Hoje publicaram um artigo na Forbes citando essas questões. Acho que o aspecto é que quando pegamos ''tudo que vem rolando'', vai sendo uma história e narrativa muito forte.
O artigo tem um titulo bem forte, dizendo que a BlackRock meio que pode estar se preparando para uma crise usando o Bitcoin. E o report deles é realmente nesse sentido, da capacidade no médio e longo prazo do Bitcoin funcionar assim. E claro que os bitcoiners sempre pensaram nisso. Mas estamos falando de $10T pensando isso né.
Ainda penso que muito dessas narrativas pode ser puramente manipulação de mercado, eles tem um produto, precisam agregar valor a este produto e começa o marketing e tal... bem, eu acho interessante pelo fato de nós já estarmos no jogo antes deles né, mas para quem precisa capitalizar um produto é muito importante colocar a confiabilidade nisso... eu só quero ver quando chegarmos no bear market, o q essa galera vai falar...
E lá vai a Coréia do Norte conseguindo mais uns trocados... Se for isso mesmo, 50 milhões de dólares parece bastante coisa visto que no Coinmarketcap o estimado deles é terem quase 400 milhões em reservas É um grande baque Realmente é um bastante grana pelas reservas deles. Se os clientes começam a sacar tudo com medo muito por conta do trauma da FTX, acho que é mais que suficiente para quebrar uma corretora do porte deles, por mais que nós saibamos que corretora não é carteira, acho que a grande maioria que está nas criptomoedas, principalmente novatos, usa corretora como carteira, assim como no mercado tradicional, aonde seus ativos aparecem no aplicativo da corretora... mas la tem vinculo com CPF, diferente de criptos.
Don't you think that Corinthians has been recovering well in its last few games, despite the imminent and perhaps inevitable threat of relegation to Serie B? I feel that Fortaleza has been declining, it's difficult to maintain consistency even though it's a team in good form, which is why I think this championship is the most successful of the majority, because it's long (it lasts practically the entire year) and the teams wear themselves out a lot. Fortaleza suffering the loss on Sudamerican cup, if they go out of that competition they can be in a big trouble, you know is a big blow to the faith of the players being out of that international tournament, when they started it in a super way. The dream is over . Now Fortaleza is returning to its normal place. It was a complete distortion for them to have led the Brazilian championship, and the next one to have their dream interrupted will be Botafogo. They will only be champions if Palmeiras does a lot of things wrong in the remaining games. I don't see either Botafogo or Fortaleza taking the championship this year.
Corruption is not related at all with this bad run of the Brazilian football team, in such high level of nationals teams this doesnt have anything to do with what happen with the federation.
Brazil is for a long time in this not so good shape, its not new.
Of course there is, there is a kind of mafia of call-ups, some players who are well below average are called up to the national team based on the payment of bribes by their agents, the CBF is extremely corrupt and its former presidents have even been convicted and sent to jail. The entire problem with the Brazilian national team is a problem of mismanagement, terrible coaches and corruption in the CBF. Didn't that happen last year, it should be lesson for the current administrators who are handling Brazil football, especially the Brazil national team, to really fix it properly and prioritize serious development so that it is not only about money. But this is what happened to Brazil in the last few years, there was a lot of manipulation and also allegations of bribery by the administrators, it is very unfortunate that Brazil, which is filled with stars and young potential, has to suffer and is like being shackled by its officials. I don't think we will really be able to see Brazil clean in the near future or we can say Brazil that is really being fostered and directed on the right path and trying to return to how it was few decades ago when they were the strongest and always dominated several major competitions such as the World Cup or Copa America. There's no point in doing so anymore. I don't think the Brazilian national team will ever return to the good old days of great titles. Corruption is so ingrained in the highest authority in Brazilian football that it's practically impossible to end it. I believe this was the main reason why Carlo Ancelotti turned down the invitation to be coach. After all, what renowned coach wouldn't love to coach the greatest national team in the world? He would only refuse for obscure reasons or interference in his work. It's very sad to see what's happening to the team. It's going to be very difficult for them to overcome this with the current management model of the CBF.
