Send me your bitcoins, I'll keep an eye out for it.
Yeah sure, give me a btc address and I'll send them all, you will keep safe yes? You promise 
Well, thats the thing, is a gamble, luckily I was not stupid enough to send that much, but still, would have liked it refunding - thought it was supposed to be in escrow?
I thought I should check in on inchain - seems that it failed, no notice of a refund via email or anything and a deadline to claim my funds back?
Am I missing something, is my investment lost? Doesnt seem very fair on those of us who cant keep our eyes on these things day in day out.
Cant comment on the settings for each gpu, but I use something like the following on an ATI 5xxx card, I rarely use it tho so never tweaked my settings to well so may be out/incorrect now depending on cgminer etc. I'm not familiar with the memlock settings, I'd imagine you'd just need to supply the value in the command string :-
"color 16 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 C:\Bitcoin\Mining\cgminer\cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u username -p password --queue 0 --expiry 1 --intensity 8 --shaders 1440 --thread-concurrency 7200 --scrypt"
I believe on windows that the 2nd/3rd lines are important for some reason, not that I can remember why....
Hope that heps in someway...
Yeah its a mouth-piece, makes her mouth/face look funny for a second or two, then she turns and walks away.
I think bitcoin as a currency will help promote spending awareness. For instance, 2 years ago I spent 400 bitcoins on a $200 item that has since been long gone.. That was a really bad decision. Today, I spend my btc alot more cautiously, or just use fiat. Which then makes me question.. Will everyone start doing the same thing? Does deflation encourage hoarding? And if so, how will we be able to promote wealth redistribution?
I'm going to jump in here. The way I see it, IF bitcoin does take off in a big way, I think people would spend less money on things they dont need, only spending there precious bitcoins on things they NEED. This I hope will bring in a long overdue change to society, from care free spenders of debt riddled money, to something more careful, perhaps even beautiful.
I love the work you've put into this, thanks, it looks nice and clean. A few suggestions if I may on how you can make it more awesome. I notice you can get to the ppc/btc pair on btc-e, could you add the links to the other altcoins? Also, I'd love to be able to view different charts in tiles (am using a chrome extension "a frame with two pages" atm, does the job but its a bit poor), and perhaps options to show/hide the orderbooks, show more than one indicator at once. They would be my favorite things I reckon. I did go pro for a month as a thank you for creating, at least in my eye, one of the best charts I like to have open  thanks again. ps - I thought I saw a bug on one of the altcoin pairs where it bunched up to the left and wouldnt scroll.
Congrats on this amazing discovery Bram Cohen = created BitTorrent, wonder if his friends made BitCoin I've considered that also, infact I think I'd favor them if I was had to pick "who dun it" (I'm refering to the cypherpunks, as believe he was one?).
lol, yeah i think quite a few of us have had that thought... only when I have my tin foil hat on tho.
Things seem very very quiet here lately....
Our most recent motion was passed unanimously!
To clarify the changes:
60% of FENIX revenues now go directly into our Reinvestment Growth Fund 40% Are paid out in the form of a weekly coupon on Thursdays
Catching up on old posts..... I agree with the above btw, so I'm glad it went through. As I noted in a few PM's, an aggressive growth strategy, in my opinion the only way to stay mining. I think I worked it out to be around, having to double hashing speed every 10 months or so (I think it was more than this, but rounding it down a little), so we need to be sure that we have enough saved in "the last period" to get the newer gen hardware as it comes out, skipping a gen between orders perhaps. Regardless, job well done everyone
Awesome news, finally were hashing and back in the game so to speak.
Well done for all the work thus far!
This is excellent stuff guys, serously the media should have wind of this, just goes to show what the internet and a few good people can do  . Strello, post your bitcoin address if you would, wont be much, but its as close to a medal as I can do  @Evolvex. Yes, we are very proud of what we achieved through cooperation and discussion. This was very much a team effort, so if you would like to donate a few satoshis to the cause, please send them to 14McCpCbik4ZaugQeSXy91Fj8fQqrhoBVN and they will be distributed equally between the four of us. Thank you, we really value your appreciation. Excellent, sent!. Cheers again.
This is excellent stuff guys, serously the media should have wind of this, just goes to show what the internet and a few good people can do  . Strello, post your bitcoin address if you would, wont be much, but its as close to a medal as I can do 
Do you need a smartphone to turn on the two-factor authorization? It says you need two-factor authorization to transfer shares, but I can't figure out how to turn it on?
You could install Jelly Bean in a VM (thats what I do atm) and get google auth that way.
Bloody VAT  I'm not sure that, given say 6 months, we would have to pay VAT, as the person shipping to you wouldn't be "selling it" to you - does VAT apply on things being sent elsewhere even if its not being "sold" (prob not wording myself very well, but I'm not sure VAT would apply in that case as it no longer a sale being made?). How much did you say KNC were offering to host for? didnt you say $350 a month? Not sure about the hosting at KNC at the price, but yes, seems like a good idea to ask canth to order them  .
Would it not of been better better to put all three motions up at once rather than just the one you wanted to go through? That way people can vote fairly having all the options available upfront. I've already voted, but now I know you were planning to put the other motions up if this one failed, I feel like I've been handed a deck of cards all the same and asked to pick one.
If there are options they should all be put on the table, not just the one you want to "win".
Also, putting that you think the shares are in a bubble..... not ideal :s
If I wasn't in RSM for the long haul I'd have sold the shares I bought and doubled my money. Any short to medium investor would be stupid not to. If I truly believed the bubble would burst I would sell my 16,000 shares and buy them back cheaper. Also I think you can change your vote or you could on the GLBSE. Apologies that came across more arsey than intended, however I was expecting to see all the options you have put on the table, there have been so many and it does get rather confusing to keep up with what is going on in here. Yes, noticed you can change it, I've decided mine gonna stick with it - long haul as you say.
Would it not of been better better to put all three motions up at once rather than just the one you wanted to go through? That way people can vote fairly having all the options available upfront. I've already voted, but now I know you were planning to put the other motions up if this one failed, I feel like I've been handed a deck of cards all the same and asked to pick one.
If there are options they should all be put on the table, not just the one you want to "win".
Also, putting that you think the shares are in a bubble..... not ideal :s
FWIW, Ian has appeared (on his twitter feed): case he removes it (which if he had half-a-brain i figure he would - then again, we know that'd be giving him a bit too much credit): - Ian Bakewell - @IanBakewell Fireworks (@ Legislature Grounds w/ 8 others) Reply Retweet Favorite More 10:11 PM - 1 Jul 13 I suggest any of you fellow twitter-ers, post a reply and publicly shame him. Hopefully he's at least treating his friends to a righteous time (on our dime). Yup, tweet sent 
I have the impression the background is blurred intentionally..One can't be certain if its filmed from Gox headquarters or this guy's workplace. And where is Karpeles? No word from him on this issues for more than 10 days!
You call this "focus" SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET WAS WRONG, MUST CORRECT THEM..... You dont actually, you call it "depth of field" (at least in the photography world...) 