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1  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Why I wouldn't buy Ledger Nano S ever again? on: December 27, 2021, 04:39:06 PM
Have used the Ledger Nano S before and as far as the display is concerned, I can only agree with the OP. It is very cheaply produced and does not last long. After the display broke, I have no longer used a HW wallet.
You can easily order and replace that display yourself, order it online from from one many websites that sell them likethis one for example, and follow this video instructions.
If you need any help you can write in this topic, and people will help you if you get stuck somewhere during this process.
Ledger should also release new device ledger nano s plus in 2022 and they improved display and made it bigger.

But I am about to buy a new HW wallet. What do you guys think is the best option right now? The software should be open source and the memory should be enough to manage at least 10 coins. Is Ledger Nano X a good option?
I would not suggesting anyone to waste money purchasing ledger nano X for several reasons, it's closed source, many people recently reported battery and firmware update issues.
More information about this can be found in my topic Ledger Nano X Battery Pandemic.

My suggestion for everyone is to think about purchasing and supporting Open Source hardware wallets, or simply use offline computer with software wallet.
List of hardware wallets supporting more coins like you want:

- Trezor
- Bitbox
- Keystone

I had some of the same Ledger concerns shared in this thread but to me they are absolved if you're willing to buy 2-3 wallets at a time and shelve/store them securely after verifying they work. I didn't like the data breach Ledger had but these things happen, even to governments. Batteries and screens also fail over time, no electronic device is exempt to it. I want to be clear that I'm not knocking open source here either though, I'm just saying I don't share the grave concern here as to why Ledger is that bad in comparison to other options out there.

However, with the above in mind and if I was buying right now, I really like the way Keystone is going, especially when it comes to the point of batteries issues over time.

Lastly, no way I'd use Ledger for FIDO and I don't suggest anyone use any hardware wallet for that purpose either, simply because you're putting too many eggs in one basket if you ask me.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: We Bought 50 ACRES to Build a SOLAR POWERED CRYPTO MINING FARM !! on: November 17, 2020, 01:28:53 AM
I heard you mention in the video that doing it all in 12 months seems like a long time. I would say the opposite as it took me 10 months just to get my house built in 2018 so to do all that plus build a solar mining farm seems like a big lift in a short time.

Best of Luck! If I had the capability I would be doing something similar (except with less trees) lol.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: October 29, 2020, 02:32:21 PM
Isn't it possible the Infinity Cache will improve ETH performance?  Perhaps once tweaks are done in the mining software?

Infinity Cache only makes the claimed performance improvements when you pair it with a AMD 5000-series CPU and the software/game is designed to utilize Smart Memory Access
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: October 29, 2020, 03:05:29 AM

It's also $1000 USD and the benchmarks AMD released today assumed you're using an AMD 5000 series CPU and new motherboard.

I think the 6800 is going to be the good AMD card for mining as of right now.

the 6900 is 1000.
the 6800 is   649.

if the 6800xt does 100mh and 180 watts it will be a great miner.

if the 6800xt does 90mh and 200 watts it is okay.

It also needs to be available.

I almost got a Nvidia 3080 at Best Buy today. but it locked out of the cart,

These are numbers I saw

Radeon RX 6800: $579
Radeon RX 6800 XT: $649
Radeon RX 6900 XT: $999
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: October 28, 2020, 11:01:04 PM

It's also $1000 USD and the benchmarks AMD released today assumed you're using an AMD 5000 series CPU and new motherboard.

I think the 6800 is going to be the good AMD card for mining as of right now.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: October 23, 2020, 05:44:07 PM
AMD has a perfect opportunity to pair or outperform Nvidia - this launch is very important and they need to win market share with gamers. Nvidia clearly was pressed with this launch; using samsung, large tdp, paper launch (basically). RDNA2 will very likely be power efficient...AMD is going to have their hands full balancing miners and gamers

I SEE it much the same as you do.

Nvidia rtx 3000 series was a ghost launch

From what I've been reading the AMD launch going to be similar, apparently not much stock.

That being said though I sent back my 5700XT's I just bought, going to wait and see how the next waves perform.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: October 11, 2020, 11:42:26 PM
anyone been able to get a Nvidia 3080?

I had this one in my cart but could not check it out.

Same issue more than a few times for me on launch day. I've given up trying at this point.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 21 GPU build - /w how we did it on: October 02, 2020, 02:55:26 PM
Over the past week BBT Todd and I have played around with a 19 and 21 card build using the XFX 5700XT Tri-Fan DD / THICC GPU paired up with the 8x Manli P106-090. In this test we explore what has changed since that World Record build back in 2017 with the RX 470 4GB Sapphire Mining Editions paired with the same Manli P106s. Bottom line, An increase of nearly 300MH and reduction of nearly 1200w are the results. Boasting now 850MH at 2650w sustained vs the previous build bouncing between 3300-3700w for a mere 553MH.

