Glad to hear it's working for you. Welcome to the real bitcoin forum
Glad to hear it's working for you. Welcome to the real bitcoin forum.
I just linked from the original thread to here for historical reference.
Yep, that's how I do business to protect both sides. Public log of transaction verified at each stage and plenty of copies of critical details in pm's in case the deal goes sideways. Plus it's and good excuse for dwangoac to get his post count up and prove he's legit to the community.
It could help get your post count up a bit. FWIW I'll recommend to the mods to let you our of newbie jail after our transaction is complete. Edit: Or you might qualify by the end of this process.
Agreed upon payment received.
Everyone here will die one day, you heard it first. Possibly before BTC bottoms out at 30. Predictions without timeframe are for fortune cookies, tarot card readers, and psychics.
I think it depends less on Gox and more on the people that were in it for short term profit, whether they cashed out or got left holding the bag, and whether they gave up or are going to stick it out.
It was a bit disheartening last night to watch the price fall from US$115 to $85 then climb back up and not break USD$110 again even though it was barely a $USD1M wall. Those things used to get smashed in a matter of hours.
You ship worldwide? You charge for shipping?
I will cover reasonable shipping in the US. I am willing to ship international if someone wants to pay shipping for it. I found out that shipping and import tax to Europe wasn't worth it for the buyer though.
Still available. Buy it with BTC.
Im not talking about breaking walls! im talking about a coordinated DDOS on charts , exchanges and forums like here! So there goes the first bit of nonsense youre yapping!
Coordinated DDOS sucks just as much as coordinated price manipulation. Like I said few people were complaining when the price was going up. Get over the emotion of it all and play the game or take your coins and fiat and go home. Chill before you blow a blood vessel. WHAT CRASH! lolz.. There was only a crash if someone told you to jump and you said how high and jumped like alil b****!!! LOLZ
The chart disagrees. Recovery or not the price still crashed to less than 1/2 of what is was. (im trying to school the noobs and save the face of bitcoin)
You Fail. Miserably.
We need to halt trading to stop the manipulators from profiting! We all play or nobody can play!
No we don't. I bet you thought it was all rainbows, kittens, and puppy breath when the "manipulators" came in with their big money and broke down 500,000-1,000,000 fiat walls time after time. That money doesn't last forever. Eventually they have to sell their coins and get back into fiat to be able to buy again and this is how they do it. Buy big, sell big. If you don't like the game, take your coins and go home. There is some huge fleecing happening and people wont realize it untill the prices bounce back in a couple hours from now and all the panic selling people did was a HUGE manipulation to get coins out of your pocket.
I lost coins the first times I traded. You either learn how to play the game, learn that you suck at playing the game, or totally lose your ass. You can't save them all. We have not crashed
Sure looks like one to me. Even if the price recovers back to where it was before all this, it's still a crash. Denial, river, Egypt, etc.
Ya I'm using it with ST for only $45/month as well, so I'm happy with it. I was really looking at the Note II, but they're so damn expensive to find an unlocked one (or even one I could unlock myself), it wasn't worth it.
I was originally looking at an unlocked SIII, but the preloaded apps that you can't remove without rooting annoyed me away from it. The price was a little steep and the fact that I can buy a global unlocked SIII on NewEgg, but US support wouldn't let people register it for warranty support is Unacceptable. The Nexus hasn't given me a reason to root it yet. I have another coworker, other than the one that sold his Note II, that got Note II's for both himself and his wife. I don't like how big it is. It's a small tablet and even comes with a stylus. BTW he's envious of my Nexus 4 that does wifi and usb tethering out of the box. He got the Note II's on a deal with Sprint, so he's locked in to CDMA for at least a year.
I think i read once that it will operate on at&t. Is this true?
It is a unlocked GSM phone, so it will work work with any GSM network around the world, provided they support the radio frequencies of the phone. In the USA that is AT&T and T-Mobile and any prepaid carrier that use their network.
15BTC=510.7USD You might wanna do a price check.
Yes prices fluctuate, sometimes to fast to keep up with. Changed to USD value. No 4G on ATT with this one I've run speedtests on my Nexus 4, with the HSPA+, and I was getting 15Mbps download, and 2Mpbs up. No, it doesn't have LTE, but the data speeds are plenty fast. Where I live it's pretty hilly, but I get 4-5M down and 2M up on average. Since I only pay $45/mo right now, it's good enough for me. I have a coworker that got a Nexus 4 after checking mine out and sold his Galaxy Note II in favor of the Nexus 4.
In hand, unopened, unlocked GSM phone ready to ship for $400 in BTC. I love this phone, but the 2 things that I love the most are that the only vendor bloatware that comes on this phone are the standard Google apps and that the Wifi hotspot works right in the OS without checking with the carrier first to see if you have paid for the extra wireless tethering plan. USB tethering also works with Windows without needing any software or driver add-ons. So far I haven't found a reason to need to root it. My only gripe (as with everyone else) is that it doesn't have a MicroSD add on slot, but I don't carry around a lot of pictures or music. Grab a StraightTalk, T-Mobile, other prepaid microsim and cut your phone bill in 1/2 or even 1/3.