Never heard of it until you mentioned. Most likely a scam site. Don't go near it, stay away, far away, do not send them any bitcoins or money. Even the legitimate ones rip you off. Cloud mining is a joke, a cruel joke to separate you from your hard earned money.
It is one that magically started getting people to post here for it. It started in beginner forum I suspect it is shill account's related to site. For the past week or two they have been posting a decent amount of it. They mark repayment as 2 months.... or 1-2 months. So all signs point to scam - . Anyone that has a timeline like that just is not realistic and trying to attract suckers.
Hashnest remains the king of cloud mining. If you want cloud mining just go there and you stand a chance at ROI, compared to scam sites. You actually get hash ... and it's real and legit.