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261  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Nagorno-Karabakh heating up again - Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of all-out 'war' on: April 06, 2016, 05:43:06 PM
Three trivia facts:

When after the 1917 coup d'etat Russian Empire was destroyed, Nogornyj Karabah became an independent Armenian state.

Nogornyj Karabah is the hot-spot that was firs ignited in the USSR, and the violence fanning out of there, subsequently lead to the destruction of USSR.

The name "Nagornyj Karabah" is comprised of two words. the first, "nagornyj" is Russian and means "on the mountain top" (The same as in the name of the Balkan country "Chernogoria"), the second "Karabah" is Turkic and means "black garden".

262  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers on: April 06, 2016, 05:24:19 PM
Hmm... Looks like this was foreseen by Moscow to some degree:

One user asked why the Independent was using a photograph of Syrian President Bashar Assad alongside President Putin, when neither man was mentioned in the trove of documents.

In response, another Twitter user stated: “Because they don't want to blame ‘friends’ like King Salman or Poroshenko...”


The smear campaign against Putin comes a week after his press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the Western media intended to launch a new slander attack against the Russian president, while he also expressed regret that reporters’ professionalism is often “sacrificed to political demands.”

“Another piece of spin, which is claimed to be sensational and objective, will happen in the nearest days. We have received some excessively-rich requests that, however, in their form were more like questions at an interrogation,” Peskov said.

He explained that the letters contained some personal questions about Putin, as well as questions about the Russian president’s family, his childhood friends and some businessmen.

“They are repeating themselves. ‘Is it true that the amount of your personal accumulated wealth is about US$40 billion?’ ‘Is it true that you possess gigantic residences, mega-yachts and other assets?’

On Sunday, Germany’s Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) released the biggest leak in journalistic history, posting 11.5 million documents from a Panama law firm online and providing “rare insights into a world that can only exist in the shadows.”

And apropos Assad. Saw a headline on the state-payrolled Norwegian newspaper along the lines of "Investigation uncovers: that's how Assad fuels his war machine". Never mind that the Syrian army is fighting for survival of their state... Someone is really peeved at the beating their pet-terrorists got in Syria.
263  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What you need to know about the Panama Papers on: April 06, 2016, 02:18:53 PM
#Panamapapers Leak and MSM as Weapon of Mass Disinformation: Info War vs. #Putin, #Russia, #BRICS Escalates


As far as I understand, the Panama papers leak is the most massive leak there ever was – bigger than Snowden leak.  It mentions money laundering, tax evasion and offshore accounts by various world leaders, dictators, oligarchs and public figures. Ukraine’s president Poroshenko, Saudi king, Pakistani officials and David Cameron (or is it his father – apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?) made the list.

Nowhere in 11.5 million documents is there anything about Vladimir Putin. Yet, every Western MSM and Qatar’s Al Jazeera (both the state and publication some of the biggest US stooges) printed big Putin’s pictures on top of every article dedicated to Panama leaks, although articles were about someone else.

Interestingly enough, various UK publications printed Putin’s pics in their articles, implying Putin is the biggest money launderer there is, while THEIR OWN PRIME MINISTER DAVID CAMERON is front and center on the list, along with his daddy!

This isn’t double standards and hypocrisy any more, of which US, UK and West in general get accused every day. This is lunacy and severe case of schizophrenia – a good mental institution very strongly recommended. Is it any wonder that their own readers rebel against such idiocy. I hear that after a public outcry, within several hours of publication, UK papers began removing Putin’s photos from their articles.

Let me emphasize that this post isn’t about the veracity and merit of #Panamapapers leaks. In my view, we need as much as possible disclosure of truth on all levels. But it has to be unbiased and honest truth. While the actual leak may be absolutely beyond reproach, the problem is the attempt to turn it into anti-Putin, anti-Russia, anti-BRICS circus.

What US, UK and other MSM do is this: they take the truth and then bait and switch it with a lie convenient to them, parading it as truth.

