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What up with edgecoin? A rather young but interesting project both to the users and the investors, do you hodl? Or mistake? 
Will DeFireX have more updates and listings soon?
DeFireX is in touch with Binance, so may be be will see DFX on Binance soon
No doubt that bitcoin success will lead to a sharp increase in inequality. We can already observe how the richest people invest their millions/billions in Bitcoin and how they become wealthier because of BTCs growth while ordinary traders can’t afford themselves such a luxury purchase. However despite the fact that BTC is still not realized as a form of currency because of its volatility once everything can change. But if Bitcoin is a bubble than it’s the biggest bubble the world had ever seen.
I heard a lot of positive about nimbus, also that they are scam, who to believe? I do understand though Bitcoin one day was also considered some piece of useless...
100% trust just yourself, but figures are more important, there was a post that if NBU was included on CoinMarketCap, it would be #390 on the list, that’s some result! Wow then, seems trustworthy, I suppose I’ll consider them for my portfolio, coz sources like coinmarcap are something I rely when consider the assets.
Gold will not provide high returns because gold will only maintain the value of your money. if you are interested in investing in bitcoin. not quite right if we keep gold as an investment instrument. because when we sell there is a fairly high difference for us to sell and for investment in the short term of course it is not recommended because in fact we will get a loss from this investment
No doubt gold will not bring high returns, but in case you're in urgent need of cash money you will always have an opportunity to sell gold very quickly by the fixed price, while BTC can be on low at that time and you'll lose your opportunity to get some grains from it.
Even at a basic level, the promotion of bitcoin is very important. Bitcoin has not been released long ago. still has high potential. People who are children today will be company managers or economists tomorrow. Maybe they will be president. It is necessary to teach the technology of the future to future generations.
If bitcoin or crypto is taught for elementary level classes in my opinion it is impossible because elementary level children's minds will not be able to accommodate lessons about bitcoin which I think will be ignored because it is difficult for them to understand. and what I know is that applying crypto or bitcoin lessons only high schools and universities tend to be easy to understand and will be directly involved, and what we see is the growth of bitcoin that millennials like today because it is taught in high schools and universities which are very easy to understand and in demand by them. Indeed, elementary is still not the right place to apply knowledge of bitcoin and crypto, only young college students have enough knowledge to understand crypto and bitcoin issues but maybe the instructors need to systematize the knowledge they have when in my country, the instructors are just understanding too little about bitcoin. My brother even said his teacher requested to download mining apps on his phone then recommended it to many others for a commission, this mistake can actually cause data loss and reveal a lot of personal information, which is quite dangerous Children get information much faster than adults. My cousin started learning informatics from second class at school (according to pupils program). Now she is in forth class and she already familiarized with basic programming modalities and can write a program. Think, it's really time to start learning about crypto and blockchain technology at school (maybe not at the primary school, but it must be obligatory at secondary school).
I heard a lot of positive about nimbus, also that they are scam, who to believe? I do understand though Bitcoin one day was also considered some piece of useless...
How is the profit generated? What is the yield farming model?
The DeFireX Smart Contract is using flash loans on dYdX to quadruple the user's deposit inside the Compound which increases the rewards in COMP tokens. After that the COMP tokens are converted to DAI via Uniswap platform. All in all, the user is able to withdraw the accrued interest in DAI stablecoins. We use the dYdX liquidity to perform the flashloans with leverage up to $ 35 million by paying a small commission to the service. We use Uniswap to get accrued income fixed in stablecoins. By pooling liquidity in a single pool, profit is able to be withdrawn within one transaction on the DeFireX platform. This solution helps to save up on the commissions in the network. We have detailed this in our Medium article. I have read it. So, your service simplifies the multiple lending on the Compound platform while you take a loan for relatively low borrow rate and lend it again and accruing the COMP bonuses for these operations. P.S. liked the idea that the income is set in stablecoins
Hahaha I hope that's how he self-destructs from the crypto space !