The 19 card variation with BIOS and optimized settings (in video) gets the rig to 763mh @ 2245w from the wall (30A PDU); would like to hear some of your guys experience with the ASUS B250 Mining Expert and 19 card builds. Post your pictures! Would love to see how you arranged the GPUs.

Got a link with info on the 56MH 5700XT Bios?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 28, 2020, 06:03:47 PM

I loaded internet connection monitor on chrome on both teamviewer pcs

so far the internet has not failed in a week on either connection.

i talked with ty from simplemining he thinks it is a possible driver bug 🐛 for the amd 5600 or amd 5500

sofar they are up.

Do I interpret this correctly as you've identified a possible SMOS stability issue with 5500/5600 cards and it wasn't internet connection issues causing your rigs to go down?
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: cant find a right wallet to store etc (mining) !! on: September 27, 2020, 08:53:30 PM
iam newbie in mining ,im mining etherium for a while and want to switch to mining  etc, have got etherwallet for etherium  but cant find the etc node to change to etc wallet ,which wallet  do you guys to use for etc mining to store etc . is it safe to do to add binance etc address ?i searched cant find any info about that I will be glad if you help me  

Coinomi Android Wallet supports ETC -

I would not store any crypto on any exchange address unless you're actively trading with it. If it's your wallet for safe keeping, don't keep it on any exchange.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Noob's Guide to Building a $1,000 GPU MINING RIG ⛏ on: September 27, 2020, 08:35:49 PM
Why putting two hot GPUs in a closed case? And for 1 grand you should be able to squeeze inside a standard rig a lot more used rx 580 (at least 6 for 600-700 USD)

I think the target audience here (Noob/Beginner) is someone that wants a dual purpose rig that can also mine. I like videos like this as it shows all the in/out of everything and now when people ask this question of "how can I get into mining?" instead of me having a 30 minute conversation with them, I can just link them this video and tell them to watch it.

Since most noob/beginners aren't going to risk buying used cards, I would expect they would be looking to buy something new on a budget.

Regarding heat, I agree the case choice here is less than ideal but you could just leave the side panel off and negate a significant portion of the heat problem.

My criticism on this video; it skips over the entire portion of what hardware was selected, why it was selected, and the costs associated with it. Although the list of hardware can be found in the blog post, a noob/beginner isn't going to know why they are buying the pieces they are buying and I think it would have been better to have this information be spoken to in the video so noob/beginners can better understand why the hardware was selected.

That being said, still gave it a thumb up.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 19GPU 5700XT (11) P106 (8) Mining Rig build in 2min (stock bioses) on: September 25, 2020, 02:37:39 AM
Working later tonight on this - optimization/bios modding and further configuration to drive it as close to 2kw as possible. Strongly believe I can hit over 750+ MH with this build.

Curious to see where you get with this.

Also curious to know, are you doing this because it can be done or do you believe that it's better to do this way?

The reason why I ask is because I am of the mindset that more rigs with less cards, like 6-7 per rig is easier to manage than one huge rig, especially when you have a card or card(s) that are giving you grief.

I see some potential power benefits of running one huge rig versus several though and less costs overall to startup a new rig or expand an existing one but if the rig is higher maintenance long term because of its size I would see these gains being lost due to lost profits from downtime.

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 25, 2020, 02:16:56 AM
I decided to pickup some Sapphire Pulse 5700XT's -- anyone have any recommended settings for them?

I almost went with the 5600XT's that Phil suggested here but I couldn't get them in the quantity I wanted and thought might be a better play long term to spend a little more.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: MINING a newer CRYPTOCURRENCY that's building a whole PLATFORM on: September 18, 2020, 06:40:19 PM
Saw the video, seems like they were influenced by the capabilities of SIA and combined it with a fancy UI that lets you send messages/storage/etc over the chain.

You're clearly running a node/host of some kind, could be a ddos bot for all we know lol.

I understand why the likely Chinese developers need to remain anonymous, it's not like their country is handing out accomplishment awards for those that circumvent government surveillance in their country.

In closing, cool idea but I don't see myself using it on anything I want to remain "secure" due to the security concerns of the entire platform and its origination.

Also, to your note in the video, no idea how much of this was "pre-mined" before it went public.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 18, 2020, 02:57:59 AM
Loving the mining numbers for the last 16 hours.  Hope it lasts for a few months lol.

Hating the bots though. 

Had a 3080 in my cart with Newegg, Nvidia, EVGA, and Best Buy over the morning hours.  Best Buy couldn't check out and it would remove it (happened with the ps5 to).  Newegg's server crashed with 1 in my cart.  EVGA was like trying to buy at the start of their weekly sale just impossible.  And Nvidia I got stuck at the checking out phase and then they were gone.

Got an order through last night for a Gigabyte eagle 3080 and today it shows an expected ship date of 11-2. 

I never like gigabyte cards.

And i missed every shot at getting one today.🤣

man 11-2 for the card.

so you tie up around 700 for 45 days.

I am glad i could not order any.

I am mining away with my cards. today was a good day. made around eighty bucks.