Come think of it… this may be done deliberately so that to distract the gullible public from asking inconvenient questions as to where the Western leaders’ and oligarchs’ money is hidden.


Sounds just about right...
264  Other / Politics & Society / Reject Ukraine EU Association! Plea to Netherlands Before Dutch Referendum on: April 05, 2016, 03:18:46 PM
Reject Ukraine EU Association! Handicapped Ukrainian’s Plea to Netherlands Before Dutch Referendum

Я украинец / I am a Ukranian
Patriottistische gehandicapte oekraïner, adresseert Nederlanders!

On April 6 the Netherlands will vote in a referendum whether to approve Ukraine’s association with EU, or not. This explosive video from Alexey Zhuravko (RUS: Алексей Журавко) is a plea and call for the Dutch people to reject this association.

Zuravko is a Ukrainian patriot. He is a severely handicapped person, who, despite his disability, has been accused by the Kiev junta of treason and terrorism, and forced to flee the country. Before 2014 coup, Zhuravko was a Ukraine Rada deputy. He is originally from Kherson Oblast, on the border with Crimea. He knows first hand the plight of simple Ukrainians, who continue keeping in touch with him, telling him all their problems. His own Kherson Oblast is in a catastrophic state, being occupied by violent ukro-nazi battalions, Turkish and Crimean Tatar Mejlis militants, as well as ISIS militants.

Video (ENG with RUS and Dutch subs):

The closing sentence is hard to hear. Just to make sure you don’t miss it, here it is:

‘I am a Ukrainian. For the sake of Ukraine, for the sake of European values and ideals, for the sake of the people of Ukraine, I ask you to reject Ukraine’s EU association agreement.’
265  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: April 05, 2016, 03:17:33 PM
Reject Ukraine EU Association! Handicapped Ukrainian’s Plea to Netherlands Before Dutch Referendum

Я украинец / I am a Ukranian
Patriottistische gehandicapte oekraïner, adresseert Nederlanders!

On April 6 the Netherlands will vote in a referendum whether to approve Ukraine’s association with EU, or not. This explosive video from Alexey Zhuravko (RUS: Алексей Журавко) is a plea and call for the Dutch people to reject this association.

Zuravko is a Ukrainian patriot. He is a severely handicapped person, who, despite his disability, has been accused by the Kiev junta of treason and terrorism, and forced to flee the country. Before 2014 coup, Zhuravko was a Ukraine Rada deputy. He is originally from Kherson Oblast, on the border with Crimea. He knows first hand the plight of simple Ukrainians, who continue keeping in touch with him, telling him all their problems. His own Kherson Oblast is in a catastrophic state, being occupied by violent ukro-nazi battalions, Turkish and Crimean Tatar Mejlis militants, as well as ISIS militants.

Video (ENG with RUS and Dutch subs):

The closing sentence is hard to hear. Just to make sure you don’t miss it, here it is:

‘I am a Ukrainian. For the sake of Ukraine, for the sake of European values and ideals, for the sake of the people of Ukraine, I ask you to reject Ukraine’s EU association agreement.’
266  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: April 03, 2016, 11:32:44 AM
50th humanitarian aid convoy delivered to Donbass!

Time to stop these convoys and start some productive activity in the Donbass. The Russian government should help the LNR and DNR to repair and renovate the factories and mining units. This will provide the local inhabitants with jobs and wages, and the local authorities will also benefit in the form of increase in tax revenues.

Well, Russia does that - a large portion of those convoys are the construction material for the rebuilding.

The problem is, Kiev is still gradually intensifying the military activity, and peace is needed before any serious rebuilding can take place - otherwise you rebuild something today, and get a Grad barrage tomorrow.

I can recommend the following article by Rostislav Ishchenko. (Ukrainian politologist in exile, President of the Centre for System Analysis and Prognosis)

It's in Russian (use Google translate).

