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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: The survival of cryptocurrency on: December 18, 2018, 08:34:16 AM
Cryptocurrency has witness a nose dive since the beginning of this year with still no respite in sight with investors recording outrageous loses.   As we move enter the last quarter of the year I honestly think what will lift cryptocurrency price up is not more funds ,token sale or speculators.Rather it will be entrepreneurs delivering on their projects with real technology and addicted users. Your thoughts folks
We see that movements are not related with seasons or months or calendars as seen in 2017 and in 2018.
Dates are not important but news, duration and reaction of market are important issues for price, profit and loss.
By the way there is no survival issue for cryptocurrency.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Profits In 2018 Bear Market on: December 18, 2018, 07:14:57 AM
Well i understand this might sound awkward to an extent but the truth must be told. I used to be among those who cry and weep as a result of the bear market, But this period have taught me a lot in the cryptocurrency space. I am not ashamed to say i got a consideration good reward from participating in numerous Bounty. Thereafter most times the token i got from this Bounty dropped in price and value almost immediately after listing in exchange.

What Did I Do?
Instead of waiting for imaginary pump to occur, i study the market, trade with those token and successfully i have been able to double my token and at the same time double my reward with considerable profits made from trading such tokens.

This is a call to everyone out there, either Investors, Bounty Participants as the case maybe or traders. Instead of crying daily or keep checking your portfolio to see how easy it is for tokens in your disposal dip in price, you can actually carry out this trade an make some good profits. The earlier you learn how to trade the better it will be to save those digital assets of Yours. Because it is possible for you to trade those token, take out your profit and still have an equivalent amount of that token.
Remember, this is not a financial advise nor neither am i a financial adviser. Just trying to point out what has been working for me and i have been able to do it multiple times and cash out my profits during the bear markets.

All The Best Guys  Cool
Well, the profit in a bearish Market and the Profit in a bullish market can be also similiar.
We just need to change point of view.
For btc/usd parity we are in bearish market but also, you should see the fact that we are in bullish market now for usd/btc parity.
For profit realizations acting over usd/btc parity can be helpful for new and intermediate traders.
So just try see the picture from another perspective...
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ [BOUNTY] ★ GIGZI ★ Independent Wealth Management ★ 10,000 ETH ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ on: December 17, 2018, 06:38:32 AM
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4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Market still in the early stages of Collapse, only the Stupid buy this early on: December 02, 2018, 09:03:51 PM
BTC is projected to drop as low as $1500 by Bloomberg Analysts.
(According to some, this is also the new break even price for the latest batch of ASICS.)

Buying above $2500 shows you don't know what you are doing.

This Market Collapse will be long , possible range a few months to a few years.
(Collapse is less than 2 weeks old.)

Buying above $3000 is the elite selling to the remaining suckers. Tongue

The ones telling you to buy now or hodl are most likely the ones selling.
Remember for someone to win in a Market someone else has to lose, which are you?

Everyone has different opinion based on their financial literacy. Market collapse will repeat itself in history with different fake trends.  3000$ is not  neither expensive or cheap for smart trader Wink
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Best Thing To Do When Cryptocurrencies Price Dumps! on: November 27, 2018, 09:02:10 AM
Best thing is to compare price charts of cryptocurrencies while all markets are down. Noone can predict the future or outcome but we can act with enthuasism
6  Economy / Services / Re: Receive up to 0.01 BTC for your review of a new bitcoin mixer BESTMIXER.IO on: March 23, 2018, 02:30:34 PM
First of all interface is simply designed and site meets my expectations. Support section of site doesnt look good because there is no many options. Mixing strength meter helps user to measure the timing and quality of service. I have never seen such kind of indicator on other mixing services. I chosed the less available timing on indicator with accepting the warning about privacy of mixed coins.  BTW i only used site to mix my litecoins and everything was smooth and fast.
7  Economy / Speculation / Re: Everybody knows about Bitcoin. We won’t see 20k again. Why? Here! on: March 17, 2018, 06:50:49 PM
Everybody knows about Bitcoin.
Why would X and Y but bitcoin at such high prices ? ($8000-1000) while BTC started from few cents.
Why would wall street join BTC ?
We wont see 20k lvl again. 10k is history.

So much negative sense in this thread. There is no single serious reason to treat biggest market cap cryptocurrency as useless stuff. 20K$ is possible but we need to break strongly the 10k$ resistance level first. Wall street whales are looking for liquidity in markets and new joiners is best option to provide this whole on market depth because they dont have idea how market cycle turns.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Big Investment in Altcoin? on: March 15, 2018, 01:33:51 PM
I'm sorry I can not share my experience in investing because I'm still a new user here. I just followed some bounty. maybe if i get the profit, i will also participate invest.  Grin

Even you are new member on this forum you decided to respect to forum rules. Investing in cryptcurrencies are dangerous because markets are volatile and noone knows what will happen in future. Specially making big bucks requires experience and knowledge in this field. My advice is to keep researching among projects and choose best ones for investing big amounts.
9  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Would you invest in ICOs in a bear market? on: March 15, 2018, 01:12:02 PM
Quick question for those of you who have bought into ICOs or at least seriously consider it.

