Can we exchange trust on bitcointalk.
What I mean is I give somebody positive trust , in return he also gives me positive trust.
Is it OK or bitcointalk will block my account for this.
This is absurd to even ask. I'm sure one could get away with it, but why even ask? Trust has a purpose. To reflect a users legitimate activity and transactions with other users. Period.
And honestly, one would need Default Trust member postings to really matter, otherwise the depth would be far too deep to even show up as green/positive.
There being only 200 or so DT members left, since it was cut down (which was needed IMO and I'm glad they took the time, I'm sure it was a lot to go through because the list had become so long), I think the likelihood of getting that would be NIL.
Boost your trust by making small deals with members. Provide what you promise to provide. This will gain reviews. In no time with a number of transactions that went well, you will have reviews and your trust will go up.
Anyone willing to falsely abuse the trust system is not someone to "trust". So I'd recommend not seeking out untrustworthy users/people. Here, or in life. That's my advice.