The gist: Kiev needs an all out war to postpone the inevitable demise, and to get at least some money from the West. Small provocations fail to draw Russian response (even downing of Russian jet by Turkey didn't draw a military response - only a diplomatic one), so Kiev may go for an all-out large-scale provocation, which Russia may not be able to ignore.
267  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia retreats from Syria on: April 03, 2016, 11:25:38 AM
What the Western MSM does not write about is as telling as what they write.

Palmyra was liberated by the Syrian army with Russian aerial support. Russian mine-sweepers have come to Palmyra to remove tonnes of landmines left by the terrorists both in the partially destroyed historical complex and in the city. The way the city was trip-wired was highly professional. "Terrorists" installed mines in the roads, covered them with cement and then with new (!) asphalt - edge to edge.

The Western MSM remained silent about the whole Palmyra liberation, though...
268  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: April 03, 2016, 11:19:45 AM
If there ever was a must-read, this is the one. A new in-depth report from Lada Ray:

EARTH SHIFT REPORT 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT (He who controls Black Sea ​controls Russia’s soft underbelly)

Read in this report:

Odessa, Black Sea and a Nuclear Bomb of a story – literally!​

Police state at its peak: I have been banned in Ukraine
Why I never ignore my premonitions & why I have not returned to Ukraine
How, without realizing it, in 2006 and 2013 I made predictions about Odessa and Ukraine

Ukrainian futurist’s dire prediction: Nuclear Strike Against Odessa

Meet international criminal, ex-president of Georgia and US agent, Mikhail Saakashvili, governor of Odessa 2015-2017
Lada Ray assessment and prediction: the future of Odessa​
Wrap-up and assessment: If referendum to join Russia was held today in Odessa…

Sci-fi or horror movie? Surreal ‘Surgical Refuse’ cemetery near Odessa for Ukraine army ATO ​& illegal organ trade to EU: Whistleblower video proof, commentary, full ENG translation

‘Shadow CIA’ Stratfor and George Freedman: Plan to Isolate and Destroy Russia in Order to Open Gates for Global Takeover

Who is George Friedman?
Turkey and Poland emerging superpowers; Russia gone: Friedman’s predictions

Baltic – Black Sea Plan
Poland’s kings, Bros. Kachinski; Russophobia & imperial ambitions; Smolensk crash consequences
Poland’s Cultural Cognitive Dissonance
Ukraine’s role in Friedman’s plan
Turkey’s role in Friedman’s plan
​Stratfor Plan for Romania and Moldova

Baltic – Black Sea Plan turns into ​the Baltic – Black Sea – Caspian Plan
Complete Iron Curtain Fail: Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary rebel
Plan B: how Caspian was added to Stratfor Plan – focus on Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East
Remaining Balkans resistance: reformatting Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria
Black Sea clandestine op: dangerous time bomb installed and ticking! How do we disarm it?

The situation in Moldova, Gagauzia and Pridnestrovie: Overview and analysis of events in Moldavia in October 2014 – January 2016 & the truth about Moldavian and Romanian history

Battleground Moldova – November 30, 2014 Elections
Moldavia Explodes! Anti-EU, Anti-Government Revolt, Parliament Stormed
How $1 billion was stolen from Moldavian people
Why Russia was unable to accept Pridnestrovie as part of the Russian Federation
How Odessa and Pridnestrovie worked together & how Ukraine/Moldavia/Romania/US worked against them
Pridnestrovie blockade: US-Romania-Kiev plan to provoke Russia into sending troops
The story of 1992 Pridnestrovie conflict. General Lebed’s ultimatum

Newest Moldavia developments: Separate deals with Russia, emerging political figures and Moldavia’s unlikely Che Guevara cum 007

​​Gagauzia votes to secede and join Russia if Moldavia is annexed by Romania
How parts of Moldavia began making separate deals with Russia
Oligarch Renato Usatii – Moldavia’s unlikely Che Guevara cum 007

Real-life spy thriller, plus, international scandal! Odessa-Moldavia heist: the unsuspecting President of Moldova Timofti spills the beans to ‘Odessa Governor Saakashvili’; collusion between Moldavian Minister of Interior and ‘Ukraine’s Arsen Avakov’ (Video/audio evidence with full ENG translation and commentary)
269  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: March 29, 2016, 08:22:51 PM
50th humanitarian aid convoy delivered to Donbass!

