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Which would bypass the need for all this? Cool Thanks
OK... thanks for that...
Just downloaded Armory.. It says I don't have the software? Oh, you mean the main client thing?
The thing that takes forever to try to catch up with the entire history of bitcoin, and then says there was an error and starts all over again? THAT software?
Oh boy..
But I just read elsewhere that if you spend less than the amount of an incoming transaction that the remaining 'change' is sent out and then sent back, where your wallet then creates new addresses and new keys for the change.
As such surely a paper record would immediately become out of date, as it doesn't have the newest keys?
OK, that's not so bad.
Do you happen to know if the 'export private keys' thing in Multibit would also export the new, added keys?
Let me see if I'm understanding this... Suppose you received 10 BTC for services or whatever. If you want to spend 1 BTC, your wallet sends all 10 BTC as a complete lump, then sends the remaining 9 BTC back to you? So in that sense it's very much like handing over a $10 note to buy a $1 item and getting $9 change, right? But while receiving your change your wallet locks that money with a new key, and doesn't tell you the key? So at that point you CAN still spend those 9 BTC, but if you lose your wallet you lose those 9 BTC because you don't have the key for them? So even if you do an up-to-date backup, you're just backing up your private key again - which hasn't changed, so you STILL don't have the key for the 9 BTC change and you'd still lose those 9 BTC (at today's price, over $1000)? If that's correct then that's nutz. What if you did 'export private keys' or whatever, would you then have the keys for the change?
LOL, I mean what kind of user experience is that?
Started with the 'Tails' thing, then noticed that's even bigger at 850 MB.. Also noticed its proud of the fact it stores nothing except in RAM, which is where I am now anyway.
At this point I give up on Linux.
Thank you for your help anyway.
I emailed him and he said nope, not at this time.
Well i just tried installing Liberte onto a USB drive. Downloaded it, copied it over to an empty 8GB drive. I right-clicked setup.bat and told it to run as admin... An old-fashioned DOS window opened up, where it promptly informed me that the setup.bat file I just ran could not be found. 'Press any key to continue'. I pressed a key, the window disappeared. The hell was that?
Hi John, not sure how I could sell via that Singapore exchange? Their FAQ says "You may withdraw to any Singapore Bank account.."
Which banks can i withdraw SGD to?
You may withdraw to any Singapore Bank account(You will need your Bank Code, Bank Branch Code, Bank Account number). Deposits(from)/Withdrawals(to) non-UOB accounts will take 3 business days due to the inefficiency of the banking system. Cash deposits to FYB should be credited within 24hrs.
Nothing there about withdrawing to Malaysian (or UK) banks?
DGTMKT seems more local but the pricing is somewhat silly.
How do you normally buy your coins, if you don't mind me asking?
I tried installing from one USB to another, which doesn't entirely make sense to me but hey..
However after seeming to work, and taking ages, I realised the 700 MB file on the first drive was actually downloading the entire 700 MB file again. Why?
Worse, after finally getting to only 6 minutes estimated left, it then slowed to a crawl and was saying it would take anotherr 16 hours. At that point I waited awhile and then just gave up and hit 'cancel'.
RiX, Both Tails and Liberte seems even less user-friendly than Ubuntu but I'll try the Liberte thing, thanks.
Has to be said though, this is pretty ridiculous. Happily I work from home and have no clients right now but I really honestly don't know ANYONE among my friends or family who would even begin to jump through such hoops, in search of some level of basic security. And that's before trying to explain the concept of a virtual currency in the first place...
All this and I've never even owned a bitcoin.. *fumps head on desk*
Liberte has almost downloaded, will report back...
Yay! *waves at John* So could I just walk into Maybank and hand over some cash, like the Moneygram thing, or do I need to use my wife's Maybank account? And is there any risk to her account in doing so? Could the people at take money from her account? Or not? And if selling or receiving bitcoins, is it just as easy to put money into her account? Sorry for all the silly questions
Thanks FYBSG is Singapore; they haven't been part of Malaysia for decades DGTMKT looks more interesting. I like that they were selling them when the price was $7... They're pricey though, currently showing 463 RM, which is about $151, while mt.gox is showing $127. Still, that's a lot better than the 35% "spread" when I bought and sold gold in Malaysia! Still looking for an answer regarding giving an exchange, any exchange, my bank details so they can pay out should I sell any BTC. Giving them that information doesn't allow them to take money, right? Just let's them put money INTO my account, not to take any out? A.
Any others?
That sounds dodgy as heck, as I have images of clicking "OK" and then seeing it go straight ahead and re-partitioning my main Win7 C drive.. I also noticed it fails to load the Ubuntu version of 'Office', though Firefox and other programs seemed to open. Dodgy copy or do those not run from the "live" version? Could it save files onto another USB drive? I don't even know if what I'm trying to do would work anyway - I'm trying to install Multibit and save a copy of, so I can create private keys offline and have an offline wallet thingy. When I tried installing Multibit it threw up errors anyway.. Ah, I dunno. Seems a lot of faffing around. Can't I just encrypt the wallet and keys on Windows?
I've tried following the notion of a secure offline wallet using Ubuntu on a USB drive.
However anything I save on Ubuntu simply isn't there next time I boot with it. So I presume the "run without installing" is actually not really running as such, just some sort of demo or something?
Is there any other OS that does actually work on a USB drive?
Thanks but they only deal with 11 countries and Malaysia isn't one of them. Moneygram is in Malaysia but it seems bitinstant isn't. A.
As a UK resident but living in Malaysia it's pretty awkward to buy btc.
(my bank wants to phone me to confirm a new recipient but I'm not in the UK so can't give a UK phone number)
Moneygram seems a simple way of just going to a local bank, filling in a form and sending someone money. I would love to do this to buy me a bitcoin - but neither gox nor bitstamp seem to accept them? Or am I missing something?
I don't mind a reasonable little fee, a few %.
Bonus Question - If I DO ever manage to get things working with bitstamp, via the 'SEPA' bank transfer thing, does giving them my bank details for exchange withdrawals mean that they could use that bank account info to withdraw FROM my account?
What I DON'T want is for it to be like Paypal, where if I don't have enough funds they can just take some from my bank. I want for me to send, not for them to take, if you get my meaning?
Hate me if you like but my next computer will be a Mac.
Seems many round here hate Windows, and you hate Macs too? So you're mostly a bunch of Linux geeks?
Probably explains why so much about bitcoin has that unfinished, not really ready yet feel to it..?
One thing to realize is there are a lot of people into kinky fetish stuff, which they don't want anyone, even their spouse, knowing about.
Niche, fetish sites taking bitcoin could pave the way for more mainstream sites to take it up.
As an official REPLACEMENT currency, no. Not least because they don't have one and are using USD at the moment.
However for anyone in Zimbabwe it makes huge sense to use BTC when possible, and certainly makes sense to accept them as payment.
If it does take off over there I see a great opportunity for selling cheap Android smartphones from China...