E não existem movimentos cívicos contra essas ações de bloqueios? As associações de "proteção ao consumidor", não tem feito nada? Ou esta tudo com medo e nada fazem?
Não existe nada, o que tem ainda é gente apoiando ainda a decisão do ministro Alexandre de Moraes, as pessoas estão sendo "educadas" por governos corruptos e de esquerda a tanto tempo que normalizaram tanta coisa bizarra que qualquer aberração que aparece as pessoas aceitam numa boa e ainda dizem que é pela democracia e pelo bem estar das famílias e blá blá blá. É uma situação muito triste e vai cada vez piorar mais. E de pensar que todo esse transtorno e a indicação deste senhor ao STF começou com a clonagem do celular da então primeira dama Marcela Temer... há muita coisa ainda oculta que provavelmente nunca iremos saber.
thank you for sharing these links this is all really interesting nice to learn a bit more about one of the biggest teams in Brazil too
interesting to see they monetizing on the fans and as I suspected the biggest revenue sources are marketing campaigns and placement.
Yes, it is a gold mine that was previously unexplored. The brand of a big club and everything that involves it generates a lot of revenue, licensing, broadcast TV contracts, pay-per-view, members, shirts... it really is a lot. Now there is the issue of the stadium. Until now, Flamengo paid to play. Soon, with its own stadium, it will collect all the ticket sales and only have to cover operating costs. And it is not uncommon for a match to generate more than R$1 million in ticket sales. Good management makes a big difference, without the need for SAF or anything like that. It is a shame that not all clubs see this and the old policy continues.
É a cara deste governo mesmo, financiar coisas para trazer desinformação para as pessoas, ou seja, vão vir com o peso e poder da mão estatal pra cima do bitcoin pra reforçar a imagem de pirâmide e ludibriar as pessoas desprovidas de conhecimento que bitcoin é uma furada e quem mexe com isso é bandido. E no fim vão trazer uma pseudo solução estatal pra escravizar totalmente a população com a idéia que é necessário um governo pra decidir o que você deve ou não fazer da sua vida. Péssimo filme e péssimo governo. É triste ver o dinheiro do povo sendo investido em tanta palhaçada.
Corruption is not related at all with this bad run of the Brazilian football team, in such high level of nationals teams this doesnt have anything to do with what happen with the federation.
Brazil is for a long time in this not so good shape, its not new.
Of course there is, there is a kind of mafia of call-ups, some players who are well below average are called up to the national team based on the payment of bribes by their agents, the CBF is extremely corrupt and its former presidents have even been convicted and sent to jail. The entire problem with the Brazilian national team is a problem of mismanagement, terrible coaches and corruption in the CBF.
it is interesting indeed do you think having someone as Ronaldo who knows a lot about football owning a full team would change anything on the direction of the team? what a team owner actually do, I mean, how much they can interfere with technical decisions?
this got me curious. are teams always profitable too?
