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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin and me (Hal Finney) on: September 01, 2023, 06:19:42 PM
I would like to put this out here about the double whitespace riddle:
Most people of the age of 45 (today) or so or older would have been taught to type on a typewriter or using typewriter technique:  You put two spaces after a period.  Word processors made this practice antiquated because their automated typesetting does it for you (technically putting a space and a half after a full stop).  Many people who originally learned to put in two spaces stopped if they've spent a lot of time using MSFT word, which nags you for doing it.  It's also not always clear when people are doing it because because common typesetting (including in browsers) doesn't render it as two spaces.

But for those of us who learned the typewriter ways and haven't been heavy MS word users the practice continues.

Here are some random pre-2008 (to show that I didn't do it because of Satoshi) mailing list posts by me where you can see me using two spaces after periods:

My usage is a little less consistent than Satoshi's and has gone up and down over the years (I think mostly depending on which keyboards I was using, weirdly-- I think I most consistently an extra space when typing on a model M-- most similar to the keyboards I learned on, and do so less consistently on a laptop.)  This is by no means unique to me-- scan around in other messages on those lists, mostly written by tech experts a little older than me and you'll see that many other people use two spaces after periods (even in some of the posts by others that I'm quoting).  It's also possible that this was or wasn't Satoshi's native style, but he might have consistently used it in order to leave less of a stylometry signature.  He was trying to conceal his identity after all (and it's not like stylometry was some unknown thing back then).

I think the fact that people keep talking about it like it's some kind of mystery shows the deep intellectual bankruptcy of the whole speculating-about-satoshi enterprise: the people doing it are too careless or too incompetent to sort out the simplest facts.

I would like to similarly point out that the occasional text editor *ahem* has to be explicitly told not to put two spaces after a period by enabling "French Spacing" for when you auto-reformat a paragraph.

This appears to me to be a generational disconnect between fashion and aesthetics, and typographic habit. I would fully expect that in the dark-ages of usenet as well, that the double-space after the period would have a histogram over time that just drops slowly as the old style fell out of .. fashion.

I find it irritating that anyone is focusing so much on this minor, completely arbitrary and capricious detail. To me, it is a very strong indicator of a weak mind who considers minor details in Satoshi's English output even relevant as a stylometric detail for fingerprinting in the first place.
2  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Making Bitcoin and its Forks Turing Complete on: April 26, 2022, 10:56:53 PM
the great #satoshi seemed to have no problems with storing our history on blockchains.

 “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”  
You do realise this had a very, very specific, useful and actually necessary purpose, though? Like, proving there was no pre-mine?
I'm not sure it's a good idea to store data on the blockchain by putting it into the UTXO set.
Using your numbers, Ripple and Greenpeace with their $5M anti-Bitcoin budget could have increased the UTXO set size to over 500GB over the course of roughly a year.
I understand that even if you don't put a tool out there that easily allows people to bloat like this, they can code it themselves. But it's still a pretty considerable attack vector if we see how much money is splurged on anti-Bitcoin campaigns these days.

It was just a time-based anchor. It does not prove the lack of a pre-mine. The proof of no premine was something any miner at the time could prove for themselves just by winning blocks.
3  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Making Bitcoin and its Forks Turing Complete on: April 26, 2022, 10:53:29 PM
Since no one mentioned it yet, i'd like to mention that Rootstock (RSK) exist. It's Bitcoin sidechain which support smart contract with merged mining to Bitcoin network.

Rootstock is **not** a Bitcoin sidechain as per the sidechains whitepaper. It does **not** benefit from Bitcoin hashrate..
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Satoshi set the total supply of bitcoins to 21 Million" is nonsense on: May 14, 2021, 07:48:43 PM
As I understand it, the maximum number of coins is determined by the fact that halving occurs every 210,000 blocks and that mining rewards started at 50 BTC per block. Any change in either of these values would mean a different maximum number of coins. Since both of these parameters are hardcoded into the Bitcoin client by Satoshi, your argument from the title is invalid.

In approximately 120 years when the mining reward reaches 1 satoshi per block, we will have a coin supply of 209999999.99 BTC, which means we'll never actually reach the total supply of 21 million. My guess is that exactly this is why this value isn't defined anywhere in the source code as the maximum number of coins.

No, incorrect.

This is the as-of-the-answer correct number of coins that there will eventually be.

So that hard figure it definitely wrong.

Sorry I did my things that made it forever wrong.
5  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Are there any benchmark about Bitcoin full node client resource usage? on: May 10, 2021, 09:19:42 PM
We hear excuses like this too much from you: reliability, attack resistance, blah, blah.

