I'm running bitcoin node on Raspbery pi. it has an unusual nuber of blocks. The height should be around 566462 acording to
https://www.blockchain.com/explorer on March 10th 2019 around 12:00.
If I run command "$bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo" i get:
"chain": "test",
"blocks": 1484155,
"headers": 1484155,
"bestblockhash": "000000000000009eb059a17a7f95da54652678ac6e87edc26212b50f7c1321ec",
"difficulty": 17102379.10933441,
"mediantime": 1552211617,
"verificationprogress": 0.9999963127166901,
"initialblockdownload": false,
"chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fd111fa6791f0e7d6a",
"size_on_disk": 23498702005,
"pruned": false,
"softforks": [
"id": "bip34",
"version": 2,
"reject": {
"status": true
"id": "bip66",
"version": 3,
"reject": {
"status": true
"id": "bip65",
"version": 4,
"reject": {
"status": true
"bip9_softforks": {
"csv": {
"status": "active",
"startTime": 1456790400,
"timeout": 1493596800,
"since": 770112
"segwit": {
"status": "active",
"startTime": 1462060800,
"timeout": 1493596800,
"since": 834624
"warnings": "Warning: unknown new rules activated (versionbit 28)"
Can someone please check if these is ok? Why are the blocks and headers so high?