The difference is that Ronaldo, besides knowing a lot about football, is a mega businessman with a lot of experience in negotiations and business management, so when Cruzeiro was sold, it was a unique opportunity for him to put all his knowledge of management and sports into practice. As for his influence on technical decisions, I don't think so. A professional manager like him knows that if he gets involved in other sectors, the chances of things going wrong are huge. He hires people he trusts and lets the work flow... football teams are a money-making machine when they are well managed. Just look at the case of Flamengo, which went from bankrupt to one of the richest teams in Brazil... results achieved through good management, nothing more. interesting, do you know of any case studies or published papers or infographics showing Flamengo's situation from bankrupt to profitable? would love to see and regarding Ronaldo, what you said makes a lot of sense Flamengo was an extremely successful case. It all started with the revolution in the management of president Eduardo Bandeira de Mello, who, as I recall, finally decided to sort out the club's finances. At the time, he even calmed the fans by saying that we would go through difficult times and would not have a team that was competitive enough to win titles. However, over time, Flamengo would become the strongest club in the Americas. It was all a project and a very successful one. Here are some websites for you to check out (all in Portuguese). https://ge.globo.com/futebol/times/flamengo/noticia/de-devedor-a-potencia-economica-veja-linha-do-tempo-da-ascensao-financeira-do-flamengo.ghtmlhttps://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2018/03/02/deportes/1520024774_927536.htmlhttps://blocktrends.com.br/como-o-flamengo-saiu-da-falencia-para-o-maior-orcamento-do-futebol-brasileiro/
Aqui o Twitter / X já voltou a funcionar, porém apenas via aplicativo no celular, vocês testaram ai? está funcionando também? aqui acessando pelo computador no navegador convencional (tanto edge quanto chrome) sequer abre... O que será que motivou o ministro e grande lider supremo Alexandre a liberar o funcionamento da plataforma? porque até então o Elon Musk não tinham feito nada do que o ministro mandou...
it is interesting indeed do you think having someone as Ronaldo who knows a lot about football owning a full team would change anything on the direction of the team? what a team owner actually do, I mean, how much they can interfere with technical decisions?
this got me curious. are teams always profitable too?
The difference is that Ronaldo, besides knowing a lot about football, is a mega businessman with a lot of experience in negotiations and business management, so when Cruzeiro was sold, it was a unique opportunity for him to put all his knowledge of management and sports into practice. As for his influence on technical decisions, I don't think so. A professional manager like him knows that if he gets involved in other sectors, the chances of things going wrong are huge. He hires people he trusts and lets the work flow... football teams are a money-making machine when they are well managed. Just look at the case of Flamengo, which went from bankrupt to one of the richest teams in Brazil... results achieved through good management, nothing more.
Brazil definitely looks like they are having some troubles but that doesn't mean that they are dealing with anything great. I believe that we can't really do that well, they could get better with a much better manager if you ask me but that doesn't mean that we are going to see this changing all that much. We should consider this as something that will take a while, so we can't consider Brazil as a bad team overall because when you look at their roster you end up seeing what they are doing and that's an important thing without a doubt.
I think we should be considering this as something that will take a while for them to recover but they can do it. plus 2026 is far away and that should be something that takes a time and that could be something that will take a while. I believe that we are going to see Brazil changing their manager yet again, and we could definitely see them do fine during this period and by world cup they will probably do better.
Unfortunately, Brazil national team have much problem right now for the CONMEBOL qualifying matches after having poor performance and their position have small points left from other teams with one points remaining from Bolivia on 8th placed. Unpredictable what happen with Brazil national team having poor performance in CONMEBOL qualifier round, won 3 of 8 matches bad result for Brazil keep their opportunity if want directly qualifying to World Cup 2026 or have finish on 7th place but have playoff round match. Brazil national team have many youth talented players and most of their players become important players for European team, I think tactician of Brazil national team could be problem make Brazil have inconsistent performance in qualifying match or CBF need to find new manager keep their opportunity get qualify to World Cup 2026. The only thing left for the Brazilian team to start winning again is to change the coach and the entire coaching staff, perhaps try again with a foreign coach or even make a generous offer to the Portuguese coach Jorge Jesus, who when he worked in Brazil revolutionized the Flamengo team's style of play, almost winning the 2019 Club World Cup. I don't see any other alternative, because the players are much better at their clubs than they are on the Brazilian team... the biggest mistake is at the top that gives the orders, that is, the coach and coaching staff.
61 mil dólares americanos!
