You're completely delusional.
I spent 1 minute looking at your post history, looks like you may be bitter because you tried to sell drugs with bitcoin at one time but failed running a business and had to shut it down. Hopefully you won't give up so quickly , and keep trying to be successful in the future rather than trolling people in this thread. Best of luck in the future.  If you looked back at my posting history you'd see that i have nothing to do with the original account holder and that this account since then is used by several people. Which i have explained 10 times already. Sorry Shroomsy, but I find this argument highly unlikely. Why would you take over some else his account, and not make a new one yourself? It all sounds a bit too accidental if you ask me. I normally always read your comments, even though you seem to be highly aggressive to just about everyone that doesn't share your (trolling) opinion, but at this point even I am finally questioning your state of mind. You've been called bipolar before, and at this point I'm wondering whether its true. The way you seem to bite at everyone, even though this topic is filled with permabulls, reminds me of someone that is clearly not right in the head. The magic word for you seems to be 'delusional' , which you use at random in demonizing every person that simply does not agree with you. I wonder what it is that thrives you, as people in turn seem to be really ridiculing you for it. I mean: it's not like you can change anything here, as the permabulls that believe the moon is real will simply keep believing it regardless. Why? Why come back here and try to convince people that Bitcoin will die on such short notice? They already know your opinion, so why repeat it ad nauseum? This account has been abused enough. I'm gonna change the pass so the others can't access it anymore and log out. I might be back on my real username. Who knows. Bye.
You're completely delusional.
P.S... I love how you are calling other people delusional when you are such a huge supporter of psychedelics I never touched drugs. Drugs is for losers.
Why does everyone keep quoting the troll?
Yes, I typically don't do that , but being he is using a hero members account I am more apprehensive about placing older users on my ignore list. Looks like some bitcoin hater that has admitted to purchasing/ or taking over someone else s account just to troll. What a loser. He is now ignored and I will stop quoting him... I recommend others do the same too. Do you want a tissue?
You're completely delusional.
I spent 1 minute looking at your post history, looks like you may be bitter because you tried to sell drugs with bitcoin at one time but failed running a business and had to shut it down. Hopefully you won't give up so quickly , and keep trying to be successful in the future rather than trolling people in this thread. Best of luck in the future.  If you looked back at my posting history you'd see that i have nothing to do with the original account holder and that this account since then is used by several people. Which i have explained 10 times already. And you know you're winning an argument as soon as they are going through your posting history. Which is always a clear sign of pure frustration. Do i frustrate you?
Because they don't give a shit about Bitcoin. They invested in a company. If another coin takes over Coinbase will simply switch to that one.
If you would stop being so delusional and face the fact that the coins you bought at 800 will always be a loss then you can start thinking clear again and look less like an idiot.
Your comment would make sense if all VC capital was pouring into agnostic payment processors . In reality millions are also pouring into Asic manufacturers and mining companies which tech is specific to bitcoin and PoW. Go through the list of over 528 million in VC capital and see for yourself : you really this slow? Do i really need to explain why millions are going in to mining products? No sorry, even a 10 year old can figure this one out.
By 2016 nobody is using this useless slow coin anymore. Tons of alt coins out there are better than Bitcoin. And seeing how Bitcoin adoption is greatly slowing down every day there will be no reason to use it anymore by the end 2015. But go ahead and keep buying thinking we will go the moon. I'll be here to enjoy the show.
So you have sold all your BTC and purchased alts? What Alts have you purchased? I don't own any coins. And how the fuck should i know what other coin will take over a year from now. Maybe it will be a completely different system that doesn't exist yet. Crypto currency is the future but Bitcoin won't be involved. It already failed. The only reason it still exists is because traders taking their last profits from the few idiots left who still don't get it. Bitcoin will be around, just at the moment it is not worth $230, it will be though some day. No one would support any other crypto currency if btc fails. You're completely delusional.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that everything is looking great and this is anything else than a useless pump and dump coin being raped by traders.