Would the current state of the market (right now) affect your likelihood of participating in an ICO?

People operating ICOs and big investors ask this question constantly in private but nobody ever takes the conversation into the daylight.

No better way to find out than than to take the conversation public and ask actual crypto buyers.

Thanks for your input!

Considering the investing in bad market conditions is more profitable because both amin cryptocurrency and token of project will rise after end of bear market. For example you bought eth for 600$ and invest in some  ICOs in order to buy token of project. Later both eth price and ICO token will rise because all cryptos will grow together in case of growing cryptocurrency marketcap.
10  Economy / Economics / Re: Can you start from zero cash and make a living with the opportunities in crypto? on: March 15, 2018, 01:05:03 PM
It is obsolutely possible but you need to feed yourself and family in case of market downtrend. Cryptocurrencies offer good opportunities for those who has experience in this field and it is not impossible to gain big profits. But there are glictch on your explanation: How you gonna to earn enough amount to feed yourself without starting balance?
11  Economy / Speculation / Re: panic or to be calm on: March 15, 2018, 01:01:07 PM
As a holder you need to be calm and only think about the ahead of cryptocuurencies which you hold. Never under estimate the power of community and team behind project. For current year i expect big challenges by ICOs and it will be gam changer for all. Paninc selling is caused by fud and lower prices are main driver of panic selling harsh.
12  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: What to buy? on: March 14, 2018, 11:11:57 PM
It is good time for buying cryptos with fiat/cash and hold till market recover.  I advice to buy zcash,ethereum,mnx,tron etc.. Waves also has potential and big window for upward on price chart and it will go 20$ soon or later.  I advice to buy ethereum for cheap price and join promising ICOs because it is possible not to see this downtrend market for next months.
13  Economy / Economics / Re: Arbitrage??? on: March 14, 2018, 10:42:47 PM
Founding the arbitrage opportunity is easy but it is hard to accelerate manually. There are many bots which have access to more than 20 cryptocurrency exchange and can monitor price difference between them with price discovery technics. Using bots is profitable than loosing this opportunity with fees and time/price change ratio.
14  Economy / Speculation / Re: Another Bubble popped? on: March 14, 2018, 10:39:13 PM
This one isnt bubble but there are some similarities between popped bubble and long term correction. As a trader i advice to keep holding our coins because there isnt any fundamental reason to sell it for cheap price. Buying high and selling low is dangerous and foolest way to lose money in markets.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Google to ban cryto related advertisements on: March 14, 2018, 09:00:26 PM
I saw somewhere on social media baout current ban in Google but  didnt pay attention much. After reading this news i am sure now FBI forces the company to prevent crypto related advertisement  from sites. There are battles between blockchain and tradiitional systems included other sectors of current  government system. I hope google will choose right side of battle in future Wink
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: ICX to $100 in 2018 on: March 14, 2018, 08:55:56 PM
There is no chance to hit 100$ price under this conditions because market recovery isnt expected to grow substantially this year. Maybe team will announce new features about project and this news will accelerate the whole market for mentioned coin. Otherwise i dont expect something good price will happen soon.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: John Oliver 'You’re not investing, you’re gambling' on: March 14, 2018, 08:45:25 PM
John Oliver is not supposed to say something common known trading advice Wink Gambling is similar to trading but the difference is obvious between two concept and working mechanism. Investing is different than trading because there is time difference between two  imo.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Any coin like bitcoin? on: March 14, 2018, 08:41:45 PM
There are alternative coins that have potential to replace current fiat/cash system but the financial system is not  ready for this challenge. Bitcoin has biggest marketcap but i cant say same thing for using bitcoin as payment method. Ethereum are much more better than bitcoin but as a first created coin bitcoin still keeps the dominance.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Do you think Ethereum could break $1000 as well? on: March 14, 2018, 01:43:53 AM
Ethereum has potential to reach 2000$ price levels according to current development of ICOs. Bitcoin is already losing dominant place but alts will replace the losted market cap by bitcoin in my opinion.Eth prices aare not stable nowadays and 1000$ level will be next support price level if recovery happens in two month.
20  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Dividing your salary. on: March 13, 2018, 09:33:06 PM
Instead of depositing to bank account it is good idea to invest in cryptocurrencies and retire early. Traders are persons whoc exchange their money for freedom rather than trading their freedom for salary Wink I never buy useless stuff and save money in order to invest  more to cryptocurrencies. Best strategy is to know what you are doing.
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