Video from Graham Philips:
270  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: March 25, 2016, 09:51:51 PM
The two murderers of the Ukrainian lawyer Yuri Grabovski (who defended two Russian citizens) were arrested. They abducted Grabovski in Odessa, transported him to Kiev, took documents from his office, transported him to the woods near Kiev and killed him.

I wonder if US will create Grabovski list against Ukraine, like they did with Magnitskij list against Russia?

I think not... Ukrainian court released today the two murderers of the Ukrainian journalist Oles Buzina, who was shot in Kiev last year.
271  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: March 24, 2016, 10:05:37 PM
Is the Turkish ship with a insurance coperture?

I have no idea. According to the article, the on-board documents indicate that the ship "Lira" belongs to the Turkish company "Turkuaz Shipping". However the company denies that it is their ship!


A Turkish registered dry cargo vessel crashed into the supporting legs of a bridge construction on the Azov Sea, causing major damage on a project aiming to link Crimea to mainland Russia through a railway and a highway.

The ship was taken to Russia’s Taganrog harbor as a safety measure after that one pole of the construction was completely destroyed and two other poles were severely damaged. It is reported that the company Krimskiy Most, which operates the bridge construction, is preparing a loss invoice.

That does not sound like accident, but rather like an intentional sabotage.

272  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: March 24, 2016, 07:41:13 PM
Damage from the Turkish ramming of the Kerch construction bridge support is calculated to 120 million roubles:
273  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: March 24, 2016, 04:07:47 PM
The first war criminal of the genocide in Ukraine has been convicted in court.

Savchenko has been found guilty of murder of two Russian journalists by knowingly correcting artillery fire at their position; and of illegally crossing Russian border. She was sentenced to 22 years in prison. In comparison, a Russian citizen was sentenced to 26 years in prison in USA on suspicion of weapons dealing (US side could not prove his guilt, but according to the American judicial practice of "guilty until proven innocent", he was convicted anyway)

Incidentally, the court did not take into account all the civilian Ukrainian citizens, whom Savchenko killed by correcting fire at the road. She should be glad that Russia has a moratorium on death penalty.

Let us hope that other war criminals of Ukrainian conflict - Poroshenko, Obama, Yarosh, Biden, Yatsenjuk, Saakashvili, Turchnov, Nuland, Nilivajchenko and Kerry - join the the war criminal Savchenko on the bench of the Nürenberg court equivalent.

Incidentally, Kerry immediately went to the defence of his fellow criminal and demanded that Russia releases the murderer of the journalists.

A Hungarian journalist finished filming a documentary about the current state in Donbass. He documented the increase in shellings, the bombed out schools, the house, where Ukro-Nazis were conducting tortures. The film will be soon aired in Hungary.

Meanwhile in Italy, they aired a new Italian documentary, "Donbass Seasons" , which tracks the history of the war in Donbass, staring from coup d'etat in Kiev and the Odessa massacre:

As a Russian saying goes - "All that is hidden becomes apparent". Or the good old English "Truth will out".

274  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: March 24, 2016, 03:54:01 PM
An interesting development of the Kiev-regime political circus. The handlers in Washington are seeking to replace the current gauleiters.
Timoshenko, who has been off the radar since the coup d'etat of 2014, is back again. Having cut off her trademark plait and taking a new "innocent schoolgirl" image, she went to USA for casting on the role of the new Prime Minister of Ukraine. Looks like approval was given, and even the new president, with whom she will be working in tandem, has been selected - former head of SBU Nalivaichenko. According to some reports Nalivaichenko/Timoshenko have already been allocated $1 billion for their needs for replacing Poroshenko/Yats. The funds come from the American banks, but that may be a front to hide the source of financing being the US taxpayers' money.
275  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia retreats from Syria on: March 23, 2016, 08:56:32 PM
A good read:

LADA RAY REPORT: Putin Announces Troops Withdrawal from Syria. Russia’s Accomplishments, Withdrawal Reasons Revealed!


