whole crypto market depends upon the price of bitcoin. Bitcoin price affects the market very well and if we hold on our coins and motivate others to invest in bitcoin, the price will grow more and more in the future. my first and last choice is bitcoin.
10  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why not play games online instead of gambling? on: October 19, 2018, 12:15:06 PM

People gamble not just for entertainment because of the chance to win big money. It is entertaining because it gives you excitement even if you lose in the end.
I agree with you, gambling get people excited to earn some money at the end of the game, I think people like taking a risk due to gambling.
Actually playing games online also can make people excited, like some people compete on a tournament with a big prize.

But if I will be having a chance to choose from Gambling and Online Games with a great prize, I would rather choose Online games since I know that I will be competing in such game because I have a skill to it. Saying that, I can say that I have a higher chance of winning that certain big prize on Online game than on risking my money on Gambling.

There's one certain mistake you guys are making on this thread cause you seems not to understand that any play games of chance for money which money is involved is also gambling. Although, playing games will make things lifely by bring more funs and excitement to the player.
If I get something against my money I will be happy but if nothing then obviously I will feel disappointment. The same is here in gambling. Some people say that they are gambling not for making money but for fun and entertainment. If I go for a long drive with my family or friends I spend lot of money I will be happy because I enjoy the trip but gambling is something different.
11  Economy / Economics / Re: Why Cryptocurrency threatens governments on: October 18, 2018, 07:47:39 AM
It could be argued everything is a possible threat to government because not everyone votes or supports what a government of a country stands for.     The base line is the government power only comes from support of the people.   If a standard or utility is derived from this technology that benefits the people then its fair to assume that support and benefit will be passed on for support of the government which allows and encourages that technology.

I really have to disagree then for most advanced progressive countries they look towards technology as something which creates wealth for their citizens and enables a work saving economy beneficial to all.   The majority of governments do not see crypto as a threat even in USA where I expected opposition as they required the financing of dollars to service debt, most in politics seem to realise crypto is very popular with the people and not a threat overall.     The bad press mostly comes from just general apprehension of change I believe
In my view there are some factors that governments do not want cryptocurrency to be prevailing in the world. One is this that crypto is not good for economy, second it is not centralized, third is this that it is not guaranteed and finally they fear that cryptocurrency is widely used for illegal activities. This is most dangerous thing for governments.
12  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin breaking $20,000 again? on: October 16, 2018, 08:02:24 AM
We all have seen how bitcoin crossed $20,000 in December . When do you think this will happen again?

Well, I remember last year where people are so hopeful to see bitcoin touch $10k inspite of the huge bans but what happened is it doubled the expected the price in December. I am expecting the same outcome this year where people are optimistic with the $50k all time high and the bitcoin will surpass that again.
No, I don’t think this will happen again. In the previous year the demand for bitcoin was very high and in the year demand is very low and even nil, therefore I can say that the price will not increase like the previous one. If it reaches to $10000 till the end of December this year it will be enough because the market is very tough and there is no green signal.
13  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Crime Effect of Gambling - Your thoughts! on: October 15, 2018, 11:03:56 AM
I recently participated in a debate on debatepedia and this particular one brought about a huge argument and I was wondering how that argument will play out here and hoping to view your thoughts on this.

Actually, the bone of content here is that does gambling cause an increase in various kinds of related criminal activities? Few examples of the major points raised were;

Casinos are often associated with criminal activity. Drug dealers and prostitutes operate near casinos – they know that there are a large number of potential clients in the area. Casinos can therefore be devastating to neighborhoods.

The existence of criminals does not make nearby businesses (including casinos) immoral. It is perverse to punish people who just want to gamble (and not take drugs or use prostitutes) by taking away their chance to do so.

For me personally, I believe immoral activities are certainly based on each individual and it does not have anything to do with gambling. Nevertheless, from some of the further research that I made, I got to understand that, these things mentioned are very much applicable in most casinos; drug dealings, prostitution and even some casinos where the owners are into some shady stuffs. Well, just want to get to know what you guys think about this. Do you think Casino is like a hiding place for perpetrators of crime or casino on its own, ushers in a huge level of immoral activities by default?