Que subida legal, ETH e SOL ficando pra trás agora Será que são os investidores tentando antecipar o FED amanhã e já comprando caso tenha uma boa alta na notícia? Logo saberemos Ou será que já é o resultado do BCE ter baixado os juros? Normalmente o mercado europeu não causa tanto impacto, mas nunca se sabe... Uma coisa é certa, com essa subida, o mês de setembro já esta positivo (face ao final de agosto). E Setembro era pra ser o setembro sangrento, com velhas vermelhas malignas levando o preço para as profundezas, esse mercado a verdade é que não tem como prever nada e ninguém sabe de nada, no máximo probabilidades e mesmo assim as vezes o movimento é o contrário do que a maioria acha Acho que os únicos mercados a subir a taxa de juros serão o Japonês e o Brasileiro... A inflação mundial ainda ta meio descontrolada mas é preciso fazer a economia girar, ainda bem... agora é rumo a lua, não aguento mais essa vida de pobre
Obrigado pela resposta e post detalhado sabota, depois te dou um merit Já deixei um merit para todos que comentaram até agora, eu gosto desse exercício de escrever oque pensa sobre determinado evento econômico que está prestes a acontecer. Acho que nos faz buscar mais informações e nos torna mais preparados, principalmente quando compartilhamos nossas opiniões. Sem contar que é interessante voltar e ler novamente oque escrevemos antes para ver se ainda concordamos com nossa própria opinião.
Seu merit já foi dado, só falta um pro @sabotag3x pela boa resposta que me deu hehehe Temos que discutir mesmo, esse espaço que o fórum oferece é pra isso, eu sou leigo em muita coisa e já falo logo, não tenho problema algum com isso e aprendo MUITA coisa aqui com vocês Parece que o mercado já está se antecipando pra amanhã com positividade Não se sinta só , eu aqui da nossa aba devo ser um dos mais "cabaços" se tratando de criptomoedas, eu fico mais no arroz com feijão mesmo se tratando de critpos. Infelizmente não tenho tanto tempo disponivel pra ficar analisando ou estudando mais a fundo o mercado ou vendo o contexto macro economico, acaba que aqui no fórum é um das minhas fontes se tratando de notícias do ambiente de cripto.. Quando vejo algumas coisas mais complexas, tipo altcoins, airdrops, etc etc, fico bem perdido, sei no máximo mesmo uma pool de uniswap, algum stake aqui e acolá e comprar e vender mesmo.. mas tanto tempo que não vendo nada que quando for fazer o movimento vou ter que ir atrás de algum tutorial na internet kkkk
~snip~ Now we are in 2024, the World Cup will be held in 2026, they still have a long time to prepare the team well, yes, although 1+ years will feel very short. The most important thing now is that they must focus on being able to be in the 2026 World Cup, while they complete or improve the shortcomings they are currently experiencing. You are right, Brazilian players are good when they appear at their clubs, but when defending the national team I see them not being so optimal. Could this be because most of them have big names so that egos are created which affect teamwork? or maybe there are other things such as the coach's strategy is not suitable for Brazil's playing style.
One big incentive is probably going to be money. I don't think the national team in Brazil will pay close to what these world class players get paid in their leagues. It's probably mostly just for a national pride. So, if they actually have financial issues for example, they might not really be that motivated to play for the national team. What I realize is that for the current players the Brazilian national team doesn't matter much, they have no desire to try to be a better team, or anything like that... When the Brazilian national team enters the field it looks like a bench of amateur players, with no team spirit, no tactical pattern, no leadership, they all seem lost and are there only because they were forced to be. At the clubs they dedicate themselves more because that's where they earn their living and they have all the glamour of playing for the biggest and best teams in the world.
This game Memphis needs to show what he came for and boost the team's morale. Otherwise, he will only shine in the B series next year, if there is a next year. I think it's hard for him to want to stay here in a championship below.