We are all aware of the requirements, it is mission critical and subject to adversarial behavior, Bitcoin, so what?
Does it imply programmers are free to impose weird assumptions about a crazy attacker who puts like a million Dollar at stake to keep nodes busy validating his block a few more seconds, jeopardizing his premium?

More generally speaking, I've been observing such talking points so many times, there is always an excuse for bad architectural decisions, experts don't buy them, unfortunately average users/customers do.

I regret saying this, but almost every discussion with you eventually reaches this point where you bring up adversarial behaviors, risks, etc.

Bitcoin is a trillion Dollars network now, and this fact alone is a source of stress and induces hyper sensitivity problems, having a prominent figure who repeatedly reminds devs/advocates of the risks and threats, intimidating them, is just too much. One could classify it as an act of terror  Cheesy

I'm not afraid, nobody should, no matter how BIG is Bitcoin it is nothing compared to human's talent and logic, actually it is made by us, human beings, we won't give up developing and improving it ever, it is why discussions should take place and proceed free from superstition and intimidation.

You are making a fool of yourself. I have directly vetted and hired a number software architects who went on to be extremely successful. You are definitely not someone I would hire. You do not exhibit any of the characteristics of any software architect who would be capable of succeeding in any environment I've ever built. And now your unfounded arrogance and unthinking mindlessness are on display forever. Congratulations.
6  Other / Meta / Re: Domain name update on: April 18, 2020, 01:25:23 PM
I think peeps need to step back a step or two and be calm. There were a lot of times that could've gone wrong but ultimately didn't. I think maybe some folks are assigning too much retrospective probability to Cøbra's potential to be malign. Functionally and operationally, and especially authoritatively nothing's changed, far as I can tell..? Right?

I think Cøbra says things a lot of the time that are ill-considered or appear to look one way or another; there was that odd security warning a few years back for example, but so far at least, either something has been moderating his response, or he's been arriving at an ultimately correct decision to act on his own. In the first case, hopefully whoever that is can continue to offer advice. In the second case, something in there has prevented him from heading towards e.g. bcash all on his own.

I think even Cøbra himself would agree that downloading the client from is probably not the best idea. And probably distributing information about Bitcoin out to other places is also almost certainly a good idea.

If I were Cøbra sitting on that asset, emboldened by the fact that people have to listen to me or perceived repercussions are impossibly severe (would anyone care if he didn't control — tbh, the constant abuse from people I respected would probably be wearing on me by now.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What's the oldest bitcoin address you still have control over? on: May 18, 2019, 06:20:22 PM
I have one with first transaction back in 2012: 1HZwkjkeaoZfTSaJxDw6aKkxp45agDiEzN

Message: "Oldest i have"
Signature: "HJhVCVulX2Ezm8441dwXgay67ozUB3Zx7ugZ+uIjxGI5ad1+9D7jkFvHIHl+7vCS5w9FCDoyVdzxAj8NVGDSrJE="

That's amazing! I've got the same combination on my luggage!

$ ./bitcoin-cli verifymessage 1HZwkjkeaoZfTSaJxDw6aKkxp45agDiEzN "HEvt5MuLizA33qqIU5RGKY5XLLSmdnf8TpoD3jRtlViQHDgeDmmyTT0owamGdI2tssr30QDy/hcpvt75YK8Ai8I=" "How do you do, fellow kids?"

Don't be stupid and go deanonymizing yourself for some silly forum thread posted by someone who not only was faking being a long time user, but for which 2012 was the best he could do.

Ze password, she is ze blank. It is so: she is ze blank. And yet she speaks. What's zis strange sorcery.
8  Economy / Reputation / Re: VIP Member hacked? on: February 09, 2019, 04:12:02 PM
Eh. I asked this person a few questions and the answers missed pretty much all of the information that the BTC_Bear who did actually spend all that time with me on IRC would have known instantly. It would have been nice to have seen that my (polite and friendly) acquaintance had returned to say hello. Oh well.

I won't share the PM content without permission from..  whoever this person is. Or, I guess, the real BTC_Bear who can answer my questions and/or sign messages with the known keys that BTC_Bear would normally be able to identify themself with.

I suppose it's possible that BTC_Bear had some kind of stroke or.. maybe like a brain injury or illness of some sort and in that case I'm going to feel like a real asshole. If that's really you, old-schooler, I apologize for being an asshole, but your old self would hopefully have understood. I mean you are the one who set things up just-so..


Honestly, the old BTC_Bear (at least the one I knew on IRC) would have immediately understood the need to lock his account down.

Sadly, the fact that this is even an issue at all means I can no longer fondly reminisce about the Old Days w.r.t the BTC_Bear I knew with any new friends. That sucks.

