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281  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Are Some of The Craziest Religions Out There? on: July 03, 2014, 11:25:05 PM
All of them are crazy but i think the craziest is googlism. I'm so happy that nobody forced me to be religious.

They forced you to believe in a number of religions that are not called religions because they are more fundamental to your mind's enslavement. The most insidious of them is called statism. Another is money.
282  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: July 03, 2014, 11:21:33 PM
Can someone sum this up?
Ain't nobody got time fo' this.

In large part due to the Internet and YouTube-propelled breakdown of the control system's control over information sources that has been going on for centuries, there's a nascent worldwide awakening to the true nature of reality and who we really are, which is accelerating changes in the human collective consciousness at a very exciting pace, if one is on board the right train. Fo' sho!

283  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: July 03, 2014, 11:07:37 PM
I don't know what part of my post made you think I said that.

You wrote "their authority", instead of just "authority", which implies that you do not see the concept itself as inherently invalid. It's worth cleaning up unconscious beliefs by clarifying your definitions, so I believe those videos will be very interesting to you.

People hold whatever power you give them.  Power is an illusory manifestation of fear.  Negativity only exists when you make it so.

Very well said. Negativity only exists when you define it so. And the "power structure" (the control system) is based on the belief in authority, which is to say the fear of violent retribution from those who believe they have authority.
284  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Matrix on: July 03, 2014, 11:00:07 PM
Yep, just about every scene is littered with literal and metaphorical meanings, and the Wachowskis demonstrate this by their other films. The premise of the Matrix is much more literal than it may seem at first glance.
285  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Are Some of The Craziest Religions Out There? on: July 03, 2014, 10:48:06 PM
somewhat, it's an interesting theory, but i doubt many will agree with you.

Some simply don't want to believe (too different from their current beliefs, don't feel comfortable with it)
Some simply don't understand.

I think your theory makes sense, but i'm not sure if it's correct, it probably is at least close to the truth, and it's well thought out. I like people who at least try to make sense of the universe rather than to just accept whatever their teachers tell them. It's a very important subject to know where we came from and where we stand, yet most people ridicule you when you bring up the subject. Possibly because the consequences of them being wrong on their beliefs might mean they have to radically alter their lifestyle and way of thinking and it will bring them out of their comfort zone.

Well said, and I would extend the meaning of "teachers" to mean authorities of ANY kind, including parents and scientists, who themselves are parroting what other people have said, and so on.

There is this unconscious tendency to assume that one has to either embrace or reject an idea, as if it were not possible to hold contrasting cosmological models in contemplation without investing emotional energy in judging them... especially since judgment in this case can only come from incomplete information (consider the data set and the huge number of unknown unknowns).

Generally, in the ego-dominated Western culture, the older one becomes, the more the ego identifies with beliefs, thus the more difficult it becomes to change one's mind. For that same reason (older people less likely to adopt crypto), most people posting here are young folks whose minds are still moldable. Wink

Humans appeared in the sequence of about 4 billion years worth of evolution, and though the origins of life aren't yet completely understood, the evolution of species is not a random process.

Then, what you're basically doing is throwing the concept of god to the fringes of our current knowledge and saying that since this hasn't been understood yet, god must have done it. That is nothing more than a modern example of the god-of-the-gaps fallacy. All in all, you have a weird definition of the word "plausible", if you find that to be more logically sound and credible. And then, the real problem with that is, it really doesn't help us in any way whatsoever: it doesn't advance our understanding of the universe in any way, and it doesn't even allow us the chance to test it out directly, so science will just continue to fill in the gaps in our knowledge, while theories like those will just be forced to continually retreat, as they have for centuries.

Only religiously-brainwashed people in the West "throw the concept of god to the fringes of our current knowledge". You can by no means say the same about Eastern and mystical knowledge.

Not only is the idea that "the origins of life aren't yet completely understood" a humongous understatement, it's a question derived from premises that rely on invalid assumptions. Have you ever heard about the idea of the "hard problem of science"?

You have no idea how much information is out there that you are missing. You are relying on authority to tell you what we know, what we seek to know, and even what is real.
286  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Matrix on: July 03, 2014, 10:00:21 PM
The world where humans were being used as flesh batteries is the exact reality we live in today.  It is the illusion.  We are being farmed for our spiritual energy.

