Well i understand this might sound awkward to an extent but the truth must be told. I used to be among those who cry and weep as a result of the bear market, But this period have taught me a lot in the cryptocurrency space. I am not ashamed to say i got a consideration good reward from participating in numerous Bounty. Thereafter most times the token i got from this Bounty dropped in price and value almost immediately after listing in exchange.
What Did I Do?Instead of waiting for imaginary pump to occur, i study the market, trade with those token and successfully i have been able to double my token and at the same time double my reward with considerable profits made from trading such tokens.
This is a call to everyone out there, either Investors, Bounty Participants as the case maybe or traders. Instead of crying daily or keep checking your portfolio to see how easy it is for tokens in your disposal dip in price, you can actually carry out this trade an make some good profits. The earlier you learn how to trade the better it will be to save those digital assets of Yours. Because it is possible for you to trade those token, take out your profit and still have an equivalent amount of that token.
Remember, this is not a financial advise nor neither am i a financial adviser. Just trying to point out what has been working for me and i have been able to do it multiple times and cash out my profits during the bear markets.
All The Best Guys 
Well, the profit in a bearish Market and the Profit in a bullish market can be also similiar.
We just need to change point of view.
For btc/usd parity we are in bearish market but also, you should see the fact that we are in bullish market now for usd/btc parity.
For profit realizations acting over usd/btc parity can be helpful for new and intermediate traders.
So just try see the picture from another perspective...