It bothers me a lot that so many old names have disappeared and gone away in this fashion. These people had a natural and facile agility with Bitcoin and related topics, and seemed to understand in a way the social nature of what was going on—enough to know that being a person in this space has long-term consequences far more dire than, in BTC_Bear's case—not being a person does.

Mr. Bear, if you do read this, I hope this note finds you well and happy, on whatever sandy shore or remote towering rock or dark woods that you're most content with. One day the rest of us will be gone too, and no trace will remain that we'd even shared a laugh. But in the end, wasn't it just our laugh to share anyway?

Oh well.

(edit: Of course, all I know is what I saw on IRC, and I've been bitten before by old-schoolers who turned out to be scammers in the end. So who knows, right? Time and the fondness of memories, and all that..)
9  Economy / Reputation / Re: VIP Member hacked? on: February 06, 2019, 11:00:23 PM
Hey. PM me, BTC_Bear.

10  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: New Way to Generate Bitcoin Addresses! on: December 18, 2018, 12:07:55 AM
How many times are people going to get ripped off before randos posting Javascript keygenerators actually tweaks your scamdar? Even if he's not actively ripping off people who use this (and seriously? Why would you think otherwise?!) what makes you think he won't do exactly that in the near future?
11  Other / Bitcoin Wiki / Re: Bitcoin.IT is under attack from MidnightMagic. Deleting important links and info on: October 02, 2017, 06:24:02 AM
So, the discussion has been going on for quite some time (many years now) as to the commercial content on the Wiki. Unfortunately, and much too often lately, we have been caught hosting links to outright thieving sites who persistently add themselves back into the wiki under new names that are impossible to identify until money has already been stolen.

The purpose of the commercial links in the Wiki, early on, was to give a special boost to commercial entities who accepted Bitcoin in order to reward them for coming on-board so early, and to encourage others to do so. There is no longer any reason to do that—simple Google and other search engines are better at it, and paid listings were done, and better, at other sites anyway. is a volunteer service, for the edification of its readership. The technical content is relevant (though sometimes a bit out-of-date,) and those parts of it are strong enough that some people have even included large chunks of it in their books.

It is no longer serving that purpose. The commercial aspect of it can't be verified; it can't be patrolled; it can't be vouched-for. All it is is a linkdump/liability.

In terms of *acquiring* Bitcoins, and in terms of widely-affecting events such as exchange exit scams or the history of Bitcoin, some commercial aspects should remain in place.

But in terms of pointing towards businesses?

What's the point when we can't do these businesses the justice and courtesy of effort they deserve?

Really, the businesses themselves should be building their own collective directory. A commercial effort would fare better, would provide a more trustworthy place to point users to, and could provide membership in ways that the Bitcoin Wiki—really, really can't.

12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Greg Maxwell is now the owner of Bitcoin. That's all. on: December 10, 2016, 04:26:28 AM

Noone can own bitcoin. Get a brain.

Yep.. that's my thought too... The thread has a kind of bad premise, even if Maxwell has quite a bit of influence, he only has influence as long as he is making sense to convince others to go along with whatever he happens to be proposing to do or not do.

Pretty much. And claiming so is also pretty much a slap in the face to literally the hundreds of other contributors sending patches to wumpus—since the implication is clearly that they're too braindead to make up their own mind and instead just go along with whatever gmax says. This is partly the reason why the crazy people have basically zero developers helping them seize control.

And gmax doesn't have commit access to the repo anyway. Duh.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Let's add up the KNOWN lost bitcoins on: June 24, 2016, 12:10:45 AM
So, assuming the 15,000 BTC guy just lost access but someone *else* now has access to it, then since the last update:


= 134675.50144159

+ 3.5 from here:

= 134679.00144159
14  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: PSA: cypherdoc is a paid shill, liar and probably epic scammer: HashFast affair on: July 01, 2015, 11:38:39 PM
Note that the docs on plainsite are technically out-of-date.

There is an "amended" complaint, and Lowe's answer, along with audio from a hearing where cypherdoc's lawyer compares him to a superstar basketball player re: Bitcoin marketing to justify the vast sum of cash for shilling.

cypherdoc justifies this with pointers to his gold threads early on: apparently he thinks this not only qualifies him as a bitcoin expert, but also a bitcoin marketing expert worth $360,000 or $11,000 per day.

I am unaware of any marketing expert in any software business, professional or not, who makes $11,000/day. The only people I know who make that much are owners of companies who've hit it big with a major product release.

There is no directly-established link between even a significant fraction of customers' purchases of babyjets and his activity on bitcointalk.

