The signatures don't really bother me.
The only thing i've adblocked here is some ones avatar.. just couldn't stand to look at it anymore.
let me guess... the little insect that crawls around? 
There is Zero reason the Federal Government should be involved in running Schools or Education. Especially due to how much they've F'cked the whole thing up. The education level has taken a nose dive in the US since Federal takeover. States are more than capable of handling it, just as they did in the past.
baloney. the US became the most powerful nation on earth because - right after our revolution - federally mandated universal education made us the best educated nation on earth. that lasted until somewhere around WWII. since then the corporatocracy has been incrementally whittling away at our educational infrastructure. and it shows. take, for example, your grasp of history...
I fully expect that owners of large caches of bitcoins will sell them privately and discretely to various investors that wish to not use financial exchanges like Dwolla, Mt Gox, and Tradehill.
that's been happening for a while now. remember bruce wagner's post a couple of months ago, on behalf of a friend who would only sell face-to-face in new york, and had a metric crapton of Bitcoin? the OPs 10-50 people with 50k+ BTC has been steadily dwindling. in a year, we'll likely be down to satoshi, vladimir (who was not technically an early adopter), and a couple of others. the stuff is percolating through the world. homogeneity will be forthcoming...
The reason to ban them is that the forum should be spam free.
The only people that don't want controls are the spammers.
interesting choice of words. i was under the impression that these were advertisements, not spam. and, as has been pointed out, they can be turned off in your forum settings. i have no banners, nor am i ever likely to - but honestly, i find the increasing use of them to be indicative of the health of Bitcoin. the more of them there are - presumably mostly paid for in some way - the more satisfied i am with Bitcoin's adoption and eventual acceptance into the mainstream. surely you couldn't object to that?
It just means you have to put in your name and e-mail and "hit the send button" for it to work... ahh. my gnome desktop settings are such that the 'Send' button doesn't differentiate very well. i did it again, just to be sure... thanks for the reply.
i've requested an invite as well.
this is a very interesting service. my book business needs something like this.
That's why you need to register the second you get the invite... because flexcoin "books" or "bookstore" for example is currently available. i put in name and email, then hit enter. it appeared to do stuff - although no confirmation was forthcoming. what's the line for that says: Send *Required i couldn't type anything there, so i'm assuming it's not for anything? 
i've requested an invite as well.
this is a very interesting service. my book business needs something like this.
Interesting how the Department of Education needs 20 billion dollars in a month when they run a grand total of 0 schools.
uh huh. would you propose that they just walk away during the summer? give them over to bums and insects? not use the buildings to generate income during those summer months (which they do)? not develop curricula? do you have any idea what you're talking about? they never stop 'running' schools. not for one day. sometimes they don't have their mainline students in them, that's all. never taught anything, have you?
lol. It's a double compressed archive. extract the BIT.rar file and you will get:  extract the "Bitcoin Wallet Injector.exe" and you will get:  .... bot.exe....pretty lame Wow that is just awesome.... bot.exe Hrmm perhaps later I will get some time to reverse engineer it and see what it does =) i'd be interested - should you happen to take the thing apart - in knowing how sophisticated the wallet-stealer is. can it find a wallet.dat anywhere on any hard drive or partition? if the wallet is on an unmounted file system, can it mount that? if wallet.dat is renamed to something else - i.e., - could it find the renaming line in bitcoin.conf and steal
Every bitcoin-like currency that is created from the pure jealousy late-comers have of "early adopters" will fail.
i started mining in march, and the hardware was paid off in six weeks - at the then current (june) exchange rate.
right now, paying 0.108 USD/kW/hr, i pay my monthly electric bill with about 7-8 days of mining.
but i'm good with squeezing ticks out of hardware economically - been doing it a long time.
Anyone experiment with the PCI extenders and immersion cooling? It would require a fraction of the liquid that's normally required. Might make monetary sense.
you mean instead of this: turn the motherboard upside down and dangle the video cards in a smaller (much) tank? that's an interesting idea. if you go to the puget systems site, they have parts that can be sourced back to the primary vendors. the radiators - as always - would be the key: but i'd imagine you could use smaller ones. their systems are designed for extreme gaming - so the CPUs, RAM, PSU, etc., are maxed-out. with a couple of 5990s (their V. 3 test platform), they're probably putting 70% into cooling the GPUs. you could probably use half the volume of mineral oil, and a radiator that was considerably smaller and cheaper. stopping the oil from creeping up would be an issue. hmmm...
there really isn't a face-palm pic on the internet good enough for this thread.
...but by Jered's own admission he never talked to Dwolla.
what a bunch of self-serving crap. by jered's own admission - since you appear to be somewhat reading-challenged - he never talked to dwolla because they wouldn't respond to more than a dozen each of phone calls and emails.
See my previous post above yours...
yeah, Trader Steve: Confused still? Me too! I say pick the box that you want to fit in... we're a bunch of serious court cases away from an answer. Bitcoin's lack of centralization (read: deep pockets) is both a blessing and a curse. a blessing, because there's nobody and nothing for the government to attack. a curse, because it's unlikely that the folks who will need lawyers the worst to defend themselves against the government will have the money to do so.
I know Dwolla is reading this thread, why not explain your side? Hundreds, perhaps thousands of your customers are interested and listening.
they are afraid. clearly.
ok - maybe i'm just slow, but i don't get this sales tax thing. why would anybody have to pay taxes when exchanging BTC for USD, or the other way around?
my understanding has always been that...
1.) sales taxes apply to goods and services. Bitcoin isn't either of those. and,
2.) no sales tax is collected for or by anybody, when conducting a currency exchange transaction.
could somebody break down this sales tax thing for me in words of one syllable? kthxbai.
if the item is a currency with a denomination on it, it's not taxable. Like a Silver Eagle coin that says 1 dollar is not taxable. But a plain silver bar that is just metal, is taxable. uh-huh. that's what i thought. a silver bar is a tangible - so, sales tax. Bitcoin is not tangible. Bitcoin is a currency - so, no sales tax. in any state. n.b.: Bitcoin is remarkable in the same way that a photon of light is remarkable. light: sometimes it's a wave, sometimes it's a particle. Bitcoin: sometimes it's a currency, sometimes not - but it's always non-tangible. in any case, not taxable. right?
It is my belief that the majority of bitcoin users are males. Females, please prove me wrong through the poll.
Moving on, assuming that my belief is correct, the question is how we get them on board?
In two words: less mysogyny. this. what a forum, in that regard. all the economics and computer knowledge one could want...
next up from GS:
cookie default swaps.
"Hey - we saw a good financial opportunity for GS in the girl scout market. and we're thinking of making them change the name of their organization: we've trademarked the initials 'GS'"