It looks funny,  who is it ?
Ну если бы такое было возможно в принципе тогда в наше время были бы люди из будущего. Ни в истории и нигде про такое не пишет. А значит это не возможно впринципе. Частично верю так как много всякого написанно. Если книги почитать так много про всякое необяснимое можно узнать.
Ну если определенных ораторов послушать можно во что угодно поверить! Это уже зависит от критического мышления и умения им пользоваться, я вот не верю что путешествия во времени возможно, жизнь идёт своим чередом и если можно переместиться в прошлое время то все изменится и она будет уже видоизменена если вообще не разрушена !
Goodmorning / Good afternoon WO people. It's good to be in the green again. Will this be the final time we leave sub 50K behind? These girls certainly hope so.  Hey dude! They're not the only ones hoping for that! P.S. Still, it would be nice after a year to stock up on bitcoin at a price below 30,000 
я люблю готовить французкие супы, очень тащусь от их "ля крутон" и кухни с применением лука, луковый суп к стати один из моих любимых супов!
а я как то с женой пельмени лепил, с того времени понял, что умею только кофе делать  Так а что его там готовить ? Перемомолол, засыпал и готово ну или последил чтоб не сбеало если на огне готовится
Kenya's central bank seems to be the most sensible central bank I know ! 
я люблю готовить французкие супы, очень тащусь от их "ля крутон" и кухни с применением лука, луковый суп к стати один из моих любимых супов!
That doesn’t mean those bounty managers are newbies. They might be Full Members, Sr. Members, Hero Members or even Legendaries, who created new temporary account in order to keep anonymous their main account. Nevertheless that tells nothing about safety of the bounty project.
| - ФСБ и МИНОБОРОНЫ будут контролировать глобальный спутниковый Интернет, в т ч и Starlink Илона МаскаТолько вот исходя из законов распространения радиоволн для такого "контроля" глушилку надо подвесить на орбите под каждым масковым спутником . а наземные просто не смогут заглушить даже при мегаваттах на квадатный километр - любая плохонькая направленная антенна лехко "обойдёт" такие глушилки Вам показалось что я топлю за чебурнет ? Интересно будет наблюдать над тем как воздействие этих самых спутников скажется на планете и ее экологии мне показалось что вы сами не знаете кого топить а про экологию - советую фильмец "Всемирный Потоп. Физика явления" фильм-исследование с эпилогомкогда грязевые волны высотой в километр на сверхзвуковой скорости планету пару раз обойдут (40тыс км по экватору делим на 24 часа = 1600км/час (скорость звука 1200км/час )) - экология очистится и придёт в первозданно-девственное состояние.. особенно после вулканических выбросов сотен миллиардов тонн пепла только от одного йеллоустоуна а для 0,0001% чудом выживших спутниковый инет как раз и пригодится Хотя такую сеть связанных лазерной связью спутников имхо можно будет озадачить расчётом этого "часа Х" - с их помощью можно учесть мельчайшие гравитационные аномалии в динамике и --> рассчитать дату переворота планеты За фильмец спасибо, а вот ваш сценарий апокалипсиса вызывает сомнения, это что произойти то должно чтобы такие волны поднялись и тем более с такой скоростью передвигались?
I gave him 12 on purpose so he is now at 100. It quite a nice piece of art.
Thank you!  Yes it does look cool!
Hi all ! Guys, look at this barbecue, it seems to radiate heat with twice the force   Lol. Fatfingered you 10.5x the amount of merit I meant to.  But still... cool. Wooow!!! Thank you for your generosity, man!  That's awesome!
Hi all ! Guys, look at this barbecue, it seems to radiate heat with twice the force   That's looks nice but I'd be afraid it would attract too much undue attention from the neighbours. None of them know of my foray into Bitcoin. I understand your desire to keep your savings secret, but I am overcome by the desire to hide one for personal use in my backyard fenced by a high fence 