Is there any statistic about how many Hero, Legendary are in total, or sorting them by every rank so we can see how many Mythical could there be at activity 1920+.
You can
search for members, enable Search by position and enter "Legendary". At the moment there are 490 Legendary members and about 2300 Heros.
I was thinking that are less but the number is pretty good, how many of these have 1920+ activity as i cant sort or count there as they would be "Mythical" or "Ancient"
There is no easy way to figure that out, unless someone writes a bot for it. The only account I know that has >2000 activity is theymos, but there might be more.
Without going very deep, just few member have bit above or close 1800 activity,I not found any one over 1920(without theymos of course)
It seems to have missed staff position.