We all know that gambling is one of the way on how people earn profits today in crypto. But as a smart player we must also know that this gambling isn't the best way to earn. It has advantages but the disadvantages are quite most concern. We must be aware on how this gambling may affect pure behavior in earning.  We must know when to stop and avois being greedy in profit.  In that, we will avoid negative acts that may lead us to make crime.
I think that gambling is the mother of crimes and criminals. You see that most of the gamblers are also murderer, gangsters, looters; snatchers etc. gamblers will do every illegal activity. They will spend nights on the roads because they have no place and respect in their own home. You can think about their lives. They are spending their lives as dogs on the road. 
14  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Will the bull run return this December? on: October 11, 2018, 12:17:17 PM
At the first I also think this year will the price of all altcoins and bitcoin will improve in this year a
Start for december 2017 but now its just wasted.
The whole year of 2018 is too bad for bitcoin price so far and I think that the remaining months of this year will also be the same. I don’t see any dramatic change in the price till December, but I am hopeful about the next year. I am not giving any prediction about the price but I am sure the 2019 will be better than 2018 because people are returning to bitcoin.
15  Economy / Economics / Re: What can be done to make bitcoin stable? on: October 10, 2018, 12:17:17 PM
the simplest thing is to hold it and not sell in every panic situation and whenever there are not to much sellers than the stability would come but to assure this we have to use btc in our every day lifes like dollar is used.
Yeah you are right, it is necessary to make some investment before making money in crypto. If you want to make money without investment, then you will have to join campaigns, but it is time consuming and you cannot make money before getting high rank and projects. Therefore I think that for trading and holding investment some money is necessary. No need to invest big money, you can start from small investment.
16  Economy / Economics / Re: Prediciton markets on: October 06, 2018, 10:39:05 AM
Today I listened to a podcast that spoke about the prediction markets (the podcast was in the "Everything EOS", I was trying to learn about that chain, but they also spoke about this other topic).

So, the argument was that prediction markets were able to align the need of the people that were informed and prepared with the interests of the average Mike out there. So this is how:

- It has been proven that recurring to predictions in groups is quite successful when trying to predict results or events. For example, the winner of a race, the next president, etc...
- In prediction markets you have to "put your money where your mouth is". So you don´t simply say that "The L.A. Lakers will win", you also put a collateral, a bet basically on it.

That means that only people who have some idea of what is going on will "stake" and they will for sure try to get it right.

The only "coin" I know that deals with this is Augur, and I am interested in knowing about others.
Sometimes the purpose of all these things are just for them to pump the coin and dump it on the head of those that will fall victims. Don’t trust any prediction, the market can go the other way and wouldn’t be what they predicted. If you happen to get trapped in any coin, then it’s over for you cause there is no way you’re getting out, unless luck it’s on your side and same thing repeats again.
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Increased Number of Scammers on: October 06, 2018, 09:49:38 AM
yes you are right for now it seems like there are a lot of scam projects, you should be careful to choose an ico project and make sure you have the skills to analyze from the team first make sure the team is genuine and really can be contacted and state that they did make an ICO .
I always look the exchange position of a project. I never invest in those currencies which are not listed in exchange, because most of such coins are fraud and will disappear from the market after collecting huge funds. I always invest in reliable coins like bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple etc. these are the best cryptos in the world and are guaranteed and my money is safe here.
18  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: You cannot win in gambling on: October 03, 2018, 10:08:08 AM
I just had a really bad day gambling today with Roma losing a ticket for me and their odd was 1.20 and they were playing against the last place of Italian Serie A. I thought a bad day and move on and played another ticket this time I choose Brondby as they were playing at home against a team they had beaten almost always and the odd was 1.35. This was even worse as Brondby lost 2-4 at home to a team quoted from the bookies at 8.5

Now I am not an expert in gambling but this day was a really eye opener for me, you can never win in gambling. Imagine when you can't win in lotto , soccer betting or whatever you call it, you don't have a chance in slots.
You can win, only if you know when to stop. It's a matter of right attitude towards gambling. I heard a lot of successful stories of gambler here and most of them has the same attitude. After winning they put a certain percentage for investment then only a portion of winnings was use to gamble again, that tactics will surely help you to control yourself and not to lose too much on gambling.
If you want to avoid big loss then you should fix a time and bet limit for yourself and never accede that limit. If you gamble continuously then no doubt you will lose your money. I never gamble too much because I know that the consequences of gambling are always in worst and you will not only lose your money but may go in debts because of the continuous gambling.
19  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling addiction becomes more popular with young people over time on: October 02, 2018, 11:11:32 AM
I don't think age has any effect on gambling addiction. Personally, I have an opinion that, people who have more free time are prone to gambling addiction. They just start playing for fun and eventually finds difficult to get rid of it.

P.S: Don't post for merits. Do contribute more meaningful contents and the merit will follow.
I think it is because of the online gambling. Young people use smart phones in the streets, shopping malls, schools and colleges and their houses they use both, cell phone and computer. It means that now they can gamble from anywhere. No time limit, no certain place, 24 hours and everywhere. This is the main reason that young people are addicting of gambling.
20  Economy / Marketplace / Re: I can I predict the Dump and Pump of the price? on: October 02, 2018, 09:46:56 AM
to analyze the right time to buy and sell bitcoin then you can predict the price movements of bitcoin and some other cryptocurrency and I don't think it will be possible for you to predict but if you have very much experience and expertise you might do
If you have the ability to analyze the market on technical grounds then you deserve to give the future price and may it right. If you can judge the investor’s mind what they want then it will be easy for you to give estimated price. But always say that it is expected and not guaranteed, otherwise people will use slang language about you which is not good.
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