Cannot be raped if we never sell for a loss. If Bitcoin fails than we lose everything but we are willing to take that risk in completing this experiment, otherwise being a dis-inflationary currency we will eventually see a reversal in 2016 at the latest. By 2016 nobody is using this useless slow coin anymore. Tons of alt coins out there are better than Bitcoin. And seeing how Bitcoin adoption is greatly slowing down every day there will be no reason to use it anymore by the end 2015. But go ahead and keep buying thinking we will go the moon. I'll be here to enjoy the show. If adoption is greatly slowing down every day, why did NYSE, BBVA, and DoCoMo throw away $75 million at a Bitcoin based company in Coinbase? Seems counter-intuitive for such prominent investors. Because they don't give a shit about Bitcoin. They invested in a company. If another coin takes over Coinbase will simply switch to that one. Notice how they are called Coinbase and not Bitcoinbase? If you would stop being so delusional and face the fact that the coins you bought at 800 will always be a loss then you can start thinking clear again and look less like an idiot.
By 2016 nobody is using this useless slow coin anymore. Tons of alt coins out there are better than Bitcoin. And seeing how Bitcoin adoption is greatly slowing down every day there will be no reason to use it anymore by the end 2015. But go ahead and keep buying thinking we will go the moon. I'll be here to enjoy the show.
So you have sold all your BTC and purchased alts? What Alts have you purchased? I don't own any coins. And how the fuck should i know what other coin will take over a year from now. Maybe it will be a completely different system that doesn't exist yet. Crypto currency is the future but Bitcoin won't be involved. It already failed. The only reason it still exists is because traders taking their last profits from the few idiots left who still don't get it.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that everything is looking great and this is anything else than a useless pump and dump coin being raped by traders.
Cannot be raped if we never sell for a loss. If Bitcoin fails than we lose everything but we are willing to take that risk in completing this experiment, otherwise being a dis-inflationary currency we will eventually see a reversal in 2016 at the latest. By 2016 nobody is using this useless slow coin anymore. Tons of alt coins out there are better than Bitcoin. And seeing how Bitcoin adoption is greatly slowing down every day there will be no reason to use it anymore by the end 2015. But go ahead and keep buying thinking we will go the moon. I'll be here to enjoy the show.
this will be an interesting few days, hopefully we find out where we go  You really have to wonder where we are going? 13 months of going down didn't give you an idea yet? You mean, 6 years of going up from zero. Sure. Keep telling yourself that everything is looking great and this is anything else than a useless pump and dump coin being raped by traders.
Wow no resistance into 230
Bears sleeping now ?
It's called a pump. A lot of people like Inca will get totally excited and think it's happening for real this time. They will quickly start buying because we'll never see these prices again. Once the losers bought and the price is 30 bucks higher the whales will dump straight in their face. Yes, it's a crazy concept. Very difficult. Let me know if i need to explain it in more detail.
No way we will go below the previous bottom at about $150, man. We'll form a double bottom there and continue to climb with even more buying pressure than before, guys! TA will start to look better as soon as that's accomplished, as well!
No way we will go below 800. 600. 400. 200. No way!
this will be an interesting few days, hopefully we find out where we go  You really have to wonder where we are going? 13 months of going down didn't give you an idea yet?
How's the useless pump and dump coin going?
Are there still believers here?
Inca? Are we about to go up? Just shaking out the weak hands? Big secret forces are gobbling up all the cheap coins?
 Too bad,... I'm not finished yet with accumulating Oh don't worry. We'll go down soon enough again.
Has anybody noticed that even at 200 nobody wants to buy Bitcoin.
And yet i see all these idiots here dreaming about how we will go up soon. How far in the sand can your head be.
January 15th: "It feels so good having bought all these cheap coins at 170. Please let me know if they were yours so i can personally thank you." "So which one of you tools sold at the bottom?" "Well, that was the bottom. I picked up a shitload of super cheap coins. Thanks to you idiots selling at the very bottom. Thanks for playing. " I support this post. He forgot to include my post where i said i sold everything again at 210-230 for quick profit. Which was a very smart move.
Has anybody noticed that even at 200 nobody wants to buy Bitcoin.
And yet i see all these idiots here dreaming about how we will go up soon. How far in the sand can your head be.
I knew that these low prices were artifical. Wall Street is around the corner. Time to get leveraged all-in again asap.
Yes. Wallstreet is about to get in. 2 weeks.
It wouldn't be a great surprise if the whole move down from ~400 was an orchestrated buy up of bitcoins prior to the ETF going live, would it?
Completely delusional as always. Even the biggest idiots stopped with this nonsense. Yet you just go on and on. Amazing.
Why do loads of you guys want the price to stay low? I'll never understand it.
Personally, I just want it to be at the right level for smooth adoption. We'll soon reach the point where people won't even accept coins for free.