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1  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [FOR SALE/DONATION] GekkoScience 2Pac USB stick FACTORY SECONDS on: January 31, 2018, 04:56:08 AM
Received my order! Whoo Hoo!

Now I just have to wait for my blasted USB Hub to show up Sad

I don't suppose anyone has any hub recommendations when I get above 10 sticks??
2  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [FOR SALE/DONATION] GekkoScience 2Pac USB stick FACTORY SECONDS on: January 22, 2018, 02:41:43 AM
um Email sent no reply yet? do I need to bump the offer or something?
3  Economy / Computer hardware / Re: [FOR SALE/DONATION] GekkoScience 2Pac USB stick FACTORY SECONDS on: January 20, 2018, 11:00:08 AM
Email sent.

Out of curiosity. Do you do anything with the dead sticks or ones that completely fail the first test?
4  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTB] Low power SHA256 Miner on: January 15, 2018, 06:33:00 PM
I'm looking to get back into the Bitcoin mining game again.
But everything I'm looking at is 850W plus.

I don't have dedicated sockets just household 15amps real reason I stopped was wife got mad at me cause very time she tried using the Micro wave and vacuum she'd trip the circuit breaker. Sad
Had my miners in basement off a rasp pi on wifi BFL but stuff and black arrow I have is 60Gh and 90Gh respectively (some sub 10gh stuff that prob never be used again). I'm not so much concented with High terra hash as I'm using this as a ways to buy slowly over time and heat my cold basement. Less concerned with Profitability than accumulate BTC.

Idealy I'd love to have a S7 that not able to fully power up and can leave one of the boards unpowered.

but Willing to accept realistic offers with escrow. {required if your a Newbie member}

Am I hearing things right that soon due to coin split old miners won't work?
5  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: can someone help me with a gridseed miner please 0.02 btc for help on: May 02, 2014, 07:27:02 PM
Quick search on google indicates your power supplies might be just enough to get them to start running but once they get going and heat up they're not getting enough juice.

I've also had the same problem with the USB stick they'll run for a day then they'll error out like they're not getting enough power.
6  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Black Arrow Miners ??? on: May 02, 2014, 06:50:37 PM
I hope you will get your miner but before spending $12k you should be more careful about purchasing from the company that you don't really know, don't trust any company blindly before buying you always must get information about their reputation and other customer reviews. I hope you'll get you miner.

Yeah this was my mistake... I was shopping around for a while and I found them to be the cheaper solution for the amount of Hash and was totally an impulse purchase... I hope I get my hardware and I also hope someone on this board can shed some light on this company :/

Hmmm I have 12k in my account I gotta spend it on something, can't just let it sit there and earn interest but what to spend it on?... new car/motorcycle/atv? nah ... Bad arse entertainment system or computer? nah ... stocks? nah

Man must be nice to be that rich that you can impulse buy something with that big a price tag! I don't suppose you want to adopt a son?  Grin

I'll admit I impulse buy $20 usb sticks and stupidly "invest" in $200 mining equipment, but once the price is more than rent or paycheck that's when the Old "Do I really?" needs to kick in.

Granted I know all the new "cutting edge" stuff is all $2000+ and you need to buy it to keep up with this mining game .... but come on really?

Thats a sore point with me right now, I think manufacturers not realizing that there's a segment they're not catering to, the budget miner that actually cares about ROI. (unlike usb sticks)
Sure I can buy a Antminers or ect [Edit: not endorsing just top of my head they are closest], every couple of months to keep increasing my hash-rate every couple of months once I have spare cash to burn.
Sorry no way I'm dumping whole paychecks on hardware that won't even pay for itself. AND they all seem to think we have data centers with 24/7 Air con with racking and 20A circuits that we can plug multiple 1000W PSU's in.

I get it, it's EASY to build big and power hungry and just use giant fans to cool them off but come on don't you have any talented engineers that can take an older design and scale down the power or *gasp* under clock for "retail home users".

[EDIT:Ugh typed that all out and now I think this needs it's own topic]