Prove it.
287  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: July 03, 2014, 09:44:30 PM
I think a certain somebody has too much spare time on their hands for their own good. That's all I've got to say on this thread.

Moi? Or dank?

Dank, The fact you were able to fly,violate the laws of physics,bring world peace,have a concert, during your LSD trip were all an illusion in your brain,as a result of the drug atoms getting inside your blood system.
I hope i explained how it works for you.

Yeah, that's it, "drug atoms getting inside your blood system". You nailed it, Mr. Precision!
288  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: July 03, 2014, 09:43:19 PM
I get that nobody 'holds' power other than what people give to them.  I'm just saying that there is a highly intelligent group of people pulling strings to mold society to their liking.  The only reason they have any bit of power is because they have money, and with that money they have brainwashed the population to believe in their authority.  Most people would sell their own mother for a million bucks.

So you believe there is such a thing as legitimate authority? What do you suppose came first, money or authority? It seems you still have some mental malware my friend.

Larken Rose on Removing Mental Malware - Do You WANT To Know The Truth? - FYM Conference 2013

The Complete and Undeniable Truth - Larken Rose - Can you handle it?

Stefan Molyneux - The Story of Your Enslavement - We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement - up to and including your own.

289  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Matrix on: July 01, 2014, 06:46:48 PM

Ah, thanks for that clarification. I'd think that human mechanical heat would be insignificant compared to any form of nuclear power though, so that seems to weaken the plot a bit...
290  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Are Some of The Craziest Religions Out There? on: July 01, 2014, 06:32:34 PM
^ Precisely correct.

The craziest religion is the one that separates the self from God.

Duality gives rise to many "crazy" ideas.

There is a "God"?

Please prove that!

I'm saying that YOU are God, buddy. There are a few ways to prove that, but they are all subjective. You can kill yourself (least recommended method), meditate until you reach nondual awareness, or smoke 50+mg of DMT. Either method can be used to raise the frequency of your consciousness to the point where there is no separation between (the forms you had identified as) the self and the "other". Good luck!

Christianity and Islam, these people actually believe there's an invisible man up in the sky watching us!

inb4 religious people rage Tongue

how is that more crazy than believing that humans are the most advanced lifeforms we know of? And they just appeared by a random process?

In my opinion it's much more plausible to believe the universe was created by a much more advanced being that is possibly outside of our 4 dimensions, which would equate to a god in all possible senses of the meaning god. Since he's outside of the dimension of time itself (and possibly created the very concept of time in the first place) it would not create a paradox of 'well how did god suddenly appear?'. God just always was, then he created all the concepts of 'speed of light', 'time', 'space', 'physics', and what not. He kind of created his own programming language so to speak, and within that language he wrote the universe into being. All the rules of physics (such as F=m*a and E=mc^2) are just part of the code, and every object is just an object written using the code.

I don't think that's too weird to believe, considering the alternatives.

I believe you are very close with that thinking! I'd say God is best defined as "all that is", the 10th dimension, the Omniverse. If we view time as a way to account for change in the dimension below, rather than as an intrinsic quality of reality (as in M theory), then it's possible to view spacetime as existing simultaneously; i.e. only the present moment actually exists. So, from our limited perspective, we experience time as if a temporal (non-spatial) dimension, but were we Flatlanders (2-dimensional beings), the 3rd dimension would be our "time".

If this is what time is, then it's an easy leap to consider the idea that everything is the same one thing. Everything exists within the one being, God, Creation, which is experiencing itself in all the ways that it can. You are existence experiencing itself subjectively from a certain perspective. Or, as Alan Watts put it, you are God playing hide and seek with yourself.

Does this make sense?
291  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: July 01, 2014, 05:57:48 PM
Any electronic monetary system would give them the full ability to monitor all transactions and implement a biochip system and enforce it upon the populations.

They'll tell you all sorts of great things and before you know it thousands, if not millions, will be lining up to be the first to get their chip.