Didn't nab any either but I did try... however after seeing these numbers I think the 3070 going to be the better bang for the buck card when it releases.

Also not a fan of Gigabyte, too many failed fans from their sleeve bearings...
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: B250 mining expert no bios, no signal to screen on: September 14, 2020, 01:05:29 PM
Make sure about the CPU,had the same problem,is the generation of the CPU correct.

This OP is from 2 years ago... FYI.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 12, 2020, 11:50:09 PM

no time.

still working on helping my wife recover from 2x pneumonia (covid?) She got it in Jan. Fever is gone but there is lung damage and she seems to have:
 1) endless post nasal drip
 2) hidden acid reflux

 doctors.  Some improvements but not quite well.

Plus running the farm and testing a lot of software.

I spent a few weeks testing after market bitmain t17, t17+ ,t17e firmware.
I need to test nicehash os
Need to test viabtc smart mining.
Need to test braiins os for s17 and s17 pro

Have yet to try hive and or hashr8

and two rigs I setup at clifton failed which means a trip back to clifton (150 miles round trip)

Very sorry to hear about your wife, hope she recovers soon.

This year has sucked for sure with everything. I don't think I know anyone right now that is not struggling.

I just started looking at NHOS a bit ago, think I might mess with it soon. Might also try Hive.

It looks like Hashr8 os is gone, like literally gone. Their os page throws an SSL error and now redirects to main blog home page of their site and no longer mentioning the OS? I was just looking at it yesterday too.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 12, 2020, 11:01:14 PM
I am back online.

Tired 💤 but gear is now set up at farm in clifton nj

I know you use SMOS -- you done any messing with Hive or Hashr8 OS? I've been reading up on them and see they are newer players.

Hive seems to have some competitiveness to me while Hashr8 seems to be less as refined since it's younger.

I have a thread 🧵 ripper 1920x with 8 sticks ram 128gb.

It has three vegas making a few dollars.

Digging this up as I happen to have a couple of thread rippers myself.

I assume you added XMR mining to this rig? I've been on the fence about using one for that. Why the 128GB?

amazon fucked up a listing on amazon warehouse. so I purchased 256gb ram for 600 bucks.

well 128gb for 300 on 2 occasions.

this is a stupid cheap price .  And if I resell the rigs I can get a decent price with the 128gb ram tossed in. as you simply can not buy 128gb ram used or new for as low as 300 bucks.

Damn that's a great deal! -- you see my question about the other OS?
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 12, 2020, 09:32:34 PM
I am back online.

Tired 💤 but gear is now set up at farm in clifton nj

I know you use SMOS -- you done any messing with Hive or Hashr8 OS? I've been reading up on them and see they are newer players.

Hive seems to have some competitiveness to me while Hashr8 seems to be less as refined since it's younger.

I have a thread 🧵 ripper 1920x with 8 sticks ram 128gb.

It has three vegas making a few dollars.

Digging this up as I happen to have a couple of thread rippers myself.

I assume you added XMR mining to this rig? I've been on the fence about using one for that. Why the 128GB?
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Number 9! Ninth altcoin thread. Back to the moon Baby! on: September 11, 2020, 10:32:57 PM
I think the 3080 at a cost of $699 doing between 80 to 115 mhs on eth is more attractive than the 3090 at a cost of $1,499 doing 115 to 150 mhs on eth.  

I personally don't see the 3090 doing 150 mhs and feel the roi is going to be significantly longer than the 3080's 10-12 months.  If the 3090 ends on the lower end of eth performance your looking at potentially 2 plus years before it's paid off.  For me I can't justify the difference in time to roi.
Well we are still guessing  a bit on prices and hash rates.
I put my name on this list for all models the 3070 the 3080,  3090.

So is the consensus here the estimated power savings from the 3000 series for the purposes of mining justifies dumping 1000 and 2000 series cards from Nvidia?

Do we yet have some definitive or reasonable numbers that show effective power usages? I've seen estimates but nothing more than that at this stage.

If I had a ton of 1080ti's and no better gear I would put some up for sale.

I would put some of the sales on the side for the 3080 or 3090
I would buy this card now.

I tried more then 9 amd models I like this one the most.

I would try to become.

⅓ 1080ti
⅓ amd 5600
⅓ nvidia 3080/3090

once I reached that goal

I would sell the remaining 1080ti's and look at the big navi card or the 3080/3090 to put the rest of the 1080ti sales money into.

For me and my team

we are
 12/13 1080ti
 1 1080
 1 1070
 4 1660
 1 1050ti

and 25 new amd 5500,5600,5700

we may dump some 1080ti

I'm considering finally making the switch to SMOS and currently considering options.

I've got a mix of older RX480/580 cards that I plan to sell and it seems like that 5600XT a good replacement plus a sizeable mix of 1070/1070TI/1080s all of which have long been paid for/off in 6/7GPU configurations.

Do you believe the power savings alone is going to be enough to justify going in the red short term to make the switch? It seems like it clearly would be in the case of the AMD cards.
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