As many times before, Putin openly pre-announced Russian objectives in Syria and said that once they have been achieved, Russia will withdraw. It appears the West was under a complete impression Putin was lying. No wonder: that’s how they themselves behave, and they expect the same behavior from others. Their feeble minds can’t fathom that there are few out there who actually tell the truth.

What were Russia’s main objectives? Let’s hear it directly from the horse’s mouth. This special talk show ‘Evening with Vladimir Soloviev’ of March 15, 2016, dedicated to Russian withdrawal from Syria (Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым. Спецвыпуск от 15.03.16), includes an excerpt from the televised October 2015 host, Vladimir Soloviev’s (S), interview with President Putin (P). Incidentally, Evening with Vladimir Soloviev  is my top recommended Russian political talk show.

I have translated the interview snippet. Soloviev (S), President Putin (P).

On this video, the October 2015 Putin interview recording starts 23:12 and ends at 24:50:

S: What are our real goals in Syria and what are the criteria of our success?

P: First, let me re-confirm what is already a well-known fact: we have warned and advised in advance our American partners and many other partners, as well as the countries in the region, of our plans and intentions. Some say we did it too late, but let me remind that no one ever warns or advises us of their plans or actions in operations of this kind. Yet, we did it.

S: Show of good will?

P: Yes, out of good will, together with common sense. But also to show that we are open to cooperation.

S: Syrian army began advancing. What are their chances of success?

P:  This primarily depends on the Syrian army and Syrian leadership. We can’t assume any excessive responsibility upon ourselves, and we never did. I said from the start that the active phase of our Syrian operation will be limited in time by the term of the advancement of this same Syrian army. To return to your first question: our goal is specifically to stabilize the legitimate power in Syria and to create the conditions for the political dialogue and compromise.

That was said in October 2015. The whole Russian plan, timeframe and intentions were laid out clearly, for all world to hear.
276  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: March 23, 2016, 06:05:09 PM
Looks like a provocation. An old Turkish cargo ship rammed a support of the construction bridge, used in construction of the Kerch bridge. The Turkish ship tried to hide the deed by painting over the hull. It's now arrested for 72 hours according to the maritime law in Taganrog.
277  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: March 22, 2016, 02:00:48 PM
Yeah, yeah the Russians are always coming. I´ve heard it forever, except they didn´t seem to be coming after the Soviet Union fell, then the terrorists became the big scare for a few  years but now the Russians are back to grab the free world. And the Chinese are probably in league with them. It´s always the same old song.

It looks like the chaos masters are still keeping terrorists as a back-up scare. Russia is far away, while those needing to keep the sheeple frightened need something closer to home.

Incidentally, there were 2 other times, when Russia stopped being the "scare #1":

First during WWII, when Hollywood propaganda machine dud a 180 degree turn. Lada wrote a good article about it last year:
Comrades Roosevelt and Gregory Peck: When Hollywood Sent Its Scripts For Stalin’s Approval

And next, when the US puppet Yeltsin was at the helm in Russia. Then the western scare and demonisation was shifted to the other Slavic people - Serbs, while NATO was destroying Yugoslavia.
278  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: March 21, 2016, 10:56:02 PM
From the various reports, Kiev is gradually intensifying its military presence in Donbass, as well as the number and seriousness of provocations. Looks like Kiev junta is doing it gradually to a) test the waters and b) to blame DNR/LNR(/Russia) for violating Minsk accord, when they finally cross the line and the response to the aggression would become unavoidable.