I have the amended complaint, the audio of the hearing, and the reply to the amended complaint available on a site, which I can provide to people upon request when asked, in PM, on Freenode. My nickname there is "midnightmagic", same as here.
15  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: [3500 TH] p2pool: Decentralized, DoS-resistant, Hop-Proof pool on: January 12, 2015, 06:57:50 AM
What exactly does this do?


Looks like it pulls and rotates the default mining addresses from bitcoind.

I saw that too.  Why would you want that?

Anyone else try this?  I'm getting errors all over the place:

My mistake. It's a pretty easy fix, non-impactful. I'm working on it now and should have it in a pullreq for forrest soon.

The reason you would want something like this is because normally, p2pool pays out to the same address over and over when it constructs its coinbases. But this isn't ideal: if you are ever identified, then your entire mining history might be laid bare for the world to see. You must maintain perfect opsec, forever, if you desire stronger financial privacy under this method of mining.

If you rotate keys on a programmable basis, then you get payouts to *different* addresses with no additional effort on your behalf and it is somewhat more difficult to correlate which addresses are grouped with one another until you spend them and group them yourself.

You could have achieved an approximation of this by having miners who were inputting some different addresses and accepting miner-supplied payout addresses, but then you have to do it by hand and it was really annoying.

In my opinion, p2pool users now have arguably more privacy even then solo miners, by using this option, at the expense of a larger coinbase.

(fwiw, considering the spam nonsense going into the blockchain right now, I hardly think miners demanding additional privacy is at the top of the list of UTXO bloat.)
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Vocal Pumpcoin Spammers Not Appreciated -- You hear me Vocal? on: November 09, 2014, 11:53:12 AM
"Matthew Adair" or Skele or whoever it is moderating the Vocal thread for Vocal "coin" decided to summarily delete my perfectly legitimate request in his official announce thread, regardless of the fact that a pumper spammed the IRC #bitcoin* channels on Freenode with links to his "coin". I initially thought it was just Vocal being reactionary dicks, but upon reading a chunk of the announce thread, realised that while the claims of transparency would normally have been the reason to keep the complaint and issue a statement requesting supporters be respectful of other communities, the fact that my request was deleted instead suggests they aren't interested in transparency nor respect at all.

The fact that there's some kind of ID posted has obviously not prevented the spamming of other communities.

Way to make a stance on the matter guys... as though being a pointless altcoin wasn't enough of a scam indicator.

* FWIW, I am an op on #bitcoin, one of Freenode's largest channels and have always wanted to be able to complain back at rando spammers who I've just kickbanned. I'm glad there was a thread, because I can finally post a complaint right beside the ultimate source of the spam. Hooray.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Vocal Pumpcoin Spammers Not Appreciated -- You hear me Vocal? on: November 09, 2014, 11:08:42 AM
Oy. Vocal coin pumpcoiners. Please tell your people and your supporters NOT to spam IRC channels with URL-match-evading links, regular and repetitive spam links, and unregistered nicknames.

I made this request in your "announce" thread and was instantly deleted. So, I assume you are either encouraging it, are the ones doing it, don't care that you're spamming another community with spam, or otherwise are being negligent dicks. So, I'll make a thread here about it.
18  Economy / Services / Re: [Need] Dev to create Android and iOS staking wallet + more on: October 04, 2014, 02:21:28 AM
Please don't mass-spam this into the #bitcoin* IRC channels; there are a few of them that you spammed this link into which are.. euphemistically.. some of the worst possible places you could've advertised to request help.
19  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: At what point (hash) is solo mining viable? on: August 01, 2014, 06:47:06 PM
DaT, people are misinterpreting your post to suggest that miners can expect to earn less when they solo with smaller hashrate. The expected return is identical for any hashrate between solo'ing, and pool-mining, no matter the combined hashrate, ignoring all other factors (e.g. central pools stealing fees or just plain stealing, or latency tricks like what p2pool does to achieve lower orphan rates than anybody.)

I recognise you are trying to explain that variance in return is less with pooled mining or higher hashrate, but this is meaningful only because humans think that way because of our weird broken minds. That is, a lower variance in return, and especially a more-frequent payout, feels like it is worth more to humans just because we all know we might get hit by a bus tomorrow.

What you are doing is showing in a calculation a way for people to calculate payout schedules they are more-comfortable with.

People should recognise that mining in a pool like P2Pool which has at the moment a daily payout, can be expected over time to payout identically to higher-hashrate collectives.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: NAMECOIN 2.O + IPO [ICANNDY] on: July 27, 2014, 09:18:33 PM
As far as I can tell, you do not have permission to use the term "namecoin" from anyone involved in the old namecoin project, nor the new embryonic effort.

Pick another name. Don't be a douche.

Also, "ICANNDY" is a terrible, terrible name with dark connotations.
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