That could possibly work to some extent in the US, but not the rest of the world. Again, decentralized means that monitoring is unfeasible, and crypto transactions will slowly become untraceable anyway, as Dark Wallet, Zerocoin, DarkCoin, CryptoNight, etc become more solid/resilient/proven.

Do you really trust that the world governments have any desire to holdback within their own borders?  Every nation in the UN is working to world domination, and anyone who goes against the United States of Nazism is going to be taken over, just as we have done so many times before.

The governments around the world are not as close as you might have the impression of. They are mostly rival groups of crooks looking out for their personal interests. Cryptocurrency will have taken over the free market way before the clowns in government groups figure out what hit them. The central banksters are much smarter, though; they are the only real threat.

I note that you wrote "we", identifying yourself with the abstract notion of a nation. It also looks like you're believing the standard fairy tale story about WWII.

The only reason they "hold power" is because people believe they do. Do you agree?

Moreso because we believe they hold power.  Our fear gives them power.  If we did not fear them, they would have no power.  They would become weak.

What you are really saying is that they are already weak, because their power doesn't really exist, beyond the power which we give them by believing in the illusions of the control system.

Why is that, in your view? Why does humanity largely operate in fear? Can you give a detailed answer?

We largely react to our external environment instead of consciously creating it internally.  We have been conditioned to live this way, people fear death (which is largely inevitable) and base their life choices off of fallacious fears.  Someone points a gun at you and you get scared.  There are few people who gain peace in such a moment, me being one of them.

Something devestating happens in society (ie false flag 'terrorist' attack) and people scramble in fear and submit to a violently oppressive government for 'protection'.

The people in charge know how we react and the know how to pull our strings to lead us straight into their trap.  They aren't stupid, the people at the top of the pyramid know exactly what they're doing.

Sadly for them though, they have mistaken the infinite power of love.  Have infinite negativity and you are nothing.  Have infinite love and you are everything.  All the fear they spread will only amplify the power of those who hold love within them and will inevitably trigger their own demise.

Pretty well put; however, there are no "people in charge" of anything. Just people who believe they have rights that others don't. Note that without the media and the debt system those people are nothing. They are really not powerful or meaningful in any way. They are already obsolete, so let's stop talking about them as if they are what they want us to believe they are.

I will be playing music which will synchronize the audience with each other and the universe.  I will then touch a crystal of LSD (1000+ hits) and continue playing.  The amplitude of my frequency will rise exponentially and will be felt through the music and the energy.  I will evolve exponentially in my musical abilities and conscious awareness.  The positive energy from the crowd anticipating ascension plus my own energy anticipating ascension will create an infinity powerful feedback loop, from which I will rise off the ground and slowly, one by one, people in the crowd will follow.

We will rise as a group and all who attend will ascend into the realm of infinity, where infinite peace is to be felt (or as much as you'd like to feel) and life is truly eternal in every way, shape and form.

Hahaha, OK, I see. Why then LSD of all frequency-raising 5-HT2A agonists? Why not psilocybin mushrooms?

more new age hippie stuff,

always enjoyable to read, but most of it is just that, funny.

some of their philosophical standpoints are nice, such as spreading love and kindness etc. but all the shifting of energy and such and hocus pocus, nah.

Don't get me wrong i believe in higher powers (god) but all this new age stuff is based on pretty much nothing.

You don't feel an overbearing sense of irony and/or ignorance when you write this kind of thing? I mean, you believe in some kind of god you can't even define (i.e. you're taking it on faith), correct?
292  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Matrix on: July 01, 2014, 05:24:45 PM
In the matrix the world is an illusion, and when you escape the matrix you discover another world that is even shittier than the illusion.

A world in which human bodies are used to provide energy to run the matrix (where do these bodies get their energy from isn't explained - presumably from the sun which is used to grow crops to feed the human bodies (but why not use sheep? - or just use the sun directly) - but then why would they need to develop a matrix?)
None of it made any sense.

It's the chi, qi, prana, orgone, zero-point, etheric, life force energy they are harnessing. In a desperate act, the humans destroyed the skies, because the machines were powered by solar energy.

293  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Unmasking on: July 01, 2014, 04:52:09 PM
I thought BTC-e was a trustworthy exchange? I've heard good reviews about them. The site owners prefer to stay anonymous, don't they?