Another front, where Kiev is concentrating Turkish terrorists (calling them Tatars), is in Kherson oblast. A 2-front provocation, with political support from EU, is in the air...
279  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: March 21, 2016, 06:21:07 PM
Zhirinovsky is harmless, especially because he´ll never be anywhere near being in actual power. I think they use him mainly as a bogeyman to scare westerners. Then when the old record starts, the Russians are coming to gobble up the free world, they can complain and rightly so, they´re not interested at all in re-acquiring former Soviet territory. They have no reason for it. Except maybe the southern and south eastern part of Ukraine and for that they only have to wait. It´ll fall into their lap in due course. And the former holdings and satellite countries in eastern Europe are likely to drift back towards them. In the end it´ll come down to reliable partners and the U.S., E.U. and NATO just are very lacking in that department.

Indoctrination of Dutch schoolchildren:

The only original act in that "Russia scare" Western propaganda from Holland, is that it targets the young uncritical minds of the children, whereas earlier similar propaganda was targeted at the adults.

Compare it to this image from around 1795:

Or to this one from WWI anno about 1914:

280  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: March 21, 2016, 04:39:37 PM
Looks like Spring Fever is in full swing in Ukraine again.

In Kiev they want to prohibit to speak Russian in public places. The are calling the proposed law for "On overcoming the consequences of the Soviet occupation in the linguistic field", actively forgetting the forced Ukrainiasation of Ukraine by Kaganovich and Co in the 1920-1930s

About 60% of the population of Kiev speaks Russian (maybe more). When I visited Kiev about 2 years before the coup d'etat, I hardly ever hear Ukrainian while walking the streets of Kiev...  Roll Eyes

Pavel Kuzenkov:
Bolsheviks were the first to create a Ukrainian State, with such attributes as Ukrainian language, with Ukrainian science, with Ukrainian economy. That was an ingenious move. By doing that, they disarmed everyone. Only the genius of Lenin could think of it.
In 1921, while speaking at the 10th summit of the Party in Moscow, Iosif Stalin - the People's Commisar on the affairs of nationalitis, proclaimed:
"Even if in some cities of Ukraine there are still dominating Russian elements, with the course of time those cities will inevitably become Ukranised."

Victor Shedrin:
It was Lenin's thesis: self-determination of nations up to and including separation. And if Ukrainian people decided to become a part of the Soviet Union, then the Ukrainian nation has a right to exist.

Alois Voldan:
Initially the strengthening of Ukrainian identity started not in Galicia, but in Kharkov, in Soviet Ukraine. The policy of indigenisation and suchlike. Assistance in light of Lenin's national policy. Support of the Ukrainian language.
In April 1923, during the 7th Conference of the Ukrainian Communist Party, it was announced about the start of the Ukrainisation policy.
Everything got Ukrainised: state offices, legal procedures, schools, higher education, newspapers, theatres.

The Ukrainian language was studied in schools. Ukrainisation was conducted even somewhat cockily, also including on the Russian territories, which were added to Ukraine by Lenin. By the way, why did he do it? Precisely so as to close the subject of Ukrainian separatism once and for all.
If the Ukrainian nationalists of today studied history, they would have gathered not under the portraits of Stepan Bandera, but under that of the Stalin's People's Commisar - Lasar Moiseevich Kaganovich. It was he, who with an iron fist mercilessly formed the Ukrainian nation from the Malorossian peasants. Beat a Ukrainian identity into the youth.

It was thanks to Lasar Moiseevich, that by 1929 over 80% of schools, 55% of factory-proffesional schools, and 30% of universities conducted their education in Ukrainian language.

While by 1931, 90% of newspapers and 85% of journals of the Ukrainian SSR were published in Ukrainian language.

And that on the lands, where just 15 years before, most didn't even understand what is this "Ukraine" and who are these Ukrainians.

From the book of the second President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma "Ukraine is not Russia":
"Regardless of the attitude one has to what was happening in 1920s, one must admit that if not for the the Ukrainisation of school conducted at that time, our today's independence would probably not exist. As time shows, the mass Ukrainian school, that graduated tens of millions of people, turned out to be the most important and the most indestructable element of the Ukrainian foundation in Ukraine."
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