7  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Black Arrow 28nm 100Ghash Bitcoin ASIC from $1.99/GH/s, miners from $2.97/GH/s on: May 01, 2014, 08:27:30 PM
Actually I believe that the Hosted mining and burn in was scrapped in favor of physical hardware ... I could be wrong.
8  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Black Arrow 28nm 100Ghash Bitcoin ASIC from $1.99/GH/s, miners from $2.97/GH/s on: April 30, 2014, 02:51:23 AM
I probably shouldn't speak for Bobsag3 but I believe he's just in the dark as the rest of us but he has the advantage/disadvantage of having to order in batches of 10 so he doesn't have to worry about weather he ordered in even or odd amounts.
9  Economy / Securities / Re: [] NASTY MINING | POOL | COINS on: April 29, 2014, 10:33:05 PM
Well I would prefer a pool like but I'd be willing to take LCT also but that would probably muddy the water with regard to mission statement and create a nightmare for nasty.
10  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Black Arrow 28nm 100Ghash Bitcoin ASIC from $1.99/GH/s, miners from $2.97/GH/s on: April 26, 2014, 07:22:23 PM
For Batch 1 customers, the 25% cloud hashing compensation previously announced will be replaced with 50% in the form of physical hardware. The extra hardware will not include power supply or shipping but they will be available to purchase from our store. We will also offer a technical solution for customers who wish to use their own power supplies.
  • Every X3 purchased will now contain 3 * 1Thash modules, 2 modules with power supplies, one without.
  • For every 2 * X1 purchased we are offering an extra X1, without power supply. Customers who have not purchased an even numbers of X1s, will also receive a free X1 miner on their next purchase of a X1 miner.
  • Cloud hashing packages will receive 50% extra hashing power minus setup and maintenance costs which will be announced at a later date.

OH WTF!! So how Is this EVEN amount of miners going to work for those of us that ordered directly from BA before you made the minimum order requirement and from then miner source?
What about those of use that only ordered single or odd amount of units?

Me Personally I have 1 order placed for an X-1 directly with BA and one X-1 through Minersource (but far as I can tell my account / order hasn't been migrated).
I have sent messages about getting my order transferred over to Minersource to save shipping and get them at same time but never got any replies.
11  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2014-04-23] CD: Jeff Garzik Announces Partnership to Launch Bitcoin Satellites on: April 24, 2014, 06:47:16 AM
A) I never said it had to be done in space itself
B) it can be intercepted in "atmo" a number of ways by conventional weapons
C) even in space it would be easy pickings for any government to steal or disable even if they didn't just shoot it down

... that being said imagine how cool it would be to host your ASICs i space heat won't be an issue and solar powered for 24/7. Bet the only problem would be the bandwith/ "Satellite phone" bill. [Edit] oh yeah and latency.

12  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2014-04-23] CD: Jeff Garzik Announces Partnership to Launch Bitcoin Satellites on: April 23, 2014, 05:58:14 PM
Except a missile ...  Sad
13  Economy / Goods / Re: I BUY XBOX ONE GAMES - NEW/USED/DIGITAL - [BTC/LTC] on: April 21, 2014, 04:52:34 AM
You want Titanfall the week of release for half price?!?! .... check your meds .... call me in in 6 mothns then we'll talk.

hey Zillions how much is the game worth now Tongue LOL LOL LOL

Why don't you tell me d-bag? Roll Eyes at the current time search comes up with this as the best price.  Tongue
14  Other / Meta / Re: Can we Trust the Trust System ? on: April 11, 2014, 02:42:48 AM
I have removed Dogies not seeing the delete option for Badbear though

[Edit] NVM found it weird how I have to go into each members trust page to edit feed back I've left.
15  Other / Meta / Re: Can we Trust the Trust System ? on: April 11, 2014, 01:57:20 AM
Well I'm already at Negative 11 (-11) but I'm pretty sure I'm not ever going to come back to positive.
I've made my point about the system...... So yes I'll remove it.
No need in getting my account banned on this "rebellion."
16  Other / Meta / Re: Can we Trust the Trust System ? on: April 11, 2014, 01:40:39 AM
What about removing people abusing the trust system, from default trust?;u=63170
If someone does not agree with the current trust system that does not make he is not trustworthy.
If you do not recognize the problem, it does not mean that there is no problem.

Leaving fake feedback makes you not trustworthy

Read my feedback is there anything untruthful?
17  Other / Meta / Re: BFL bringing down the trust rating? on: April 11, 2014, 12:40:43 AM
Yeah I did it number of transactions I've done here but only had a measly one to my name.
I run on Flea-Bay also at least people there leave feedback on successful transactions.
Since I had zilch rep any way and every time I try make a deal " you have no reputation" I figured fuck it might get myself a free Monarch in 6 months.
18  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: The Habanero Project - Third Party HF Mining Board on: April 10, 2014, 10:08:08 PM
Stupid question time ... since you have 4 PCI-E connector what type of Power supply are you recommending? I don't think I've seen an estimated power draw yet but do you think a standard PC 700W PS with PCI-E splitters would work?
19  Economy / Securities / Re: [] NASTY MINING | POOL on: April 09, 2014, 09:05:09 AM
Can some one check the pool? ... been noticing that my miners have been failing over off and on again since the weekend. Unless this expected maintenance (be nice to be notified JIC) think that you might have that "bug" back again.
20  Bitcoin / Press / Re: Court Grants Order to Freeze Hashfast’s Bitcoin Wallets on: March 31, 2014, 05:04:22 PM
Wait how can they "freeze" their Bitcoin wallet? do they have acess to their private keys or is their bitpay account the one that's frozen?
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