So take a look at this: The reason is a clause in the Dutchman's contract to terminate his contract free of charge if the team finishes the Brazilian Championship relegated to Serie B If Corinthians are relegated, both could terminate their contracts LOL this didn't surprise me but it's really funny. It shows that the Memphis agent is better than 90% of Brazilian agents combined. This clause makes him come, earn his money and no matter what happens he leaves more of a millionaire than when he arrived. Congratulations to Corinthians for the terrible deal. Typical business to gain the fans' morale at any cost. The team is doing badly, the finances are bad, but the important thing is the joy of the deluded fans who see a star player arriving and solving all the team's problems... typical behavior of Brazilian politicians, after all, it is the president's team, right? I just want to see who will pay this bill later, because if the club continues like this it will go bankrupt... the final blow will be relegation... and this time there will be no buyer, like Ronaldo did with the Cruzeiro team...
Parece que rolou até agressão no debate de ontem Brasil é um circo. Aqui o momento da "cadeirada": https://youtu.be/OmrVKEO8DMQ?t=6968edit: Eu também gosto do site, nessas de eleições eu geralmente não entro mas realmente as vezes tem umas possibilidades relativamente seguras. Ontem consegui tirar 56% de lucro vendendo antecipadamente a hipótese de subida de 50 pontos base na próxima reunião do FED. Eu tinha comprado os shares a uns 10 dias atrás quando quase ninguém estava considerando essa possibilidade e nessa semana com a divulgação dos dados ruins sobre a economia dos EUA a possibilidade se tornou real e eu já aproveitei pra vender antecipadamente e não correr riscos.
Estava olhando agora, está 55% para 0,5% e 43% para 0,25%.. será que o Fed vai mesmo ser tão agressivo? Na ferramenta do CME está ainda maior.. 65% para um corte de 0,5% e nas próximas duas reuniões mais dois cortes, um de 0,25% e outro de 0,5%.. dá até pra sonhar com o famoso rally de fim de ano do bitcoin. Jesus amado, porrada no Pablo Marçal em pleno debate kk, quando penso que o nosso país não tem como ser mais bizarro se tratando de política, me vem o apresentador Datena com essa "cadeirada" no sujeito, virou realmente um circo, literalmente um show de horrores, puro suco de política brasileira. Qual será a proxima aberração da disputa para prefeitura de São Paulo? alguém quer dar um palpite?
There was another "assassination attempt" against Trump in Florida. I'm not sure that this attempt is even real. It seems to me that the Republicans are just desperate at this point and they try to boost Trump's popularity by making him look like a victim of the "deep state". I am 90% sure that Kamala Harris will win the election, unless she makes some stupid mistake until November. Vladimir Putin said that he supports Harris, because she is predictable(and maybe because he wants the USA to have a weak president). Maybe Putin will get what he wants. I don't support anyone of the candidates and I'm not a US citizen, but the future of the world is going to suck. Yeah, I read it too. It seems that the perpetrator simply flew there and jumped into a gun shop to buy the gun and an armor, then went to try to shoot Trump. It seems so easy to do it that I'm surprised we haven't seen more of these things happening. I guess they just stopped talking about the "small shootings" and they only cover the big ones. The strangest thing is that the agents only find out later. Isn't there some kind of intelligence service to prevent attacks? Because in the incident where the bullet hit the ear, I thought the security agents would get paranoid and significantly increase the former president's security. Or is there someone undercover and wants to eliminate Trump by passing information and sabotaging security? Strange.
Flamengo never stops disappointing. This season they won't be champions again. They changed coaches, but we don't see any good results. Honestly, they should start hiring coaches who have won the Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga. Tite isn't managing to make the team strong. I doubt very much that Flamengo will be able to win Brasileirão
In my opinion, Flamengo is no longer a champion. There have been so many random failures that the team has lost to itself, draws and defeats against bad teams. For example, in the last game against Vasco, they dominated the entire game and conceded a goal. This is the behavior of a team that does not want to be champion. There is only one person in the world capable of bringing the titles back to Flamengo: Jorge Jesus.