Staying anon is a good way not get targeted for blackmailed or robbed.

It's also a great way to:

a) Support criminal activities like money laundering.

Nothing wrong with that. The only reason money laundering is needed is because of the sate.

b) Avoid paying taxes

c) Steal your clients money

d) Avoid being answerable for anything

No credible financial organisation in the civilized world is allowed to be run this way, and for very good reason. So why is the world allowing get away with this? If you post embarassing questions like 'Who are you?' on their forum here, they get deleted!  So i'm going to make it my mission to unmask them, anyone who wants to help, please PM me so we can organise.

Their continued existance in this form constitutes a HUGE threat to bitcoin, as we would very likely not recover from ANOTHER mt.Gox, so I would ask all bitcoin fans to support me in this.

You're a statist bootlicker and you're probably not even aware of it. There's nothing morally wrong with a) and b). BTC-e is the largest non-Chinese Bitcoin exchange for pretty much the reasons you are crusading against: anonymity and privacy, using your money they way you want, without having to worry about the threat of violence at the criminal hands of statist thugs.

There is also the argument that anonymous exchanges with no KYC are the ones that are laundering stolen BTC, we should be flushing them out for the good of the industry as a whole.  I'm only disappointed the Bitcoin Foundation has not taken a more pro-active stance on this situation.

There is no "Bitcoin Foundation", get a clue. There's a bunch of early adopters who got together to promote their self-interest, who are trying to fool people into believing that they have a say in what the free market decides.

What utter pseudo libertarian rubbish! Society is disincentivised from committing crimes by increasing the probability of getting caught and increasing the punishment when caught. So the owners of properly registered and fully transparent exchanges have almost zero incentive to run off with your money! and are far less likely to get away with it if they do!

Sir, you are experiencing Stockholm syndrome!

294  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: June 24, 2014, 06:52:23 PM
Any electronic monetary system would give them the full ability to monitor all transactions and implement a biochip system and enforce it upon the populations.

They'll tell you all sorts of great things and before you know it thousands, if not millions, will be lining up to be the first to get their chip.

That could possibly work to some extent in the US, but not the rest of the world. Again, decentralized means that monitoring is unfeasible, and crypto transactions will slowly become untraceable anyway, as Dark Wallet, Zerocoin, DarkCoin, CryptoNight, etc become more solid/resilient/proven.

If bitcoin was truly created by the government, then those 1,000,000 coins of satoshi's will be of no actual use and they will continue their power hold over the world.

The only reason they "hold power" is because people believe they do. Do you agree?

I do not believe humanity is doomed to fear, but the truth is humanity largely operates in fear.  I know we will find peace.

Why is that, in your view? Why does humanity largely operate in fear? Can you give a detailed answer?

Crystal LSD is the pure form of the substance that is laid onto blotter papers.

I'm not sure how that makes sense in the context of what you wrote though, which was this:

I will be the trigger of the actual event of singularity.  Through my music, and the energy of the crowd, we will synchronize and the amplitude of our energies will increase up to the point I touch crystal LSD.

I'll check out the video later when I have earbuds.

Also check this one out:


295  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: June 21, 2014, 12:31:59 PM
Bitcoin can turn into a weapon against humanity and people need to be aware of this rather than allowing greed to dominate their mind and lead them to further enslavement.  Once the USD collapses, I would be highly vigilant about a government attempt to standardize bitcoin, or any electronic currency for that matter.  A one world currency is exactly what they seek to gain global governance.  What we truly need is a no world currency, no currency at all.

Can you describe how you envision Bitcoin turning into a weapon against humanity?

A one-world currency is of zero use to the control system if it can't be controlled. Is not the belief in "government" based on the belief in authority, which depends on centralization? Thus the only way for a "government" (a gang of crooks claiming to have rights that other people don't have, whose orders one must obey under the threat of force) to "standardize" Bitcoin is to centralize it. The crypto community seems far too wise to fall for that idea. Notice the backlash against any ideas that decrese decentralization, such as the "authorities" brown-nosing of certain devs, the trashed reputation of the "Bitcoin Foundation", or the recent 51% issues with GHash.IO. Even if Gavin, Wladimir, Hearn, or whoever become their puppets, the community will simply hardfork to continue the real Bitcoin.

As the obsolescence of third-party management becomes increasingly obvious and the debt-based fiat scam finally becomes unsustainable (negative interest rates, LOL!), the real free market will require some kind of token of exchange, at least during the intermediate stage while we develop an RBE or other utopian system. Simply put, decentralized systems, made possible by Satoshi's invention, are inevitably going to replace centralized systems due to their intrinsic superiority, independently of how many people become aware of their enslavement.

But I was not consciously aware that I was or could become every frequency of infinity at once.  I had become conscious of the true state of nature and consciousness.  You are correct that I already was the universe, I suppose I should say I consciously became the entirety of the universe.

Still more accurately, you became conscious of being the entirety of the universe (and beyond), which you already were and always have been and always will be, because you are existence itself, having an experience of itself from a certain point of view.

Once we break the threshold of the lower earth and ascend into the atmosphere as a group, we will truly retain that positive feedback loop forever.

No amount of doubt can intervene when you are rising with a million others into the sky.

Then as the attendees fly over earth, ...

Your idea of ascension sounds like the dispensationalist idea of the "Rapture"... Where exactly do you envision people flying to? One does not fly, or move, into the higher dimensions. The idea is that you raise the frequency of your consciousness to a higher density, thus your awareness expands beyond the physical focus, thus more easily allowing your 5th-dimensional higher mind to manifest what you desire, without the egoic physical mind filtering your experiential reality to suit its desire for control.

Christian eschatological misinterpretation mixed with synthetic psychedelics? Contrast it with this: ASCENSION - How To Make the DIMENSIONAL SHIFT ~ Dr Tom Murasso

Did you consider what I wrote about your fearful postulations about the future of humanity?

You didn't address the question about "crystal LSD"... What exactly is that, dank?

296  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: June 20, 2014, 07:34:39 PM
The point is that the fish not only might not be "ready", but it might not actually have any need to be taken out of the water. The monkey may believe he is doing right, but he might really be doing monkey business.

Don't get me wrong, your post is very interesting; I'm just saying that this forum might not be the best audience to preach to. May I ask you why you are posting these kinds of ideas here?


It's its, learn the difference. This would be pedantic if it's were nots distracting to reads. It reduces the seriousness of your post.

I have experienced my own personal singularities.  The first was egodeath at the beach trip of 2012.  I was buried in the sand, with sun blasting in my eyes and the love of my life by my side, let go of my body and became the universe, I perceived every frequency rather than the specific one we filter out.  I saw infinitely bright white light and felt infinite peace.  It was beautiful and indescribable.

As you know, you already are the universe, so you didn't become it during that experience. A more accurate way of describing your experience, if I may suggest, is that the vibrational frequency of your consciousness increased, thus your awareness expanded beyond the physical focus.

I have also incurred singularity by attempting to experience egodeath again, more recently, only to find myself consciously levitating my hand.  (I let go of my body in hopes of experiencing egodeath, my muscles were completely relaxed.)

Then a few days later my hand levitated again as I was waking, completely sober then and the night before.  I felt a burst of spiritual energy run through me just as I had felt in lucid dreams where I was able to fly.  I thought, "Am I about to levitate?" and surely enough, my hand rose for a few seconds before falling.

Calling that levitation is a stretch (synchronous pun!)... What you describe seems easily attributable to good ole causality. Overcoming gravity is no trivial matter (unintentional pun again) in wakefulness.

Through the Akashic records, I have found the key to bringing about singularity within a group that inverts our consciousness to full capacity of infinite love.

By singularity, do you mean nondual awarenesss? I haven't seen a definition for this singularity you refer to.

If we have a million or more people together at a music festival and synchronize our energies with the universe and each other through psychedelics, namely LSD, we can create an infinitely positive feedback loop and quite literally ascend to a higher dimensional plane of existence, where anything is possible.

I will be the trigger of the actual event of singularity.  Through my music, and the energy of the crowd, we will synchronize and the amplitude of our energies will increase up to the point I touch crystal LSD.

LOL, what exactly is "crystal LSD"?

Ascending on a psychedelic is missing the point. The alchemical element is the endogenous neurotransmitter DMT anyway, not a non-organic synthetic multi-receptor agonist. It seems to me that the kind of LSD-powered ascension you are envisioning would, at best, last for some 8-12 hours, after which the collective belief in the pharmacological laws of biological half-lives would cause the frequencies to return to third density. Or are you envisioning everyone eating LSD tabs like candy in order to mantain a state of pharmacologically-induced psychedelic ascension? LOL.

At that point, I will easily be able to levitate, for I have believed in this for so long and I will only believe more when I am there in person, with a crowd of a million's support.  If I could levitate my arm off 2 hits of LSD, I am sure, without a doubt, that I could levitate fully with 1000 hits, crowd or not.

Once the audience sees me levitate, they will also incur singularities within, one by one.  Slowly, people within the crowd will start to rise and as the more people rise, the quicker the rest follow.

Is your definition of levitation "arms levitation" (indistinguishable from lifting your arms)? In that case, yeah, you'd probably need 1000 hits, but I'm pretty sure that's higher than the LD50, bro. If what you believe you need is a materialism-shattering "miracle", I would suggest that overpowering gravity would be one of the most difficult. Only a very few people appear to be able to do it consistently, such as this Buddhist monk.

But the truth is, if we do not ascend humanity consciously, we will wipe out our entire race.  Earth is a finite planet and we have consumed 2/3rds of her resources in the last 50 years.  It is not sustainable and if we do not kill ourselves through WWIII, we will surely die from the destruction of our home.

If you recognize yourself as the infinite being, why would you hold onto such negative beliefs? To use the word "surely" in reference to such postulations is surely not a reflection of beliefs that are serving you...

Those that stay true to feel peace and believe in god in the end times will ascend as they see their brothers and sisters flying overhead.  Those that continue to latch onto fear will continue to fear what they see, ultimately leading to their own destruction.  You see, everyone is going to incur singularity, what you make from it from there is in your control.  While the event can bring infinite peace, it can also send you deep into the lower dimensional underworld.

Now you speak like an evangelist preaching the "Rapture"! Ascension has nothing to do with flying or moving "into" the higher dimensions. You then speak about leaving fear behind, while in the previous paragraph you wrote fearful postulations... It looks like you have some contradictions to sort out!

God knows your true intentions, you know your true intentions.  You must truly find sincerity, honesty and forgiveness within, and the kingdom of heaven awaits your arrival.

Heaven is not what it's made out to be.  Heaven is a higher dimension where anything is possible.

Then why call it "heaven"? The term is too closely tied to Abrahamic religion to be of much use in the endeavor you are engaging in. And "kingdom of heaven" is even worse -- it sounds like the Heaven's Gate cult!

I hope to see you all at the music festival.

I hope to see it happen, though I suspect I might not be on the same timeline as the version of you that manages to pull this off. Wink

danke und Namaste

297  Other / Off-topic / Re: The ascension of humanity explained on: June 20, 2014, 06:27:39 PM
LOL, I suspect I may have been who introduced dank to the idea of ascension.

Dank, dude, GROUND YOURSELF in homeostatic (non-drug) meditative contemplation before you present your reality as if true to others. Especially on a Bitcoin forum, LOL.

Quote from: Alan Watts
"Kindly let me help you or you will drown," said the monkey, putting the fish safely up a tree.

298  Other / Off-topic / Re: What is the best thing in the universe? on: June 20, 2014, 06:05:36 PM
I'd think you'd know very well, dank, that there is really no "thing" in the universe! Wink

You added TV and greed as options but not moksha or nirvana? LOL.
299  Other / Off-topic / Re: What Are Some of The Craziest Religions Out There? on: June 20, 2014, 05:59:42 PM
^ Precisely correct.

The craziest religion is the one that separates the self from God.

Duality gives rise to many "crazy" ideas.
300  Other / Off-topic / Re: The Matrix on: June 20, 2014, 05:41:01 PM
The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio - watch this in conjunction with the films, if you haven't watched them in a while.

Cloud Atlas, the Wachowski's sequel (kinda) to The Matrix.

Everything Wrong With The Matrix In 12 Minutes Or Less - Hilarious!
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